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Enigmatic Whores

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A sexless corporate assignment changes.
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Even as I, Brock Gordon, was travelling to my next contract destination I was asking myself why I agreed to accept this assignment. I guess the main reasons were that I wanted to forget my ex-wife, the money was good, I was told time and time again that it was the patriotic thing to do and would benefit national security (indeed international security for all Western Nations) more than any other thing that I could do, and I had the perfect background for the job.

I work for a corporation that has contracts with Western governments for clandestine activities. My particular area of expertise is securing and analyzing electronic data from terrorists and other potential enemies to thwart attacks. Although only thirty one years old I have a BSc in computer science from MIT in the United States, a Masters in Infrastructure Protection and International Security from Carelton University in Canada, and a Ph. D. in Strategy and Security from the Uinversity of Exeter in the UK.

The assignment was to last roughly a year -- the projected time it would take to do what was needed -- in a remote location in British Columbia, Canada. Most of the workers were US, Canadian, British and German military, although there were a few other private contractors. There were about thirty workers in all, twenty of which had university degrees and actual experience in security matters, particularly thwarting terrorism. The technological facilities were state-of-the-art.

Since the entire program was secret the workers who had wives (there were no married women who were workers), and even children, had them along. No one ever wore a uniform. The facility -- as far as the neighbors (about 1100 natives) knew -- was for bitcoin mining, although if one of them had really looked into the situation (none did in my time there) they would see that the facility didn't use nearly as much electrical energy as a bitcoin mining operation would, nor did it make nearly as much noise (although literature about the facility said that advanced sound-proofing technology, never before used, was the reason for the relative quiet of the facility).

All the workers were in rotating shifts so that the facility was always manned by at least seven workers.

Most of the workers were very friendly, and we often had get-togethers of ten--twelve families at a time. There was no attempt to ostracize single people (men or women) like me.

After about a month on the job I liked the work and felt it worthwhile, and we were making progress and had already thwarted one terrorist attack in the UK. I noticed, however, that most of the fourteen wives who were there seemed to be bored. While they had a social club and a gym to work out in, and those that had kids as well as some without kids helped at the local understaffed elementary school, there was no possibility for them to work or to get a significant amount of satisfaction, movie nights and parties notwithstanding.

There was one thing that I didn't like about the situation. Actually, that's an understatement. There was one thing about the situation which was maddening. There were no single women that I was attracted to. The single women who were workers were very competent and intelligent people -- but shallow individual that I am I had no interest in them because they were universally plain or downright ugly. I was very friendly with them, but had negative sexual attraction to them.

The roughly 1100 townspeople also were devoid of any single women more than a 5 on a ten point scale. It seems that all of the decent to good-looking single women moved to Vancouver or another big city, although a few did get married to local guys.

Because of the remoteness of the location and how long the work hours were, there was no opportunity for any decent pussy by travelling unless one had four days in a row off -- which happened about once a month, if at all.

In view of my situation with my ex-wife and the need for comradery of the workforce, I was not about to chase after wives of workers even if that was practical -- which it was not. None of the wives dressed provocatively -- because it was not that type of place -- although over the first month I did see half of them in the gym while I was working out and the ones I saw appeared to have good bodies. In fact -- I was embarrassed that I was keeping track -- of the fourteen wives I would say that all had faces of a 7 or above on a 10 point scale, and bodies -- as best as could be determined since there were no bikini events -- of at least an 8.


About six weeks into my work in a remote part of British Columbia I had had a very successful day. I was almost solely responsible for ferreting out a terrorist attack in Toronto which Canadian authorities quickly quashed, but when I got to my small detached house around 10 p. m. for some reason my lack of sex hit me hard. I went on the Internet with the intention of jacking off to some porn when I checked one of my email accounts.

Aside from the normal unwanted solicitations, and a few quick notes from friends and relatives, there was one with an unusual title. I would have thought that it might be a typical porn solicitation except that the title -- "Enigmatic Local Whores" -- intrigued me. I clicked on it.

Of course I would never had clicked on an attachment -- a sure way to get your computer infected with a virus -- and apparently the author of the email recognized that because he/she/it had six photos in the body of the email. All were frontal views of naked women with masks on their faces and what looked like the same or a similar blonde wig. The words were straightforward:

"Local Mystery Whores are available for the right man. Must be single and know how to please a woman -- sexual satisfaction must go both ways. The following opportunities are available the next week for the whores in Photos A-F; price can be negotiated before services are provided. Our whores don't show their faces or reveal their identities, don't flirt, and talk little -- but they love to fuck, and moan. Fill out the questionnaire -- no names:"

Following that were Photo letters and dates and times. An example is:

"Whore in Photo D; Monday 4/12 one or more hours between 8 a. m. and 12 p. m.; Thursday, 4/15 one or more hours between 7 p. m. and midnight."

The only thing that the questionnaire required was "Address of liaison....Price range...Whore letter...Date and Time of liaison...Amount of time desired..."

I cogitated for at least a half hour looking carefully at the photos and batting back and forth in my mind whether this was fake, a joke, a potential disaster, or a way to shave off my horns. What swayed me to reply was the fact that my cock was stiff as a board. As best I could tell from the relatively small photos, according to my tastes the women in photos A, D, and F had a body between 9 and 10, and those in B, C, and E a body between 8 and 9; in other words all eminently suitable for my needs.

The whore in Photo D had a date and time that most suited me; As the Price Range I but "$100/hr.+" and as the amount of time I put "Two hours." If the women in photo D was even close to as good looking and interested as it seemed I probably would have paid $1000/hr. I am well paid and had nothing to spend my money on so the money wasn't a consideration. With one last sigh I closed my eyes and hit the "Send" icon.

I did have to jack off to relieve my blue balls, but I had a very good night's sleep dreaming of porking "Whore D."

The next morning when I got up and checked my computer I was surprised to already see a response. "The Whore in Photo D is available for two hours on April 14 from 10 p. m. to midnight, $100/hr., cash only, condoms necessary. Click on the icon to accept."

I read it twice, clicked on the icon, and couldn't wait for Wednesday night to see if it was real.

It was hard getting work done Wednesday thinking about that night. I had so many questions in my mind -- where was the whore coming from, did she really look like the photo, was it going to be some sick joke, etc. I finally concentrated enough to get my work done and got home by 8 p. m. to shower, clean up the house (I'm a neat freak and it didn't need much) including changing the sheets on my bed, and take a quick nap.

I couldn't believe it when there was a knock at my back door at 9:58. I looked out -- without turning on the outside overhead light -- and saw what sure looked like a woman about five feet six inches (168 cm) tall in a cape with what appeared to be a long pants and sleeve exercise outfit under it.

I opened the door and the woman quickly stepped into my house and then pulled down the shade covering the windows in the door. She took off all of her clothes exposing a body that sure did look like the one in Photo D except that her pussy had sparse pubic hair instead of being shaved as in the photo. Her mask wasn't cute, but also wasn't creepy, and her blonde wig seemed to be tightly attached. In a husky obviously mechanically altered voice she said "Please put the $200 in my fanny pack and then lead me to your bedroom."

I did as told and disrobed quickly -- I only had exercise shorts and a T-shirt on -- as soon as I entered my bedroom. She stared at my hard cock for a good fifteen or twenty seconds then asked "Do you have Magnum Condoms?"

"Sure do," I replied, holding out a box of twelve.

Kissing on the facial lips was not possible with her mask on, but she wasted no time in fondling my testicles and playing with the foreskin on my cock. "Uncut, I like that," she moaned while playing with my foreskin as I fingered her pussy and sucked on a tit which I estimated was a C cup round tit.

It wasn't long before we moved from a standing position to a prone one on my clean sheets. I anticipated -- given the "mutual" comment in the email -- that I would get a good review and would be able to call on Whore D again is she had a good time if I ate her pussy -- something that I always liked to do anyway, as long as it didn't smell like three-day-old fish.

Dee's (I called her "Dee") pussy was clean and fragrant. After I ate and fingered it to two quick orgasms I rolled a condom on my steel-rod-like cock and entered her vaginal vestibule. She wasn't super-tight, but definitely snug enough for a great fuck. What I wasn't counting on was that after I was completely buried -- even though she wasn't super-tight and was lubricated it still took a minute or two to completely bury my rod without hurting her -- she turned into a wild woman. The way she bucked and rotated her pelvis and squeezed and released her pc muscles was like it was the most important thing in the world to her.

Dee was so fucking active -- and active at fucking -- that I came faster than I ever have before with a condom on. That didn't seem to bother her since she also seemed to cum almost completely with me -- unless she was a great actress.

We both lay panting, wiped out, and despite the relative quickness of our copulation with a sheen of sweat on our bodies.

When we seemed to recover almost simultaneously, I pulled my still half-hard cock out of her sweet pussy. I could see her eyes through her mask and they were dancing. "That was awesome; simply awesome," I smiled.

"Worth $100/hr." she asked in her mechanical voice.

"Worth $10,000, but $100 is all that I can afford," I smiled.

Her eyes danced even more. Then she said "If you promise not to try to look at my face I'll lift my mask up and suck your cock to get ready for round two."

"Best offer I've had in years," I replied.

She removed my condom, making sure to stimulate my cock while she did so, tied it up, and expertly tossed it into the waste basket in my room. "Are you Caitlin Clark?" I asked, comparing her expert toss to the most prolific women's college basketball player in the United States.

She giggled at that, had me lay on my back and said "Look straight up, not at me," and although I couldn't see it I sure could feel that she had lifted her mask slightly and now her lips were sucking my cock. Her lips were powerful, and she massaged my balls at the same time that she sucked. It wasn't long before I was groaning and my cock was hard again -- about the quickest recovery I could remember no doubt due to both the long time since I had a fuck and also because Dee was an expert cocksucker with an obvious enthusiasm for sex and a top notch body.

Once my cock was again rock-hard Dee shinned up and slowly impaled her pussy on my cock. When I looked up her mask was back in place. She rode me like I was a rented mule as I mauled her tits. Despite the fact that it wasn't that long since I had cum because of her expert riding once she started pulsing her pc muscles again I came like a Roman candle going off. She screamed in ecstasy and collapsed on my chest as we both continued to buck until we were completely wiped out.

I believe that we both either fell asleep, or were simply not with it, for at least the next ten minutes as Dee laid on my chest with her nipples buried in it. When I regained complete clarity I noticed that my hands were unconsciously lightly stroking the sides of her tits and one of her hands was sweetly squeezing my neck.

I rolled Dee off of me and it wasn't until then that my cock completely exited her pussy. I thought something wasn't right -- and that was confirmed when I heard Dee say "Oh Shit!"

I realized what she was talking about. My cock had no condom on it, and my jism was leaking from her pussy. I wondered why this fuck was at least twice as good as any condom fuck I had ever had.

Dee hit her hand on the forehead of her mask and mumbled "Wow -- what a horrible whore I am; can't even remember to put a condom on."

"Sorry," I replied, "I didn't realize it until just now; I have to say that while I had no intention to fuck without a condom that fuck was fabulous even for a condom-less one."

Dee seemed to really like compliments so I laid more and more on her -- they were all legitimate, not just blowing smoke, but more long-lasting than I otherwise might.

Despite the fact that it seemed somewhat uncomfortable for Dee to talk with her altered voice we had some very pleasant pillow talk while I played with her tits -- something she also seemed to like. Eventually she started massaging my balls again and to both of our surprises my friend came to life again.

"Is that thing really ready for another round?" she chuckled -- at least as far as I could tell it was a chuckle.

"He really likes you," I smiled, reaching for another condom.

"Forget the Magnum," she said as she played with my foreskin, "the damage is already done so we might as well get maximum enjoyment. How about doggy?"

I LOVE doggy, so I didn't argue. When I stroked her ass while preparing to enter her I realized that I had only concentrated on her fabulous front; her ass was world class. Any lack of zealousness that I might have had vanished as I rubbed my hands over her ass cheeks and she moaned. After I entered her I mauled a tit with one hand and with the other went between stroking an ass cheek and burying a thumb in her rosebud. Just before I was ready to blow I moved my hand from her ass to her clit and we came simultaneously like jets taking off.

It was 12:30 before we exited a joint shower and she got dressed. "I'm sorry that things ran over two hours," I told her.

"I'm not," she laughed -- at least I think it was a laugh. "That was my most fun in years," she said. "In fact, should you choose to use my services again just get an all-clear STD report and pay $50/hour and we can hook up as often as you like and without condoms."

I stared into her eyes. "I wish I could kiss you on your facial lips," I growled.

"Maybe someday," she replied stroking the side of my face.

I fell asleep a completely sated and happy man for the first time since I arrived in British Columbia. Visions of Dee's body and our outstanding sexual connection pleasantly replayed in my mind.


After my experience with Dee I, in order since that is when my schedules meshed with the availabilities they noted on a revised email I received every week, used C, A, F, B, and E. They were all very different from each other but each was fun and sexy in their own way. Whore A had at least DD teardrop shaped tits, C had A cup asymmetric ones; F was tall, C and E were short; F and C had very tight pussies, B a relatively loose (but still desirable) one; A, B, and C were only good for one or two fucks in two hours, E and F seemed like they could go all night. What they all had in common was sexual intensity. Given what Dee had told me when she left my house I listed $50/hr, and two hour sessions, as my Price and time, without any backlash whatsoever. All seemed happy with that arrangement.

In short, all six of the whores were fantastic, although the other five besides Dee never had a lapse in requiring a condom.

After two weeks sampling the other whores I finally found a mutual time convenient to Dee and I. I immediately booked it and went to get an STD test after my last liaison with the last of the other five whores.

My second encounter with Dee was even better than the first one -- something I thought unlikely if not impossible. We fucked in the concubine, chairman, and wheelbarrow positions in addition to much cuddling, tit and cock sucking, and pillow talk. Not only was the sex fabulous -- the best of my life -- but I really felt a connection with her, and I think that she felt one with me.

Over the next four months my life changed from the longest sexual dry period in my adult life to the best sexual variety and intensity that I ever had. If I could have had condom-less fucks with A-C, E & F I probably would have died from sexual over-stimulation. I had at least three encounters a week with one whore or another, and as many with Dee as possible given our schedules.

I'm not sure the exact date, or why, I suddenly started to feel that I had to know who the whores were. I think that it was after Dee left one night and I realized that I might be in love with her, even though I'd never seen her face or heard her real voice. Once I came to the conclusion that I needed to find out who they were I was like a dog with a bone.

Every party or event that I went to I carefully perused all of the women there, I gave a present (usually jewelry) to each of the whores as they left my house (the ones to Dee were expensive) hoping that they might slip up and wear them at some event, and I even used my computer abilities to hack around the HR information about the wives of all of the workers. I did determine that C was cute Debbie Richey, the wife of one of my co-workers. I saw her at the gym where her body type could be pretty clearly determined. Her reaction to me when we talked also gave her away -- she was way too friendly and smiley when we talked since I didn't know her that well -- outside of my bedroom. Also she didn't see me sneak a peak of her as she left the gym with street clothes on -- and with one of the bracelets I gave her on her left wrist.

While I never revealed to Debbie that I knew who she was, my discovery led me to believe that all six of the Enigmatic Whores were wives of my co-workers -- or perhaps the wife of a townsman.

It drove me nuts that I couldn't positively identify the other five whores besides Debbie, especially since A had massive tits, and Dee since by then I knew every inch of her body better than any other woman in my life. After two months of fruitless search I decided to just enjoy myself and forget about it.

I only had about a month left on my contract, and I had already been given another assignment, when I found through the grapevine that two of my co-workers were having marital difficulties. As earlier indicated life wasn't easy for the wives of workers since there wasn't much to do or to challenge them. I came to believe that it was for the excitement that the Enigmatic Whores had been started.

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