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Entertainment for the Party Pt. 02


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Order was restored and Amanda continues her product demonstrations. Amanda then educates the ladies on how the anus can be an erogenous zone for men. Some men don't like penetration but like stimulation in that area. She pulls out a vibrating dildo. Joe looks at it and for the first time all evening said something. He adamantly says he won't do it. Amanda and Cynthia both speak to Joe. Amanda explains it will not penetrate and I think Cynthia offered more money. Joe had a sick look on his face. He looked at me and I just looked away. He thought about it and then agreed so the demonstration went on. Amanda explained the pleasure for the man and then asks for volunteer. I think every hand in room went up, even a couple of ladies of the wait staff. Victoria caught my eye as she jumped up out of her seat to get Amanda's attention. But Amanda pick one of the young ladies to assist in the demonstration.

The young woman was breath-takingly beautiful. I am guessing she was late 20's, beautiful long full wavy black hair with a nice body with big boobs. She had on a skin tight red dress that highlighted every curve of her body. She stood next to Joe and the two of them made a gorgeous couple. As Amanda was finishing the instructions, the young woman puts her arm around Joe's waist and was whispering things into Joe's ear. I caught Joe looking down at her cleavage. Even though the cock ring was removed, Joe remained hard as a man could possibly get.

Amanda instructed Joe to turn around and get on all fours with his butt facing the audience. Joe was still reluctant to get into this mortifying position. I can't imagine how humiliating it would be to have your ass in the air exposing your hole to a room full of people. I didn't think Joe would do it but the young lady again whispered into Joe's ear and simultaneously reached around and was squeezing and caressing his ass cheek. Joe got into position.

There was a large ottoman that was placed in the front of the room. Joe turned around, once again giving the crowd a full view of his ass. His ass still had Cynthia's hand print on one cheek. Then bent down, placed one knee on the ottoman, then the other knee and then leaned forward placing his elbows on the ottoman to support his torso . Joe was on all fours, completely naked, with his ass in the air. Amanda instructed Joe to relax and she gently pressed down on the top of his back, between his shoulder blades. This made his back arch and made his cheeks spread apart exposing his hole to the congregation of women. It was quite a revealing positon with his ass in the air and his balls hanging down. Victoria slid out of her seat and sat on the floor just behind the ottoman. She no longer hid the fact that she was video-taping everything.

Amanda put lube on the vibrator and them some on Joe's hole. He jumped slightly upon her touch. She turned it on and placed it against Joe's hole. Joe again jumped feeling the vibrator for the first time. Amanda was pressing the vibrator against Joe's hole, sliding it up and down but not penetrating. She then grabbed the young lady's hand and guided her hand until she got into a good rhythm. The young lady face was literally inches from Joe's butt. In one hand, she slid the vibrator up and down and her other hand she was caressing Joe's butt. She seemed to be enjoying it and you could hear Joe starting to moan.

I looked at my friend Ryan and said "this is so surreal! I can't believe this is happening." Ryan replied back "I can't either. This is better than gay porn."

I started the evening thinking I was just going to see Joe bartending shirtless or maybe in his boxers. But instead, Joe was coerced to strip completely naked in a room full of women, with a hard on and I am watching him get his butt hole stimulated with a vibrator. The last 2 months for Joe has been overwhelmingly humiliating.

The young lady apparently likes her job and Joe. She plays up to the crowd but giving Joe's butt cheek a nice long kiss. She not only is stimulating Joe's hole with a vibrator, she is stroking his cock and playing with his balls. Amanda jumps in and stops it from going any further. Amanda instructs "we are just demonstrating the technique. Don't want to go farther than that." To the dismay of the eager women who wanting to see Joe cum, the stimulation stops.

Amanda instructs Joe to stay on the ottoman and lay on his back. Joe is breathing hard like he was close. The next item she pulled out was a FleshLight. I think most people know what that is. It is basically a masturbatory device that slides over a man's penis that feels like a vagina. Amanda describes it and then again asks for volunteers. Before a hand could go up, Victoria jumped right up and grabbed it from Amanda. Amanda made a funny face and said "Ok, here's our next volunteer."

Joe's face went extremely pale. Joe said to Amanda that he was very uncomfortable with Victoria because they grew up together and their moms knew each other but Amanda dismissed him. "Joe you just had your ass in the air, getting your anus stimulated in front of 25 women and this makes you uncomfortable? This is the last item, Joe. Let's just get this over with." The way Amanda talked down to him, made Joe realize that he should just give up. He just wanted the night to end too.

Lubricant was added to the FleshLight and to Joe's dick, instructions given, and Victoria grabbed a hold on Joe's hard dick and slid the FleshLight on it. By the expression on Joe's face, it must have felt great. Victoria screamed to the crowd "I just touch Joe's dick!" and the guests all cheered and laughed. Even though she said it and then laughed as to be comical, she still had an evil undertone to her that I didn't like. I didn't trust her so I moved even closer to the front.

Victoria continued to slid the FleshLight up and down on Joe's shaft. He just laid back and let the demonstration continue. He knew it demonstration and the night was close to being over. Then Victoria turned to the guests and said, "Joe and I have seen each other naked before!" This silenced the guest as they wanted to hear the details. She continued, "we were both 7 years old at the time." This brought a chuckle to ladies whose original thought was Victoria and Joe had sex before. "I see Joe's penis hasn't grown much since then. Joe and I basically grew up together. We went to high school together and we have a lot of the same friends. We see each other around town all the time."

Victoria continues to use the FleshLight on Joe as she is speaking, Sliding it up and down, up and down.

Then Victoria turned towards Joe and had an angry look on her face. "How does it feel Joe? How does it feel to be the only one naked in a room full of clothed people? How does it feel to be standing completely naked in front of me and your mom's friend? They have known you all your life and they saw you naked and hard. Are you humiliated that you had to show your ass hole to me and all these women? How does it feel that I have seen every inch of your naked body and I have it all on video that I can watch anytime I want?"

Amanda went to grab the FleshLight from Victoria but Victoria pushed her away. Amanda looked at Cynthia with a look of "what should I do?" and Cynthia motioned Amanda to step back. I guess Cynthia wanted to give her guests a full show at Joe's expense. Joe was trying to get away from her but she had him trapped against the ottoman. She continued to jerk Joe with the FleshLight and he was getting close to orgasm. I could have gone to stop Victoria but I instead grabbed her cell phone.

The crowd was now cheering for Victoria to finish off Joe. From Joe's trembling body, you could tell he was close. He had given up trying to fight it. Victoria removed the FleshLight and continued the rhythmic motion with her hand. She had the most wicked look on her face. She was not doing this for a laugh or doing this for the crowd. Her intentions were cruel and hateful.

It was too much for Joe to resist and his body clenched up tightly. I knew it would only be a matter of seconds before Joe is masturbated to cum in front of the 25 party guest. I am not sure it can get any more humiliating for Joe. I am not sure how he will handle this? He was overwhelmed from the experience at Steve's party and he was only stripped there. Now he has been humiliated by being stripped naked, fondled and spanked, forced to bend over and be anally stimulated, and now will cum as the room full of women watch. And all this in front of friends of the family who he has known all his life.

Joe couldn't hold it any longer and exploded all over his chest and stomach. The women cheered and applauded as the watch Joe cum. To be honest, it was quite impressive. The first shot had good distance as it went over his shoulder and landed on the ottoman. It was a nice size load too. Other than being masturbated in front of a crowd of people, there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

Joe's body just collapsed as he laid motionless on the ottoman as he continues to breath hard. Victoria got up and headed towards the bar, as did many of the spectators. The show was over so they went back to drinking and gossiping. They used the boy for what they wanted. I stood in disbelief of what I just witnessed. This is going to be devastating to Joe. I can't imagine how he feels or what he will do.

Ryan leaned in and whispered over my shoulder "They think the gays have raunchy parties. The gays have nothing on the rich lonely older women's parties. Never in my life have I seen something like that. Poor guy." I just nodded in agreement. Poor Joe.

Joe stood up and remained motionless for a while. He was looking off into space recalling what just happened to him in this room. He grabbed the white robe off the floor but didn't bother to put it on, he just held it in one hand. His penis was still stiff from the excitement. The two ladies, Sharon and Carol, who are Joe's mom's friend were standing behind Joe. They stood there momentarily gazing at Joe's ass before approaching him. I got closer so I could hear what they said to him.

"Joseph Michael, does your mother know that you do this?" Sharon asked in a reprimanding manner.

"No, ma'am. This is the first time I have done this. I needed money and Cynthia said she could help me out. I didn't know what I would have to do for the money until it was too late. Please don't tell my mom. I am embarrassed about the whole thing. Please!" pleaded Joe.

As Joe was speaking to Sharon, Carol was ogling Joe's naked body up close. I guess Joe was still in a slight daze when the ladies approached him and he didn't realize he was still standing there naked with a semi.

"Well, I guess this can be our little secret." Replied Carol as she continued to stare at the naked boy's body. "I will say, Joseph, you are in wonderful shape. How do you maintain such a fit body?"

Joe realized that the two ladies, who are his mom's friends and her age, are standing right next to him gawking at his body up close. Joe started to become visibly uncomfortable and pulls his hands together so the robe covers his front. "Uh, I go to the gym 5 days a week and I run."

"Well, it shows." Carol reaches out and feels Joe's abs. "Your stomach is flat as a board. Sharon, feel his stomach muscles. Both women are facing Joe rubbing his six pack abs. Joe becomes uncomfortable and takes a step back.

"Look at his leg muscles." Says Sharon. To get a better look at his quads, she pushes Joe's hands to the side, exposing not only his legs but his semi hard penis to the ladies. "You can tell you're a runner." Both ladies said they were looking at his legs but they are staring at Joe's member, almost fascinated with it.

"Well, I better go and see Cynthia." Said Joe trying to get away from his mom's friends.

"Ok, Joe. It was nice seeing you." Carol said. "Very nice seeing you." Added Sharon. That was appropriate choice of words Joe thought to himself. Joe walked by me and said "can this night get any worse?" I watched Joe walk by me and then watched his naked ass walk down the hall towards the back room, holding the robe by his side, dragging it on the floor.

I walked to the back room to see if I could console him. Joe was standing in the back room, still completely naked, dazed, staring into space. I thought to myself, a month ago, my fantasy was to see Joe naked. Now, twice in a month, Joe has been forced to expose his naked body to large groups of party guests. And tonight, he was forced to show what he looks like in an aroused state and masturbated to orgasm.

"How you doing?" I asked. He gave a half smile and said "Really?" We both chuckled.

I asked if there was anything I could do. He asked for me to go get his money from Cynthia. He wasn't in the mood to face the woman who tricked and violated him. I said sure and got the money from Cynthia. I am not sure how much was there but there had to be a few thousand. I hope that helps Joe out. He is a good guy and I felt bad for him having to do this.

Joe was dressed by the time I returned to the back room. I handed him the money and he briefly counted it. "Wow, there is more than she promised. The extra money must be for the hand print she left on my ass!" Joe said with a smile.

Then the vicious Victoria walked in. Joe looked at her and said "what do you want?" I think that is the first time I ever heard Joe be anything but nice and polite.

With a villainous expression on her face, she answered "What's the matter, Joe? Rough night? Did Mr. Goodie Two-Shoes get embarrassed tonight? Did you like standing there with your dick out for everyone to see? Are you humiliated that you had to be on all fours with your ass in the air? How did it feel to stand completely naked in front of your mom's friends as saw your little dick?" "How embarrassing to be forced to cum in front of all those people?"

With each comment, Joe's face just turned more red. I still don't know the story with her and her hatred of Joe. But if I had to guess, by some of her comments, Joe is a good person, always did the right thing, and treated people kindly. She was not well liked, not nice, and was envious of Joe. Maybe even liked Joe and he didn't return her feelings. But there is definitely a story there.

"This is just the beginning Joe. I took plenty of pictures and took video too. I am going to post the pictures and video online for the world to see your humiliation. I will email the pictures of your naked body to your friends and family. I will email the pictures to your coworkers. I am going to print the pictures of your naked body and hand them out in your neighborhood." Said Victoria in a demonic voice.

Joe again looked defeated, like he had no energy to fight her. "Please don't do this to me Victoria. Please." Joe responded.

I jumped in before she had a chance to say another word. "Oh don't worry Joe. She won't. Or should say, CAN'T. I deleted the pictures and videos from your iPhone. And I went to the deleted folder and deleted them permanently. There is no visual proof of tonight."

Victoria's face turned bright red. "This is NOT over Joe! I will humiliate you in public in front of your family and friends one of these days. Mark my word." the evil woman blasted. She then turned towards me and said "I don't know who you are but you better watch out too. It is just as easy to humiliate two goodie-goodies as it one." Victoria stormed out of the room.

"What is her deal?" I asked of Joe.

"Don't worry about her. She is full of hot air. She has a screw loose." Responded Joe.

"Yay. That's what I'm afraid of. She's not all there." I joked.

"Thank you, Chris, for deleting those pictures from her phone. You saved me a great deal of embarrassment." Joe acknowledged.

"No problem. I think you had enough embarrassment tonight to last a lifetime." I stated.

"Wow, you can say that again! What a night! So, how did I look?" Joe said with a big grin on his face, asking for the gay boy's opinion.

"Pretty fucking good." I answered.

"Oh, by the way, that hot girl in the red dress told me to stop by her place tonight after the party." Joe said excitedly.

"Lucky girl" I thought to myself. "Lucky girl!!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Mind blowing!

That voyeuristic strip show was so erotic! How I envy all those people in the crowd. I almost feel sad the the pictures got destroyed. I'd feel better about it if that girl wasn't clearly evil. Anyway, I wont need footage because I keep replaying that scene of Joe on stage in my head over and over! Keep writing stuff like this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Loved the embarrassment.

This was so good! I believe Joe has found his calling in life if his other job doesn't pay him enough. I believe he could make a good living modeling skimpy clothes until he is literally red in the face. I bet anyone would pay through the nose just to find copies of that video.

SpecialtyM3SpecialtyM3over 4 years ago

Chris is such a good friend! Thank you for luring Joe into some more embarrassing exposure. I find his shyness to be greatly endearing. I hope to see him in some more public events in the nude. Great series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

My favorite chapter!

You should continue with this saga, I would love to read about a new party!

cfnmfan64cfnmfan64about 7 years ago
Great Story!

Loved the room full of clothed women and one naked guy. Very embarrassing and very exciting at the same time. Liked the twist of having his mom's friends there and they were getting up close views of his naked body. Please keep going with humiliating Joe.

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