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Escaping the Party

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A lucky bartender hooks up with Alexandra Daddario.
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Escaping the Party

With Alexandra Daddario

By Harbinger96

rosa-blanca.ru: M/F, voyeur, public, bathroom, rogue fuck, oral

Disclaimer: This story is 100% fiction, and for no money. I hope you enjoy it.


We finally had a break in COVID restrictions, but a minor one. None of us expected it to last long.

Furthermore, bar and restaurant capacity was only set to 25% of the normal, so it was limited to the early birds; first come, first serve.

So I got to go back to my job as a bartender for my small club. Tonight, I was playing back up. I would be switching between working bar and barbacking; bussing tables, changing kegs, getting empty cases out of the way, grabbing new cases, that kind of thing.

We knew that in that time, as many people as could manage were going to get absolutely hammered.

People would be getting blasted harder and faster, and making sloppy mistakes.

As the night began, things played out about as we expected.

Things were easy enough to keep up with because it was limited numbers, but they were packing it away, and we cut off a lot of folks, and not everyone took it well.

On one of my breaks, which I chose to take in the back corner of the service station with a cold diet soda, a group of girls dancing caught my attention. The girls looked funny, trying to do club style dancing while so far spread out, but they were giving it their best.

That wasn't what got my attention, though. What did grab my attention was who one of the women was. The girl who caught my attention was a silky haired brunette with impossibly blue eyes, a gorgeous side profile from head to toe, and the most kissable lips I had ever personally seen.

I must have been staring a little too hard, because after a moment of my leering, this beautiful girl turned to me, looking over her shoulder with a shy smile. One of the lights caught her features just right, and the realization hit me. Alexandra Daddario was dancing in my club.

She didn't turn to face me completely, as if she was trying to hide her body from me, but she wore a form fitting grey cotton dress with an open back, and it hugged her ass so well that I couldn't stop looking at her. For her part, she didn't stop looking at me, the smile on her face growing until I shied away, heading back to work before I was even due.

At one point during the night, I was polishing glasses, looking out the window towards downtown, when I heard her all-too-familiar voice.

"Hey," she said, grabbing my attention, and I turned around. She immediately had a dazzling smile. "I saw you watching me when you were on break. You didn't even try to say hi," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Well you were with friends, and I had to get back to work, and I certainly didn't want to impose," I explained with a shrug.

"Am I imposing on you by talking to you now?" she asked coyly, her smile widening again, hoping to get me flustered, I was sure.

"It's part of my job, to talk to customers when they want me to talk to them, though," I said, and smiled a bit myself, stepping a little closer but still working. "It's just a little more bearable, it being you and all."

I was afraid her face was going to hurt from smiling, because she didn't stop as we kept playing. "And just who am I?"

"Who are you really, or do you not want me to answer that so you can be who you want to be tonight?"

"Why wouldn't who I am be who I want to be?" Alexandra asked, finally changing her winning and flirtatious smile to an adorable, full-lipped pout.

"I didn't say you aren't who you want to be, but who am I to assume such a thing, either way?" I played back, and she laughed fully, her head lilting back, and her long, slender neck being fully exposed until she bought her chin back down again, a fresh, relaxed light in her eyes.

"I like you, you're cute, and you've got delicious wit," she complimented with an endearing crinkle of her features.

"I like you, too," I said, but left it off there. I was in no way going to risk falling into creeper territory with her.

"You can watch me dance all night, if you want to," she said with a wink, a blown kiss, and then a very sizable tip on the counter even though I didn't get her a drink all the while we chatted. She was now living in my head, and she would be the only one I watched all night. And she was there, all night.

I was shocked at how long she was able to stay on the dance floor at a time, and how much water she drank compared to actual drinks she took. The girl knew how to party all night, and how to look good doing it. She also seemed to be a genuinely kind heart, because even when she just ordered an ice water, she acted like they were the most complicated drinks to order when she received them, and the tips she left for water was more than people left for high-end Scotch. I swear this girl was purposely in my head.

And when I caught her dancing... oh my God. She would find my eyes, even through the crowd. When she did find me staring, her motions became so much more fluid, her hands spent so much more time tossing her hair, and she was so much more intimate with her body when she knew my eyes were on her. I wanted her, and she knew it.

I was no fool, though. I would never assume that she was doing anything more than enjoying my safe attentions; if she wanted me, too, she would have to come right out and say it.


It was getting towards midnight, and we were about to do last call, and I had just been cut. As was customary, I downed my shift drink that was a Jameson and a Guinness.

I had my coat on and I was just getting ready to leave, but one look to the door by the top of the stairs showed me that Alexandra was still here, and the look she gave me over her shoulder before she headed down the stairs, was all the encouragement I needed.

I followed two minutes behind, and found her at the entrance of a short whitewashed stone hallway leading to the ladies' room. She gave me that same look again, but with a little smile this time, and she disappeared into the bathroom.

I followed her after looking over my own shoulder to make sure we were clear. We were, and I headed down the short way.

I knocked twice, and the door flew open, and an arm pulled me in by the collar of my black wool jacket.

As soon as I was inside and the door closed behind me, Alexandra Daddario roughly pushed me against the wall, her lips immediately crashing into mine.

We were kissing aggressively, with teeth clicking, tongue sucking, moaning and groaning and hands wandering everywhere.

It took little time at all for my jacket and shirt to hit the floor, and I marveled at how fast Alex's hands undid my belt.

She pulled her lips from mine, a small string of spit still attached. "We don't have a lot of time, do we?"

I shook my head, and pulled her mouth back to mine as I sank my hands into the back dip of her dress, allowing me to grab onto her shapely ass as she ground her front into me.

I felt her hands push my pants down to my mid thighs, and she sank to her knees. She used the tips of her long, slender fingers to trace my bulge as she breathed deeply through pursed lips.

"My God, what a snake we have here today," she said before tenderly kissing my dick, and just molding her lips around it over the cloth.

"Alex, I hate to push, but we don't have much time," I urged, and the Hollywood beauty smiled up at me.

"So you do know who I really am," she said, her eyes twinkling under the bathroom light.

"I do, and if I miss the opportunity to fuck Alexandra Daddario in my workplace bathroom, I'll kick myself for the rest of my life," I said, fully meaning it.

"I understand," Alexandra nodded, not breaking eye contact as she pulled my long, hard member out of my underwear.

She pumped me with purpose for a moment, and licked her lips. "It's a shame I won't be able to suck this as long as I'd like, but you're right; we have to budget our time," she yielded and kissed my tip once before standing back up.

She turned around and grabbed the lip of the bathroom counter with both hands. "Give it to me hard and fucking fast. I want to explode before we can get caught," she said, now sharing my urgency.

"My pleasure," I said with a grin as I came up behind her, each of us looking into each other's eyes in the mirror as I pulled her dress down to reveal the world's most magnificent tits, or at least I'd argue that point.

Alexandra watched me in the mirror with a smug smile as she cupped her tits and pleasured her own nipples as I pulled her dress the rest of the way down to expose her succulent, juicy round ass.

"No bra, no panties," I commented, clicking my tongue. "You really did come here hoping to get fucked, didn't you?"

"Guilty as fuck," she groaned as I latched my mouth onto the side of her neck. I watched completely enamored with her as her head fell back against my shoulder as I lined my bulging cock head up with her entrance.

I used one hand to spread her legs further apart, and to keep one slightly raised for easier entrance.

As my head nestled her lips, I felt how aroused she was, even without foreplay. She asked for it hard and fast, and she was ready for me when I grabbed both of her shoulders.

"Go ahead, do it," Alex challenged with wild eyes and clenched jaw.

I forcefully, but with measured hips, pushed myself in all at once, sinking into her hot heat till my pelvis rested on her gorgeous behind.

Alex shuddered, her whole body quivering, but the madlass never looked away from me.

"Fuck yeah! That's that good dick!" she groaned with gritted teeth. "God that's good," she said, her knuckles white as she held tight to the counter lip.

"Keep holding on," I ordered and pushed her down onto the counter. I pulled all the way back, and slid back into her. "I get the feeling you like it rough."

"Guess you'll have to find out. Your cock is big enough, but for the first time, I wonder if your talk can match it," she challenged.

I slapped her ass hard, and leaned down on top of her. I pulled out again and rammed in hard, her grip and my body on top of hers kept her from moving.

I hauled in a deep breath and started banging away, drilling for all I was worth.

"Holy fuck!" Alexandra shrieked as I tore in and out of her velvet walls, my pike of a cock splitting her in half and my hips moving like a sewing machine. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Alex couldn't stop chanting as I wrecked her.

Her juices were soaking my thighs and the back of her legs, running down both of our knees. Every thrust, it felt like I was hitting a new depth.

"Jesus Christ, it feels SO good!" she whined, nearly ripping the sink from the wall. "Oh my God, oh my God I'm going to cum so fucking hard!" she called her shot.

I got up off of her, pulled her arms off the counter, and wrapped my arms through them. I pulled her back into me and kept pounding into her, watching her huge breasts jump up and down, up and down as I punished her.

"Oh fuck! Fuck you're good! Keep giving me all of that cock!" If the music upstairs wasn't seeping into the bathroom, I swear the club would have heard her upstairs. Alex could be as loud as she wanted and she knew it.

While keeping my wick buried in her sopping count, I shuffled us over and slammed her against the wall, her hugs pressing against the cold wall. She gasped from the temperature change, and then gasped again as I renewed the assault.

Alex came again, and I forced a third out of her, right on top of the second. She was making a fucking puddle u der us, and neither of us cared. I knew the janitor, and he was a bastard.

"Alex, I'm gonna cum really fucking soon here," I warned the Bay Watch star, momentarily letting up on the hockey I was giving her.

"Don't cum in me! Don't you dare!" she roared, and she made me fear her for a moment.

"Alex, I'm gonna cum!" I teased, still pushing and pushing. "Oh shit!"

"You fucker! Don't you do it!" She tried to push off of the wall, but I wouldn't let her off, she pushed off intoe, sending me further in.

Finally, just within milliseconds, I pulled out, and forced her onto her knees by her hair. She grabbed my cock in her hands and stuffed it deep down her throat. She worked me hard and fast, and I burst like a faulty watermane.

I came harder than I ever had. I knew it. I watched Alexandra's eyes widen as my massive load hit the back of her throat, and she fought to keep me in her mouth.

To her credit, she succeeded, and drank down all of me.

We both had a hell of a panic, because we heard the door open.

"Ma'am, give me ten minutes!" I shouted, trying to push the post-orgasm shake out of my voice. "Someone clogged this toilet with tissues and at least one tampon. The floor is soaked. So you do not want to come in here," I warned.

"Oh shit! Sorry!" the girl responded, and I could hear her heels click-clacking as she walked away before the door closed.

"Oh shit!" Alex laughed. "That was my friend Steph!" she said, still laughing as she stepped back into her dress and pulled it up over her chest, the redness fading away but her nipples still impossibly hard.

"Hey Alex," I said, and she turned back to me. "I definitely would have regretted this for the rest of my life, had this not happened."

"I know," she winked, and walked away.

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maxsteelemaxsteele5 months ago

This was amazing. Will love more stories with Alexandra Daddario and her friend Steph.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like this story, you should write more eroticas about Alexandra daddario and her adventures, you know she's so hot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You should write more stories about Alexandra daddario or maybe start a series with her. BTW it's a good story. Appreciate it.

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