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Explanation of Love 02


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"Bend over and look inside the car," Paula coached.

"I can't, the windows are tinted," Terry whispered back.

Terry looked over her shoulder as the salesman let an involuntary groan escape.

"Told you your ass is beautiful," Paula whispered.

The salesman quoted the price and what particulars he could remember about the car and groaned again as Paula 'adjusted' her blouse and bikini top.

"It um, it was owned by Milt Duhon's wife; see the vanity plate?" the salesman offered.

Terry looked and read '4QUNYS' and shrugged her shoulders.

"Calls his wife 'Queenie' and they got 3 daughters; get it? Queenie plus three equals four queens?" the salesman said.

"Thank you; there's another lot we wanted to look at, but we'll keep that Escalade in mind," Paula promised and got into her car.

"Bye," Terry said as she got into the passenger seat.

Paula reached over and gave Terry's leg an affectionate squeeze as they drove to the Lambert home.

"Only reason we're here is because Andrea's home," Paula said as they pulled up in front of the two story building.

"Who's Andrea?" Terry asked.

"My baby sister," Paula smiled sadly. "Most of the time, she's at L.S.V.I.; she comes home on the weekends."

"L.S.V.I.?" Terry asked.

"Louisiana School for the Visually Impaired; Andrea's blind," Paula said.

"Oh! Paula! I'm so sorry!" Terry gasped.

"Hey, she's dealing with it pretty good," Paula defended. "Hell of a lot better than I ever would, that's sure."

Paula checked to make sure there was no traffic and got out of her car. Terry cautiously, nervously got out as well.

"Ready to see what Hell looks like?" Paula asked, putting an arm around Terry's narrow waist.

"Paula!" a skinny girl squealed when Paula opened the door and let herself in.

"Andrea!" Paula squealed in return.

The child ran to her sister and Paula bent down to squeeze the child as tightly as she could.

"Oomph!" the child complained. "You're squishing me!"

"Because I love you so much!" Paula exclaimed.

"Love me a little less, huh?" Andrea said.

"As if I ever could!" Paula laughed and kissed the girl on her forehead. "Andrea, I want you to meet my best friend. Andrea, this is Terry."

"I thought I was your best friend," Andrea complained.

"I meant, my best friend after you," Paula corrected.

Terry smiled; the love Paula had for the girl was obvious.

"Don't worry, I won't squish you," Terry said and hugged the girl.

Up close, Terry could see that the girl's green eyes were flat, lifeless, and unseeing. She looked over at Paula.

Paula fought back the tears as she looked at the girl.

"So, what'd you do in school this week?" Paula asked, fighting the croak in her voice.

"I'm reading The Red Badge of Courage," Andrea proudly declared.

"Wow, really?" I didn't read that book until I was three; how old are... Oh wait, you're eight, right?" Paula teased.

"Shut up!" Andrea squealed.

"Andrea, who are you screaming at in...? Oh! Paula! You're here!" a large woman came into the living room.

"Yes, Sherri, I'm here," Paula spat.

"And where's didn't you say you were bringing your boyfriend?" Sherri asked, glancing around.

"No, I said I was bringing Terry," Paula snapped. "Sherri, this is Terry. Terry, that's Sherri."

"Um, hi," Terri said.

Sherri tried to paste a smile on her face and failed.

A slender man walked in, dressed in Hawaiian shirt, shorts, black socks and sandals."

And here's Ron," Paula sneered. "Nice socks, Ron."

"That's 'Dad,'" the man said, thin lips tightly pursed.

"Lost the right to be 'Dad' minute you stuck your cock in me, ass hole," Paula spat back.

"Paula, really! Do you have to?" Sherri shrilled. "Do you have to? In front of complete strangers! Do you have to?"

"Terry's not a complete stranger," Paula said. "And don't worry; I've already told her what a piece of shit Ron is and what an ignorant slut you are."

"I didn't invite you here to..." Sherri shrilled.

"We'll be happy to leave," Paula said, walking to the door, holding onto Terry's hand.

Terry could feel her lover's hand shaking, even as she squeezed tightly onto Terry's hand.

"No, Paula!" Andrea cried out. "We made pot roast! Just for you, 'because it's your birthday!"

Paula glared hatefully at her mother and father, and then nodded her head slowly.

"For you, Andrea," she finally said. "I'll stay for you."

"Aw, God Damn it, Paula!" Ron cried out as Paula dragged Terry toward the dining room. "Still got those fucking cats?"

"Yes, Ron, why? Oh, that's right; you're allergic to them, aren't you? Aw, tough shit. Guess you won't be hugging all over me and Terry, trying to cop a feel, huh?" Paula smirked.

A moment later, Sherri screamed up the stairs that dinner was ready.

Terry was introduced to Rhonda, RJ, and Sheridan.

Rhonda was an unattractive, horse faced woman with skinny arms and torso and freakishly large hips, buttocks and thighs. Her long brown hair looked as if it had not been brushed in weeks.

Ron Junior, RJ, was a mirror of Rhonda, even with long unkempt brown hair. His dull brown eyes did not make it above Paula's chest or Terry's chest.

Sheridan had the same strawberry blonde hair of Sherri, Paula, and Andrea, and also had the green eyes. His muscles rippled; Terry fought back a smirk; he was flexing and posing for her benefit. Like his older brother, Sheridan's eyes never traveled above Terry's chest.

"So you, um, you a stri... a dancer too?" Sheridan asked, licking his lips.

"No, Sheridan," Paula smiled at her younger brother. "Quit perving on my girlfriend, huh?"

"She's your girlfriend?" Sheridan asked, trying to discretely readjust his swelling erection.

Ron Senior tried to sit at the table, eyes and nose running horribly, but after a moment, slammed his fork down and stormed off.

"Bye Ron; it's been fun," Paula called out.

"You know what that does to me; do that shit on purpose, little bitch," Ron snarled as he stormed up the stairs.

"Of course I do, pathetic little loser," Paula giggled.

"Paula, really, he is your father," Sherri admonished.

"You sure, Sherri? You one hundred percent sure he's my father? You sure you didn't fuck no one else when I was conceived?" Paula sneered.

"Well, another birthday shot to shit; way to go Paula," Rhonda spat.

"Know what? It'd be all right with me if y'all forgot I even have a birthday, you know?" Paula said and spooned more gravy onto her carrots and potatoes.

Terry helped herself to some of the gravy and watched, fascinated, as Andrea managed to serve herself.

"Shall we say 'Grace' before we dig in?" Sherri asked tersely.

"Andrea?" Paula asked.

The child did a simple prayer and they ate.

"Um, this is um, this is good, Miss Sherri," Terry weakly offered.

"Thank you," Sherri said, unable to mask her contempt of Terry.

Paula and Andrea seemed to be the only ones unaffected by the uncomfortable silence as the seven of them ate.

"And we got cake and ice cream!" Andrea declared as she finished her meal.

"Actually, it's an ice cream cake," Sherri offered.

"I picked it out," Andrea said.

"Oh, well, if YOU picked it out, then it's GOT to be good, right?" Paula affectionately teased the girl.

"That's right," Andrea said.

Paula insisted that Andrea help her blow out the candles, the cake was cut and Terry found herself being given an extremely small piece. She felt Paula's hand on hers and shrugged off the intentional slight.

"So, Paula, I know you don't really keep up with local politics," Sherri said after Paula read aloud the brailed card that Andrea made for her.

"I most certainly do; it's National politics I don't care much about," Paula corrected. "Who's in the White House doesn't get the pot hole on Highway twenty seven fixed. Who's the Secretary of State doesn't make a bit of difference in dealing with unreasonable zoning restrictions. But let me guess; you're running for the St. Elizabeth Parish Council. Again. And again, like a dumb ass, you're running as a Democrat in a parish that hasn't voted for a Democrat since Kennedy, right?"

Sherri began to shrilly belittle the Republican Party. Paula held up a hand to silence her mother.

"Okay, Sherri, first you forgot to ask if I give a shit," Paula said.

"Well, I um, as you know, it's very hard to educate people that haven't thought for themselves in so long," Sherri said.

"Who's running against you?" Paula interrupted.

"Um, Cindy, Cindy Broussard-Robichaux; that little bitch runs Shapes Gym," Sherri spat.

"So, a business owner, one that provides employment to local people, provides a needed service?" Paula said. "Running as a Republican. Against you. An insurance salesperson. And a Democrat. Wow; who do you think's going to win here?"

Sherri launched into a spiel, asking for a cash contribution.

"Oh ho! Now! Now I see why it was so fucking important that I come here! Now I see why you've been after me for weeks!" Paula screamed triumphantly.

Sherri tried to defend herself. Paula shook her head no.

"Tell you what, Sherri, here, here's a check for five thousand, okay? Enjoy; you're never getting another penny out of me," Paula laughed spitefully, signed the check and thrust it at her mother.

She turned to Terry.

"Ready, Baby?" Paula asked."

Um, sure, yeah," Terry agreed.

Andrea's card was the only gift that Paula took with her as she and Terry left the house.

"Note to self; I'm donating ten thousand dollars to Cindy Broussard-Robichaux on Monday," Paula laughed as she started her car.

Terry let out a breath and looked at Paula.

"Don't even say it," Paula smiled.

Terry did not say anything as they drove home. She did smile; she was already thinking of the place as home.

They entered the kitchen and Courtney jumped down from the table before Paula could grab the squirt bottle. Terry followed Paula into the living room.

Paula put on some music and grabbed Terry. Wordlessly, Paula danced with Terry around the living room, green eyes staring intently into Terry's blue eyes.

Softly, Paula pushed Terry against the wall, held her there and pressed her lips to Terry's lips.

The kiss intensified and Paula jammed her tongue into Terry's mouth.

Terry felt the short white blouse being pulled from her shoulders, and then felt the cold air conditioning on her breasts as the black sports bra fell to the floor.

She moved to put her arms around Paula and suddenly felt her hands pinned together at the wrist and held above her head by Paula's left hand.

Mmph!" Terry protested as Paula pressed her thigh in between her legs, pushing hard against Terry's crotch.

Paula did not release Terry's hands, did not release Terry's mouth as she unzipped Terry's shorts and shoved shorts and panties down Terry's legs.

"Paula!" Terry tried to protest as Paula's right hand cupped Terry's pussy roughly.

"Mmph!" Terry groaned as Paula forced a finger into her slit.

Paula had terry pinned against the wall; Terry's back was being rubbed harshly by the textured wall.

Paula's mouth was forced hard against Terry's mouth, bruising Terry's lips and tongue.

"Her wrists were hurting where Paula's left hand clamped down painfully.

Terry came violently as Paula finger fucked her; she would have slid down to the floor if Paula had not been holding her up.

Terry did stagger slightly when Paula abruptly released her.

"You um, fuck! I cannot believe I just did that," Paula spat bitterly.

With that, Paula sprinted up the stairs.

Terry found Paula, sitting cross-legged on her bed, tears silently streaming from her eyes.

Terry climbed into the bed and crawled to Paula. Softly she put a hand on Paula's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Terry," Paula whispered.

Chapter 10

"I want you to quit Clark's," Paula said as she lay entwined around Terry.

"What?" Terry protested. "I quit there, where'm I going to go?"

"You now have a new job," Paula said. "My personal assistant."

"Your what?" Terry asked.

"My personal assistant," Paula repeated.

"What? I'm going to pick up your clothes when you dance?" Terry asked unhappy expression on her face.

"Terry, I'm working on a deal right now; I'd have to dance a hundred years make this kind of money," Paula said, lazily combing her fingers through Terry's pubic hair. "No, no, I'm quitting all of that. It was fun while..."

"So what I'm going to do?" Terry asked, expression not softening.

"Take some calls, go for coffee, do some filing," Paula said and cupped one of Terry's breasts.

"Play with my kitty cat," she whispered and kissed Terry's lips softly. "Let me play with your kitty cat."

"So, I'd pretty much just be a slut," Terry spat, trying to disentangle herself from Paula.

"What'd I tell you about that word?" Paula asked angrily.

"Then don't be treating me like one!" Terry yelled.

Terry clambered out of the bed, sending it wobbling crazily.

She left the bedroom, and then paused.

Even in her anger, Terry realized, she really had nowhere to go.

Finally, Terry stomped down the stairs and out the atrium doors to sit on one of the wrought iron chairs on the small porch.

The setting sun bathed the small porch in soft golden light but Terry did not notice the beauty of it, or the beauty of the small array of hanging baskets Paula had on the porch.

A few moments later, she heard Paula come out onto the small porch. Paula sat down on a chair.

"I do need a personal assistant," Paula said. "I was planning on interviewing a few people for the job. I even thought about maybe giving Rhonda or Sheridan the job."

"What about RJ?" Terry snapped.

"Him? God, he is so fucking disgusting!" Paula said and shuddered.

"I have you here; I already love you, it'd be perfect," Paula went on and toyed with a box on the small table. "Wouldn't even have to worry about nine to five; we could work all day and all night."

"Paula, what if I can't do it?" Terry asked, her anger giving away to fear.

"You can do it," Paula assured her.

"Paula, I didn't even finish high school; that's why I'm still working at Clark's," Terry whispered.

"You can do it; you'll be great," Paula whispered and pulled terry out of her chair.

Paula pulled terry onto her lap and cuddled her tightly.

"Terry, I'd rather pay you than pay some snot-nosed bitch that's just going to work for me for a couple of months, figure out what I'm doing and then quit so she can fuck me over," Paula said.

Terry looked into Paula's eyes.

"How you know I won't do that?" she asked.

Paula smiled and stroked her hand up and down Terry's thigh.

"You going to do that?" she asked.

Terry shook her head no.

"Okay, glad that's settled," Paula said.

Terry did not protest as Paula pulled her up the stairs, did not protest as Paula pushed her onto the bed, and did not protest as Paula squatted over her face.

Terry had never even touched another woman's privates before, but decided to do what Paula had done to her the previous night.

Slowly, she licked from the bottom of Paula's slit, slowly toward the top. Playfully, she battered Paula's hanging clitoris a few times with her tongue, then again licked from the bottom of Paula's slit to the top again.

Her hands cupped Paula's breasts and gently pulled on Paula's sensitive nipples.

Terry bit back a scream as Paula blew a warm breath across her clitoris and grunted out loud when Paula's tongue flattened against her clitoris.

"Oh, please don't," Terry begged, but Paula didn't listen.

Terry licked from side to side, playfully batting Paula's pussy lips, until her tongue again reached Paula's clitoris.

"Oh God, Terry!" Paula moaned as Terry sucked Paula's fat clitoris into her mouth.

Her fingernails raked gently up and down Paula's thighs, then scratched lightly at Paula's round buttocks.

Terry stiffened as Paula's fingers pulled at Terry's buttocks. Then she felt Paula's tongue press against her anus.

She shifted slightly, and then thrust her tongue into Paula's anus.

"Yes!" Paula hissed and Terry tried to push her tongue into Paula's rectum.

Terry jerked as she felt Paula push a finger into her rectum.

"Oh!" she groaned as Paula fucked the finger in and out of her rectum, and then stiffened again as Paula added a second finger while sucking on Terry's pussy lips.

Terry wet a finger in Paula's pussy, and then pushed it into Paula's rectum.

"Yes!" Paula encouraged Terry.

"Terry groaned as Paula added a third finger to her rectum and then stiffened as Paula sucked in her clitoris and began to hum.

"Oh Paula, I'm..." Terry cried out in orgasm.

When she finished climaxing, Terry quickly finger fucked Paula's ass while sucking hard at Paula's clitoris, until Paula twisted and writhed in her own orgasm.

When she caught her breath, Paula twisted around and softly kissed Terry's lips.

"What a lover you are!" she whispered in Terry's ear.

The kissed softly for a few minutes, then Paula lay her had on Terry's chest.

"What a lover!" she repeated.

A moment later, Terry heard very faint snoring.

She lay her head against one of the pillows on the bed and fell asleep.

Janet woke the lovers up, demanding supper.

Terry let Paula lay in the bed as she went down the stairs and fed the three cats.

She came back up the stairs, entered the bedroom, only to be pulled back into he bed by Paula.

"Come on, Paula, really?" she giggled.

"Come on," Paula whispered urgently. I want to..."

Paula lay Terry on her belly and pulled Terry's long blonde hair to the side.

"Oh!" Terry sighed as she felt Paula's teeth nip lightly at her shoulder.

Paula's teeth lightly bit Terry on her shoulder again, and then shifted slightly downward.

Terry sighed as Paula bit and nibbled her way down to her buttocks.

"Paula, don't" she sighed weakly moments later, when Paula began to tongue her anus.

Paula did not listen, just alternated between tonguing Terry's anus and biting lightly on Terry's buttocks.

"You have the most beautiful ass ever," Paula whispered.

"Aw, Paula, don't do that!" Terry protested weakly as Paula again introduced a finger to Terry's anus.

Moments later, Terry grunted as Paula fucked three fingers in and out of her rectum.

"Ah, damn it!" Terry cried out as Paula suddenly pinched Terry's clitoris quite hard.

Paula giggled happily as Terry jerked and bounced on the bed in orgasm.

"I will get you for that," Terry promised when she got her breath.

"Oh Goody! You can start right now," Paula said, flinging her long hair out of the way and laying on her stomach.

Chapter 11

"If you could do anything you wanted to, what would it be?" Paula asked as they got into her car.

"What you mean?" Terry asked.

"I mean, if someone came up to you and said 'Here, here's a million dollars,' what would you do?" Paula asked.

"Open my own hair salon," Terry said without hesitation. "I mean, I'd have to go to Darkira's Hair College first, but I'd open my own hair salon."

"Darkira's?" Paula asked.

"Yeah, it's right next to Johnson's; I checked into it and even though it's a college, I don't have to have a high school diploma," Terry said excitedly.

"And how long does it take?" Paula asked.

"Nine weeks; you can go for the eighteen week course if you want and she says a lot of times students need a little extra time," terry said.

Paula smiled, nodding in agreement.

"Oh, what we doing here?" Terry asked as they drove onto the used car lot.

"Getting a car," Paula said.

"Nothing's wrong with this one, huh?" Terry asked, opening the door.

"Baby," Paula said, pulling Terry back into the car.

"What?" Terry asked.

"You plan on walking everywhere? I mean, what about when you get into Darkira's Hair College?" Paula asked.


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