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Exploring Our First Foursome

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Two couples get to know each other better becoming a foursome.
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A big thankyou to shygirlwhore for proof reading, editing and providing encouragement.


We had met another couple Kerrie and Dave at the beginning of our holiday caught up a few times with our kids during the day and enjoyed a few nights drinking together around the resort bar. Our kids got on great and we hit it off as well as two families could.

On the last night of the holiday, we had agreed to let the kids play together in our hotel room, watching movies eating popcorn and having a good time.

We met together in our new friends' holiday apartment, which was part of the same hotel complex but in a different wing and was a bit bigger and nicer than ours.

We talked and laughed for a few hours, just having some cheese and biscuits but not much to eat, when the alcohol seemed to start taking effect, the laughter got louder and the conversations got more risqué.

We sat on two sofas opposite each other and started talking about having sex whilst on holiday. We had to be extremely careful so the kids couldn't hear when they were sleeping in the bed near ours, since the hotel room we were staying in was much smaller.

Dave laughed, "Kerrie makes enough noise to wake the hotel, even just be being kissed," he added "that's why we always have to get apartments on holidays with separate bedrooms."

I laughed at this and Julie almost choked on her drink as Dave said it.

"I don't!" cried Kerrie, acting offended, but still smiling at the joke.

"Watch this," Dave said and kissed Kerrie on the neck as she sat next to him, she made a quiet whimper and giggled a little. Running his fingers over her neck and stroking her shoulders caused her to moan out loud.

"That's not fair," said Julie, "of course she will laugh and giggle out loud if you stroke her like that."

"You don't," I said "see." I said, before leaning over and kissing and stroking her neck to prove a point. She didn't laugh out loud but did let out a soft moan.

"I bet you'd make a noise Ian," Kerrie said, "if Julie kissed and teased your neck."

"No way," I replied, "I can control myself."

"Go on Julie," dared Kerrie "the bet is on."

Julie turned towards me on the seat and started to slowly stroke my neck, drawing her fingernails over my skin, very softly teasing, I was doing well, I hadn't made a noise, but I could feel a stirring in my shorts and realised I was starting to get hard.

"See I told you I wouldn't make a noise," I declared, "I think I won that bet."

Kerrie laughed, "Yes you may not have made a noise, but we can all see you certainly did react." I looked down to see my erection was pretty noticeable and felt a bit embarrassed.

I wanted to change the attention away from me as quick as I could, "Go on then Kerrie, stroke Dave's neck and shoulders, see if you can make him make a noise."

Kerrie licked her finger and then ran a wet line down Dave's neck before gently blowing, Dave shivered and Kerrie licked up his neck gently, "Oh my god, stop that." He pleaded and Kerrie laughed at his reaction. "I bet you can make Kerrie moan out loud too Julie," said Dave.

I think the alcohol was starting to take effect, as this was not a bet that we would normally hear or take part in, but Julie looked at me, silently asking, "What do you think?"

I was keen to see this, Kerrie was very sexy and hot as hell and to see my wife touching her to try and get a reaction from sounded like a good idea to me."Do you think you can make her make a noise?" I asked, trying to gently encourage her to take part in the dare.

"OK, go on I'm ready." said Julie as she swapped seats and sat down next to Kerrie. Dave shuffled along the couch to give them more space and watched as Julie very gently stroked Kerrie's neck and shoulders. She didn't kiss them, but didn't need to as even the gentlest touch made Kerrie moan out in pleasure.

Kerrie turned her head to Julie and gave her the smallest kiss on the lips, "Thank you," she said, "that felt nice."

"Can I return the favour?" asked Kerrie. "I bet I can make you moan louder than Ian did."

As she said this, she started touching Julie's neck letting her fingers draw patterns over Julie's skin. Julie wasn't given the chance to reply but just gulped and let Kerrie's fingers explore her.

Kerrie's fingers traced down her neck, around the seam of her top and down her arm. We watched in silence as Kerrie gently touched Julie and teased her skin, with goosebumps rising up under her touch.

Kerrie was careful in her teasing, making sure, she didn't touch anywhere overtly sexual and only touching exposed skin, but I could see Julie's nipples start to harden under her top and I could feel myself getting more turned on watching this display in front of me.

Julie closed her eyes and did moan louder, which as soon as she did, Kerrie laughed, "See I win, I knew I could."

Julie opened her eyes and laughed nervously. I could see she enjoyed the touching and was turned on, but I could also detect a look or nervousness in her actions.

"Come on, sit back down beside me, let's have a drink. " I offered holding my hand out to her.

Dave stood up and went to their kitchenette making everybody another drink, "So do you guys ever get interrupted or do people say anything, if you make as much noise as you say?" I asked.

"Well we are both quite open and a bit exhibitionist." Dave replied.

Julie can be a bit naive and interrupted, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, actually," said Kerrie "we enjoy being caught out and we like other people watching us make out."

Julie gulped nervously and instinctively looked away, gazing down at her drink. "So how far do you go?" I asked.

Julie hit me, "You can't ask that," she said and looked to Kerrie and Dave saying, "sorry."

Dave had finished getting everybody a drink and sat down next to Kerrie, "If I touch Kerrie like this," he said as he ran his hands over her neck and shoulders "she not only enjoys the actual touching but also enjoys knowing that you are watching." As he said that, his fingers ran down her arm and across to her breasts. His fingers trailed over her nipples making them instantly go hard.

"Does this embarrass you?" asked Kerrie, looking at both of us.

I was honestly turned on not embarrassed, but didn't want to say anything and get into trouble, so I looked at Julie, who didn't say anything either, but just turned back to watch what Dave and Kerrie were doing.

I pulled Julie close to me and wrapped my arm around her shoulder as Dave slipped his hand into Kerrie's top and gently squeezed her breast.

"I dare you to let Ian do the same to you Julie," challenged Kerrie as she slid closer to Dave to give him better access to her body.

Julie didn't say anything, but kept watching Dave and Kerrie as he caressed her breasts, I very carefully and very slowly slipped my hand inside of Julie's top and bra and cupped her breast. Touching her breasts has always been a turn on for Julie, so it was no surprise that she let out a small moan of pleasure as my thumb rubbed over her nipple and I gently squeezed it between my fingers.

"Does it feel nice?" asked Dave.

Julie nodded and whispered, "Yes."

I pulled Julie even closer and tighter to me and alternated between squeezing her breast and running my fingers over her nipple.

We watched entranced as Dave caressed Kerrie's breasts and then he spoke gently, "Kerrie, I dare you to kiss Julie."

Kerrie pulled Dave's hand out of her top, stood up walking across to our sofa, and sat down next to Julie. Julie wasn't really given much choice, but she didn't refuse turning her head to meet Kerrie. I removed my hand from her breast and top, shuffled away a little to give them more room and Kerrie leant forward kissing Julie gently on the lips. It was very slow and very sensual, Kerrie took control holding onto the back of Julie's head and neck and gently pulling her closer for a more passionate kiss.

Julie responded and opened her mouth to kiss Kerrie deeper. I watched as Kerrie's tongue slid gently into Julie's mouth at the same time as her hand stroked over Julie's breast, making Julie moan more and become even more eager to kiss her back.

After a couple of minutes of kissing and Kerrie caressing Julie's breasts through her clothes, Kerrie pulled away, "Have you ever kissed a girl before?" she asked.

I knew she had, but didn't know many of the details; it was an experience she had only shared a little about.

"There was one fairly drunk night in a nightclub that a girl I knew made a pass at me," Julie said "it was in public so nothing big happened, some kissing some fondling, but it was a huge turn on and something I have had private fantasies about happening again and again. How about you?" Julie asked, "Have you kissed a girl before?"

Kerrie replied, "Yes, and more, I've been completely naked a couple of times and made love to a woman once before, it was amazing."

Julie blushed, we have talked about this and shared fantasies before, during our own lovemaking but it's not something we had ever discussed openly with another couple, so I think Julie was quite embarrassed, but with the alcohol in our system, I think she was more open than normal and wanting to hear more.

"Tell us more Kerrie," I asked, "what was amazing, what did you like about it?"

"Well," she replied "I loved the feel of a woman's soft skin, soft lips, gentle curves; everything just seems softer and more delicate with a woman."

I took this in and wanted to hear and see more, I wanted to let my fantasies come to life, "Julie can I dare you to touch Kerrie's breast?" I asked.

Julie didn't say anything but lifted her hand and ran her fingers over Kerrie's top, tracing the curve of her breast and traced the outline of Kerrie's hard nipple.

Kerrie held Julie's hand and guided it, placing it inside her own top. I don't think Julie had ever touched another woman's breast before, well at least not sexually, but she looked to be enjoying being allowed to touch, caress and squeeze Kerrie's breasts and Kerrie was willing for it to happen.

We seemed to have gotten into a pattern of dares and bets and Dave continued on with this, "Kerrie, I am going to dare you to take you top off."

Kerrie hesitated for a moment thinking, "No, I have a better idea," she replied, "Ian, will you take my top off please?"

I was keen to be part of this dare, but didn't want to push any boundaries and didn't know how far we could go without me getting into trouble. I looked at Julie seeking permission and she just nodded and smiled at me.

I had to move around the sofa as Julie was between me and Kerrie, but I knelt behind Kerrie undid the top two buttons on her top and lifted it clear of her head.

Julie had to move her hands but then continued on caressing Kerrie's breasts, "Ian, I dare you to feel Kerrie's breasts now, " Julie said, I was shocked at what she said, I didn't know if she was trying to trap me, "go ahead feel them, see how firm they are."

As I was sitting behind Kerrie, Julie moved her hands away and allowed me to reach around and cup Kerrie's breasts in both my hands, and I have to say it did feel good squeezing them gently and rubbing my thumbs over her erect nipples, which stood out hard through her bra. I would have liked to continued for longer and would love to explore more, but I didn't want to get carried away and push my luck with Julie or Dave for that matter.

I did want to see where this could go next and was getting very excited and turned on, just thinking of all the possibilities. After just undressing Dave's wife and feeling her breasts, I thought I should play fair and let Dave enjoy some fun time too, "Julie, I would like to dare you to let Dave take your top off."

She didn't reply, but did look across to Dave sitting alone on the other seat and just lifted her hands above her head. He didn't waste any time and walked across to Julie, grabbing the bottom of her top and lifting it up and off her arms. With Julie's hands up in the air, he trailed his fingers back down her arms and sides before cupping her breasts and grabbing them quite hard. Julie just groaned encouragement, "God yes," was all she said.

"Do you like your breasts being squeezed?" he asked and Julie just nodded.

I couldn't believe I was watching another man touch my wife, but the fact I had just fondled his wife made it a whole lot more acceptable.

Dave let Julie's breasts go and sat down on the arm of the sofa right next to Julie, it was a pretty tight squeeze, but it didn't seem to make much difference right now how close we were, "Ian, your turn now," he said "I dare you to spend 2 minutes showing us how you turn Julie on, I know she likes her breasts being squeezed, what else?"

We adjusted seats on the sofa and I sat behind Julie so Kerrie and Dave could see where I was putting my hands and spent what seemed a lot longer than two minutes stroking Julie's neck, caressing and squeezing her breasts and nipples, kissing her ears and neck as my fingers trailed down her belly towards the top of the black leggings she was wearing. I was pretty sure by the way Julie moaned and squirmed she was getting turned on by my touch and she didn't mind it happening right in front of our new friends.

"Julie," Kerrie asked, "can I try the same as Ian I'd like to touch your body?"

Julie still didn't say anything, I think she wanted all this to happen, but was too embarrassed to actually voice it out loud, but she nodded her head and moved closer to Kerrie, who spent the next few minutes caressing Julie, kissing her neck and shoulders squeezing and fondling her breasts through her bra. Kerrie knew exactly what to do and responded each time Julie let out the slightest moan or groan.

"OK you two, your turn now, "I said, "Dave, I dare you to caress Kerrie for two minutes, show us what Kerrie likes and what turns her on."

Kerrie shuffled back a little to be close to Dave and his first action was to pull the straps of her bra down exposing her breasts, he rubbed and squeezed her nipples, making Kerrie gasp for air a few times, it was certainly turning me on, and I was getting even more uncomfortable in my pants and had to readjust myself, Julie loves having her nipples squeezed too, quite hard some sometimes, so I guessed she was enjoying watching Kerrie receive this same treatment.

"Take my bra off honey," Kerrie said to Dave and in seconds, Kerrie's bra was off laying on the floor next to her top.

"Kerrie, do you mind if I touch your breasts?" Julie asked.

"Yes please, I'd like that," Kerrie responded. Dave dropped his hands from Kerrie's breasts and she leant back against him as Julie ran her hands all over Kerrie, holding them, squeezing them, rubbing and pulling on Kerrie's nipples, trying each time to get more and more of a response from Kerrie, which didn't seem hard, considering how vocal and turned on Kerrie was becoming.

"Julie, can I take your bra off now please?" asked Dave; once again Julie just nodded yes. We all moved around on the sofa a bit, I moved as far back as I could to allow Dave space on the sofa and access to Julie, he carefully removed her bra and ran his hands all over her breasts and nipples.

"Do you feel you are missing out?" asked Kerrie as she looked directly to me, "Do you want to feel mine now?" I got up and sat in front of Kerrie bringing my hands up to her naked breasts. Dave seemed to be enjoying fondling my wife and I didn't want to miss out, especially how firm Kerrie's breasts were. They weren't as big as my wife's, but they certainly were firmer, sitting tight on her chest with smaller harder nipples.

I really was excited and wondered just how far I could push this, I looked back to Julie who seemed to be enjoying Dave's touches, "Julie lay back, I dare you to let both Dave and Kerrie touch you." Her eyes had been closed as she enjoyed Dave's attention but she opened them quickly looking at me, just trying to take in what I had dared her. I could see her mind ticking over thinking about it for a few seconds, when she laid back against the arm of the sofa and lifted her arms above her head, offering herself up to the advances of both Dave and Kerrie.

Dave moved slightly towards Julie's head and continued to explore her breasts, Kerrie stood up and sat on the ground next to Kerrie's belly and explored her breasts and more. Julie seemed to be enjoying the administrations of four hands teasing her body. As Dave continued to play with Julie's breasts, Kerrie ran her hand down Julie's belly and down the outside of her leggings stroking Julie's thighs.

Julie squirmed more and sighed lots, but when Kerrie's fingers traced up Julie's inner thighs reaching her most sensitive spot, she let out a panting gasp, "Oh god stop, please." It wasn't a cry of panic, but more just reaching a point of being so turned on to push her over the edge.

"Kerrie, I need a break, I dare you to take off Ian's pants and shirt." Julie challenged. I couldn't believe she had actually asked another woman to undress me, but the evening was certainly pushing boundaries for us, and I didn't want it to stop right now.

I stood up and turned towards Kerrie; she was still sitting on the floor and just turned to face me. Reaching up she undid my belt and popped the bottom on my pants. Unconsciously I was holding my breath, looking down as she slowly unzipped me. I was throbbing with excitement having a woman's hands so close to me, that wasn't my partners'. Kerrie grabbed hold of my pants and pulled them down to my ankles and then ran her hands up my legs, gripping my thighs gently steadying me; her thumbs just inches away from my cock and just my boxer shorts between me and her as I stepped out of my trousers.

Julie and Dave both sat in silence watching Kerrie as she stood up facing me, just inches away from my body, she took a step back so she could undo my shirt buttons, one at a time and ran her hands up my chest, pushing my shirt over my shoulders and down off my arms.

I stood now in just my boxers facing her and didn't feel nervous at all, even though I was close to undressed. I was incredibly turned on and couldn't wait to see what would be the next dare.

I reached over, took a gulp of my drink, and looked for who would speak next.

"My turn," said Dave "Ian, Julie I dare you both to suck on Kerrie's nipples."

I looked at Julie to see her reaction and she just smiled and sat up straight on the sofa, Kerrie sat down again and leant back, I sat next to her with Kerrie sandwiched between Julie and myself.

We both bent forward and kissed a nipple each, Kerrie guided our heads and pulled us tight into her chest as we licked and kissed on her nipples. I took her nipple into my mouth and sucked it between my lips, Julie did the same adding her teeth to the experience and Kerrie stopped holding our heads just lifting her hands up above her head and just let us devour her, we alternated between licking, sucking, kissing, biting and squeezing with our hands, bringing Kerrie higher and higher into a state of arousal.

After a few minutes, Kerrie pushed us away saying, "Stop, I need a break now before I do something I shouldn't. Honey your turn to stand now," she said "Julie come help me undress Dave."

Dave stood up from the ground in front of Kerrie and Julie, Julie was very careful in trying to undress him, undoing his belt, being careful not to touch him through his pants, but Kerrie was a lot more open, she very purposely rubbed his cock, grabbing it through the material and moving her hand up and down his length, rubbing him firmly.

She unzipped his pants and just rubbed him more through his shorts as Julie pulled his pants down his legs.

"Stop that Kerrie please, before you make me come," he pleaded.

Kerrie just laughed, "Are you a bit turned on? Come on Julie let's take his shirt off before he comes in his shorts."


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