by ilikeithot6308
Again great writing I could even feel Didi dressing down that jerk photographer before Ken took over. Loved the scene in Vegas at the fountains.
5 stars and maybe one more chapter will be a good ending.
Great chapter!!! Time for Didi to get preggers!!! One more come on... PLEASE... That is after a Love my dogs update!!!
Yes! As many readers have already said, more chapters, please. 5*'s
I have read many authors write about how their stories grow in directions they never imagined to begin with. You, the author have been kind enough to share your story/imagination with us. I personally have enjoyed this story and it currently has a distinct ending, which completes the original story line quite nicely. If however you see/feel the story continuing, please share.
Like all of your other stories - fantastic! Please don't go with the hint of either of them being unfaithful. That would just destroy the previous chapters in my opinion. As stated by another commenter - pregnancy is a good story line for the next chapter. Please continue this, and your other, stories. I'm already smiling brighter after reading this chapter. Thank you
I really like to read about a loving couple devoted to each other. It is especially good that they are married or are getting married in the story. Very professional. A little long in background to start with, but well worth it when the sex gets going between them later. Good job. Keep up the fine writing.
...but "more, please..."
A most enjoyable story line...
The storyline is great and the erotic portions are woven in to it well. It's really nice to read well written erotica.
Read all three chapters today..Very enjoyable..Great storyline :-)
I really like the way you wrote these stories, you can feel the love and excitement of a relationship building.
Please keep writing, you are one of my favorite authors.
This has become a favorite storyline, I've read it twice now.
VERY few stories get read twice so that should tell you something.
You have a winner here, Keep it up.
Your stories are great. Most people can only write one good story. You wrote three of them. I suggest people check out your story profile.
Really enjoyed your work. Thank you for all the hard work (in more ways than one).
Great story line and well put together. Personally I like the subtle sexy side, very realistic, much better than wham,bam, thank you mam that many stories allude to. I've read several of your stories so far and you have a great writing technique. I'd say go for it and lets see where Didi and Ken go from here....
I have really enjoyed your stories. You have a charming way of telling them. I do hope you will write more on this one and continue to write.
Definitely at least one more chapter . really enjoyed this one can't understand how I missed it when reading your other stories.
Ifind it strange that no other family are in the picture.
Am reading them all in the order listed and find that I have found a great writer.
Keep up the good work, I for one love it !!
So sweet and so hot! One more would you? This deserves that married life chapter
Great story. Great series. Hope there will be more. Love everything you write. Thank you.
Third time I've read this, hopefully you will provide us with another chapter.
Read all three chapters and enjoyed them all. Very hot!
didi behind the camera male models while he is working the females
but still together as one
Absolutely brilliant. I love the story of them meeting, and of them falling in love. But this one of them getting married is outstanding! Thank You!
The whole series was a great, fun read: 5*. Erotic, but much more. Wish there were more chapters to follow.
I didn't think that chapter 2 could be bettered, however just how wrong I was. Absolutely Brilliant. Exceptionally done.
Incredibly erotic and sooo feel-good.
Just make me smile thinking about - wow, just wow !
You have such a gift for this type of story; it would be a shame to deny us fans a few more chapters. Please continue. I'm really enjoying this. B.A.
... to what has been an outstanding story!
I can't believe I haven't read this chapter before now, but I'm very happy I did. Don't know how I could've missed it in the first place!
Overall, all three chapters together, one of the best stories that I've read, period.
Extremely well written, and everybody loves a happy ending.
Hotter than hell when it needed to be, and extremely loving the rest of the time.
And very much appreciated.
I think this pretty much covers it all for Ken & Didi, and I don't see how it could be improved upon.
Oh, and 5 Stars, without a doubt!
Thank you so much, for a fantastic read.
I love this story! Please write at least one, or 30, more. :)
Didi and Ken are a lot of fun. I enjoyed every minute of my time spent with them. I know there has to be more from them especially as house photog and face of Nightly Apparel. Just imagine the locations and the fun they could have!!!!
Until we meet again,
It's a rare treat on this site when a story includes love. Yours also contain so much more. Eloquent and romantic and wonderful. I hope very much that you will treat us to more Ken and Toody. So many wonderful possibilities.
Great story. Nice to read and not just something linking sex scenes together!
The fun element is so good, making the story bounce along. (OK - that was deliberate!)
I look forward to the next chapter you've hinted could come along.
Thanks for writing and sharing this story. It's fun and love the interaction between the characters.
don't really know how many times I have read this story , but each time it gets better. like to take photos myself but no way I could afford a camera he uses . came close with buying my last house & that was in 1987
I love the way you write, and this series was truly special. I hope you keep these characters going and write more stories with them.
... I sincerely hope that you have decided to add (at least) one more chapter with Ken & Didi.
This read through was every bit as enjoyable as the first, and I wish that I could vote on it again. I'd give it another 5 !
Thank you, and please consider it.
great story. You fleshed out the characters well if there was a flaw not including Didi's and your family information. Well done
The relationship between these two is beautiful. I hope you continue this storyline. Please don’t add anyone else to their relationship, like so many authors on this site do.
Thank you for writing. I like your style, and the ability to make me picture the scenes as I'm reading.
I don't often comment, because so much on literorica is but a re-stirring of the same old pot, with the same ingredients. But not you, and yours. You have an ability to express emotions that is well above the rest, and your story lines are usually fresh. The final touch is they hardly ever have grammatical or punctuation errors. Well done in every aspect
Thank you for your writing. I thoroughly enjoyed this series. You focused on two characters, developing then nicely. It was great to see them working together and I can envision another chapter some years later where they are successfully doing that and shaking up the industry. Thanks again.
Wonderful series. You can definately do more. Keep them coming.
This is the best of your stories that I have read. I assume when a writer develops a romantic and very erotic story, the cahracter development is special...This story so far has greatly accomplished this. Very good job...
I loved it. Even the 5th time around reading it. Please take them into another chapter?
I can't believe you don't get many votes. All your stories are 5 stars as far as I concerned. They are always such fun reads, with lines like "if I could breath through my ears I wouldn't ever have to come up " I'm always laughing.
Your writing skill and style is just unbelievable. I could vividly picture everything you described, and you choice of words and phrasing is better than top-notch! Your writing style is immensely better than that of very many 'professional' authors.
Twelve stars, as far as I'm concerned!
I'm just going to say it's great.
You've done a real JOB ON IT.
Decent story,though it didn't need the over abundance of sex scenes which dragged all three chapters out.
Great story with a happy ending or is it an ending or just the start or their adventures together as you could take this story in any direction of your choice.
Such a fantastic story with well developed characters. I would definitely be willing to read a final installment, but an argument could also be made to leave it here. 5*
Your character development was fabulous. Taking the time to flesh these two out early got the reader invested in them. Really well done!
I've lost count of how many stories I've read on here over the years, but this is undoubtedly one of the very best.
5 Stars just doesn't do it justice !