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Extreme Nakedness among Friends

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Mature woman gets very naked for a boatload of friends.
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After being on the water since dawn, it was now noon and the boat was heading back to the owner's home, a few hours' cruise across the bay. My new girlfriend (abbreviated from now on as 'GF', with her part of the dialog set in "quotes".) and I were up on the top deck, where the owner was piloting the boat from, along with another couple, all in shorts and bathing suits. As soon as we weighed anchor, GF decided to remove her clothes. Those who knew her knew she liked being naked, if it's a situation she can control. She just does it.

About twenty people were aboard, all adults in their twenties through forties, scattered over the several decks and salons of the 48-foot craft. They mostly knew each other as part of her circle of friends. I was the newcomer here.

Those who had known her for a while knew she liked being naked, if it's a situation she can control. After a marriage and a couple of grown kids, she still had striking good looks and a hard-won attitude of confidence. Close to forty, with a trim body that you'd like to do nice things with, and that you just knew could really teach you new things about sex. Hers was an experienced body and you just sensed that she knew what to do with it.

So here she was, on the top deck socializing and helping navigate the boat. And she's naked.

From time to time other passengers wandered up to the top deck to discover that GF had stripped off. She wasn't sprawled out on a lounger, or anything like that; just sitting or standing, carrying on normal conversation and pointing out scenery along the way, like the rest of us, except she was nude. No displaying, no flashing, no exhibitionism; just no clothes. If she reached across you to get a drink, her breasts were in your face. If she was above you on a ladder, you saw her ass, and her pussy from underneath. If you were sitting across from her, her legs were open to you. Just like normal, except she's nude. Wearing nothing but the Three S's: smile, sunglasses, and sandals.

Being the oldest of the dozen or so women she was looked up to with admiration for her experience, career success, worldliness, and willingness to make herself available to them. She carried her maturity with dignity and poise. Even when nude. Especially when nude.

Along with conversation, she shared in the fixing and serving of snacks and drinks, just carrying on as though she was dressed like everyone else. Except that she wasn't. Her 'clothing' of confidence, friendliness, boldness, and bravery were sufficient. So we happy boaters just spent the afternoon chatting about the usual stuff and enjoying the scenery which now included an attractive, mature woman who happened to be nude.

From the cockpit, I overheard talk coming from the lounge area just behind the cockpit. The conversation had wandered over to sexual things, which was probably unavoidable with a naked woman so close at hand. They were discussing her pussy, which somehow had become the main object of attention. She reminded them that they were welcome to talk about her pussy, but she was supposed to be help with navigation so she'd be splitting her attention.

Seated and leaning against the backrest of the bench, she had her knees up and legs open. What I'd been hearing from the cockpit was the guys pointing out their favorite parts of the area between her legs! Some liked the small patch of pubic hair above her slit, one made a big deal out of the darker inner lips just protruding from the smooth outer ones. One fellow wondered if she could tease her clit out to become visible. Two liked the smooth skin right at the crease of her leg. All this time she's leaning back naked, checking the horizon for weather and navigation aids, legs spread, pointing to a channel marker and then to her pussy, and following our progress on the nautical chart. Another said he noticed she looked wet, and even now we could see and smell the flow from her pussy. The discussion got around to how tight her pussy looked and was it really that tight?

"Almost every guy I ever fucked told me mine was the tightest pussy he'd ever been in. Even after a couple of kids, it's still very tight, even my gynecologist told me this, and he had practical as well as professional knowledge of my pussy. Look closely, I'll peel my lips back and you can see how small the hole is, but so far it has fit every size dick I've tried. Doc says I have good muscles that keep me tight and elastic. Also, most guys tell me the going in is really smooth and easy, and that's because I get wet really fast, as you can see, my wet is very slick."

This was interesting talk, so I started paying closer attention.

At one point, she tilted her bottom up a bit, to let us see how even though she keeps some hair above the slit, her lips are clean and smooth. (As part of this view we got a fleeting glimpse of her anus, the one part of herself she likes to keep private. She told us it had never been penetrated and she wanted to keep it that way. And other than that quick flash, you weren't going to see it, unless you happen to be behind her on the ladder.

"I know about the ladder, but I do have to go up and down, just like everyone else."

Just then, one of the other women, who was wearing a string bikini that covered her ass only with a single string between her butt cheeks (in other words, not covered at all) stood up, turned her back to us, set her feet a little apart, then bent over at the waist, thus showing off her anus. Then she turned around to take a bow and received a round of applause.

"That was cute. If I ever need another asshole you can be my Body Double." (Much louder applause.)

When GF tilted her bottom up, this also revealed the growing size of the puddle of pussy juice she was sitting in.

I noticed that the men focused mostly on the appearance of GF's pussy and its physical characteristics, while the women kept remarking on how brave she was to let us be doing this.

One woman said she could probably be naked with friends but didn't think she could ever let anyone watch her juices leaking out. Another said she admired GF for opening herself up to us like this. Said she could be naked, but didn't think she could ever spread her legs like you (GF) are now.

"Sure you could. Revealing my body is easy for me. It's just skin. You should try it sometime. As for spreading my legs, sometimes that's just a more natural position, like when you have a chance to prop your feet up on something, like now."

Maybe some of this conversation was becoming a little too personal or intense for some of the women so two of them went below. But the others stayed and wanted to touch, but GF said no, and she would not masturbate in public, by her own or anyone else's hand.

Meanwhile, the bench under her was getting increasingly slick and shiny with her fluids, you could clearly see it flowing from her pussy onto the cushion. Her pleasant scent was apparent, even with the breeze trying to carry it away. We were drooling over her pussy, but you could say her pussy was doing most of the drooling. In fact the guy who owned the boat said maybe we should collect her juice so he could use it for his next oil change! Could she produce eighteen quarts? He felt some between his fingers and said that except for having no color it seemed about like 10W-40.

The woman who had said she would be embarrassed if anyone ever saw her juices coming out told GF that although she admired her confidence and bravery, she just couldn't understand how she (GF) could be there naked, legs spread, pussy wide open, and not only let us see and smell her juice coming out but now let us joke about it. GF:

"Can't understand which part?: the naked, the spread legs, the open pussy, the juice, the smelling, or the joking?" Woman: "all except the naked, which I could handle. The rest would embarrass me". GF: "the rest all come together as a package, labeled "me". If I'm going to be naked, it includes my pussy. To show you my pussy I have to spread my legs. Once I spread my legs, my pussy opens, then juice is going to come out. You notice from my nipples and my wetness that I'm getting aroused, you notice this and we talk about it. That's heavy talk for a mixed group, so if someone tells a joke to lighten it up and we can laugh, that's good. As for the smells, if my pussy is juiced up and leaking, there will be something to smell. Every guy I've ever fucked liked it and most licked it and tasted it, so I know it's good."

"Yes, I am embarrassed being here like this, but I find that it can be very exciting to push embarrassment and humiliation to the limit. You go beyond that and into a whole new realm, like soaring up through the clouds and breaking out into a clear blue sky. It kind of takes your breath away, and you remain on a high, just like I am now. I'm normal, and what normal woman wouldn't feel embarrassed to be the only person naked in front of her friends? This could be very humiliating, but I feel very alive right now, all my senses are at their peak, and this great feeling makes the embarrassment well worth it. I can feel it with every breath-it's exciting. I'm tingling all over, just look at my nipples. It's like a mild, constant orgasm, but mild enough that I can still function. Literally, it makes my juices flow!"

The whole time she's telling us this, she's looking out on the horizon through binoculars helping sight the next buoy, and carrying on two very different conversations:

"There's Green Marker 15, leave it to the right. Every time I feel the breeze between my legs, I feel my nipples get harder, did you notice? don't turn yet, I love it when my nipples get hard"

"At this speed we might be home in about an hour, talking about my pussy just might bring on an orgasm, so maybe you'd better let me sit down, at least before our next turn."

With her pussy open wide, the men and even the women were taking turns kneeling to get a better look up inside her.

"What kind of clouds are those over there, Can you see up inside me OK or do I need to pull my lips apart a little more? I need one hand for the binoculars, so I can only do one lip."

It was like the world had come to worship at her pussy, each of her acolytes lining up, kneeling, looking up in admiration, searching for some truth, then moving aside to make room for the next worshipper!

"Oh, you need me to lift my leg? OK, but wait till we pass the next buoy."

Just carrying on one conversation with the people navigating the boat, and another about sex. Her sex. And you could really appreciate the slickness of the juices flowing out. In fact, she couldn't stay in one place on the vinyl cushion; her bottom was too slippery and she kept sliding off. So after a while she just stood up and let the juices run down her legs as she joined the search for the next buoy.

"Anybody seen my sandals? I'll need them if I'm going to stand here in this puddle I'm making."

As we approached shore, we slowed down and there was less breeze to carry her scent away, so her sex smell was pleasantly everywhere. Any passing boat could see her from the waist up, and if there were no kids aboard, she'd wave back, otherwise she'd sit down until they passed.

"If you want to see my clit, you'll just have to wait to see if it comes out by itself. I'm not going to touch myself. If an orgasm comes on, then you'll probably see it. Unless I make you turn away, but I'm thinking not."

Putting her pussy on display, both visually and verbally, in a way that allowed a clear view of the folds and the pink inside, especially when she turned to let the sun shine in, added a whole new dimension of beauty, sexiness, boldness, attractiveness, and desirability to this brave and amazing person, and of course a pleasant, sexy tension to the situation. Usually, guys try to stealthily sneak a peek, pretending they're looking at something else. But GF eliminated that need by putting her pussy front and center, talking about it, pointing to it, opening it, and making it, along with navigating the boat, a topic of conversation.

"Go ahead and look, these clouds are beautiful today but I meant for you to look at my pussy, not at the clouds. I leave a small patch just above where the lips start because I'm a mature woman, not a little girl."

And she was treating it all so casually.

(to the women) "Yes, it does get sore at times from a lot of fucking, but it's from tired muscles, not chafing. I'm wet enough so I don't chafe, and guys really like that because it's always smooth going into me. I'm tight but wet. And look close (pulling back her lips, butterfly style, now using both hands), I was fucking last night and again this morning and you can see here, from just a couple of hours ago, no chafing, just nice healthy pink. Lots of juice still there from this morning, and maybe some cum, too, if you look way in, can you see it? But still all nice and smooth. The chart says our next turn is at Red Buoy Number Ten. Hey!, we went straight past the red buoy and missed our turn!! How could you miss that turn? Haven't you ever seen a pussy before?"

With her pussy wide open to us, she was obviously enjoying every minute. I'd never seen her nipples so dark and extended before, until then I'd never seen her clit peeking out so far, and I certainly had never seen such a rich flow of fluid flowing from her. This was not vaginal excretion anymore; it was now real woman juice, and lots of it, slick, sticky, slippery, wet, messy, musky, wild, primitive, smelling wonderful, exuding and inviting sex. But most of all, I'd never before seen such beauty, peace, confidence, satisfaction, bravery, and also dreaminess in her face. And, yes, risk and vulnerability and embarrassment—she was really putting herself out there. She was aware of the stories that would be told about this day, but just trusted her friends to not name her, or at least come up with some fictional name. She resisted touching herself, except for opening her lips, but even so we witnessed a few soft orgasms just from the exposure, her arousal, the conversation, her nudity, the attention, the pleasure of being surrounded by approving friends, both men and women, knowing she was exposing herself in ways far beyond anything she had imagined. She was taking nudity to a new level. And by peeling open her lips and exposing herself she was making herself much more naked than before. None of us could imagine any greater degree of exposure than she was offering. Of her body and of her person. The purest and most complete nakedness.

She was now having a lot of 'soft' orgasms, and they were coming more frequently. At first, she was shy sharing her orgasms with us, but then she said

"Hey, you've seen every part of me, I guess I can also let you watch me come. Just don't make fun of me."

Each time her arousal mounted, she didn't have to say anything; it was obvious: she'd start panting, her chest would flush, her speech was reduced to one-word sentences, her eyes would roll up, and she'd stagger to a seat, letting us help her down. Once down, she'd recline on the bench and grab the closest hands on either side of her and just let the orgasm roll over. She needed us to help steady her through them. She had many orgasms, jumping up between them to check the boat's progress.

"Whew! That was a good one. I love my pussy! Has anyone spotted the channel entry yet? Idiots!! The entry for the channel, not the entry between my legs!"

After several orgasms she got used to having us watching her come, and she was able to keep up her end of the conversation even while coming.

"This time I'm going to try to hold my legs open really wide so you can see better. I'm, ah, feeling it building up now, ah, squeeze my, ah, hands tighter, ah, ah, Buoy 6 yet?, ah, fuck Buoy 6!, I feel so wet, am I gushing?-sure feels like it, ah, aaah, I feel like my legs are sliding away from me, ah, coming back down now. Whew! How was that, did you see anything? You saw Buoy 6?? Idiots! I meant what did you see between my legs, that I was trying so hard to keep open for you! Did you see if I was gushing and did you get to see my clit? You did? Tell me what it looked like, I never get to see it when I'm in the middle of an orgasm!"

Sharing these soft orgasms with the group, at first she said we should watch her pussy to see if her clit came out. We watched for the first few, and saw it, and she told us that during one of the first orgasms she could, just for a moment, feel the breeze on her clit. But then she suggested we watch her face and especially her eyes as she came. She wanted to share eye contact as she was coming. She seemed the most vulnerable during these orgasms, having no control over her body's reactions or her face, and especially her eyes. This was the deepest and most personal part of herself she could share with us. She knew anybody could have ridiculed her, but out of respect they didn't. We were all amazed that she could come without touching herself; the intensity of the situation was enough for her to climax several times, without using her hands or fingers, and how she could come and navigate at the same time!

"Hey, for my next one, could somebody get a pillow to put under my head? Which marker are we passing now? and next time I come, squeeze my hands harder."

She lay there with her knees up, legs opening and closing involuntarily, holding hands with her friends while she climaxed, her eyes revealing her feelings of vulnerability. It was challenging to look into her eyes while she was coming, yet those eyes seemed to pull you into her. It felt like you were stealing something, but then you realized she was giving something to you. This was very intense and very personal. The smell of her juices was even stronger now, and I for one was so affected I was shaking.

"Hey, next orgasm If you want a better view of what the inside of my pussy is doing when I come, then slide that pillow under my hips so I tip up a little, but first you'll have to wipe off this slippery seat. ah, ah, aaaah, you're too late!!"

The others mostly had to hold on to a rail to steady themselves. One woman kneeling down to get a better look got her head bruised by GF's knees slamming shut.

During all these public orgasms, she was trying her best to hold off the Big One by keeping her mind on navigation. As we approached the channel for home, she had to take on three more orgasms, again gripping the hands of those around her. On the second one, while the boat was rolling she slid off the soaked cushions and we had to catch her from sliding across the deck because her bottom was so slick. For the third one, she tried to ride it out standing up, but her legs collapsed and we had to catch her again. As we got nearer the dock and the others went below to gather their stuff, she and I were left alone up top.

Now for the Big One—she asked me watch as she finally put her fingers to herself and stroked (like, it took only two strokes!). Bang! I won't try to describe her body's appearance and reaction (too personal) during the much-anticipated grand thunderous orgasm she'd been putting off. Suffice it to say that the look on her face was priceless, and I was glad that after sharing so much of herself with everyone else, she chose to share this very private and intimate moment with me only. This was the Big One, and she was completely out of control. We found out later everyone below heard her, and felt the boat rock a little. What a Birthday! Now it was time for us to go below and say goodbye to the others.

Within minutes, without bothering to compose herself she and I got down to the gangway with the evidence of her massive orgasm (dripping, scent of orgasmic sex still flowing and running down her legs, flushed skin, nipples tight and pointed, fingers sticky, eyes glazed over, still panting, legs unsteady, chest heaving, grabbing the rails and me for balance)—living, breathing, in-the-moment sex still obvious. The sweet, thick scent of her sex had followed us down the ladder and hung in the air in a sweet, spicy, syrupy, sex-charged mist. Her face was radiant with an expression that was both dazed and knowing, as she acknowledged each of her friends. On trembling legs, her juices dripping profusely, she kept experiencing orgasmic aftershocks while clutching each friend in a full-body sex-soaked naked hug as they stepped ashore.


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