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Click hereDisclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not know or own Carmella or Asuka or Kairi Sane or any other former or current WWE women. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.
"You, do not deserve to be champion, and you do not deserve to be the Alpha female."
Carmella turned around, then just smirked, "Well, if it isn't Asuka's little sidekick, standing up for her top. Awww, isn't that adorable? Ha ha ha ha! And silly."
"I am not sidekick." Kairi argued.
"It's silly, because Asuka is already my anal bitch. She's just too dumb to know it." Carmella continued as if Kairi hadn't said anything, "And obviously, so are you. Unless of course, you're looking to be ass fucked. Is that it? Huh? Oooooooooooh yesssssssssss, mmmmmmmmm, you want to be owned by a real top, not a wannabe like Asuka?
Or whoever else has topped you. And given your track record, I'm betting it's a lot of tops. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, but I promise you, Kairi, your Fabulous Mistress is better than any of them. Yeah she is, mmmmmmmm, she is going to prove it, by stretching your slutty little butt hole. Fuck yeahhhhhhhhhh, bend over bitch, and give me that ass! Oh fuck yes, I love hot Asian booty."
There was a brief pause as Kairi just glared, before she challenged, "Ass vs Ass?"
"Seriously? Ha ha ha ha!" Carmella laughed loudly and obnoxiously, "OMG, you're actually serious! You think you stand a chance against me. That's hilarious. Ha ha ha ha!"
"I am the better wrestler." Kairi pointed out, "Ask anyone."
"Maybe, but you're also a total loser, for who bottoming is a way of life." Carmella countered, before mockingly adding, "Ask anyone."
"You lose too. A lot." Kairi reminded the other woman.
"Well, I'm the champ now, and the Alpha." Carmella bragged, before threatening, "And you? You're just the next piece of ass I'm going to use for my pleasure. Just like your precious Asuka."
"We shall see." Kairi huffed.
"Oh yes, we will." Carmella promised with an evil grin.
Kairi Sane tried not to be overly confident going into this match, as that had been the downfall of others in her position. Besides, while she had done her best to stand up to the cruel champion, the truth was, she wasn't exactly the most naturally dominating presence on the roster. She was in this business because she loved wrestling, not to top other women, and often past on the opportunity to dominate her opponent after the match.
Which wasn't exactly a frequent occurrence nowadays, as unfortunately more often than not, Kairi ended up on the losing end of things, given that losing her anal cherry and becoming Asuka's bitch had really affected her confidence. But she had to try, otherwise she was going to end up Carmella's bitch, which would be so much worse.
Right before her confrontation with the Smackdown women's champion, Kairi had been talking to Asuka, and she could see it in her eyes. The once unstoppable NXT women's champion was on the edge of breaking, and it wouldn't take much to push her over the edge. Hell, it might have already happened.
Or maybe this would do it, given that Carmella was a far more challenging opponent than Kairi was expecting. Far from the technicians, strikers and high flyers that she was used to dealing with in Japan. No, Carmella fought without honour, constantly cheating to distract her challenger, with ultimately the champion pinning her with a roll-up, her feet on the ropes.
To add insult to injury, it wasn't like Kairi had dominated the match, and Carmella had gotten lucky. No, the champ was in control throughout, making one of the best Japanese women's wrestlers in the world look like a total chump. Which was definitely what Kairi felt like as she slowly made her way to the back, finding Asuka waiting for her in the women's locker room with a look of defeat on her face.
It was one they shared, as they took off their clothes, and Kairi then bent over a chair which had been placed in the middle of the room, in anticipation of her temporary Dom's arrival. Something that poor Kairi was waiting what felt like an eternity for, Carmella obviously taking her time to savour her victory.
"Ooooooooooh, that's what I like to see." Carmella chuckled wickedly as she entered the room, "Hot Asian ass, just waiting for me to use for my pleasure."
"Please just do it." Kairi whimpered pathetically, "Fuck me, and get it over with."
"And rush this opportunity? Mmmmmmmmmm, wouldn't dream of it Carmella cackled, as she kneeled down behind Kairi, and got a good look at her prize, "Ohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh, The Princess of Staten Island has only just started with you. Oooooooooooh yesssssssssss, I've only just started with you, and this hot, spank-able Asian ass, ha ha ha ha!"
"Fuck you." Kairi tried to say defiantly, but it came out as almost a whisper.
She wasn't even sure she managed to say it in English, given how nervous she was feeling in that moment. Either way, Carmella was far more focused on squeezing and fondling her prize, something she continued doing for a few long minutes, before finally delivering the first hard strike. It was then followed by more strikes, which were much more gentle at first, proving that this was going to be a long, drawn-out spanking.
Which seemed unfair, given that Kairi hadn't truly done anything wrong. Just challenged the champion. It's what any wrestler should be doing. But, unfortunately she had made this Ass vs Ass, and now it seems that Carmella was determined to make an example out of her.
Carmella was always looking to make examples out of the women who challenged her. How else would they learn? Besides, it was fun. And, given it was happening in the middle the women's locker room, and right after her becoming the champion and Alpha female of Smackdown, it had never been more important to show her strength.
Although, Kairi was lucky enough to catch her on a good day. Oh yes, Carmella had never been in a better mood than right now, so she was inclined not to be too rough with her new fuck toy. Besides, it's not like Kairi had done anything that bad to her. Hell, if anything she had done her a favour, by publicly giving her another notch on her belt.
Sure, Kairi Sane hadn't achieved the incredible success she'd enjoyed in Japan on the main roster of the WWE. If anything, she was considered a disappointment, considering just how much potential she had. Then there was the fact that she screamed bottom, and had done nothing to disprove that opinion of her.
Instead, she reinforced it, and as a result, the butt pounding tops of the WWE had taken great enjoyment in putting her in her place. Even Asuka, who was supposed to be her friend. Actually, it was especially Asuka. Hell, this was another piece of The Empress's private property. Something else that The Princess was now using for her enjoyment.
Which meant of course, it was hard for Carmella to keep her eyes off of Asuka's reaction to all of this. Especially, because instead of the defiance she had once seen, there now seem to be only jealousy. More importantly, jealousy of her dear friend Kairi. Oh yes, Carmella knew that it could be wishful thinking, but she was as sure as she could be that Asuka wished that she was the one getting spanked.
Even as that spanking became hard and relentless. Hell, especially then. And maybe even disappointed when The Princess abruptly stopped. Because again, she wasn't looking to give this wannabe pirate her best work. At least, not when it came to spanking. Oh yes, she wanted to save her strength for the butt fucking, and truly break this bitch.
Of course, Carmella turned most of her attention to that bitch, during the few precious minutes that she was giving her a serious spanking. Because that hot little Asian booty wasn't nearly as big and juicy as the ones she was used to dealing with, but it still had quite nice of a bounce to it. What was even better, it quickly turned a bright red, and even became dark and angry, after just a few minutes of brutal butt beating.
More than enough to be the perfect foreplay for Carmella. Oh yes, she was now ready for the real fun to begin. And before she broke sweet little Kairi Sane, she would give her one last treat. One for both of them to enjoy, and her true target in all of this.
Kairi didn't understand how anyone could enjoy such a thing. She never had, but especially now she was receiving it from someone unworthy. From Asuka? Well, it still sucked, but at least it was the best women's wrestler of her generation doing it. In Kairi's admittedly biased opinion, no one could touch Asuka. Especially none of these American women.
And yet, here was this ultra common and obnoxious woman, brutalizing the ass of The Pirate Princess. Just like she had done to the mighty Empress, many times before. God, imagining her favourite Dom in this position was almost worse than the spanking she received. Almost. Which was really, really saying something.
In a twisted way, Kairi was actually in no hurry for this to end, as she knew what that would mean. Namely, a butt fucking from Carmella, of all people. Now that would truly be an unbearable in dignity. One which she wished she could avoid doing as long as possible. On the other hand, what came next was also bad.
Especially because after abruptly stopping, the annoying blonde caressed those sore butt cheeks. Which yes, was just as insulting as it had been before, but it was massaging the physical pain away, something which Kairi had never been more grateful for. Hell, it made part of her look forward to thanking Carmella for it. Which of course, was a fleeting thought, but also a worrying one.
"So Kairi, are you ready to taste your new Fabulous Mistress?" Carmella questioned brightly, breaking the silence.
"Yes." Kairi said softly, without thinking. She received a hard strike for her trouble, making her cry out loudly, and apologize, "I mean, yes, my Fabulous Mistress."
"That's better." Carmella huffed, before pushing, "Well then, move your ass. I wanna sit on that chair. And have you kneeling before me. Mmmmmmmm yessssssss, get on your knees in front of your new Fabulous Mistress. I want to look down, and see just how desperate you are to taste my pussy. See if you're even more eager than your precious Asuka, ha ha ha ha, oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
"Yes, my Fabulous Mistress." Kairi whimpered softly, and obeyed.
While it was infuriating to have to do this for the likes of Carmella, at least it wasn't getting her ass fucked by this annoying woman. Also, if she was being honest, Kairi enjoyed eating pussy. Obviously she would choose Asuka's pussy every day of the week, but she also rather like tasting a new woman. Oh yes, this would be a new flavour for her, and was one she instantly loved.
In fact, as soon as Kairi had positioned her mouth an inch away from Carmella's cunt, she was quick to stick out her tongue, and slid it over that tasty looking treat. She then moaned loudly and happily, as she found that twat was even more yummy than it looked.
After briefly savouring that delicious flavour Kairi repeated the process over, and over, and over again, albeit without the pausing. Oh yes, like the well-trained rug muncher she was, Kairi just dished out a series of long, slow licks to Carmella's cunt, which had The Princess of Staten Island crying out, moaning and even whimpering in delight.
Unfortunately, it didn't take long for wicked chuckles to be added to that equation, and then the kind of verbal encouragement the WWE women's locker rooms were famous for. But at least right now, Kairi had something to distract her. So she was able to ignore what was said, and simply concentrate on eating pussy. Well, at least for the most part.
"Ooooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhhh, that's it. Lick that pussy. Mmmmmmmm, lick my Fabulous Pussy! Just like your precious Asuka." Carmella gleefully encouraged, looking back and forth between Kairi and Asuka, as she taunted both Asian women, "Ohhhhhhhhhh yesssssssss, mmmmmmmm, Asuka loves pleasing her Fabulous Mistress with her mouth. All my bitches do.
Oooooooooooh yessssssssss, my Fabulous Bitches were made to please me with every part of their hot little bodies. And you're doing an amazing job, Kairi. You're going to make a great addition to my collection. Yeahhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh fuck, you are. Just like your precious Asuka is. In fact, why don't we add her to the fun? Oh yeah, get over here, and eat my Fabulous Ass, Bitch-ka! Show everyone how good you are with your mouth."
"Yes, my Fabulous Mistress." Asuka blushed, but quickly obeyed.
Asuka had spent the last few minutes being so very jealous of her best friend and favourite bitch. She wanted to be the one tasting that Fabulous Pussy, damn it. Or receiving any attention from The Princess. Which was extremely embarrassing, considering not too long ago, she had been an undefeated champion, who had the respect, and even the fear, of basically everyone in the locker room.
But not The Princess of Staten Island. No, her Fabulous Mistress had seen and exposed Asuka as a wannabe top, and if she wasn't so ashamed, the former Empress would have probably bowed down already. So if anything, this was an opportunity to do what she really wanted. Namely, properly submit to the woman who broke her.
Which is why she didn't go straight for her Fabulous Mistress's butt hole, when she got down onto her knees behind her. No, instead she pressed her lips to The Princess's ass cheeks, first one than the other, going back and forth in a display of respect. Oh yes, without needing to be asked, the former Empress became an ass kisser. Proved to everyone that she was an ass kisser for Carmella.
That was something she used to make the women surrounding them do for her. Kairi often included. And this very much pleased their Fabulous Mistress. Something which was very clear, first from the happy chuckles, and then from the further verbal encouragement which The Princess was very happy to dish out.
"Oooooooooh yesssssssssss, that's it, Asuka. Good girl. Mmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhh, good little Empress. Or should that be, former Empress? Ha ha ha ha!" Carmella cackled gleefully, "Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck yeah, the only thing you're the Empress of now, is kissing my Fabulous Ass. You hear me, Kairi? Your precious Asuka is now my butt kissing bitch.
Yeahhhhhhhhh, the woman who you looked up to, and everyone and respected so much? She's my butt bitch, in every way possible. Mmmmmmm fuck yeah, show them, Bitch-ka. Show them by licking my ass hole, while your precious Kairi tongues my twat. Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss, that's it, eat those fucking holes! Ah fuck!"
Only too happy to oblige, Asuka pressed her face in between those cheeks, and started lapping away at that forbidden hole. The hole which unlike her own, wasn't taking cock on the daily, as Carmella actually had self-respect. She didn't get regularly butt fucked, like everyone knew Kairi did. And now, everyone knew that Asuka did. Oh God, it was so embarrassing, but it was true.
Hell, a small part of the former Empress was disappointed not to be kissing those ass cheeks anymore, while at the same time, just as happy to be lapping away at the back door of her Fabulous Mistress. Something she did for quite a while, as her Fabulous Mistress very much savoured at this moment, like every self-respecting Alpha female should.
It was something that Asuka could very much remember enjoying, and bizarrely, there had been a time where her role with Carmella had been reversed. It felt so wrong now, but there was a time that the now former Empress thought that she was a top. God, Asuka wished she had realized her true place then, so she could be enjoying moments like this sooner.
More importantly, so that her Fabulous Mistress could be enjoying them. But thankfully her Fabulous Mistress had made her see the light, and now the former Empress was very much making up for lost time. And when the time came, it was her honour to swirl her tongue around that back door, to give the superior woman pleasure, on her way to what was no doubt going to be a very powerful orgasm for her.
Carmella was delighted by just how enthusiastically the once mighty Asuka was rimming her. Maybe even more eagerly than before, which suggested maybe, just maybe she was broken, without Carmella having to do anything else to her? That would be kind of disappointing, after all this build-up. Then again, it would be impossible for The Princess to complain, given that she had wanted this for so long.
Had wanted the now former Empress to be her Fabulous Bitch. Especially, if she succeeded where Charlotte failed, and completely broke Asuka, it would prove that she really had arrived. That she was destined for greatness. That she should be the rightful Alpha female of not just Smackdown, but the entire WWE. Something she was more determined to do than ever, with this development.
Hell, it was looking more and more like Kairi could learn something from Asuka about how to treat her betters. Because sure, it was hard to screw up a soft female tongue working over her cunt, but considering what her butt hole was currently receiving, and both those holes had been receiving from completely broken bitches, this pussy licking was sadly rather subpar.
Although the upside to that, was it was easy for Carmella to just sit there, and enjoy having her pussy licked. And then more importantly, kick the chair away, and enjoy having these two Asian beauties worshiping her front and back holes like this. Especially given exactly who they were.
After all, these were supposed to be two of the best wrestlers Japan had to offer. Maybe even two of the best wrestlers in the entire world. The likes of Carmella allegedly shouldn't be dominating them in anyway. And yet, here they were, with Carmella putting them in their places, something for all to see.
Something that the Smackdown locker room very much enjoyed watching, given they were all basically broken at this point. Which in turn, of course only pushed Carmella closer to cumming. Then when Kairi finally started showing her clit the attention it deserved, she just couldn't take it anymore. Oh yes, Carmella needed to cum, right here, right now. Luckily, this was the perfect time to do so.
"Mmmmmmmm, I could do this all day. But, since you've been good, why don't you make me cum? Ooooooooh yesssssssss, make me cum, mmmmmmm, so I can give Kairi the butt fucking she desperately needs. Ha ha ha ha!" Carmella eagerly encouraged, doing her best to keep her words commanding, even as the attention she got drastically increased,
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkk yeahhhhhhhhhh, mmmmmmmm, just like fucking that. Suck on my clit you worthless little ho! Show me what you're good for. Mmmmmmmm fuck yeah, show me why Asuka kept you around. No Asuka, you can't get your tongue up my ass. It's not a loose little fuck hole, like yours is. Just concentrate on licking me back there, as, ah fuck, as your girl Kairi tongue fucks her Fabulous Mistress, and makes her cum. Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeessssssssss, make me cum, ah fuck! AH FUCK! FUCKKKKKKKKKKK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS, FUCK ME, OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!"
It took longer than it would have if Kairi had been doing a proper job from the beginning, but it happened. Oh yes, Carmella got the orgasm she so richly deserved, which was then followed by another, and another, and another.
Just as it should be. And while Asuka deserved a lot of credit for that, Carmella had to admit, when the moment came, Kairi really stepped up, sucking on that clit with just the right amount of force to build towards an amazing climax, and then push over the edge with a nice hard tongue fucking. Which was a process which was then repeated, as the so-called Princess and former Empress made the real Princess's mind almost literally melt from pleasure.