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Fall of the Star Sentinels Ch. 03

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Mary Anne is shown the appeal of Wrath.
6.2k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/16/2020
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Mary Anne coughed and spluttered as the world re-materialized around her, suddenly choked by the acrid, sulfurous, bloody air that now surrounded her. Hey big, brown eyes widened as she looked around herself, desperate to get a sense of her new surroundings. They were as unfamiliar as they were unsettling. She was in some kind of cave or cavern, almost perfectly circular, with the walls formed of orange-red sandstone. It was illuminated by flickering torches mounted along the walls, and the cavern floor was covered with sand. Bloodstained sand. To Mary Anne, it seemed like some kind of macabre gladiatorial arena. That thought stiffened her resolve. Mary-Anne was feeling more than a little unbalanced after what had happened in the church. Seeing the tables turned on the Star Sentinels so suddenly and so completely was unnerving. But the magical girl knew she had no time to be hesitant or unsure. People needed her. Her friends needed her. They could be in trouble, and Mary Anne was never, ever going to let her friends down when they were in a pinch. It didn't matter who or what she had to fight, she was going to do everything she could to make sure they were safe.

Mary Anne's conviction grew still further when she noticed she wasn't alone. She hadn't noticed them at first, as they were leaning idly against one wall of the cavern, hidden in shadow, but there was someone else there with her. They seemed to notice the magical girl's attention and pushed off from the wall, striding confidently out into the center of the arena. It was a demon, and one that cut an intimidating figure. She was clearly feminine, but she was taller than any woman Mary Anne had ever seen before. The demon had faint, red skin and, while it was subtle, her features reminded Mary Anne unmistakably of some kind of snarling beast. Her eyes were those of an inhuman predator, and her face was a little too lupine to be human, and when she grinned maliciously at Mary Anne, she showed pointed teeth. Besides that, the most remarkable thing about her was how muscular she was. Mary Anne knew more than a few athletes in her college classes, but this demon put them all to shame with her rippling abs and toned, powerful thighs. The leather harness and tight leather shorts she was wearing certainly left none of it to the imagination. Her black hair was wild, and as she half-grinned, half-snarled at Mary Anne, the magical girl had no doubts about which of the seven sins she was facing.

"Wrath," Mary Anne said levelly. She was already readying herself for a confrontation. Fighting wasn't in her nature, but many long and hard battles had taught her not to hesitate when she was fighting for her friends.

Wrath laughed, showing teeth. "Got it in one, princess."

Mary Anne sniffed, irritated. Princess? It was true that the two of them made for quite a contrast. Mary Anne was far smaller, and her immaculate sailor uniform - as feminine as all her other clothes - suited her perfectly. Her reddish-brown hair was held back in two neat braids with small, red ribbons at the end, and she knew her freckled cheeks gave her an innocent, fresh-faced look. But she'd soon show this demon she was far from a helpless princess.

"I gotta say," Wrath jeered. "I'm a little disappointed you're the one I got landed with. You look weak. But maybe I'll make something of you yet."

"I'm not weak," Mary Anne shot back, through gritted teeth. She was already chomping at the bit to wipe the smirk off of this demon's face. There was something in the air that was making it easy for her choler to rise. The scent of dust and blood and sweat. "I am Sentinel Red, and I'll punish you!"

"Fine, then." Wrath spread her arms, her stance open. "Come on. Do it."

Mary Anne hesitated. For all her anger, she was able to see that there was something a little too easy about this. A little too straightforward. This demon was setting a trap for her, even if she couldn't see how just yet. But if Wrath wanted her to attack, it seemed sensible to do the opposite. So, instead of charging forwards, Mary Anne just folded her arms and waited. Maybe there was a better way out of this than simply fighting. She hoped so.

Wrath sighed, clearly disappointed. "Come on, what are you waiting for?"

"I'm not gonna give you what you want," Mary Anne answered softly, unmoved. "I know you want to corrupt me - and I'm not going to let you."

"That so?" Wrath grunted. "Let me guess. You're the nice one. The kind one. Much too kind and nice and delicate to ever fall prey to the sin of wrath, am I right?"

Mary Anne knew she was being taunted, but she nodded anyway. At the risk of being prideful, she thought it was true. She simply wasn't an angry person. She couldn't remember the last time she'd ever snapped at someone or lashed out at them, or even said something passive-aggressive or impatient. She'd always lived her life according to the motto that kindness made the world a better place.

"Lies!" Wrath snorted viciously. She sounded so full of rage, Mary Anne took an automatic step backwards. "I see your heart, princess. You're not as nice as everyone thinks. There's something burning inside you, raging every time someone treads on you or takes you for granted. You're angry."

Mary Anne shook her head in instinctive denial, but Wrath's words had her doubting herself more than she would have liked to admit. It wasn't true, was it? Now that Wrath had planted the seed of doubt, it was difficult to erase. Was she really certain that she wasn't that kind of person? Could she be completely, one-hundred-percent certain? Mary Anne couldn't deny that she was sometimes irked at how other people behaved. She liked being kind and spreading kindness, but sometimes other people could be so inconsiderate. Even her friends, every now and then. Mary Anne wasn't immune to feeling frustrated over that. Sometimes, very frustrated. But she never said anything, never expressed it. That didn't make her an angry person, did it?

"I'm... you can think whatever you want!" Mary Anne retorted huffily. She kept her arms defiantly folded.

"So be it," Wrath snarled. "But tell me, princess, if you're not gonna fight me, then who's gonna save your friends?"

A pang of concern shot through Mary Anne's chest. "My friends?" she hissed. How dare this fiend try to use them against her?

Wrath's grin grew wider. "They're already succumbing."

"You're lying!" Mary Anne cried furiously.

"Am I?" Wrath's nostrils flared angrily. "Are you really that certain? Certain enough to stake their souls on it? Some of them are holding out, but others... Nea, Zaina, and Tomi. They're weak fools."

Each of the names Wrath listed was like a knife through Mary Anne's heart. She hated to even think bad thoughts about her friends, but there was a reason those three were the ones she had been most worried about. They sometimes struggled with focus and bravery, especially alone. With the way they had been separated, Mary Anne couldn't help but be deeply concerned that they might be falling into serious peril. If she wanted to save them, she might not have any time to lose.

"So," Wrath continued. "Are you gonna fight me? Or are you gonna stand around doing nothing while my friends get their hooks into yours?"

Mary Anne closed her eyes for a brief moment, weighing her choice. When she opened them again, her hesitation was gone. She mustered all her magically-granted strength, and launched herself across the dusty, bloody arena at the demon tormenting her. Once she decided to fight, she was so caught up with anger that she forgot to summon her weapon - but she knew she wouldn't need it. Her bare hands would be more than enough. Even Wrath was caught off balance by the burst of speed Mary Anne was able to muster, and the magical girl slammed fist-first into the demon before she could defend herself. To Mary Anne's disappointment, Wrath wasn't sent flying off her feet by the blow, but the demon nonetheless stumbled backwards, grunting in pain. Mary Anne, determined to press her assault, pursued her doggedly, throwing punch after magically-infused punch, each one exploding with bright starlight as it landed. The adrenaline rush of combat was giving Mary Anne fresh strength, and despite her concern for her friends, she found herself grinning a wicked, sadistic grin. If she had to fight this demon, why not at least enjoy it a little?

Wrath soon proved not to be such a pushover, though. Despite being on the back foot, the muscular demon threw out a series of quick jabs that were deceptively quick, given her size. Mary Anne was able to avoid most of them, stepping and jumping elegantly around them with enhanced agility, a few still hit home. In her adrenaline-fueled state, however, they barely caused Mary Anne any pain. They just pissed her off. Who did this demon think she was? Mary Anne was a magical girl. A Star Sentinel. Her life's mission was to protect the innocent, and punish evildoers. Usually, she found more meaning in the former, but right now delivering some punishment felt particularly appealing. This demon didn't stand a chance against her, and Mary Anne was determined to prove it. She rolled with the punches with an expertise and viciousness she'd never quite had before, building new momentum and using it to keep up her relentless attack on Wrath.

"Damn," Wrath grunted, through gritted teeth. "Guess you got some fight in you after all."

She was trying to sound cocky and assured, but the pain in her voice was obvious. Mary Anne picked up on it right away. Victory was already within her grasp. That knowledge only fueled her savagery as she lashed out again, and again, and again. She was desperate to see Wrath humbled and brought to her knees. And to save her friends, of course. But seeing Wrath defeated was what she truly craved. After the way the demon had taunted her earlier, Mary Anne was determined to repay each and every insult. However, as she lost herself in thoughts of triumph and revenge, she accidentally let down her guard just enough for Wrath to exploit it, with a well-placed kick. Mary Anne cried out in shock as her legs disappeared from underneath her, and she was sent tumbling into the ground.

"But not enough fight, huh, princess?" Wrath leapt forward, throwing herself atop Mary Anne in an attempt to pin the magical girl beneath her weight. Mary Anne was able to roll out of the way and throw her off, but only just, and the result was that the two of them were left scrambling in the bloody sand, wrestling for dominance. It was a far cry from the kind of fighting Mary Anne was accustomed to, but she took to it eagerly. She knew now that she'd need every ounce of her strength to beat Wrath, and so she let her anger roar through her, lending strength to her muscles.

"Fuck! You!" Mary Anne spat as the two of them writhed and rolled around together, each one desperate for the upper hand. The magical girl was keenly aware of the fact that if Wrath managed to get on top, her weight would let her pin Mary Anne down with ease. She couldn't let that happen. She found herself drawing on strength she never knew she had, screaming with rage as she twisted and turned, searching for any way she could subdue the demon. It was hard. Wrath was strong. But Mary Anne, she was starting to realize, was even stronger. Maybe she'd never known her true strength. Maybe she'd always been holding back. Now that she was tapping in to her own anger, she felt unbelievably powerful. Maybe even stronger than Akemi. The wild power that her rage had unleashed disturbed her a little, but mostly it just felt good. Really good. Especially because she knew she could beat Wrath. She just needed to stop holding back.

"You- Ah!" the demon cried, as Mary Anne forced her down, wrenching her arm behind her back with inhuman strength to place her in a firm hold and force her face into the dirt. Wrath squirmed desperately, but in that position, her strength was meaningless. Mary Anne had won. For a moment, she just held Wrath there, both of them panting with exertion. She'd won. Now, all she needed to do was finish off her opponent. But Mary Anne wasn't quite ready to. Not yet. She needed more. She needed to see Wrath humiliated. It was a deeply unfamiliar urge to her, and a far cry from her usual kindness, but it felt so right, and she could sense that seeing her opponent broken and defeated was the only thing that was going to quench her rage.

"There!" Mary Anne panted gleefully, a wild grin on her face. "I beat you! How does it feel, huh? Not so cocky now."

She'd been expecting weak bravado, or petty rage, or perhaps even despair. What she hadn't been expecting was for Wrath to open her mouth and laugh so loud it echoed all throughout the strange cavern they were in.

"Congrats," the demon sneered mockingly. "And how does it feel, proving me right? I knew it the moment I looked at you. You're the kind one, huh? Not any more.

"What?" Mary Anne couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I bet it feels good," Wrath continued. Even though she was pinned to the ground, she didn't sound the slightest bit defeated. "Really good. Better than anything. Am I right? Feels good to take out all that repressed anger on someone. I bet you're getting off on it so hard. Am I right? You know I'm right."

"I... I..." Mary Anne was shocked she couldn't speak, and so angry she was seeing red. "Shut up!" she screamed, her voice full of venom. This wasn't how it was meant to go. She further twisted Wrath's arm, eliciting a gasp of pain. "You... you're disgusting! Shut! Up!"

Wrath just laughed again. "Make me."

Acting without thinking, Mary Anne drew on her magically-enhanced strength and angrily flipped Wrath over, pinning the demon face-up beneath her on the ground. Before Wrath could try to throw her off, the magical girl raised her hand and slapped Wrath viciously across her face. It was only an open-palmed slap, but the blow echoed around the cavern, and left a distinct mark on the side of Wrath's face. Even the demon of rage seemed a little taken aback by Mary Anne's violent fury. But she quickly recovered, and fixed Mary Anne with a gleeful smirk.

"Wow. I didn't think you-"

Mary Anne slapped Wrath again, cutting her off. Mary Anne didn't know why she was being so violent. She didn't need to know. Seething anger was coursing through her veins, and maybe hurting Wrath would help release some of it out. Normally, that was something she'd have felt guilty about, but why bother making herself feel guilty for hurting a vile demon? And besides, it felt good. So good. It was like something inside her had been wound up unbelievably tight, even though she hadn't been aware of it, and now she was finally letting it out. Strangely, though, as she slapped Wrath once more, her anger only seemed to be growing. Still, she couldn't stop herself. Not anymore.

"Just... just stop talking!" Mary Anne yelled. Each of Wrath's taunts had her burning up with rage. As much as it felt good, she was aware that something inside her was tipping, changing. This wasn't right. It wasn't like her. She needed to find a way to bring herself back into balance, but she wasn't sure she could do that if this demon was still running her mouth at every opportunity. And in her current, enraged state, she could only think of one way of shutting her up. She slapped Wrath several more times before she was able to make herself relent, panting harder than ever before.

"Hmph," Wrath grunted. The demon was still grinning, but there was a strange look in her infernal eyes. She was panting just as hard as Mary Anne, and there was an unusual flush in her cheeks that matched the one Mary Anne could feel in her own. The magical girl's body felt like it was burning up. "You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that, princess."

Princess. That one word, and the way Wrath spoke it with such dripping condescension, made her see red more than anything else. She reflexively clenched her fists, and it took every little shred of her self control to hold her back. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she demanded. "You... I beat you!"

"Not from where I'm sitting," Wrath sneered. "I'm still here, aren't I? And the way I see it, you're playing right into my hands."

The shameful knowledge that Wrath was probably right made Mary Anne's rage burn even hotter. "Shut up!"

"Make me," Wrath repeated.

Incandescent and snarling like a beast, Mary Anne grabbed Wrath and flipped her over again, pressing her face into the sand. The demon that had seemed like such a powerful opponent now felt like little more than a rag doll in her grasp. Acting on pure, furious instinct, she started tearing at the skimpy, leather clothes on Wrath's body, leaving the demon completely naked. Mary Anne was so angry, she didn't even notice the way that her fingernails had lengthened into small talons, helping her shred Wrath's leathers, or the way her skin had taken on a subtle, crimson hue. Wrath giggled and grunted at being so roughly tossed about.

"Ooo, kinky," Wrath growled. "Guess you're not so innocent after all."

Mary Anne barely knew what she was doing or saying. It simply flowed through her. She could feel the anger in her blood. It was poison, but it felt so deeply cathartic. "If... if you want to act like a child, I'll treat you like a child."

With that, she hauled Wrath over her knee, raised her hand, and delivered a vicious, open-handed smack to the demon's round, toned, exposed ass. Wrath let out a loud, surprised yelp, which only added fuel to Mary Anne's fire. Without giving Wrath a single moment to recover, Mary Anne spanked her again. She was itching to make the demon really scream. She needed punishment, and as a magical girl, Mary Anne was the perfect candidate to deliver it. That was why she was doing this, she told herself. Not just because it felt good. She was delivering righteous punishment. And if it let her get some tension out of her system at the same time, that was just a bonus. Once she was through with Wrath, she would surely be back to her usual self. Maybe. But deep down, Mary Anne knew that all her rationalizations were just that - rationalizations. The truth was, she simply couldn't stop herself. She was so angry at her own weakness.

"Not. So. Smug. Now. Huh?" Mary Anne mocked. Each word was punctuated by a loud grunt of exertion, and the loud smack of her hand against Wrath's ass. She was spanking the demon with her considerable, rage-fueled strength. She could sense Wrath's bravado starting to fade a little under the onslaught, but she wasn't giving up yet.

"Fuck," Wrath spat. "T-this is nothing. You're weak. C'mon. You can do better than this."

Mary Anne snarled, and spanked her again. Every taunt infused her limbs with fresh strength. Her arm was growing tired from the effort of delivering blow after blistering blow, but she wouldn't let up. The dark red welt forming on Wrath's ass was deeply satisfying, and from the way Wrath was starting to squirm, Mary Anne could tell she was getting more sensitive. She could break this demon into submission. She could sense it. In that moment, nothing was more important to her. Not her friends, not justice, not kindness. Nothing.

"Just wait." Pausing for breath, Mary Anne took a moment to run her hand across Wrath's ass, groping her. There was a deep, simmering gratification in being able to treat this supposedly-dangerous demon like a mere plaything. Wrath squirmed in her lap as the magical girl groped her, her ass still painfully sensitive. Mary Anne grinned a twisted grin. This was fun. Maybe it was wrong to have so much fun beating down a demon, especially in such a perverse way, but Mary Anne decided she deserved to enjoy herself for once. She'd already wasted too much time being perpetually kind to everyone. She'd never considered kindness a waste before, but spanking Wrath was showing her just how much fun it could be, being mean for a change. Her body was hot with more than just anger, she noticed. Wrath's body was growing hot too, and there was a strange, whining note to the way she was panting. Wicked thoughts started to enter Mary Anne's head. They were the kind of thoughts she always would have brushed aside before, but she was starting to learn that letting her urges take her was a path to pleasure. Mary Anne slipped a hand down, between Wrath's thighs, forcing the demon to spread her legs. Her grin grew wider when she saw that the demon girl had a cock, and it was swollen and hard.


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