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Falling In Love With Mom Ch. 01

Story Info
Young man begins to grow a new relationship with his mom.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/05/2023
Created 08/26/2023
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He sat at this same bar again, like he did last week. Same drink. Same look of defeat. He stayed at the same motel- different room this time. Oddly enough he recognized a few faces, especially the one that tried to fight him and the one who cost him forty bucks just to tell him he had no clue to what he was looking for. Glanced at the woman leaning on the other end of the bar, she had been there the whole time, unlike his last visit where she seemed to be in and out by herself, or with one of the other two women who seemed to be main stays, either to another part of the bar, or from the bar completely, he'd long deduced she was a prostitute and he made sure to look like he wasn't interested nor had anything for her. It must've been a slow night as her presence was uninterrupted.

"Great," he thought, "here she comes."


He looked at her, she looked like a porn star or stripper past her prime. She had never ventured this close to him, he couldn't think of any time he saw her even close to one of them dim lights. He could see the stress on her face, yet life in her eyes, with a smile that was oddly warm in an honest way.


"Welcome back."

He looked her up and down; jean skirt, t-shirt with the bottom half cut off showing a stomach that looked like it used to be toned and legs that look like they spent a long time walking and standing in heels at one time.

"See something you like," she smirked.

"Oh, umm... sorry about that," he quickly looked her in the eye.

"Don't be... it's not like I'm not used to it. I'm Mandy," she held out her hand.

"Danny," he shook her hand.

"Nice to finally meet you."

"You say that like you were looking forward to it,"

"Well... a place like this, where it is, most of the girls are on the menu so to speak. I just figured you were nervous and you looked like you were going through something. I wanted to get to you before one of the others-"

"The competition that serious here?"

"No," she gave a light chuckle, "there's some that'll really take advantage of a guy and like prey on his emotions. I wanted to talk to you but you left and I never saw you again."

"And you don't do that?"

"Call me a hooker with a soul, I've done my dirt and learned sometimes messing with the wrong one is the right one to give you a bad time."

"So you're here to give me a good time? I'm not really into this kinda thing."

"Yeah, yeah, you're young and get all the bitches," she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not really into that either."

"I don't know what you're going through, you look as miserable as you did last week. A little relief couldn't hurt, something to get your mind off your problems, just for a little bit, huh? Couldn't hurt," she nudged him.

"Slow night?"

Mandy scoffed. He didn't think she was too terrible looking.

"I'm just saying a good release can do wonders."

"I'm just not that interested," he ordered another drink.

"Am I too old for you?"

"Aren't I too young for you?"

"No you- how old are you?"

"Twenty-eight. And you don't look that old."

"Not too young for me at all."

"Yeah? How old are you?"

"Young man, don't you know you're not supposed to ask a lady her age?"

"That old, huh?"

She looked at him incredulously and he almost laughed.

"Ya know, I can show you a few things and manners are one of them."

"Not helping your case."

"I'm forty-three."



"That's not that old. But still."

"So I'm too ugly, or not your type?"

"Ehh... I wouldn't say ugly and you're pretty sexy."

"Come on, let's make something happen!"

"I'm still not that interested."

"Danny, Danny, Danny," she whined.

"Mandy, Mandy, Mandy."

"You're young and probably don't have that much money, is that it? I haven't even told you my rates."

"I'm sure you'll give me the pitch."

"I can work with you, if you don't have any money, I'm flexible like that- in other ways too."

"Money's not an issue."

"Sure it isn't, that's why you're in this hood," she teased.

"I'm not here because it's cheap, I'm here because I was told it was a good start to find what I'm looking for."

"Maybe I can help."

"I doubt that."

"I've lived here a few years, I know people, I can show you around."

"You really are trying, huh?"

"I'm being serious!"

"Why would you help me?"

"You look like you could use a break or something... and I think you're kinds cute."

"Like every other guy is cute."

"No, most of these guys; I can see why they're paying for it. Whew, some make me want to quit."

"Then why don't you?"

"I can't. There's nothing out there for me and it's not like I can retire and collect a 401K."

"How long do you think you can do this?"

"How long I think I can and how long I'll have to are two different things. I don't really like doing this, there's something I want to do once I get enough money together."

"And you want my donation to aid in your venture?"

"What would it take, Danny, c'mon talk to me."

"Not tonight, I gotta stay focused."

"So raincheck? Yeah? You promise?"

"Sure, I promise."

"Awesome. How's about you buy me a drink to seal the deal?"


"Think of it as a down payment for pussy. I do make good company and it's reason to keep me here."

"Who said I wanted you here?"

"I can see it in your face, you're enjoying this conversation."

"You are the best person I've dealt with in this hole."

"I knew you'd understand," she smiled that smile again, "yo Kev, rum and coke, he got it."

The man nodded and went to make her drink.

"So what do you wanna do that's worth doing... this for?"

"Something well worth it."

"What is it?"

"That's a private matter."

"Hey, I bought you a drink, so it's part of the deal."

"What? Since when?"

"Since I said so. Plus that means I'm paying for your company, so you might as well talk."

She just looked at him with his shit eating grin.

"You're lucky you're cute."


She reached for her drink and he quickly slid it away from her.

"That's not fair," she pouted.

"We had a deal," he sang.

"Fine! I want to find my family."

"That pout of yours is actually kinda adorable... for a forty year old," he gave her the drink.

"I messed up things with them... I want to reconcile things, that's all I'm saying."

"Okay. You think they'd want to see you again?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to try. It's all we can do right?'


"You seem smart. I know how the economy is these days, but couldn't you find a better place than this to move to?"

He laughed, "I guess I might as well live here, no I'm just here on business."

"All work and no play is bad for your health. You're too young to not enjoy life at least a little. Seriously... every time I see you, it looks like you got a one night stand pregnant."

"What do you do for fun? Besides sex?"

"Fucking these men is hardly fun. I do like sex, trust me, this is different. I like real sex, even if I do get off- sometimes. Pump and dump can hardly be called sex," she stared at her drink, "fun... fun... drinking is kinda fun. If I'm not here, I work at a strip club... watch T.V. I guess I don't have that much fun. Fun probably got me where I am now," she sighed.

"I figured a chick like you would at least go clubbing."

"I'm too tired for that most of the time."

"Kev... give the lady another one," he paid his tab, "big day tomorrow."

"Don't forget your promise!"

"You'll have to earn it."

Danny went back to his motel room nearby, he turned on the T.V. and prepared the shower, grabbed his files and looked over them briefly before getting ready to get cleaned up before going to bed. He thought to himself that it had been a while and she was interesting- interesting enough that he thought about her until he fell asleep.

It was business as usual once he got up and left the hotel. The area was base of operations as he eliminated areas, places of employment or residence, feeling like gains were slow. He stopped to have lunch, pulling in a fast food joint.

"Yes... mother," he answered his phone.

"Danny, how long are you going to do this?"

"Until I find what I need."

"But I'm here!"

"Now you are, since you weren't left as much as you thought you were."

"I've still been here, Danny. I might not have been the greatest mom ever, but I'm the only one you know and have. You're still my son."

"I don't think it works that way... or I won't allow it to- he's dead."

"I love you anyway and I'm actually fine with what I got. Please come back home and stop this craziness."

"No, I'll come back when I'm done," he stepped out of his car, "you all kept the truth from me too long and told me too late."

"I'm really sorry Danny, but I wasn't allowed to say anything- legally. You know how your father was."

"Yeah... I know how you are, too."

"I've wanted to tell you Danny!"

"Well thanks for telling me," he hung up.

"Swanky ride," Mandy's smile faded, "catch you at a bad time?"

"Just arguing with my mom."

"Been there before."

"It's one of the more annoying Audi years... it's okay."

"I'm surprised it still has it's wheels or hasn't been stolen yet."

"The thieves are probably smarter than you give them credit for. I wish somebody would steal it to save me another shop bill. I imagine if it were to be stolen, it'd be to fix one they wish was stolen and I don't think there are any more of them here, at least not this new. What are you doing, working this early?"

"No, I'm trying some of that fun you were talking about."

"How's that going?"

"I ain't found any yet. Hard to find fun when you're part of the fun," she huffed.

He just looked at her.

"I'm not into the popular illegal shit- aside from the obvious. I certainly don't find the idea of doing something with a co-worker, so to speak, fun. I mean the Walmart family doesn't shop at Target, right?"

He couldn't help but chuckle a little, "c'mon, I'll buy you lunch."

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden," she walked inside.

"Maybe I'm taking your advice, or maybe I've been nice the whole time."

"It sure isn't the second one."

"Hey, I made that promise, didn't I? How many Johns promise to employ your services at a later date?"

"I admit; appointments aren't really my thing... surprised the hell out of secretary."

He chuckled. They ordered their food.

"Dude at the counter acts like he's never seen a hooker before."

"No, he knows- and for your info, we don't use that term... it's demeaning. I'm an entertainer."

"Funny, I thought it was the sucking of unwashed, hairy dicknballs that just got off work at the plant, back behind the bar, that was demeaning?"

She chortled, "that too."

"You might be entertaining at the strip club, but let's face it; I don't think you're doing burlesque shows in the bathroom... hooker."

She laughed, "you don't know that, if you had just taken my offer last night, I might've shown you my erotic belly dancing."

"Yeah," he rose an eyebrow at her.

"No, I was gonna suck that dick, like the fountain of youth was in there and throw this ass back, like I was trying to free hung chips from a vending machine."

They both laughed as the guy handed them their food, he found the cleanest looking table to sit at.

"Can you actually belly dance?"

"Oh, curious about the hooker, eh?"

"I just don't see why you'd need such skills in ye oldest profession."

"I learned burlesque when I started stripping."

"Then you threw your back out?"

"Ha! No, the people around here don't care too much for it, they just wanna see me fuck the pole and shake these tits."

"Then cum all over them later on?"

"No, I was taught to be good at your job, I catch and swallow everything. The lucky ones find me, though."

"Oh, I thought you had business cards."

"I like you," she laughed, "most just think I'm being a bitch when I get snarky."

"Same for people who don't know me. I thought you'd have left me alone."

"I showed you, didn't I," she smirked, "so you still need a tour guide?"

"Depends on what your rates are."

"Sweetie, I'm off the clock."


"Admit it... I'm starting to grow on you."

"Don't push your luck," he smirked.

"So what was with the mommy problems, don't tell me you're a mommas boy," she teased.

"Far from it. She just wants me to give up this... farce... as she calls it, that I have better things to do. She doesn't realize that this is important."

"Some sort of venture for the family business?"

"Something like that."

"You should be doing young and dumb shit at your age."

"You should be adulting better at your age. I used to think being a kid was great and that adults all had their shit together. Now I know better."

"I used to have my shit together, then I wanted fun and it was all okay, I got to do stuff I probably never would have. I admit I probably glorified some of the wrong things. Then it was making the best of a situation. By the time I realized it wasn't all okay, it was too late. Lost friends, struggling, the shitty apartment is indeed a shitty apartment once the delusions fade. There is a spoon and it's got burnt freebase of your choice on it."

"Maybe you should write a book or something. It somewhat made you a better person, right?"

"It did. I was so disconnected from the world below mine- here I am at the bottom; a stripper slash hooker in a hovel, alone."

"No friends?"

"The friends you could make aren't always long lasting, or you'd rather they be your friends than your enemy."

"So alone, no boyfriend, no friends. How many cats do you own?"

"Cats," she laughed, "I can barely take care of myself. God damn I'm literally too old for this shit."

"You're not old and you manage to keep yourself up."

"I am pretty spry, I can still outrun most of the cops and fight off rapist."

He just smiled.


"I think you're too smart and too classy to be called a hooker."

"Then what would you call me, then?"

"Hmmm... how about a harlot- sounds fancy, right?"

"Yeah and that guy back there is a grill technician and comestible and libation engineer."

They both had a good laugh, finished their food and left the restaurant.

"I guess I'll see you at the bar tonight?"

"I thought you were going to show me around?"

"You're a nice guy, I don't wanna be a bother."

"Yes you do, it's your job to bother people."

Mandy guffawed and gave him a loving look before getting in the car.

They drove around town, he was checking various businesses, she showed him a few spots of interest and a few she had interesting stories to tell about. He would talk about certain things and discovered she was well versed in some of the subjects.

"You're smarter than I thought you were," he admitted.

"Yeah, so are you."

"I did go to Penn state."

"So did I."

He just stared at her.

"You don't believe me?"

"It's just surprising is all."

"I was even hoeing it up in my sorority."

"I can believe that."

"Of course," she rolled her eyes, "so how did we do today?"

"Got a few more leads."

"So I helped?"

"Actually yeah."

"See‽ Told ya I could help," she slapped his arm.

"Yeah, you've been a big help, Mandy."

"The Danny and Mandy team, has a good ring to it."

"It kinda does," he smiled at her.

She returned it back.

"What are you doing later, before you struggle to make ends meet?"


"I figure we could have a bit of fun, I could take you out for dinner."

"What is this; Pretty Woman," she laughed.

"Huh? I don't get it."

"It's an old- n-never mind," she waved a hand, "what is this about, you want to take an old hooker out on a date?"

"I mean... granted you're... that..."

"Sorry, this fine aged harlot is what you wanna court?"

"I don't like the idea of just paying for sex and fucking on a pool table. I'll still pay you, but at least let's make a thing out of it."

"I am growing on you. I'd love to go on a date with you Danny."

"Then can I have your phone number,* he handed her his phone.

She casually put her name and number.

"I guess this is weird for you, huh?"

"I've had dates, it's just most of them are gigs, or whatever. Who wants to be with a woman like me? The weird things- umm never mind," she handed his phone back.

"What is it?"

"I was gonna say something dumb."

"Say it."

She sighed, "this might bite me in the ass, but I feel like I can trust you."

"You can trust me. If I didn't like you, I'd have told you to fuck off last night and pretended you didn't exist earlier. I wouldn't have promised to hook up with you either."

"I've lived long enough to be wary of certain things."

"I'm not one of those things," he gave her a reassuring look, "now anywhere you want me to drop you off at, any house calls?"

"Only yours. You can take me home, it's the apartments near the motel."

"Those dilapidated looking ones?"

"No the other ones, the shady foreboding looking ones."

"Ah, gotcha," he drove off.

"So what should I wear on this date?"

"Something casual; jeans are fine, type ordeal, I guess."

"Got it."

He pulled up to her apartment building, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek before getting out. He pulled away to look at two leads he thought he could check this late.

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Forsaken OneForsaken One10 days ago

Surprisingly well written!

I typically just want to read the "stroke stories" and don't care much for the slow burn or long build up type. I figured less than half way in that there was no sex. And she's probably his *spoiler*. But the writing got me hooked! The conversation was really witty and engaging. And with just dialogue I could get a sense of their personalities. Really awesome job with this!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I thought the story line was very good its a pity he has not got a follow up story.

Mikeforge7101959Mikeforge710195910 months ago

I really enjoy the story line. Looking forward to more.

tallman441tallman44110 months ago

I love the story. You are good with intrigue. Obviously he is looking for his mother, but why do I think Mandy ans his mother know each other?

5 stars

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikey10 months ago

5 Stars. Great beginning. Can’t wait to read more.

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