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Falling In Love With Mom Ch. 08

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Danny chooses Rebecca.
3.2k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/05/2023
Created 08/26/2023
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Danny and Jennifer had took turns staying at each others houses, it was his idea to help cope, to focus on their relationship. She offered that they should go to his families restaurant at least once a week because she wanted him to know that side of his real family. Danny ended up meeting a few more relatives, one being an aunt of sorts, that looked near the spitting image of Rebecca with just a bit more weight on her. That night he ravished Jennifer, thoughts of that woman and her in his head, the moment they stepped in his house, he went to kiss her and pull her top off.

"Danny! So frisky!"

He kissed her lips crazy down to her neck and breast, pulled his shirt off, the next thing she knew was she was bent over the back of the couch, he was fighting his shoes off and dropped his pants, lifted her skirt, stuck his hand down there to get her wet, while stroking his own cock. She cried out, feeling fingers inside her, then he pulled her underwear to the side and shoved himself in.

"Oh god!"

Danny pounded her and ignored the feeling of ramming her pelvis.

'God, Danny... fuck," she yelled.

He just wanted to fuck the images away. This wasn't the first time he had done this; once he had a wet dream of Rebecca, woke up next to Jennifer sleeping on her stomach and woke her up to being done in by his cock. She yelled bent over the couch as her first climax hit. He wanted to have sex with his aunt, she looked so much like his mom to him, that he'd pretend she was. The thought of a threesome crossed his head, but the thoughts just kept going back to his mom. He pictured her bent over with that amazingly sexy jiggle her butt had when he was doing her and exploded inside Jennifer.

Later that night while she slept on him, he checked his phone begging her to text him, wanting to text her, staring at the picture she sent. He looked at Jennifer sound asleep, with a heavy sigh out his phone away.

Danny couldn't escape the thoughts and desires, it was getting harder and harder to see Jennifer as herself. Everything he's been told runs through his head. Jennifer started noticing herself and decided to say something. They had just finished a round of sex and he seemed to be off in space.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah it's fine."

"Is it?"

"Jenn... yeah," he leaned to kiss her.

She turned her head, "I don't think it is," she sat up.

"Jenn, I'm good," he sat up.

"You forget that I know you, I raised you. Talk to me! Jeeze... ya think after I gave you my heart and body, you could at least open up."

"I just... I mean... I don't wanna hurt you."

"You not happy, hurts me, me not knowing and can't fix it, hurts, Danny!"

He sighed.

"You think I didn't notice? I see the patterns, I see how you look at some of your family, and I know what happens when we get back. I know you've been distant any other time."


"Uh-huh. Remember our talk before we started this?"

"I remember that and everything else I've been told."

"So you know I'll never stop loving you. If you wanna bang one of your cousins, I don't mind."

"It's not that. I guess that would be nice, but I just don't want them like that... and I don't think... I can... do this... anymore."

"Me and you?"

"Yeah," he prepared himself for her to cry or get mad.

She simply grabbed his hand and squeezed it, "okay."

"You're not-," he was cut off with a deep kiss.

"What do you want, Danny?"

"You know how you told me that you tried to raise me so I wouldn't make the same mistakes she did, right?"

"I do, baby."

"When I talked to Charles and Dorothy the first time; they said how family should stick together. You don't turn your back on family."

"You want your mom."

"For the longest my mind was saying no, she was a deadbeat, my heart kept going. I think she changed and deserves to be happy. I think it'd be a mistake to abandon her, like she did. I'm in love with her, I want her... even if it is crazy."

"Then go get her! Go get your mom, Danny! Stop wasting time with me if this isn't what you want!"


"Don't Jenn me, Danny. If you want her, then I'm in full support, now hurry up and find whatever street corner she's on and if she turns you down, then come get me... I'm pretty sure I can talk some sense into her... it only didn't work once," she looked away.


"Yes now! Why wait, ain't you waited long enough‽ I'll always be here... even if you just want a quickie or a side chick," she smiled.

"Jenn... mom," he smiled.

"As your mom, I order you to go get your mother and tell her how much you love her. Hurry up... I'm kicking you out of my house."


"That's right," she climbed out of bed, "get your shit and don't come back until you made her your girlfriend."

Danny stood and pulled her into a hug, "you're the best, mom."

Danny got dressed thinking this was all crazy and he was honestly all for it. He headed downstairs towards the door and was stopped by Jennifer.


She stood there with a loving smile and big perky breast, pulled him in for a deep passionate kiss.

"For good luck," she opened the door and gave his butt a smack as he left.

Danny headed for the expressway thinking of what he was going to say to her, if she really wanted to see him. He knew he had to make things right with her, he shouldn't have done her how the rest had, she deserves a chance after everything, he hates that he made her cry, that he threw away what they were developing.

Danny pulled up the bar and calmed himself before walking inside and looking around, "hey Kev... Mandy around?"

"Nope... was here earlier, then left. Might be at work," he replied, not even looking up from his task.

"Why you looking for that old bitch, I got the pussy that'll get you right."

"It's not like that, and I'm good," he left.

He drove down to Trixie's, walked inside and saw Rebecca just finishing on stage with what looked like a belly dancers outfit being picked up off the stage. He found a seat at a table and waited. He saw her and two more women walk the floor in nothing but a thong, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her, it had been so long.

"Excuse me, miss."

"Yeah," said the stripper delivering drinks.

"I wanna buy Mandy her favorite drink and keep the change for yourself," he handed her a twenty.

"Sure thing," she leaned her butt towards him.

"Oh... okay, then," he tucked it in her thong.

Danny hoped she would make her way towards him, but she was working the other side. He saw that woman walk back towards the bar for a moment, tuck the change in her thong.

"Hey Mandy girl... this a drink for you."

"Huh? Me," she turned.

"Yeeah, there's a guy over thur that bought it for ya," she pointed towards Danny.

"Ain't that nice."

"Uh-huh, I got to keep tha change. He probably likes ya, go say hi."

"He'll have to wait."

"You worth it, ma," she walked off.

Danny watched her entertain several guys, talk and flirt with them while drinking her drink. The three were doing their sections, but started moving to who got their attention. The guy next to him, sitting at another table waved for Mandy, Danny watched her walk over.

"Hey, how ya doin?"

"Not you, the black chick."

"Oh I'm sorry. Nadia! Guy right here," she pointed and started to walk away.

Danny tapped her thigh with two five dollar bills, "don't leave yet, how'd you like that drink?"

She turned and jutted her hip for the money he tucked in her thong.

"Good... it is my favorite and it was nice of you to let her keep the change."

That man and Nadia walked off, she took his seat, "so what brings you- D-Danny what are you doing here‽"

"Calm down, Mandy... before you spook the bouncers or something. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Well I can't talk right now and I'm pretty sure you said all you had to say before."

He handed her another five, "if I keep paying you, you gotta stay, right?"

"Uhh... no, we have to work the floor, Danny."

"Is there any way we can talk in private, take a break or something?"

"Customers aren't allowed where we take breaks."

"How about a private lap dance? What's that cost?"

"I don't want your money, Danny. I don't know what your game is, but maybe you should leave."

"It's not my money, it's family money, it's yours too. Please just a real quick conversation? Please... mom?"

"Fine... just... follow me, yeah?"


"Private lap dance," she told the bouncer.

He followed to the booths so he could hear anything crazy going on. She sat Danny down in the chair and closed the curtain, and turned on the red LED strip. She only rocked her body to look like she was working.

"Well... talk," she glared.

"Was that a belly dancing outfit I saw you picking up off the stage?"

"It was... so I took your advice. Is that all you wanted to talk about, because times ticking."

"I thought about this the whole ride...are you mad at me?"

"I am mad, but I'm hurt, you really hurt me. I mean... I understand what I did was wrong, but it doesn't hurt any less. Why'd you call me mom?"

"Because you're my mom. I made a mistake... I shouldn't have turned my back on you, I mean... that's not what family should do. I'm sorry Rebecca."

"What are you saying, what do you want?"

"I'm saying that I want you. I can't explain it all right now."

"You want me," she turned and sat in his lap, "are you saying that..."

"If you still love me, I love you."

"You're my son, I always loved you."

"In love, mom, are you in love with me? Is there anyway I can fix that broken heart?"

That butt he'd been dreaming off is now back on his lap, he had to fight his arousal.

"Maybe you can," she worked her hips.

"I even met some of our family, there's so much I wanna say to you, I've been thinking about you."

"Times up," she stood and gave him a look he couldn't read.

Danny sighed and pulled out a hundred dollar bill, went to stick it in her thong, she grabbed his hand, pulled it towards her breast where he tucked it under.

"I'm tired of hurting, Danny. We can talk when I get off... so just go back to your motel."

"I don't have one, I just drove out here for you."

She sighed, "just sit down and give me a minute."

Danny found a table to sit at and enjoyed watching her walk away. Rebecca came back a few moments later.

"Here, go to my apartment and wait for me," she handed him her house key."

"Who said you weren't a good mother," he smiled.

"Yeah, watch it, smart ass," she walked off.

Danny hung around long enough to see her take the stage again, then left. Danny went back to the bar and had a drink.

"You were that guy," Kev stated.

"That guy?"

"Yeah, the one that was here a while back, that Mandy was sweet on."

"Ah yeah, that was me."

"Didja find her?"

"I did."

"I duuno what ya did, but it messed her up."

"I realized that."

"She's not all that bad. She tries to play mother hen tuh dees ungrateful bitches."

"She does, huh?"

"I didn't think she could get lower until you."

"I kinda didn't think you cared beyond whatever you all got going on, partnership wise."

"I care enough. Mandy's a special one... I don't think she should be livin' like this. But life sucks like that."

"Yeah I suppose it can."

"What would you know, driving an Audi?"

"I own an old Audi," he retorted.

Kev nodded.

Danny had another drink and two beers before leaving and going to her place. Once he got there he saw the state it was in; not very clean. He hooked up his phone to the stereo and went to cleaning things up, trying to figure out what went where. Then he stared at the kitchen, decided his first attack would be from the Scrubbing Bubbles in the bathroom. After attacking the dishes and stove he heard quick knocks on the front door.

Danny opened the door, "hey, mo- who are you?"

"Mandy here, I'm trying to get in that," the guy asked.

He looked him up and down.

"What‽ Ain't that what you doin'? We could run a train if you want, either way, I'm trying to smash. Should I just wait, or...?"

"Fuck off," he shut the door.

Danny knew she would be getting off soon and hoped she wasn't going to hook up with anybody after. The kitchen defeated, he sat down, found a pack of cigarettes with two left and smoked one. He messed in his phone a while and decided to run out and get something to eat and kill some time, the anticipation of what was going to happen ate at him, there would be nothing he could do if she turned him down, he could go back to Jennifer, but his heart wouldn't be in it. After picking up the food, he left the door unlocked with her Louisville Slugger at the ready. Eventually Rebecca came home looking tired.

She shut and locked the door, took a glance around, "cleaned the place up and got food," she dropped her backpack, sat on the couch, kicked her shoes off.

"The place was a mess and I figured you'd be hungry."

"You're really trying to suck up to me, huh?"

"I just want mommy to be proud of her special little boy."

"Mommy should get her belt and put you over her knee," she narrowed her eyes.

"Only if you kiss it and make it better. But seriously... I really miss you, I shouldn't have flipped out like I did."

"I get it, I was gone for practically your whole life, you should be mad, especially for why."

"I'm not mad any more, mom. This is a chance for us to get to know each other and have a relationship; like we should have and like we wanted- if you still want that."

"You broke my heart."

"And I want to fix it, I do, please, let me, I know I fucked up, I should've-"

"You didn't fuck up, I mean... you had every right to feel like you did, it was bullshit why I left you... I didn't know you were my son, I never saw a single picture, I was falling in love with you and I didn't realize why until after it was all done."

"Because our family is riddled with incest and having directly related parents makes the trait stronger," he explained.

"How did you know that?"

"I told you... I've met some of our family, we went to the restaurant. Are you still in love with me, could you fall in love with me all over again?"

"Danny, I really-"

"Because I know I'm still in love with you. I know you're a good person that's well paid your debt for the choices you made. Once the initial shock was gone, I tried to date Jenn, I wanted to forget you, but I couldn't. It got worse and worse... especially when I met Victoria."

"My twin?"

"She's your sister‽"

"No, not my sister. It's hard to explain, but certain cross relations happen and you get twins."

"Seems a lot of it is hard to explain. Do you know why we're like this?"

"Hmmm. Our family dates back to Europe, where the richest families wanted to keep the bloodline pure... and never stopped."

"The foods gonna get cold."

"That's my line," she went in the bag.

"You mentioned something about dads family last time, what was that?"

"When he found out about our family, he took it all in stride, enough I thought it was odd. He told me that his great grandparents were brother and sister. He didn't know too much about it, just saying it was probably because they lived out in the country and it was convenient most of the time."

"I wanna start over, or pick up where we stopped, or whatever. I'm sorry I broke your heart, I'm not going to leave you again, I swear. I don't give a fuck about what you did, you're here and we have a second chance."

"Oh Danny."

"I think what we were trying to describe back then, is that we're soul mates, yeah?"

"Yeah... that's exactly what I feel, that's why it hurts so much."

"Mom it hurts me too, I don't think I'll be happy without you."

"You're still willing to drive out here to see me?"

"I was thinking... take you with me. Leave this hell hole."

"Back in the home me and Henry built... umm."

"That's Jenn's house, I have my own."


"Yeah. She said 'hi', by the way."

"You'd do that for me?"

"If you could redo everything, wouldn't you? I can't have my mom being the fancy stripper harlot for all these people."

She couldn't help but tear up, "fine, fine, but I'm still going to be a fancy stripper harlot, your fancy stripper harlot."

"So are we..."

"The closest thing to husband and wife, we'll ever get to, yes, I love you too much to ruin this."

They shared a passionate kiss and both of them blushed.

"I'll figure out a position for you at my job... we'll probably need to get you a car."

"I have a car. I just don't have the money for insurance, or rosa-blanca.ru, tires... other repairs... gas."

"What car?"

"That old Volvo 240 in the parking lot. I managed to buy that, drive it here, it broke down as soon as it hit the parking lot."

"We'll take care of that. I'm going to talk to the family, too."

"They don't want anything to do with me."

"Maybe not now, but once they see how in love we are and that you've changed, I'm sure things'll change. Besides... I hear there's a family reunion coming up and the looks with us hand in hand will be funny. If they love me, they'll hafta love you... I mean... even with you gone, I still ended up your spitting image."

"So we're really doing this, yeah? No bullshit, no more secrets, no more doubts?"

"No more running away, no more holding back, no more pain?"

"I'm not running anywhere," she smiled.

"I don't want you hurt again. I love you, mom."

"I love you... son."

They leaned in and kissed gentle kisses. The conversation continued as they ate, talking about what happened during their time apart among other things, getting comfortable with each other again, until they fell asleep on the love seat, leaning on each other.

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Forsaken OneForsaken Oneabout 20 hours ago

Really loving the flow of this series. 5 stars!

1thaiguy1thaiguy8 months ago

Love the story just chap too short

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikey8 months ago

5 Stars as usual! I really do enjoy this story line.

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