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Family Adventures

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Twin sisters go at in the family car while dad drives.
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This story is 100% fiction and all characters are 18 or older. I always appreciate feeback, thank you.

It's early evening now and everybody is hanging around the house. Dad announces that he'll be going to the hardware store and a couple of other stores and asks who wants to go along.

"We do! We'll go Daddy!" Jumps up and says Renee.

"Yeah, we're not doing anything," adds Randy.

"Alright girls, if you want to go than it's okay with me."

"Ahh girls, aren't we forgetting something?" Asks Mother as she interupts, "were we not going to have ourselves a little chat?"

"Can't we talk later Mom?" Asks Renee, "we're not gonna be gone that long,"

"yeah we'll be back in a little bit and we can talk when we get back." Adds in Randy again.

"What is it, that you girls need to talk about?" Asks Father.

"Nothing!" Mother, Renee and Randy all say in unison, as they look at each other like they're keeping a secret.

"Okay, okay, never mind then. Girls maybe you should stay and talk with your mother."

"No! No Daddy, we want to go with you please! We just HAVE to get out of the house for a little bit." Interupts Renee as she looks at Randy and bites her lower lip.

"Yeah Mommy we'll talk when we get back, please!" Says Randy.

"Oh, okay we'll talk when you get back." Replies Mother.

"Yay!" "Alright!" "Let's go!" Yell the Twins as they run off with their skirts flapping to get in Dad's suburban.

As everybody gets in, Father gets in the driver's seat and the twins jump in and climb back to the 3rd row. "Girls you can sit up here you know?" says Dad.

"Ya Daddy we just like to ride back here," purrs Randy as she puts her hand on Renee's pussy.

"We like to look out of the back window while you drive," says Renee as she spreads her legs open for Randy's fingers.

"Okay whatever." Says Dad as he shrugs it off as nothing.

As Dad starts driving off the girls turn around and get on their knees so they can look out of the back window. Driving through the neighborhood Dad looks back at the girls and sees them looking out of the back window having fun and asks "having fun girls?"

Renee turns around to look at Dad through the rear-view mirror and says "Ya Daddy, we love riding in the back seat."

"Ya it's so much fun!" Adds Randy, as she now how has a couple fingers up Renee's pussy, and Renee slowly goes up and down.

"Kinda bumpy back there?"

"Ya it's kinda bumpy, but it's fun though. Oooohh, bouncing up and down, ya know Daddy?"

"Yeah I guess so, whatever trips your girls' trigger."

"Ooohh she's tripping my trigger right now Daddy." Whispers Renee as she looks at Randy and winks.

"What was that sweetheart, I didn't quite here you?"

"Nothing, Daddy I was just talking to Randy."

"Oh, okay."

For the next couple minutes Dad drives and listens to the radio while the twin's are in back making good use of their partially alone time. While the car is moving which ever twin is getting fingered is bouncing up and down like they're four-wheeling. Then at the stop-lights and stop-signs they sit all the way down on the other's fingers and grind non-shalantly. Once the car starts moving again they start bounging up and down again.

"You know girls, it's not as bumpy of a ride as you two are making it out to be." Says Dad as he watches them.

"We Know Daddy, we're just having fun." Answers Randy as she shoves her fingers deep into Renee.

"Yeah.......Daddy.....we're......just" says Renee as she ends up biting the back of the seat in ecstacy.

"O........kay.......then" Replies Dad mocking Renee.

"Don't make fun of her Daddy!" Snaps back Randy as she gentley rubs her pussy.

"Sheesh! Sorry then." Says Dad as he turns back to the road.

"Daddy can I heve a drink of your coffee please?" Asks Renee as she turns around and sits down.

"Sure baby, just don't spill it okay."

"Okay I won't."

As Renee is sipping the coffee Dad sees a big titty woman on the sidewalk and casually stares in her direction. Not seeing the car slowing down in front of him, he looks back at the last second and slams on the brakes. Renee, not ready for the sudden stop has the coffee sitting in between her legs. The coffee goes flying on the floor before she can even react and spills all over the floorboard.

"OH NO!" Yells Renee. "The coffee!"

"What happened!?" Nervously asks Dad as he slings his body half way over the seat.

"I, I, I spilled it."

"Goddamn it Renee, what did I tell you?"

"Yah, I'm sorry Daddy I just wasn't ready for you to slow down so fast and,"

"I don't want to hear it Renee, here take this and clean it up good." Interupts Father as he throws a rag at her. "And make sure you get it good, you hear me?"

"Ya Daddy I hear you." Whimpers Renee as she gets down on her knees and starts to wipe the floor.

Randy, sitting on the right of Renee spreads her legs and lifts her left leg up onto the seat to give Renee more room to clean. But sitting there with her pussy in front of Renee, Randy decides to torture Renee a little bit, and soon Randy is playing with her pussy in front of Renee's face as she cleans.

"Bet you'd like to eat this pussy wouldn't you?" Tempts Randy. "But you can't do it with out getting your make-up all smeared, can you?" "Oooooh, that's too bad it's getting so wet." "I guess you could use that filthy rag you're wiping the floor with. Ha ha ha," evily laughs Randy as she fingers herself and waves her fingers in front of Renee's nose.

This goes on for the next minute while Renee cleans, and Dad yells back ocasionally. But soon Renee can't focus on what she's cleaning and Dad's voice becomes drowned in the back ground as she is more and more infatuated with Randy's pussy and Randy playing with it.

"Is it clean back there yet?" Yells back Dad as he snaps Renee out of her zone.

"No not yet Daddy," answers Renee from the floor staring at Randy's pussy.

"Well it better be clean little lady. Clean it up real good."

"Okay, I will."

Randy, still playing with her pussy, now within inches of Renee's face, looks down at her and the floor and says, "you heard him, you better clean it good."

Looking back up at Randy, Renee frowns and replies with a sigh and says "I want to eat your pussy so bad, you're getting me so fuckin' wet right now."

"Nope, probably shouldn't," says Randy, "Daddy's right there and you don't wanna get caught. Instead, why don't you play with yourself while you clean up the mess you've made? And you can watch me finger myself."

"Nooo, I want to eat your pussyyy!" Whines Renee as she licks Randy's hand, "I don't see what the big deal is, we do this all the time. Why won't you just let me eat you? It's not fair!"

"Stop your whining!" Randy whispers loudly now sitting with her hand over her pussy blocking Renee's tongue.

But Renee is persistant and is now licking the top of Randy's hand moaning, "this could be your pussy baby. Doesn't that feel so good on your hand, just imagine what it would feel like on your pussy! Oh come on and give it to me!" Pleads Renee.

"What are you two doing back there?" Asks Dad.

"Nothing Daddy, are we almost there?" Replies Randy but not before Renee can interrupt.

"Daddy she's covering up the spot where I'm supposed to clean with her feet and hands, make her stop!"

"Randy!" Yells back Dad, "knock it off and leave your sister alone she's trying to clean."

"But Daddy,"

"don't but Daddy me young lady, now let me see those hands, and put your feet up on the 2nd row bench. Do it now, I'm not going to say it again."

"Okay Daddy, I'm sorry." Apologizes Randy as she puts her arms on the back of her seat and her feet on the seat in front of her, completely exposing her pussy to Renee.

"Oh baby it looks so good," says Renee as she plays with herslf and waters at the mouth. "I just can't help myself, I'm sorry Sis, I.....I can't mmmmmmm" moans Renee as she can't wait any longer before diving into Randy's pussy.

"Stop it Renee, Dad's gonna catch us! Stop!" Whispers Randy as she can't move per Dad's orders.

"I just can't help it Randy, I'm so fucking horny right now. Just let me eat your pussy for a little bit longer and then we'll wait til we get home." Replies Renee.

"Oh what will I do when we move out and go our seperate ways? I just can't, muah(kiss on the pussy) imagine going more than, (muah) 12 hours with kissing your pussy atleast once (muah)."

"Aww thank you Sis, and I love it when you kiss my pussy. So I guess you can kiss it for a little while longer, but when we get there just make sure your face out of my cunt before Daddy see us, okay?"

"Okay!" Elatedly answers Renee as she dives back into Randy's pussy and Randy bites her lower lip to keep from moaning out loud.

"Oh my god you were always so good at this I don't know why I din't want you to do it!" Whispers Randy.

"I know mmmmmmmm" returns Renee. "Oh that feels so good baby, you are the best I swear!"

"I fucking love eating your pussy, I don't care who knows it!"

"How's she doing back there Randy?" Asks Dad, "she cleaning it good?"

"Yaaa Daddy," answers Randy kinda of moaning, "she's cleaning it REAL good." As she looks down at Renee licking frantically.

"What about Randy, Renee? Is she staying out of your way of your cleaning?"

A few seconds go by and no response from Renee. Randy notices she's not paying attention to Dad and nudges her, "Dad just asked if I'm staying out of your way! Answer him!"

Without hesitation Renee, with her tongue still on Randy's pussy says, "ya" and then finishes her lick and adds, "Daddy she's being just fine," and then quickly dives back into Randy's pussy.

"Well that's good, I like to see you girls getting along."

Fingering and licking Randy's pussy, Renee, also playing with herself starts taking her panties off. "I want you to eat my pussy also," says Renee.

"I can't, I'm not suppose to move remember?" "I don't care, tell Dad you wanna help me clean and get your ass down here!"

"Alright then, DAD! Do you mind if I move and help Renee?"

Looking back in the mirrow seeing Randy spread eagle in the 3rd row, Dad says, "ya that's fine as long as you're helping and not getting in the way!"

"Trust me Daddy, she likes the way I clean."

"Okay then sweetheart help her out then."

"I LOVE the way you clean Sis," says Renee looking up at Randy. "Now get down her and clean this," as she backs away from Randy and spread her legs exposing her tight teen pussy.

"I'd love to," replies Randy as she kneels down and puts her face in Renee's cunt and takes a long, deep smell of it. "You smell so good, I bet you taste even better today than you did yesterday."

"You know I do." Answers Renee as she grabs Randy's head and shoves her face into her pussy. "Oh my god! That's so good, your tongue's so soft and warm!"

"How's it going back there you two?" Asks Dad, "we getting it cleaned up yet or what?"

"Ya Daddy," answers Renee as she moans a little bit. "Randy's doing a good job...ooohh!"

"What was that!?"

"Nothing Daddy, I just thought of a new way for us too clean faster, now leave us alone we're really focused back here!"

"Okay, okay."

"Come here Sis, it's time for us to lay down." Says Renee as she lays down and directs Randy to sit on her face.

"There you are, haven't seen you in a couple minutes," says Dad as he looks at Randy in the mirror as she sits up.

"Ya I was cleaning pretty hard down there."

"Ya you were sweety, I can see the sweat on your upper lip. You're like your Daddy!"

"I guess so," says Randy wiping her lips and riding Renee's face.

"Boy, I remember back in the day when I would work so hard I would sweat out of places I didn't even know I had. This one time..."

Bored with his story and getting hungry for the pussy she's rubbing, Randy interrupts, "well Daddy I should get back down here and help a little more."

Looking in the mirror Dad sees Renee's hand on the back of Randy's head guiding her face back down to her pussy. He thinks nothing of this and shrugs it off. As the twins get more and more into their "69" Dad keeps driving and says how they don't have much farther to go. Muffled responses come from the back seat followed up by constant quiet moaning.

"It's sounds like you girls are really scrubbing that carpet back there. Take a break if you want."

Continuing to eat pussy Randy quickly brings her head up as if she were a swimmer gasping for air, and says "thats okay Daddy we're good," before going back down for more.

Another couple minutes of "69" action and Dad has arrived to his location. "Girls, you go ahead and stay in here while I run inside real quick. I'll be right back." Moans and muffled words that sound like "okay Daddy" come from the back seat. Dad once again shrugs it off and goes inside. Now alone, the twins really get into each other. Moaning loudly and writhing in exstacy, they bury their faces into each other's pussy's deeper and deeper.

"OH FUCK YAH!!" Screams Renee "Fucking eat my pussy you slut! Eat it!"

"Ya, you fuckin' like that you little whore?" Asks Randy "I know you do 'cuz I'm the one who does it for you and you're gushing on my face. Ya you're my little whore aren't you? Aren't you!"

"Yes I am, oh my god! Yes I am!"

"What do you think Mommy's gonna talk to us about huh? Asks Randy, "you think she's gonna ask us about us fucking each other?!"

"I don't know."

Well we just might have to include her in our games. What do you think?"

"Mom?" Asks Renee, now calmed down a little bit now after her orgasm. "I don't know Sis, you're a little crazy. But maybe, who knows?"

The locks on the truck deactivate and the girls know Dad's on his way out. They straighten themselves up just in time, as Dad opens up the back door and tries to scare them.

"Dad we knew you were coming from you unlocking the doors," says Renee.

"Aw damn, I didn't even think of that," says Dad as he chuckles to himself and gets in and starts driving. "Who would like some frapaccinos girls?"

"Ooh Me, Me, Me!" Yell out the twins from the back.

"Okay, okay we'll stop." Dad pulls up and orders 3 iced coffee drinks for him and the twins and waits to pull up to the window.

As they wait Renee reaches over and starts playing with Randy's pussy again. Randy gives her a look as if to say, "jezz don't you get enough?"

Renee leans over and whispers "I can't help it I'm always soooo horny."

As they pull up to the window Dad realizes it's his oldest daughter's friend working and says hi. They sit there and talk for a little bit while she makes change for him. Starting to enjoy her hand job, Randy opens her eyes to see her sister's friend Lisa working the drive-thru.

"Hey it's Lisa! I'm gonna say hi!"

"Hey where you going?" Disappointingly asks Renee.

"Don't worry I'll be back," answers Randy as she jumps the 2nd row and leans over the driver's seat and Dad's shoulder to say hi.

This makes Renee jealous and she decides to take matters into her own hands.

Knowing the back windows are tinted she makes a bold move and decides that she's going to sneak up on Randy and shove her face in her pussy. Randy, not wearing any panties, and a very short skirt is bending over Dad's right shoulder with her tits in his face talking and flirting with Lisa.

In the middle of their conversation Randy keeps licking her lips, biting her bottom lip and blowing silent kisses at Lisa. Randy's making it very obvious in front of Father that she is flirting with Lisa, but at the same time they're talking about school and what clothes girls were wearing when all of a sudden Renee grabs Randy's ankles and dives face first into her ass and pussy.

Randy, who was in mid-sentence at the time abruptly stops and moans out loud, "OH MY GOD!"

She tries to turn around but Renee keeps her pinned against the seat with her face in her pussy and her hands around her ankles.

"What!?" Both Dad and Lisa ask as Dad looks deeper into Randy's tits.

"Oh it's....nothing I just thought I saw someone I kneeww ooohh."

"Are you okay?" Asks Lisa as she tries to peer in the vehicle. Looking through the window she can barely make out another body and a head behind Randy. The person, whoever it is looks like they're constantly shaking their head "no and yes".

"What's going on in there?" Asks Lisa.

"Nothing," quickly answers Randy holding onto Dad tighter so he can't turn around. "It's nothing, we're just goofing around back here."

"Who's we?" "Just me and Renee, ooohh. She's giving me a massage Daddy, ha ha!"

"Oh that's nice of her sweetheart."

"Yah. It is."

Lisa, now very suspicious of the twins, keeps trying to get a better view of what's going on in the car by leaning out closer to the window. But right when she is about to make out what she's seeing someone interrupts her with the 3 drinks everybody's waiting for.

"Alright well here's your drinks guys I hope you enjoy 'em."

Dad reaches out the window to grab the drinks but his window is up to far. As he goes to lower it he accidently lowers the back driver side window instead. Unaware he is pushing the wrong button he lowers it all the way, completely exposing Renee eating Randy's pussy.

"Oh my god I..."

"What's wrong my dear?" Asks Dad as he reaches out for the drinks.

Renee, looking right at Lisa through the open back window doesn't budge from eating Randy's pussy. She doesn't even slow down eating Randy's pussy one bit for the first 3-4 seconds that Lisa's watching her. She then takes a quick second to wink at her and put her finger up to her lips telling her to be quiet before diving right back in.

Lisa, obviously caught up in the moment and can't believe what she's witnessing, blindly hands the drinks to Dad as she can't take her eyes off Renee going to town on Randy. Randy, realizing that Lisa can see what's going on, decides to tease her a little bit and starts making orgasm faces and licking her fingers like a pussy while Dad is trying to say goodbye.

"Dad can you roll up the window back here please?" Asks Renee as she waves bye to Lisa and winks at her before the window goes up. As the car drives off Lisa is still in dis-belief as she shakes her head "no".

"I can't believe that."

"What?" Asks a voice from somewhere.

"You know the Anderson twins from school?"


"You won't believe it but I just saw one of them going down on the other one in the back seat of their Dad's suburban, while HE was driving!"

"No way!"


"That's crazy! Those girls sure do have some guts."

"They sure do." Says Lisa, as she looks down at a teenage girl hiding behind a curtain under the counter kneeling on the floor eating her pussy. "Oooh you do that so well Natalie. Thank god you work here, I don't know what I'd do with out you."

Natalie works over Lisa's pussy for the next 30 seconds or so before Lisa's boss interrupts.

"Lisa! Lisa!"

"Ya boss, what's up?"

"Where the hell did Natalie disappear to? I haven't seen that girl since she clocked in."

"I don't know."

"I saw you two over here talking, I went into my office for 5 minutes, I come back out and she's gone."

"I don't know where she's at boss, maybe she's in the bathroom or something oooohh."

"What's wrong?"


"Well what are you moaning for?" "Oh just sore from gym class."

"Okay then, well tell Natalie I wanna talk to her when she reappears from wherever the hell she is, okay?"

"Okay boss you got it oooh."

"If that girl thinks she can just show up and not do anything and I'll pay her for it, she's got another thing coming."

Lisa's boss starts walking away and turns around and says, "you know Lisa, if she wasn't your step-sister I would've fired her long ago."


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