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Family BBQ

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Cousins hook up while setting up family BBQ.
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"Nice SUV," nineteen-year-old Ernie Clark said, riding to the picnic grounds with his 25-year-old first cousin, Alexa Favareax.

"Thank you! When you have three kids like Tommy and I have, you need something roomy to haul them around."

Ernie had to tear his eyes away from ogling his sexy cousin. Her tank top barely concealed her breasts, easily 38D or DD cups. The micro-short skirt left nothing to the imagination. Ernie could see where her panty pulled tight across her vulva, creating a sizeable cameltoe.

"You've really grown a lot since the last time I babysat you."

Alexa glanced down, noting the bulge in his board shorts. Her cousin had got bigger everywhere!

The heat rose in Ernie's face. He hated family reunions because the older family members fussed over him and made embarrassing comments, just like his cousin just did.

Alexa stole glances at her young cousin's sleek swimmer's body. Gone was the scrawny 14-year-old, replaced by the lightly muscled nineteen-year-old Adonis. Ernie was a world-class swimmer with the medals to prove it.

"Uh...Thank you, Alexa! How is married life?"

Alexa's face twisted into a frown, making her pretty face look like she had eaten a sour lemon. Marriage sucked! Three babies in five years were too much. Nor did it help that her husband was a philander with trouble keeping a job.

"Okay," she said tersely.

Her short answer told Ernie it was a touchy subject. It verified what he overheard his mother and her sister, Aunt Kay, said when they discussed Alexa's marital situation on the phone the other day. The jist of the conversation was she wanted to leave her husband. But with no job and three kids, she had few options.

Alexa recalled her conversation with her mother when she told her she wanted to leave but couldn't afford it. Her mother told her she and the kids could stay in his mother's guest house.

Alexa was seriously considering her mother's offer. She needed to get away from her husband and start a new life. Gone was the buff high school linebacker who could fuck all night and treated her like a goddess. A beer-guzzling Pillsbury Doughboy who seldom fucked her replaced him. She deserved better!

Alexa's eyes widened when she caught Ernie staring at her. She was going to tease him about staring at her tits until she saw the big lump in his shorts.

Jesus Christ! Is that his cock? I haven't seen a cock that big in...?

Alexa realized she had never seen a cock that big! And she saw a few cocks in her life! Presumably, he was only partially hard. She got wet, imagining her cousin's big cock pounding her into submission.

Alexa's strong sex drive accounted for her getting married at 18 and having three babies in the next five years. She loved to fuck and wasn't ashamed of it.

Calm down, girl! That hunk you're getting wet for is your first cousin. Besides, I'm six years older than he is, and I babysat him!

"Shit! It's starting to rain. That's all we need," she said sarcastically.

Alexa pulled into the parking spot in front of the pavilion the family had reserved for the reunion. The rain came down harder.

She and Ernie held a brief war council and then called his mother. She told them to set up the plates, cups, tablecloths, cutlery, etc. The rest of the family would be out after church if the rain let up. If it didn't, she would squeeze them into the house.

"Let's get all picnic stuff out of your SUV and under the pavilion."

The cousins scurried back and forth, unloading the truck. What started as a shower became a torrential downpour soaking them to the skin.

Alexa's blouse was so wet it was translucent. She smiled when she saw Ernie staring at her.

"Hey! My eyes are up here," she laughed. "I can't take my shirt off to let it dry as you did."

"I'm sorry," Ernie said, grinning devilishly. "But you can take it off and hang it up to dry."

"What," Alexa exclaimed, surprised that her shy cousin would suggest she go topless. She wasn't opposed to the idea but wondered where it might lead.

"We're relatives, and there is no one here except us! I wouldn't see any more than I do now. Your blouse is so wet it's transparent!"

Ernie was fascinated with his cousin and her big tits. They reminded him of his mother's big jugs.

"And you want to see my tits!"

"Yes! Yes, I do," Ernie said, gathering his courage.

Ernie lost his virginity at a kegger for his 18th birthday. In the months since then, he has had several casual sexual relationships. His cousin was older and hotter, but she was still sexy.

Alexa smirked while eying her cousin. He was no longer the skinny boy she babysat. He was a horny fuckable man from his athlete's body to that significant bulge in his shorts.

"Tell you what. There's a 24-pack in the back seat and some kickass reefer in the glove box. You get them out of the truck, and I'll have my blouse off when you return. Deal?"

Ernie's eyes moved from Alexa's big jugs to the deluge outside the pavilion. He realized he couldn't get much wetter.

"Deal," he said and sprinted for the truck.

Alexa regretted the deal as soon as Ernie left. She shouldn't be stripping for her cousin.

Growing up, she was a wild child with no problems displaying her body. It got her in more than her share of trouble.

She met her husband, Allen, at a fraternity party. They fucked on the couch while the other partygoers watched, howling their encouragement. Alexa enjoyed behaving like a porn star and reacted to the cheers by redoubling her efforts, mugging for the crowd as she rode Allen's cock.

Some guys felt her up while she fucked Allen, grabbing her tits. One guy managed to get a nipple in his mouth while she bounced and sucked on it. She even sucked a cock or two while riding her future husband in a reverse cowgirl.

The reefer and wine made the details of that night fuzzy. What started as a one-night stand evolved into a long-term relationship when she found she was pregnant.

When his parents discovered Alexa was pregnant, they forced him to marry her. Allen reluctantly agreed though he had doubts about the baby's parentage. He was drunk and recalled fucking Alexa, but he remembered other guys fucking her that night.

Fuck it, she thought; I may as well have some fun.

Alexa stripped off her blouse and hung it over a beam in the shelter to dry. She hefted her breasts, eyeing them critically. There was a time they set up like twin traffic cones. Breastfeeding three babies, four if you count her husband, caused them to sag. Still, she was proud of them and the attention they got from men and women.

Her best girlfriend and neighbor, Helen, told her she had the best set of tits she had ever seen. Alexa smiled, thinking of her and Helen. Helen was a stay-at-home mom also. They got into the habit of having a glass of wine in the afternoon and toking.

One afternoon they overindulged and got playful, tickling each other. The tickling led to kissing, leading Helen and Alexa eating each other on her living room floor. Wine, reefer, and sex became their afternoon routine.

If she were to leave her husband, she would miss Helen the most.

Ernie returned with the beer and 420 while Alexa daydreamed about her bisexual relationship with her best friend.

"Wow! Those are nice!"

Alexa put her hands on her hips, thrust her chest out, and rotated her body at the waist, letting her cousin get a good look

"Thank you! They didn't always sag. But breastfeeding three babies destroyed them. Give me one of those beers and fire up a J!"

Ernie gave her a beer and took one himself. He lit the joint, inhaled deeply, huffing then passed it to Alexa.

"I see you've done this before," Alexa said, noting her younger cousin's expertise.

"Once or twice," he said, chuckling. He stared at Alexa's coral-tipped nipples, hardening in the chill. "your nipples are so big. Are they sensitive?"

"Very sensitive! There was a time I could cum from having them played with."

She passed the J back to Alexa, guzzled her beer, and tossed the empty into the trash. She popped the top on another. The alcohol and marijuana relaxed Alexa and lowered her inhibitions.

She eyed her cousin's physique in an uncousin-like way. Though Alexa was a slut in college, she never cheated on her husband after marriage. It was a quirk of hers she never understood. Single, she had and would line the men up and fuck them until their tongues were hanging out.

Once married, she was faithful. Helen didn't count. Over the years, there were many men and opportunities to violate her marriage vows. She vigorously rejected all attempts to get her in bed. Lately, her protestations were not as vigorous.

Her married sex life was in the rearview mirror while her sex drive was in high gear.

"So tell me about college life. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"College is fine. I'm getting good grades, so my parents are happy. As for girlfriends, I play the field."

He passed the joint back to his cousin, noticing that her nipples were as large as the first joint on his pinky finger.

"So you're a campus Casanova?"

"Not necessarily! The atmosphere on campus is very liberal, and casual sex is the norm. Do your nipples always get that hard?"

Alexa looked blearily at her cousin. The beer and reefer had kicked in, and the world had that familiar fuzzy glow. The rain streaming off the pavilion's roof created a feeling of isolation from the world. She wondered what Helen was doing? She missed her!

"It's a combination of the smoke, beer, the cool air, and that pole in your shorts."

"Sorry about that! It's got a mind of its own" He made no effort to hide his hard cock. "Can I touch your nipples?"

"Whoa! Where did that come from? You're my cousin, and I'm married. Give me another beer and fire up another joint."

Ernie opened two more beers and fired up another joint. He and his cousin sat briefly, smoking the joint, watching the rain, and drinking beer.

"Well, can I?"

Alexa eyed Ernie and decided what the Hell. No one was around.

"Yeah! Go ahead."

Ernie hefted her breasts, the weight surprising him. He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He had seen his share of tits and felt countless nipples. His cousins weren't perky like his classmates, but they looked incredibly sexy.

He decided to press his advantage, leaning down and taking her nipple in his mouth. As he suckled, he nipped lightly at her nipple.

"Hey! You said you just wanted to touch them!"

Alexa clasped Ernie's head to her bosom, moaning. She didn't realize she had closed her eyes until Ernie's hand cupped her pussy.

"Stop now! You're going too far!"

Alexa slapped at his hand and attempted to push his head away. But she was high, needy and her cousin sucking her nipple felt good. She pressed his head to her bosom.

"Do you really want me to stop?"

Ernie alternated from breast to breast, sucking one while caressing the other, then switching. Simultaneously, he rubbed Alex's cunt through her panties. His answer was his cousin palming his cock through his jean shorts.

"You little shit," Alexa exclaimed, "You're bad."

She glanced around the picnic grounds parking lot. Getting caught would be disastrous, especially if it were a relative or, God forbid, her husband!

There was no one around; the rain was keeping them away. If anything, the rain was coming down harder. Alexa looked down at Ernie's hand, pushing the crotch of her panties aside, and smiled.

"You said you just wanted to feel my jugs, not finger fuck me!"

"Your jugs are magnificent! And your pussy is so wet I can hear it squelching. Your husband is a fortunate man."

"He hasn't played with my breasts or my pussy in months! All he does...! OH!"

Alexa's eyes popped open. Ernie had added a finger. He was stroking her G-Spot, something Helen always did, and her husband never did. It felt incredible. Her hips pumped, allowing his finger to slip further into her hole.

"We need to stop!"

"You first! Stop massaging my cock!"

"No! I'm not," Alexa said, giving her cousin's cock a squeeze

Ernie pushed his finger deep into Alexa's wet hole, stroking her G Spot.

"You're going to make me cum!"

"Isn't that what it's all about, Cuz, getting off?'

Alexa's hips thrust up, driving Ernie's finger deeper.

"Oh my God! My husband can never find that spot."

She caught herself before adding that Helen did it all of the time.

"Open my pants and pull my cock out."

"I'm going to burn in hell for doing this," Alexa said, extracting her cousin's cock.

She stroked it backhand, her eyes widening as it grew in length and girth. Her fingers wouldn't meet around its girth, and it was longer than the width of her hand around it.

She had to taste it. She pushed Ernie in his chest.

"I want to eat you while you suck me," Ernie said, resisting his cousin's attempt to push him on his back.

"Out here," Alexa exclaimed, "Someone might see us. Besides, that wasn't part of the deal!"

"Neither was you sucking my cock," Ernie said.

"Okay! Okay! But we're getting close to incest here," Alexa said, eying her cousin

"I have a Physics professor who asked us this question...!"

"Why the Hell would you bring up a college class while finger fucking me, and my mouth aches to have that magnificent tool in it?"

Ernie's thumb rubbed Alexa's little man in the boat while he fucked her hard with his fingers. The squishy sound of her pussy competed with the rain splashing on the pavilion's roof.

"She asked," Ernie said archly, "if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?"

"OH FUCK!" Alexa leaned forward, her head dropping to her cousin's shoulder as her orgasm shook her. "You bastard! I'm cumming!"

Ernie pressed up with his fingers against her G spot while pressing hard on her clit. The same professor he was quoting taught him that trick. She said the Gräfenberg spot and the clitoris were two sides of a woman's erogenous zone. Manipulating them simultaneously caused explosive orgasms.

"The answer is no; because the sound is something you hear. Incest is a societal invention; if nobody knows, it doesn't matter."

"That's a fucking convoluted logic to justify us 69ing."

"You're the one who brought up incest," Ernie said.

He was high and having trouble focusing. His world narrowed to this pavilion and his cousin's pussy. He heard the stories about her. He wanted to fuck her and see what all the fuss was about.

Alexa held Ernie's wrist, keeping his fingers in her, her body undulating as she came down from her orgasm. She stiffened, groaned, and her mouth gaped open when he pulled his fingers from her pussy.

She smirked when he offered his cum covered fingers to her. Sucking his fingers would not be the first time she tasted her pussy; but it was the first time someone proposed it before she did! Ernie had possibilities as a lover. She had boyfriends before she married whom she introduced to sucking their fingers after fingering her.

She held his wrist while sucking her juices from her fingers. She smiled when he took his fingers and finished sucking them clean. Alexa and Helen played this game a lot.

Ernie took off his jeans and tossed them on the table. He stood naked, his cock bobbing.

"Strip," he ordered.

"What if someone sees us?"

"We put on a good show and wait for the applause," Ernie laughed, sitting on the picnic table.

"You're impossible," Alexa said, wiggling her skirt down. She sat next to her cousin and took his dick in her hand.

Ernie knelt on the ground between Alexa's parted legs. He sniffed her smoothly-shaven pussy, inhaling the aroma of her arousal. Then he dove in like a hungry man with a feast set before him.

She writhed on the picnic table bench as he kissed her thighs, paying equal attention to each one while moving slowly toward the prize between her legs.

He buried his face in her pussy, his tongue aching as he extended as far as he could in her hole. Alex was incredibly wet, and her juices flowed down his cheek to his neck.

"Motherfucker," Alexa exclaimed, writhing on Ernie's tongue, "wait, we're supposed to be 69ing!"

"Don't interrupt," Ernie laughed, looking up at Alexa, his face coated in her pussy juice.

"Come on," Alexa said, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the picnic table.

The cousins lay head to toe as Alexa took him in her mouth, groaning at the familiar feel of a hard cock. The corners of her mouth ached as she tried to get all of him in her mouth

"Motherfucker, Alexa! You suck a mean dick!"

"Practice! Practice," She said, rubbing his tool over her face, smearing it with his precum. "You don't do so bad yourself, " she gasped.

Alexa knew about thoroughbred cocks; she had a few before she got married. Her cousin was the best ever for sucking. She could barely wait to feel him stretching her pussy.

What would people think, seeing me naked on a picnic bench,69ing with my cousin?

Ernie was not your average sexually inexperienced 18-year-old.

In addition to the female students, he hooked up several times with his married advisor in his sophomore year. Mrs. Crenshaw was a 60 years old scarecrow with skinny hips, no breasts, and pussy that she could make do amazing things. She taught him how to please a woman and let him practice on her.

He convinced her to spend the night in his dorm room, where he and his roommate tag-teamed her all night. She was an animal, taking all the nineteen-year-olds could give and wanting more. Ernie knew how to please a woman!

"You like that, Cuz?

Ernie did figure eights on her pussy with his tongue. At the bottom of the figure-eight, he probed her musty anus. At the top, he teased her clit

"You're driving me crazy," Alexa gasped.

Alexa pressed down, trying to force Ernie's thick tool down her throat. She succeeded, gurgling because she couldn't breathe. She pulled back, coughing and gagging.

"You're not the only one who knows a few sex tricks, " She panted, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "But I want to fuck! We can do the oral sex thing later. Right now, I want to feel that monster in me."

Ernie lay back on the table, his cock rigid and pointing at the pavilion's roof. He beckoned for Alexa to mount him.

"Come on, Alex, get in the saddle. Ride my cock like a mechanical bull ride in a country western bar!"

"Mmmm! My favorite! How did you know?"

Alexa threw her leg over her reclining cousin. His cock slapped against her belly. She stroked it with both hands while staring down at him.

"If cowgirl is your favorite, why are you hesitating?"

Ernie stroked her breasts, grasping them at the base and sliding his hands up her tits to her rigid nipples. He pinched them hard, causing Alexa to squeal in pain.

"Stop it! That hurts!" she grabbed his wrists, her body undulating in pain and pleasure. Her pussy was so wet her juices were smeared on his chest.


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