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Family Boundaries Ch. 02

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Sex at work and escapades at school.
12.1k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/01/2023
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Riker carefully climbed over Izzy to get out of bed. Not that he wanted to leave her, but he had to get up sooner or later. Especially since he kind of needed to pee.

They'd been sleeping in the same bed again the past few nights, just like they used to. Totally naked these days, though, and usually after getting each other off. Those were the main differences.

Izzy's eyes had actually flicked open as soon as Riker had moved, but she otherwise lay still and he didn't notice that she was awake. She got to enjoy watching her twin brother pad around their room naked, then get dressed. Her eyes ran up and down his athletically toned body, taking in his hint of muscle definition and tousled brown hair, and of course his currently soft penis that she'd been getting more familiar with lately.

Riker was fully dressed before he realized Izzy was just lying there, shining blue eyes peering intently at him in the morning light.

"Were you awake the whole time?" he asked.


"Why didn't you say?"

"Why would I?" Izzy asked, stretching out languidly and artfully allowing the covers to fall away from her body, baring her down to the waist.

Riker's eyes went to her breasts for a moment, then back to her face. He leaned down to her, tilted her chin, and kissed her softly.

"I wouldn't have bothered trying to be quiet," he said.

"Hm, yeah, I guess. But I think I really like watching you when you don't know anyone's looking."

Riker narrowed his eyes. "How often is that, exactly?"

"Hehe, wouldn't you like to know."

"Hmph, alright, have it your way. You need to get out of bed too though. We have early practice before school, you know."

Izzy groaned as she rolled out of bed. "Yeah, I know. Why do we do this to ourselves again?"

"In order to run incrementally faster than before, I think."

"Your enthusiasm is ever so infectious."

It was Riker's turn to watch Izzy patter about nakedly and get dressed, though this time she was acutely aware of having an audience.

"Ri?" she asked as she slipped her panties on. "Do you only do track because I do it?"

"I mean... I guess mostly, yeah."


"Yeah. If I'm gonna do any kind of sport, I want to do it with you, and that really doesn't leave many options."

Izzy smiled. "Well that's not a bad reason. You don't actually have to do any sport if you don't want to, though."

"What, and give up on this body?"

"Good point. Early practice it is."


Zoe didn't need to wake up quite as early as the twins, but she actually wasn't much later getting up than them. She woke up with some ideas in her head and yawned her way over to her computer.

Probably she shouldn't write dirty stories fueled by her siblings' activities. That seemed like the right answer. And yet she kept dabbling at it anyway.

Much like her nighttime masturbation, it was largely Izzy and Riker's fault. They kept stoking her imagination. Vi wasn't any help either. Zoe was much less inclined to listen with interest to her big sister's loud sexual exploits than she was to her younger sibs' sneaky, sexy fun, but in both cases her siblings stirred thoughts in her head, and it turned out Zoe needed somewhere to put those thoughts.

Hence tapping out some rough stories on her keyboard. Zoe did her best not to actually base anything on her family, and had initially tried to avoid incest altogether, but she kept getting drawn back to the general notion of it. Brothers and sisters, sometimes parents, or even the less common brother on brother or sister on sister type tales. They were just hotter than other fantasies.

"It's probably a problem," Zoe muttered to herself. "But I'm not the one broadcasting my every sexual exploit to the whole house, or masturbating with my sibling, so the hell with it."

"You trying to justify yourself?" Zoe asked as though she wasn't just talking to herself.

"Oh who asked you?"

"I mean you could try harder to find a less taboo kink."

"Shush. You know you're talking to yourself."

"Yeah, well so are you."

"... I'm gonna go get some breakfast."

"Good idea."

Zoe stumbled downstairs in a shirt and panties, finding her younger sibs already breakfasting and fully dressed. "Why are you both always up so early?"

"The life of an athlete," Riker said.

"Practice before school," Izzy added.

"Hmph. I remember now why I never did high school sports."

"You couldn't anyway," Riker said. "You were firmly in nerd land. It would have been dangerous to mix with sports kids."

"I... ugh, lemme get some coffee and I'll think up something witty to retort with," Zoe said.

"You've only got like ten minutes before we're out of here," Izzy said cheerfully. "Better make it fast."

Helena came down before anyone could be incited to early morning violence. She greeted each of her children with a kiss on the forehead and grabbed some coffee too after Zoe had poured hers.

It basically counted as the whole family gathering for breakfast since Vi was hardly ever up at this time of day. Vi didn't always work super late shifts, but her sleep schedule had developed to accommodate them if necessary.

"You two off early today?" Helena asked.

Riker and Izzy nodded.

"About to head out," Izzy said.

"Well have fun," Helena said.

"I'm sure we will," Riker said, totally deadpan.

A recent benefit to track practice was Izzy sneaking into the shower afterward with him, if in fact that was her intent again. He couldn't imagine it wasn't.


Helena got to work and settled at her desk before she pulled out her phone. She gave it a small snort of disappointment before putting it away again.

"Who's not texting you back now?"

Helena looked up and gave a rueful smile. Athena, a woman Helena's age and basically her best friend these days, stood leaning in the doorway with a knowing smirk on her lips.

"Oh, just this guy I spent the night with," Helena said.

Athena made a disgusted noise. "Oh, one of those 'hit it and quit it' types, huh?"

"Well... to be fair we both went in under the agreement that it was a one time thing."

"Oh, Hel...."

"I know, I know. I really don't want to date him long term or anything. Just... I hoped maybe he'd say, like, 'hey, wanna hook up again?' Or something."

"Good in bed then?" Athena asked, closing the office door and slipping into a chair across from Helena.

"Pretty good. Good enough that I'm kind of regretting only doing him once."

"Haha, I swear you're your own worst enemy when it comes to love."

Helena rolled her eyes. "Pff, who's got time for love? I just want a good fuckbuddy I can rely on."

Athena pouted. "So what, I'm not a good fuckbuddy?"

Helena gave her a look while idly rolling a dildo back and forth on her desk. The sex toy would have been a terribly inappropriate desk ornament if the two of them didn't work in the company's sex toy division. It had a less obvious official name within the company structure, but in practice it was almost entirely creating and producing variants of most any adult toy one could think of. Helena's office was, in fact, lined with shelves containing various examples of their products.

None of which made Athena's question any more appropriate here than at any other office building around, but neither woman gave much of a shit about that.

"Just because we have sex doesn't make us fuckbuddies," Helena said. "I think of you more as, like, a best friend with benefits."

"The best kind of friend," Athena agreed.

"And besides you don't have--"

"I know, I don't have a penis," Athena said. "And trust me, I get it. I haven't been properly railed in... god, how long now? Too long."

Helena nodded sympathetically. "You could just start dating again. I know it's not really fun most of the time, but--"

Athena waved her off. "I could, but like you say, who's got the time. Especially since technically I'm still married, even if it's to a man who turns out to be gay. Life's complicated enough as it is without trying to find someone."

"True enough. I love my kids, and I'm happy that they all seem like they're doing ok in their own ways, but they are such a handful. And I kind of still worry about Zoe being too much of an introvert, and Vi... Vi kinda the opposite. And the twins... can twins be codependent? I feel like they might be."

"I wouldn't worry about them," Athena said. "That's just motherly fears talking. I've met your kids and they're all just fine."

"I want them to be independent and strong and doing what they want with their lives--"

"Which they are, aren't they?"

Helena sighed. "It's one thing to think that in theory, and another to watch it in practice. I miss when they were all little and needed their mommy."

"Ah, that's what it is."

"Yes, ok, they are all doing fine and I just miss being needed more." Helena swung the dildo around in her hand before realizing she was still holding it and setting it back carefully on her desk. "And maybe honestly it just bothers me a little that some day soon they're all going to go off and leave me, and I don't know if I have what it takes to find love to replace that."

"... is it too early in the day to start drinking?"

"It most certainly is."

"Alas." Athena tilted her head. "And you still don't want to take me home after work for some wild sex to get your mind off of this stuff?"

"First of all, we don't do wild sex."

"We could if we had some privacy."

"Which brings me to point two, the lack of privacy at my house."

Athena sighed. "And you don't want to let them know what we get up to. I know."

"I just think it might be weird. They know you as my friend already, and something of an unofficial aunt. Never mind that you're technically my subordinate here, and that's a whole power dynamic thing which is--"

"Hel, you don't need to make excuses. I get it. We do the whole sneaky, on-the-side kind of thing. And it's great. I don't think it hurts to consider other options sometimes, is all."

"You're right, you know."

"I know." Athena stood up. "Anyway, I better actually get to work before the boss finds out I'm slacking."

Helena rolled her eyes. She was, after all, the boss in question. "You want to, maybe, meet at lunch?"

Athena smiled. "I was hoping you'd want to. Maybe take our minds off our worries for a little bit. Even if we can't go wild here."

Helena's heart beat a little harder as she watched Athena walk out. She'd have to clear her mind and focus on some work for a while, but it wasn't going to be easy.

Maybe Athena was right and she should just take her home. Go a little crazy. Healthy boundaries were good, but sometimes a pain in the ass as much as anything.


Riker showered by himself before classes started, following a track session of mainly sprint training. He liked those better than endurance running, but they got him just as sweaty.

Izzy slipped in to the lonely boys' shower shortly after, much to Riker's expectation and delight. They smiled at each other and weren't shy about running their eyes over each other's wet, naked bodies.

"You gonna be able to keep getting away with this?" Riker asked.

Izzy shrugged. "Who knows. I'm gonna try. Someone'll probably notice I keep sneaking away sooner or later."


At first, Izzy mostly just rinsed herself off. She was fully aware of her brother checking her out, and the rather prominent erection he sported. She wanted to get cleaned off before they got too carried away.

Riker started stroking his cock while watching Izzy wash herself next to him. She noticed almost immediately and smiled at him while continuing about her business. Slowly, very deliberately, Izzy turned away from him and bent over at the waist. She made a show of washing her legs, but she was sticking her ass out at her brother way too hard for it to be an innocent pose.

Riker sighed happily and stroked himself harder. Izzy's butt was already pretty exposed to him, but he reached out to one of her ass cheeks and spread it wider anyway.

"You really like seeing me like this, huh?" Izzy said.

"It's... it's pretty hot."

"Do you prefer me casually naked, or being deliberately lewd?"

"They both have their charms."

"Way to be decisive."

Riker snorted and kept rubbing himself. "Honestly... it depends on context. Like for instance, when we were running this morning, I kept watching your butt."

"I'm aware. Mine and everyone else's."

"Well... yes. But mostly yours. Way more than normal."

Izzy felt a warmth inside her, and a corresponding additional heat in her pussy. "So you were horny before I even got here? What am I saying, of course you were. You told me you always jack off in here by yourself after practices."

"I said I sometimes did. I mean, it'll probably be all the time now, but it didn't used to be."

"Would it still be all the time if I didn't join you?"

"Um... not sure. Maybe just most of the time."

Izzy bit her lip. Riker was still grabbing her butt, and she liked that almost as much as watching him jerk off to her.

"Hey, Ri? Would you... would you press it against me? Just for a second?"

Riker's eyes widened. "My penis?"

"Yeah. Just quick. I just want to feel it."

"Ok," Riker said, somewhat breathlessly.

It wasn't a request that he'd expected, but it certainly didn't shock him either. They'd been touching each other an awful lot lately, usually in either the normal, semi-platonic ways, or specifically rubbing each other's genitals. Pressing his cock to his sister's ass sounded like a fun twist.

Both siblings let out small moans as Riker's hard, throbbing cock pressed against Izzy's soft, slippery bum. It took the barest flick of effort for Riker to slide his erection and trap it briefly between Izzy's butt cheeks where he held it just as long as he dared, which wasn't more than a second or two.

"Oh goddamn, Iz."

"Yeah, that's dangerous, huh."

Riker groaned and stroked himself hard. "It really is. Why is your ass so amazing?"

"Unf, careful, compliments like that could get you too far."

"I'm not... worried about... that... right now."

Izzy licked her lips. "You're gonna cum, right?"


"Cum on my ass."


"Do it. Cum on my ass."

Izzy was way too into this and she knew it. There was something so viscerally dirty about urging her brother to mess her ass with his cum. Something addictive and primal. That was on top of her usual boundary-crossing feelings for her twin.

Riker came on Izzy's bum, initially sending a few stray streaks of cum haphazardly across her backside, then pressing the tip of his cock just below her butthole and concentrating most of the rest over it.

"I didn't say on my bumhole," Izzy said a little dizzily as she stood up.


Izzy shook her head and tried to crane her neck to check her backside out, though of course she couldn't see much. "It's not bad, just... wow, that's an extremely naughty mess to make of your sister, you know."

Riker caught Izzy's chin while she was experimentally poking a finger at her own butthole and the cum covering it. He kissed her fiercely enough to make her forget about his cum for a moment.

"I got caught up in the moment," he said.

"Mmm, I think I kind of like you getting caught up in the moment."

Riker caressed Izzy's cheek, mesmerized by her eyes. Then, abruptly, he frowned slightly. "Do you hear giggling?"

"Um... yeah, actually. Who is that?"

"I don't know."

Riker and Izzy pattered nakedly over toward the lockers, Izzy lagging behind so as not to be seen. Riker just caught the door to the locker room slamming shut.

"I think someone was in here," Riker said.

Izzy's heart beat harder in her chest. "Spying on us?"


"Did they see...."

"I don't know."

Izzy again felt a little dizzy. Not like she was going to faint, but just being overwhelmed with emotion. She should be scared of someone catching her and her brother, and instead she just felt an insane thrill that someone might have witnessed what they were up to. That probably wasn't the correct reaction.

But as she gazed at Riker from behind, naked and dripping as he was, Izzy felt safe with him, whatever scandal might arise. And, just perhaps, she wanted someone to know about them. Multiple someones even. Hopefully not the whole school, that was excessive, but a few people wouldn't be so bad.

Izzy slipped her hand into Riker's and kissed his shoulder. "It's fine. Whoever saw might not even know who we are. They might just think some random people in school were doing stuff in the shower."

"Maybe," Riker said. "But they were girls' voices. And the only girls who I can think would even be in here were...."

"Oh, right. Our teammates."


"Do you think it was Celeste and Aurora?"

"Very likely."


"Yeah. My clothes all seem to be gone."

Izzy looked at where Riker's stuff had been, and indeed it was gone. His locker stood open and hurriedly emptied of clothing as well.

"It was them alright. Guess one peek wasn't enough."

"Guess not," Riker sighed.

"Still, can't totally blame them for that."

Riker gave Izzy a crooked smile. "You're not going to encourage our friends to peek at me while I'm naked, are you?"

"Not encourage, no. But I get it." Izzy kissed Riker on the cheek, just next to his lips. "Do you want me to go after them?"

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"If they don't know you're in here with me... that would kind of give it away."

"Oh, right. And presumably they don't know, since we only heard giggles and no, like, gasps of shock or anything."


Izzy bit her lip, then nodded. "Ok, I'll dress quick then run around from the other way. You--"

"I'm just gonna have to go out like this."

Izzy eyed her brother up and down. "I don't hate it."

"Heh, yeah, I know."

Riker gave Izzy a head start, then took a breath before pushing open the door to the rest of the school. He'd drip-dried off a bit, but was still very damp, and very, very naked.

Celeste and Aurora, unsurprisingly, were hanging out outside the locker rooms waiting for him. Four other girls from the track team were with them. All six sets of eyes widened and lit up as Riker revealed himself.

"Well well," Celeste said, tossing her flame-red hair casually. "Didn't you forget something?"

"Someone took my clothes," Riker said. His face warmed and he felt his cock twitch as he stood nude in front of half a dozen girls.

"You don't say," Aurora murmured huskily.

There were whispers of appreciation from the other girls too.

Izzy burst out of the girls' locker room, clearly trying not to look like she was rushing. Hopefully her acting wasn't as obvious to anyone who didn't know where she'd been.

"Hey guys, what-- Ri, where are your clothes?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out," Riker said.

"He thinks someone took them," Aurora drawled, curling her blue hair around one finger.

"Someone did take them," Riker said firmly. "The question is whether you're going to give them back."

"Well it wasn't us," Celeste said. "We just got here in time to watch you flounce out all naked and... and stuff. We haven't got your clothes."

She actually seemed the slightest bit flustered at Riker's hardening erection pointed at her. He didn't mind sharing some of the embarrassment around, though he was still saddled with the bulk of it.

Izzy put her hands on her hips and peered suspiciously at Celeste and Aurora, but neither was cracking. "This is really how you're gonna play this, huh?"

"Din't take nuffin'," Aurora mumbled, staring even more transfixed at Riker than before.

"Sure you didn't," Izzy said, not the least bit convinced. "Ri told me you two peeked at him the other day."

"Accident," Celeste said.

"Total mishap," Aurora agreed, tilting her head slightly as though to get a different view.


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