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Family Boundaries Ch. 02


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Riker snagged a towel from one of the girls and dried himself off better while waiting for some kind of resolution. The embarrassment of being watched hadn't really gone away, but there was a slowly growing sense of pride and preening in the attention. He was definitely the centre of attention, and is audience hung on his every move. There was a fun sort of power in that.

Izzy absently combed his hair a bit with her fingers once he'd handed the even damper towel back to its owner. Izzy was doing a very good job pretending like she didn't care that he was naked, all things considered. Especially since she was certainly the one most interested in him like this, even if they couldn't admit to it.

"Right, you're halfway presentable," Izzy said. "Let's just go."

"Um... I don't know about halfway," Riker said, glancing down at his erection which was twitching and leaking precum.

Izzy just took his hand and led him away. All eyes were still on Riker from behind as they left.

"Are they following?" Izzy murmured.

"No, I don't think so," Riker said.

"Good." Izzy dropped some of her poise. "Oh my god, this is so insane."

"Yeah, it kinda is. What are we doing?"

"What else can we do? We're going to class."

"But... I'm naked."

"So I noticed," Izzy said, squeezing his hand. "We can go hide out somewhere if you want. But, like, don't you want to just kind of stay like this?"

Riker eyed his sister sidelong. "You mean you want me to stay like this."


"Because you're enjoying it? Or because you kind of like showing me off?"

"... can't it be both?"

The halls were crowding up before the start of classes. Already plenty of random students were catching sight of Riker as he and Izzy continued to move toward their lockers, which were of course next to each other. There was quite a spectrum of reactions from disbelief and shock, to wide-eyed appreciation or disgust.

Riker tried not to look at any specific face and just keep moving. Drawing comfort from Izzy was the only thing that kept him calm enough to function.

"You know we'll get in trouble for this?" Riker said.

"Yeah, but... kind of worth it, isn't it?"

Riker squeezed her hand back. "How horny are you right now?"

"Um... on a scale of one to ten... about thirty."

"Thought it might be something like that."

"We can still get out of here," Izzy conceded. "Make a dash to the car. Go home, I guess."

"We could," Riker agreed. "But... what would you give me if we stay and see what happens?"

Izzy brightened up and considered the offer. She was, indeed, so stupidly horny. She hadn't had a chance to cum after Riker made a mess all over her ass like that, and it only got worse once she got to parade him nakedly through the school. It was, quite honestly, affecting her judgement something fierce.

"Anything," she decided.

"Anything as in--"

"As in anything you want. I am in full bribe mode here."

Riker considered. "And you definitely didn't have anything to do with my clothes disappearing?"

"Of course not. I'm just taking advantage is all."

Riker was no less horny than Izzy, even if he'd had a fairly recent orgasm. There was something about being naked in school and having half the student populace get an eyeful of him that really turned him on.

The twins kept moving, kept flowing through the crowds. Walking with purpose was the key. They got plenty of looks, and some comments, and the occasional smart-ass comment or catcall, but no one had yet had a chance to do anything more than that.

"Deal," Riker said eventually. "Obviously if we get in real trouble we bail."

"Yeah, of course." Izzy kissed Riker on the cheek. "I got your back, don't worry."

The twins arrived at their lockers and gathered up the books they needed for morning classes. Staying still even for a few minutes was already harder as they didn't get to keep breezing past anyone staring at them.

"Morning... Riker! Oh my god, what are... you're...."

Riker slung his backpack over his shoulder and turned toward the voice. Diana, a friend and classmate, was staring so wide-eyed at him as to be comical. She clutched a textbook tight to her chest while her mouth gaped open and her cheeks went bright red.

"Hi, Diana," Riker said. "It's... it's a weird morning."

Diana mumbled something incoherent. She took her glasses off and cleaned them, as though somehow what she was seeing was a result of dirty lenses.

"We're headed to class in a moment," Izzy said conversationally. "You were coming to walk with us, I take it?"

"You can't go to class like that," Diana said, clutching her textbook even harder, like a lifeline.

"Well, I ordinarily would agree with you," Riker said. "But, uh, my clothes got stolen."

"Oh," Diana said shyly. "And you're still going to class?"

"What else am I gonna do?" Riker asked.

Diana shook her head, her usual braided pigtails bouncing with the movement. "I could never do that! I mean, even just standing here with everyone looking at you...."

Riker winced. "Yeah, I was trying to ignore quite how much attention I was getting."

"Pff, you love it," Izzy said.

"Just 'cause I'm hard--"

"And dripping."

"--and dripping precum, yes. Just because of that, and my heart pounding, and my legs getting kind of shaky, and... what was my point again?"

"I think you were done."


Diana was still staring so hard at Riker that Izzy felt just the smallest twinge of jealousy, foolish though it was. Izzy took her brother's hand possessively anyway.

"Come on, we should get to class before we're mobbed," Izzy said.

Both Riker and Diana jerked to attention and followed along with her.

"Oh right," Riker said. "Class."

Diana's face was absolutely burning. Izzy smiled at noting that she tagged along just behind the twins, which she had to in order to maneuver through the crowded halls, but also left her able to check Riker out from behind the whole way to their classroom.

Izzy could hardly blame Diana. She herself had been appreciating her twin brother's ass more and more during track practice and such. Izzy still didn't think Riker was properly aware of how many of the girls stared just as hard at his ass given the chance as he did at theirs. It was, by any measure, a very mutually beneficial arrangement for all involved.

The twins derived sufficient comfort from holding hands to get them through. Riker would have struggled with the sheer amount of attention he was getting, and Izzy probably would have let jealousy hit her some more, but their connection let Riker know that everything would be ok, and let Izzy feel secure in knowing Riker was her brother, her twin, and no one else's.

The three of them arrived at class while the room was mostly empty, which was a blessing. Everyone already there got a good eyeful, but once Riker sat down at the back of the class with Izzy on one side and Diana on the other they had some amount of shelter.

A surprising number of their classmates were sufficiently self-absorbed that they came in without even noticing the naked boy at the back of class. Plenty did notice, too, including everyone who'd been there when Riker walked in. Some of them deliberately moved to sit close to Riker, and plenty of the rest kept stealing glances from wherever they happened to be in the room.

"I don't know if I can get through a whole class like this," Riker said, already squirming in his seat.

"Still excited?" Izzy asked.

"Of course! I'm gonna leave a puddle of precum in my seat at this rate."

Diana whimpered softly.

Izzy smirked both at the sound, and at her brother's wiggliness. "Just sit still, pretend like everything's normal."

"I don't usually have half the eyes in the room staring straight at me," Riker grumbled.

"Yeah, you're gonna be some fantasy material for our classmates tonight, huh?" Izzy said, looking around the room.

"Mmhm," Diana said without thinking, then blushed again as Izzy turned her smirk her way for a moment.

Disproportionately more girls were staring than boys, which made sense, but it wasn't as one-sided as it might have been. Izzy liked the notion that her brother was hot enough to bring out some feelings even in boys who ordinarily wouldn't check out other guys.

Riker was struggling. He wanted to just jerk off and calm down a little, but obviously couldn't at the moment. Even stronger than that, he wanted Izzy to jerk him off. Or maybe... maybe bend over her desk so he could grind on her ass. That brief taste of his cock on her bum had been dangerously enticing.

The things he'd do in front of their whole class if only he was brave and stupid enough. He was, indeed, brave and stupid to be in the situation he was, just not enough so to do anything further about it.

Diana kept thinking she must be in a dream. A wonderful, sexy dream. She didn't have a crush on Riker in particular, but she'd thought about him sometimes. Even sometimes alone in her bed. She'd never actually thought that she'd see him naked for real like this, let alone for an extended period of time, let alone casually parading around the school. It was... it was a lot, and was doing things to her even beyond just providing extensive material for fantasizing about with her hand between her legs.

"Good morning," Ms. Penny greeted the class as she walked in. Several heads whipped back around toward the front of class as she entered. "Glad to see we're having a relatively calm morning today."

Ms. Penny got herself settled at her desk, unaware of why exactly so many of her students were sitting down quietly already. A few more students trickled in just before the bell, also unaware of the naked boy at the back of the class.

Riker's heart hammered, waiting for Ms. Penny to notice him and... and....

Well what was she going to do anyway? Drag him to the front of class? Scold him? Spank hi--

No, probably not that. Riker whimpered softly as his overactive imagination started picturing some very bad things like being made to jerk off in front of the class, or Ms. Penny sinking to her knees and sucking him off. Too much porn talking there.

"I'm really horny," Riker hissed to Izzy.

Izzy was just sitting happily watching him with dreamy eyes. "I know," she said. "Just wait until you can cum. It'll be really good."

Diana, just barely overhearing about Riker cumming, squeaked and pretended like she'd been fussing with her pencil and some papers.

Ms. Penny started the class as usual, still oblivious to the naked boy at the back of the room. Her lack of awareness only lasted so long when half her students kept craning their necks around to check Riker out.


Riker slouched down more. "Yes, Miss?"

"Where's your shirt?"


There were a few titters through the class, some red faces, and multiple students trying to look around at Riker, whom they previously hadn't noticed.

"Put your shirt back on," Ms. Penny said. "I mean honestly."

"That's kind of a problem," Riker said.


"I haven't got one at the moment. My clothes got stolen."

Ms. Penny sighed. "Well go get one then."



Riker took a deep breath and stood up. Every single eye in the classroom was already on him, and he got to watch almost every one of them go wide as they got a full view of his naked body. Many of those eyes flicked immediately down to his achingly hard, precum drooling cock.

Ms. Penny wasn't able to deal with this. She went as bright red as anyone, didn't know where to put her eyes, and was clearly at a bit of a loss as to what to do.

"Um... maybe... maybe sit back down," she said.

Riker nodded wearily and sank back into his seat. He glared at Izzy who was just about pissing herself laughing.

"So your clothes... all your clothes...." Ms. Penny stammered.

"All stolen, yes," Riker said.

"You... why...."

"Didn't know what else to do, Miss," Riker said. "No better off hanging out in the halls, really."

Ms. Penny tried to steady herself. She was, in fact, one of the twins' favourite teachers, and reasonably young and attractive as far as faculty went. Hence Riker's flitting fantasies about her now that he was in a stupid and horny predicament. Unfortunately for his horny side, she didn't seem particularly inclined at the moment to jump him like the hot teacher in a porn video no doubt would have by now.

"I'll be honest, I'm not equipped to deal with this right now," Ms. Penny said. "It's... it's just way too early in the day for this. Maybe just sit there, everyone stop staring... I said stop staring!"

The class collectively risked whiplash as so many heads swiveled back around to face front all at once.

"And maybe we all just pretend this never happened," Ms. Penny finished. "Ok?"

There was a general mumbling chorus of assent. Many students didn't have any better idea what to do with the situation than their teacher. Several others kept sneaking peeks at Riker and didn't seem to mind that he'd stay naked in class with them.

It was overall not a terribly productive class. More fun and distracting that usual, but not a whole lot of actual learning going on. Other than about a boy's anatomy, perhaps.

Izzy and Diana had the best views the whole time, of course, and happily took full advantage. Luckily for Izzy, everyone was so focused on her brother that they didn't seem to pick up on how much she was staring at him too.

The bell brought a sigh of relief from Riker, though it didn't actually help him out that much. A fairly large portion of his classmates fucked about with their stuff, clearly delaying leaving the room to the point where Riker knew he'd have to walk past them.

"Come on," Izzy chirped gleefully. "Time to head out."

She took Riker's hand and dragged him away after her. She reveled in whisking her brother past so many wide eyes and flushing cheeks, not to mention the occasional boner. If girls got boners too, Izzy could only imagine how many would be present right now.

Riker tried not to look at anyone as they walked. His sense of embarrassment had kind of just given up and was stuck on high, but faded to sort of a background noise. His arousal, however, was a constant, nagging annoyance.

Fantasies had plagued him all class. Fantasies of their teacher, sure, and of Izzy. But also with Diana, or Diana and Izzy, or both girls and Ms. Penny. And, indeed, half the other girls in class featuring at some point or other. Brushing past their classmates and revealing how painfully horny he was up close only made all of that so much more intense.

"I need to cum," Riker hissed to Izzy.

"I know, but we don't have time," she hissed back.

"But... but...."

"What do you want to do?" Izzy asked. "If you want to skip class, I got your back. I'll got wherever you want to. And you did one class so... so I owe you anything you want already."

Riker groaned. "Don't tell me that right now."

"Why not?"

"Because my thoughts are bad enough already, and there are way too many people around."

Izzy's heart pounded and she licked her dry lips. "What would you do to me right now if there weren't?"

"Unf, don't even do that to me. Come on, let's go."

Riker found himself leading Izzy and Diana to their next class. Diana somehow remained oblivious to what the twins intended to do with each other later on, mostly due to her tunnel vision of Riker from whichever side she happened to be facing him. Riker and Izzy whispering to each other wasn't necessarily a sign that they intended sibling naughtiness, though the actual content of their discussions would have been a dead giveaway if Diana had been paying close enough attention.

Unlike last time, they weren't able to just sneak in and sit down. Ms. Lynn was already at her desk, casually watching her students trickle in, and a naked boy with a hardon stood out from the normal crowd.

"Whoa there, what's going on here?" Ms. Lynn demanded, holding up a hand to stop Riker in his tracks.

Riker blushed anew. It was so much easier walking by crowds in the hall than dealing with a smaller, more focused audience that he couldn't swiftly run away from. Not that the crowds were easy, exactly, but they weren't so difficult as standing before a teacher as she glared at him, knowing that he was committed at this point.

"My clothes got stolen," Riker said.

"So you came to class without them?" Ms. Lynn asked.

"Um... yes?"

"He's a very dedicated student, Miss," Izzy said.

Ms. Lynn looked past Riker as though only just recognizing that Izzy and Diana were even present. "I have to say I'm a little surprised at the both of you."

"Why me?" Izzy asked. "I still have my clothes."

"And you didn't think to help your brother get dressed too instead of going to class?"

"Well... his clothes were stolen."

Ms. Lynn rolled her eyes. "So I heard."

"Ms. Penny just let him stay," Diana piped up, only a slight quaver in her voice.

Ms. Lynn's eyes moved up and down Riker's body. "Oh did she? Well... I can see why."

Izzy grinned at Riker's discomfort, and the extra little spurt of precum that she only noticed because she was watching for something like it. "Interested all of a sudden, Miss?"

"Don't push it," Ms. Lynn said absently. "You three just sit right here in the front row, I'm going to give Ms. Penny a quick call."

"We'd be less distraction at the back of class," Riker said.

"Ha, don't think you're getting away with that. I need to keep an eye on you."

Izzy grinned. "You need to--"

"You finish that smart-ass comment, Izzy, and it's detention for a week."

Izzy's mouth snapped shut. "Yes Miss," she said meekly.

Riker sat front and centre while again flanked by Izzy and Diana. He could hear the whispers, and indeed the louder comments, from the rest of the class behind them. It was significantly more awkward and embarrassing to know they could all see him, and he couldn't easily keep an eye on any of them.

Ms. Lynn was on the phone with Ms. Penny for longer than he felt necessary, especially the way she kept looking over at him and smirking as though the two teachers were scheming about him.

"Maybe we pushed our luck a bit," Izzy said.

"You think?"

"Sorry, Ri."

Riker softened. He wasn't mad at Izzy. Just... just overwhelmed, really. "It's ok. I mean... it is pretty hot."

"Yeah it is," Diana agreed. She was getting used to Riker's nudity somewhat by now. Still absolutely fascinated by it, but not tongue-tied and uncertain to the same degree.

"Worst case, we get some detention, or sent to the principal, or something," Riker said.

"Yeah," Izzy said. "Plus, you know, all our classmates and random students who have seen you naked and horny now, which--"

"Not helping!" Riker hissed.

Ms. Lynn eventually hung up and returned to stand in front of Riker, her lips quirked in a faint smirk, her eyes not quite lewdly fixed on him, but very damn close.

"I suppose you'd better just sit this class and hope you find your clothes again eventually," she said.

"Um," Riker said intelligently.

Ms. Lynn spun away and around her desk, taking a seat with deliberate poise and control. "Now then, we started looking at some derivative equations last time. I suppose everyone did their homework?"

The sounds of shifting papers filled the room, along with a few sounds easily identifiable to the trained ear as students who did not, in fact, do all their homework.

Ms. Lynn reclined in her chair, letting a moment pass for everyone to get organized, not seeming at all bothered to actually verify whether all homeworks were complete.

"Perhaps for this class we'll go over some of the problems, and demonstrate some new techniques," Ms. Lynn said, practically purring.

Riker swallowed, though he didn't know exactly why he got a sense of foreboding. The tingle of dread inside him didn't go unexplained for long.


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