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Family Boundaries Ch. 04

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Twins go further, Zoe's interest increases, mom gets worried.
11.2k words

Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/01/2023
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The twins were absolutely insufferable for most of the day. They were always close, always together, but there was something different about it this particular Saturday. Neither Riker or Izzy had any intent of telling their family it was because they'd spent most of an hour with Riker dedicatedly making Izzy cum, followed immediately by him coating her in a cummy mess from pussy to breasts and everywhere in between.

Not that anyone would have asked, of course.

Helena struggled a bit watching the twins go around all day hand in hand, nuzzling each other at times, sitting close on the couch, going for a run in their tight running shorts that really weren't quite as modest as they could have been. She abjectly refused to masturbate to them again, though. Once had been sufficiently unmotherly as it was.

Vi was probably the least bothered, as she had her own concerns, and besides unlike everyone else was working that evening, so she got to take off and leave the weird mood in the house.

Zoe was somewhere between her mom and sister. She had strong suspicions the twins had done something quite naughty, though she had no idea exactly what. She didn't feel nearly so guilty as their mom about being aroused by her younger brother and sister's shenanigans, though she was still conflicted about what exactly to do about it.

According to her chat with Vi and her own ruminations afterward, maybe just nothing. Or maybe ask to masturbate with them, or to watch whatever it was they got up to.

What she actually ended up doing was shutting herself in her room most of the afternoon, alternately writing more of her dirty story she'd been working on, and playing with herself. Sometimes both at the same time.

"You feel like the family's avoiding us today?" Izzy asked Riker as they each drained a glass of water after their run.

"I guess somewhat," Riker said. "I don't know that any of it's on purpose."

"Maybe. Vi has work, and Zoe sometimes just chills alone in her room a lot."

"And Mom's always saying she wanted to do more gardening," Riker said thoughtfully. "Though she usually doesn't actually follow through."

The twins padded to a window and looked out at their mother viciously attacking weeds in her flower bed.

"Maybe she's got some frustrations as work," Izzy said after a moment.


"You don't think it's us, do you?"

Riker sighed. "I hope not. That would kind of imply that we're not very subtle sometimes."

Izzy gave him a look. "You know we aren't."

"Well... yeah, ok, fair. You think we're bothering our fam?"

"If Vi's allowed to fill the whole house with her sex noises, I don't see why us quietly cumming on each other in our room is a problem."

"One might argue she wasn't making those sex noises with a sibling," Riker said.

Izzy waved her fingers airily. "Details."

"Right." Riker glanced at Helena again, then shrugged. "Well, nothing we can do about it now. Wanna go shower together?"

Izzy cracked a smile. "Absolutely I do."


Vi still found herself distracted at work by Cait, but at least she wasn't as confused by it all as she had been. She was able to watch Cait do some of her routines on the pole and just enjoy them for what they were; feats of erotic athleticism.

Vi almost went to find Cait after she was done taking her clothes off on stage, but she had a post to stay at, and besides she had the very correct feeling that Cait would find her sooner or later anyway.

"Any notes on my performance?" Cait asked, sneaking up behind Vi. "Caught you staring pretty hard," she teased.

"I wasn't the only one," Vi said.

"No, you weren't. But everyone else is paying to see my boobs. You're just lucky I guess."

"Seems that way," Vi agreed.

"So no--"

"Do you want to go out?" Vi interrupted calmly. "Maybe like lunch before work some day or something?"

Cait was quiet for a moment, and Vi smiled to herself at finally flustering her in return. Vi kept her eyes moving, automatically scanning for problems in the strip club, while still keeping some of her attention on Cait.

"For real?" Cait asked.

"Yeah. I mean don't get excited though, I kind of just want to talk about some stuff."

"So like... you asking me on a date or what?"

"Honestly don't know. Maybe like a potential prelude to a date?"

"Oh." Cait chewed her lip, somehow making the innocent, thoughtful gesture something sultry and alluring. Part of the job for her, Vi supposed. "I can work with that," Cait decided.

"Cool. Tomorrow work?"

"Sure. Or want to just grab a drink after work tonight?"

Vi nodded. "Ok."


It made for a late drink by the time Vi and Cait finished their shifts, but they were both used to being up late fairly regularly. They met at a bar that was only a few buildings down from the strip club. Cait showed up with shoulder-length, dark black hair, done in one of those styles that seemed like elegant magic to Vi--pulled back from the face with a few artful strands still hanging loose--but she knew for a fact was fairly quick and easy to do for someone with practice. Vi didn't even recognize her at first.

"Oh shit, Cait?"

Cait smirked. "Expecting the platinum-blonde goddess, weren't you?"

"Kinda, yeah."

"Did you really not know that was a wig?"

"Not so much, no."

Cait laughed. "Well sorry to disappoint."

Vi shifted awkwardly, already kind of out of her element on this pre-date. "I mean it... you know, like, you look good. The hair isn't... it's...."

"Thank you," Cait said. "I think I got the gist of that."

"I'm usually semi-eloquent, I promise."

"I'm aware. All this time taking my clothes off and it turns out a change of hair is all it took to fluster you."

Luckily they got to put in drink orders then, which gave Vi more of a chance to compose herself. She got a beer, and Cait got a mixed drink of the sort Vi had never had much had a taste for.

Vi took a long drink of her beer, feeling like maybe she should have started with a shot or two. But they weren't meant to get drunk, really, it was just an excuse to talk outside of work.

"How do you keep a wig on though?" Vi asked. "All that dancing you do and everything. I swear I've seen you upside down on the pole."

"Haha, yeah. There's ways to make sure it doesn't go anywhere," Cait said. "I could show you sometime, if you want. But, uh...."

"Right, we have other things to talk about," Vi said. She tapped her beer with her fingertips. "So here's the thing."

"Hit me."

"I like boys."

"So I've heard."

"Right. But, like, my sister actually weirdly made me think about that in a different way."

Cait lifted an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Yeah. She said... how did she put it? She said something like maybe I sexually prefer boys, but... but maybe my romantic preferences aren't the same as my sexual preferences." Vi felt herself blushing and took another drink. This sort of thing was so much easier when she just wanted to bed cute guys.

"Interesting," Cait said. "Does that mean you're romantically interested in girls?"

"I honestly don't know. I think maybe I've never been romantically interested in someone. I think I thought I was with these guys I've dated, or more accurately just fucked. But like... in hindsight, if I never had any interest in anything beyond sex, there probably wasn't any romance at all there."

Cait toyed with a bit of condensation on the table. "You know, it's rare that someone can keep going on about all the guys they've fucked without losing my interest in our date."


"No, it's ok. Just... I don't know, I'm out of my depth here a bit."


"Honestly I'm probably in a bit of a weird place too, preferences-wise," Cait admitted. "I've really only dated guys, but I know that I like girls sometimes. Working at a strip club kinda forces you to notice these things if you haven't already." She shrugged. "And yet weirdly I keep thinking about the one girl who I haven't seen naked yet."


"Sorry, I meant... you know what I meant."

Vi laughed softly and raised her beer. "This date is going super well," she declared.

Cait clinked her glass against Vi's mug. "Cheers."

Vi contemplated her next words. "It's actually nice to hear it's not just me being kind of confused here."

"It definitely isn't. I feel like people are confused a lot more of the time then they will ever admit. Especially in relationships. It's why so many of them have far less communication than necessary."

"Is it?"

"Mmhm. I'm a stripper. You know how many married or otherwise non-single dudes come through? And you know how many life stories I get while just trying to make bank?"

Vi thought for a moment. "A lot?"

"Correct. And a very, very common theme is how many of them aren't happy with something in their life or relationship, and I just want to scream at them to go talk about it or figure it out, or whatever. They have the power to be happy, but they literally won't venture out of their comfort zone to chase said happiness."


"Don't even get me started on how many people come through who are clearly bi but won't ever admit it," Cait grumbled. "Dudes who come to the strip club to reassure themselves they're a hundo percent straight. It's like who gives a fuck? Be who you are. And you know when we get those flocks of girls in, enjoying strippers 'ironically' or whatever?"

"Oh sure. I kind of hate those groups. Somehow they're worse behaved than guys a lot of the time. And I get to deal with them more often than not just 'cause I'm a girl too."

"Right. You get it," Cait said. "They're all like, 'oh look at me, getting a lap dance, so ironic, woooooo!' But really they actually do want to try stuff with other girls and just won't admit it to themselves."

"You're cynical," Vi said. "I like it."

"It's a cynical job, regardless of how you feel about it," Cait said. "And you get it. You're one of the few people who understands what I do without fetishizing it. I honestly don't know what's worse, the people who want to save me from stripping, or the people who think it's super hot and sexy. Partly maybe I just want someone who gets that it's a job that I kind of like, and that's it."

"Cheers," Vi said, clinking glasses with Cait again.

"Anyway, I think I had a point somewhere. The point is, you know what, maybe you don't know exactly what you want. That's fine. Neither do I. But if you're at least aware of that, I feel like you're already ahead of everyone else I've gone out with."

"Plus you're insanely attracted to me," Vi said.

Cait smirked crookedly. "I'm... sanely attracted to you. I like you. You're my favourite person at work. I was mostly worried about flirting with you in case it made things awkward."

"Luckily it didn't. At least not yet. Should we... get another drink?"

"Yes, I think we should."


Zoe was struggling with sleep that night. She'd tried just lying in bed, she'd tried masturbating, she'd tried staying up and tapping away on her keyboard writing more of her story. It was just one of those nights, though. She had them sometimes, where sleep wouldn't come to her.

It was the twins' fault this time. They were all she could think about. And, rather irritatingly, they were probably all snugly asleep in their room while she was still awake and frustrated.

Zoe gave up after a while, pattered over to the twins' room, and knocked softly. As expected, there was no answer. She held her hand on the doorknob for a long moment, then shrugged and opened the door.

She slipped inside the bedroom, near-silent on her bare feet, wearing only panties and a light camisole. She bemusedly considered that she should have gone with darker colours for her stealth mission, but it was hopefully irrelevant.

Riker and Izzy were in the same bed. That was the first thing Zoe noticed. They were also sleeping extremely close together. Not just sharing a bed, but full on spooning. Zoe stared at them a long while, then eventually got bold enough to flick on the small bedside light next to them.

Luckily neither of her younger siblings stirred as they were illuminated. Zoe herself, however, gasped and stepped back.

"Goddamn they're adorable," she whispered to herself.

And they very much were. They were all cute and cuddled together, Riker's face nestled against Izzy's shoulder, his arm wrapped around her.

Zoe quietly pulled the chair at their desk to a better position to sit and observe them. She should just get out of there, she knew, but she also shouldn't have intruded in the first place, and that hadn't stopped her.

Her sibs' sleeping faces were all innocence and cuteness. Normally they had more mischief to them, and a sense of secrets that were just between the two of them. Sleep erased that and would have given Zoe the sense of them being wholesome and perfect, except that she knew better, and the fact that they were sleeping together.

On a hunch, and decidedly pushing her luck, Zoe carefully pulled back the covers. In her mind, she'd been warring over whether they could possibly be naked in bed together. Their arms and shoulders were bare, and she wouldn't put it past them. But she told herself that was only her pervy imagination. Her little brother and sister surely wouldn't sleep so tight together in the nude.

"Yes they would," she murmured as the covers were dragged further and further back. "Of course they would."

Riker and Izzy were both naked. Riker was fully pressed against Izzy from behind. His cock was just barely visible wedged between her butt cheeks, and his hand cupped one of her breasts, even while unconscious.

"Fuck's sake," Zoe grumbled.

She stared a moment longer, then left the room. She returned a moment later with a sketchpad and some pencils.

For the next little while, Zoe sat cross legged in front of her naked, inappropriately close siblings and drew them as they were. They weren't necessarily horny sketches, one could make the argument that it was just life drawing practice. Zoe had very limited experience with nudes, and this actually was quite helpful. She couldn't very well deny that her panties kept getting wetter the longer she sat there, though.


Zoe stopped and slowly looked up from her current sketch. Izzy's eyes were open.


"What are you doing?"

"... drawing you two."

"Oh. That's what it looked like."


Izzy considered. "Isn't it awfully late for that?"


"And shouldn't you probably have asked first?"

"Also yes."

"Oh. Ok."

Zoe went back to sketching. It was about all she could think to do. "Don't move too much, you'll wake Riker."

"He's awake already."

"No I'm not," Riker mumbled.

"Oh, sorry, no he's not," Izzy corrected herself.

Zoe shook her head. "I wish you two wouldn't be so cute together."

"No you don't," Izzy said, closing her eyes again. She put her hand over Riker's, holding it place on her breast. "Who would you sketch in the middle of the night if we weren't so adorable?"

"Ideally I'd be sleeping."

"Mmm, nighttime is good for that."

Zoe tilted her head slightly, working on Izzy's lower area. "Do you both always shave like that?"

Izzy smiled faintly. "Yeah, of course. Smooth parts are nice."

"I wanted some practice with pubic hair."

"Then you came to the wrong bedroom, sis."

"So it seems."

"I think Iz's pussy would be very nice to draw," Riker murmured.

Izzy giggled softly. "Thanks, Ri."

"It's very aesthetically pleasing, don't get me wrong," Zoe said. "I certainly see the appeal. Just... I struggle a bit with hair generally. I never make it look quite right."

"You're too critical," Izzy said. "I've seen your work. It's pretty good."

"It could be better," Zoe insisted.

"Well, yes, but it's a hard life always thinking of what could be better."

Zoe glared. "Don't you be wise at me, young lady. Not at this hour."


Zoe kept sketching, and eventually she heard soft snores from the twins' both sleeping again. She shook her head, and a while later packed up her stuff to leave them in peace. She tucked her sibs back in before leaving, and was tempted to kiss them each on the forehead, but settled for a small, affectionate head pat instead.

Neither Riker or Izzy had much minded the intrusion, nor her seeing them so very intimate together. Maybe they just thought they were dreaming. But no, actually, Zoe was quite certain they'd been alert enough that they should have taken offense, and they just didn't. So annoying.

Vi was home. Zoe hadn't heard her return, but she was definitely making some noise in her room, which was weird for that hour of night.

Zoe cautiously opened Vi's door and peeked in. "Ok in there?"

"Oh, hey Zo, did I wake you?"

"No, I was up."

"That's awfully late for you."

"Mmhm. Having trouble sleeping."

Vi sighed. "I feel like I will too. I can't figure out where my vibrator went."

"... up your butt?"

"Ho ho, very amusing. No, I'm sure it was right here."

Zoe shrugged. "Well I don't know. Unless the twins' borrowed it."


"Yeah, there was a vibrator sitting in their room there, I didn't think about it at the time."

"Oh those little shits!" Vi marched out, into the twins' room, then returned with her vibrator. "You were right, they did steal it."


Zoe waited to see if Vi would comment on Riker and Izzy's sleeping arrangement, but she didn't. "Well, night, Vi. Have fun."

"Night, Zo."

Vi was already kicking off her pants before Zoe could get the door closed. Must have been an interesting night at the strip club, Zoe thought. Or maybe Vi was always really horny after getting home. Zoe honestly wasn't sure either way.

Zoe had enough horniness of her own that she didn't dwell on her sister's state of arousal. She fell into bed, kicked her clothes off, and rubbed her pussy while fully thinking about her brother and sister all naked and cuddled together. Maybe fucking. Oh god, it would so easy, Riker just slipping in to Izzy's smooth little pussy.

They wouldn't actually go that far, right? They wouldn't. But oh wow, if they did though....

Not for the first time, Zoe came while thinking about her brother and sister. It was getting to be a bad habit, and one she didn't think she could easily break.

"It's just hot," she murmured to herself in bed. "They're too much." She sighed. "And I love them."


Izzy was sitting at the foot of Zoe's bed the next morning, leafing through her sketchbook. Zoe took a moment to process this face before sitting up.

"What ya doin'?" Zoe asked sleepily.

"Looking at me and Ri," Izzy said. "You're right, we are super cute together. At least the way you draw us."

"It's not just me. I was only trying to capture what's already there."

Izzy nodded sagely, as though she understood art. "I see."

"Sorry about, you know, intruding last night and all that."

"It happens."

"... does it?"

"Well, no."

"You're not, like, mad about it or anything?"

Izzy shook her head. "Don't be silly, you're our sister. Though if you wanted to see us naked, you could have just asked. It would have been more polite."

Zoe considered the offer. "I didn't know you'd be naked, actually."

"Hm, no, I suppose maybe you wouldn't. You were awfully quick to take advantage of it, though. For the sake of your art."

Zoe sat up more. Her covers fell away from her chest. She belatedly remembered that she was naked, but couldn't be bothered to cover up again. It was kind of a reversal of the night before.

"I think it needed to happen," Zoe said. "You and Ri... you know I can hear you through the wall sometimes, yeah?"

Izzy flushed. "No, I hadn't realized that actually."

"Well, yeah, I can. And... it kinda gets in my head sometimes."

"Sorry. You could have asked us to keep it down."


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