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Family Boundaries Ch. 06


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"Uh huh." Izzy did a quick twirl for her brother, showing off tantalizing glimpses of cleavage and sideboob, and an entirely bare ass. "Like this?"

"Yeah, that's pretty good."

Izzy made Riker do a couple spins for her as well before they settled in to do some cooking and mostly behaving themselves.


Vi was a squirming, sweaty, whimpering mess. The sort of thing she usually liked to do to boys, she was now experiencing from totally the other side now.

She was naked underneath Cait, and being fingered so damn good. Cait had found her weak points and was hitting them over and over, while mixing in some kisses, sucking on her tits, and even just some long, intense soul-gazes.

It took longer for Cait to make her cum from fingering than from oral, but if anything Vi appreciated it even more. She'd already gotten off once to take the edge off, and she was able to enjoy the experience all the more.

Eventually Vi did have her buttons pressed enough times to cum again, this time in a long, deep building tidal wave that crashed deliciously through her whole body and left her even more helpless afterward than the previous one.

"You're gonna break me if you keep that up," Vi mumbled.

Cait smiled down at her, holding herself up on one arm to get a good vantage point. "Thanks, but I know I'm not as amazing as you keep claiming."

"Says who?"

"I'm most just learning. Figuring out what you like. Just wait 'til I get some practice."

"I'm looking forward to it," Vi said. She traced her fingers delicately up Cait's side, over her warm, flushed skin. "But I liked this. I liked... I liked you wanting to make me feel good. I liked getting to figure stuff out together." Vi looked at Cait as seriously as she could manage. "And I for real haven't cummed that good in... maybe ever."

"Stop," Cait whispered, blushing furiously.

"I'm serious."

"I believe you might be. That's part of what's getting to me."

"Getting to you, huh?"

Cait bit her lip. "I'm... I'm not used to not being in control."

"Mmm, same. But it's nice, as it happens."

"I could lose control around you so easily."

"I'll have to see what I can do about that."

Cait snorted. "Sure you will. You're so boneless right now I don't think I have to worry about that."

"Mmm, maybe. Just wait until I remember how my legs work, then you're in trouble."


Riker and Izzy messed around a bit while making supper, but overall were kind of worn out from their day already. As much as Riker appreciated Izzy's exposed cleavage, bare butt, and all her smooth, perfect skin on display, and as much as she likewise appreciated his ass and the peeks of his chest she got, they got dressed again as they were finishing up cooking.

They were, in fact, dressed as modestly as could be expected of them by the time Helena and Zoe got home.

"Mmm, smells good," Helena complimented, whisking through the kitchen and kissing her youngest children each on the cheek.

"Thanks Mom," Izzy said. "It's almost ready."

"Ok, just let me go change first," Helena said. "And Riker, I swear I asked you to stop grabbing my butt."

"Sorry, Mom," Riker apologized. "It was just, you know, right there."

Zoe giggled and headed to her room.

"See if Vi's in her room, would you?" Helena called after Zoe.

"Yeah, Mom. On it."

Riker and Izzy had the kitchen to themselves for another few minutes. Unprompted, Riker moved close to Izzy and dropped his hand to squeeze her butt a little.

Izzy sighed happily. "I swear, you hardly even felt me up that much while I was mostly naked just now, and instead you grab Mom's butt?"

Riker shrugged. "I still like yours best, you know."

"Uh huh."

"I'm just not that horny after getting sucked off repeatedly."

"Again, you grabbed Mom though."

"You jealous?"


"It's just 'cause it makes her happy."

"It doesn't," Izzy snorted. "She keeps telling you not to. Plus she's our Mom."

"Yeah, I know. But, like, she gets that look on her face, same as you do when you like something."

"What? No she doesn't."

"Sure she does. I know you both pretty well," Riker said. "Like how I knew you wanted to be groped a little too just now."

Izzy rolled her eyes. "You just want to be able to grab all the butts."

"Partly true, I guess. I do have urges like that. I don't know, though. I think I might have been getting too horny lately."


"You don't feel like maybe... I mean, playing with Celeste and Aurora and Diana was fun and all. But I don't know, I feel kind of confused after."

Izzy wrapped her arms around Riker. "Poor boy. Too many blowjobs."

"I'm being serious."


"I want you, Iz. That's what I really want."

Izzy smiled crookedly, not totally sure what to make of Riker's confession, but she felt like maybe she understood the gist of what he was saying. "I think I get you. I... I want to be with you, Ri. And I think we definitely let ourselves get too horny just because we were together."

"We got naked in class."

"Hehe, yeah, we totally did."

"Which was fun."


"But... I don't know, I think I want to think about stuff some more."

Izzy pulled her brother closer and kissed him firmly. He held her hips and kissed her back just as fiercely.


Riker and Izzy stopped, then slowly turned at the same time toward the intruding cough. A faint trail of spit connected their lip for a split second after their deep, slightly sloppy kissing.

"You two finished or what?" Zoe asked, grinning mischievously.

"Might be," Riker said. "What's it to ya?"

"I'm hungry, that's what it is to me," Zoe said. "And I just wanna say, you two better not have gotten spit all over supper."

"We probably didn't," Izzy said. "Here, grab some plates for the table."


"You sure you want to do this?" Vi asked.

Cait gave her an easy smile. "If you don't want to introduce me to your whole family yet, you can just say so. No pressure on it."

Vi shrugged and eased her sleeveless top back on. "I'm fine with it. I just want to make sure you understand my family's a bunch of weirdos."

"Horny weirdos," Cait agreed. "Judging by what I've seen."

"Yeah, that too."

"I did mention that you can't scare me off that easily, didn't I?"

"You may have mentioned."

Cait extended her hand, and Vi helped her to her feet.

"Shall we?" Cait asked, one eyebrow perfectly raised.

"Heh, alright. Let's see how this goes."

Vi and Cait were the last ones to the dinner table. Riker and Izzy had already anticipated Cait being around, and had in fact set a place for her. Helena and Zoe were caught a little more off-guard, though not totally surprised.

"Cait, this is my Mom, Helena," Vi said, casually pulling Cait's chair out for her. "And Zoe, and Izzy. You already met Riker briefly."

Cait's eyes flicked across Riker, who blushed a bit. "Yes, I remember."

"Nice to meet you," Helena said graciously. "I'd like to say I've heard all about you, but...."

"It's ok," Cait said with a smile. "I know Vi's a little... stoic."

Vi rolled her eyes. "Don't you start too." She started lifting Cait some food. "Here, eat. Less talking."

"You said you were gonna be ok," Cait said.

"I am. I can just sense you and Mom ganging up on me here."

"Be polite, dear," Helena said. "So, Cait, you met Vi at... work?"

"You don't have to say it like that," Vi said.

"Like what?"

"It's fine," Cait said smoothly. "I'm a dancer, yes. It's just what I'm choosing to do for a while. I've been thinking about other options for when I'm ready to move on, but for now I like it."

"Doesn't it get embarrassing though?" Zoe asked. "Or am I the only one here who isn't comfortable taking my clothes off?"

"You get used to it," Riker said casually, not even looking up from his food.

"Actually, it helped me get over some of my fears," Cait said. "I was crazy nervous when I first started, but after a while you realize it's not as big a deal as people make it out to be."

Zoe fidgeted a little in her seat. "And how did you know you liked Vi?"

Vi glared at her sister. "Ok, let's not have the Spanish Inquisition here, shall we?"

"Just asking."

"Some things are private."

Helena caught Vi from the other side just as she was cowing Zoe back a little.

"Cait doesn't have to answer if she doesn't want to, but we are all kind of curious, Vi, since you haven't told us much. Or indeed anything."

Cait laughed at Vi's expression and patted her hand. "It's ok, you really don't have to protect me from your family."

"I kind of do," Vi said.

"Mmm. Well, actually Vi being protective is a big part of what I liked," Cait said. "It's nice to feel safe with someone, I guess. Plus, you know, she's like the one super hot girl I know that I hadn't seen naked yet, so that was enticing."

Vi, in the midst of a drink, choked a bit and ended up coughing while Cait snickered to herself.

"I like her already," Izzy declared, having been fairly silent up until then.

"She's got good taste," Riker agreed.

"She seems like she's been good for Vi."

"Mmhm. And she's--"

"Enough," Vi said warningly.

"I think you're cute together," Riker said. "That's all."

"I concur," Helena said. "Though I would like to know more. Cait, how do you--"

Vi--normally calm and collected, but already severely regretting letting her family get so many of their questions and comments in all at once--decided to deflect attention before it got any worse.

"Who were all those naked girls you guys had in your room today anyway?" Vi asked.

Zoe whipped her head around from Cait to the twins. Helena also cocked her head and gave a curious stare.

"Betrayal!" Riker accused.

"Only curious," Vi said. "I thought you were all so cute together though," she added with an angelic smile.

"Just some friends," Izzy said. "We were--"

"Having an orgy or what?"

"Oh, now, you're just trying to get us in trouble. That's not nice. We--"

"Oh thank god," Helena said, sagging back in her seat.

Everyone turned toward her.

"Um... what?" Riker asked.

"I was beginning to think you two would never be interested in anyone except each other," Helena said. "What a goddamn relief. Who wants wine? Just me?"

"I'll have a glass, if you're pouring," Cait said.

"Are... are orgies in our room ok?" Riker asked rather uncertainly.

"Not that we were having one," Izzy added quickly.

"No, but... we're not in trouble?"

"Trouble? Oh my darling babies, sex is a wonderful thing," Helena said. "And may I just say, so much more wonderful when not done with a sibling."

"Beg to differ," Riker said. "Also ew. Also please stop."

"We surrender," Izzy said. "I don't like whatever's happening right now."

"You sure you both don't want some wine too?" Helena asked, after serving Cait and herself.

The twins looked at Vi for help, but she just smiled and chewed another bite of food. She had no more idea than they did what was happening, but the heat was off her for a while, and that was what counted.

"Can you... can you please stop rewarding us for being promiscuous?" Izzy asked hesitantly.

"Nope," Helena said, giving Izzy a kiss on the forehead, then giving Riker one of the same. "Any chance of some new girlfriends coming out of this? You can invite them over for dinner too some time, if you want."

"Mooommm, we're not having orgies," Riker complained. "It was just... it was a blowjob that got out of hand."

"So much the better," Helena said. "Less chance of pregnancy."

"That's true," Cait said. "But honestly, how do you need four girls for a single blowjob?"

Zoe cracked up at that point, laughing hysterically despite Izzy and Riker both glaring at her.

"Listen," Riker said, "we tried some things lately, but Izzy and I have been talking, and... and it's probably all just a bit too much."

"Yeah," Izzy said. "We're gonna make some cutbacks."

"Well maybe sleep on it before kicking anyone out of bed," Helena advised. "And let me know if you need me to cover for you to get some of your 'friends' over for 'sleepovers' or anything."

"Mooommm," Riker and Izzy chorused together.

"What if I ended up getting a bunch of girls pregnant, huh?" Riker grumbled. "Wouldn't be so funny then."

"At least they wouldn't be your sister," Helena said calmly.

"Oh I'm on birth control and you know it," Izzy said. "We're not totally stupid."

Vi snorted from across the table. Izzy narrowed her eyes, then perked up again.

"So, Vi, what were you and Cait getting up to in your room all afternoon?" Izzy asked sweetly.

Vi clenched a fist and leveled a glare back across at Izzy, but Cait actually stepped in first.

"We're thinking of starting a prayer group," Cait said.

"A... what?" Izzy asked, taken totally off-guard.

"Yeah, you know. Getting some people together, all us unholy sinners and whatnot, and standing in circles, maybe with some, uh, what are those bead things? Maybe with some of those."

"... prayers," Izzy said flatly. "Vi? Who exactly do you think you're kidding here?"

"Jesus had a real soft spot for sex workers," Cait said. "Judge not, lest ye be smited with a thunderbolt. Or something like that."

"I like you," Zoe decided. "Can you teach me?"

"Um... teach you what?"

"I don't know. Everything?"

"I think it's lest ye be judged," Riker said.

"What is?" Zoe asked.

"What you... why you shouldn't judge," Riker said. "Lest ye also be judged."

"Being smited with a thunderbolt is worse," Cait argued.

"Well... is it though?" Riker said. "'Cause like... what's a thunderbolt? A bolt of lightning, sure. But thunder doesn't come in bolts."

"Cloth comes in bolts," Izzy said.

"Yeah. But wait, no, that doesn't help anything," Riker said.

"Could be thunderbolt is a spell," Zoe suggested. "Sometimes spell names aren't strictly what the spell actually does. Sometimes they're misleading."

"Probably a spell," Cait concurred.

"Hey, do you... do you play any video games or anything?" Zoe asked a little shyly.

"I've been known to. Haven't really had the time and energy for it lately," Cait said.

"Have you played Elden Ring?"

"Ooh, no, but I've heard good things."

Vi stayed happily quiet and methodically finished her dinner. Somehow, collectively, they'd maneuvered away from all the dangerous conversation to some mild bonding over nerdy hobbies. She could most definitely live with that.


Zoe wasn't quite sure how she ended up teaching Cait to play Elden Ring after supper, but the two of them had the living room to themselves for a while. Zoe was actually finding herself quite liking Cait, and could understand Vi's interest in her.

There were clearly some hidden depths to Cait. Most obviously at the moment was how intent Cait got as she played. Zoe had kind of assumed she'd be like Izzy and give up after a bit. Cait didn't seemed fazed by difficulty and dying repeatedly though.

"Can I ask you something?" Zoe eventually said.

Cait started a bit. "Oh, sorry, did you want your game back? I've been playing a while, huh?"

"No, no. Not about that. Um... but like about you and my sister...."

"Oh, that. You wanted to ask me something at the table too."

"Yeah. I don't think Vi likes me prying."

Cait snorted. "She's so cute when she gets like that. All tough on the outside, but soft and delicate on the inside."


"I mean emotionally. Not... not her sexy bits."

"Ok, good. Also... are we talking about the same Vi?"

Cait laughed softly. "What, you think your sister doesn't have feelings?"

"No, I know she does," Zoe said. "But she's not, like, delicate or anything."

"Perhaps we see her differently."

Zoe set her jaw. "She's the toughest person I know."


"She... oh."

"But... the strongest of us need love."

Zoe squirmed. "Well... I mean... yes, that's true."

"I've cultivated an impervious exterior for when I need it," Cait said. "It's necessary in my line of work. But that's not who I am."

"... is that what you saw in Vi?"

"Partly, yes." Cait sighed. "And partly she's just got this quality. Like... I don't know, who's your biggest crush?"


"You don't have to answer. The point is, there's something you feel, you know? And I started feeling it with her. The more time we spend, the more I feel it. And the more I see what's inside her."

Zoe hugged her knees tight to her chest. "So... I mean that's kind of beautiful. But also, like, I guess that's what I was gonna ask about. That feeling you're talking about. How did that happen?"

Cait shrugged. "I couldn't really say for sure. It just happened."


"I wouldn't worry about it. If you feel it for someone, great. And if not, that's ok too."


"You can talk to Vi about it, you know. She's--"

"No, I do," Zoe said. "Just... gathering different information, I guess."

"Cool. Well I don't mind talking about that stuff more if you want. In the meantime... how the hell do I beat this guy?"

Zoe smiled crookedly and focused on the game while Cait wiped her palms and picked up the controller again.

"Ok, so this one got me too. But like, there's a few tricks."


Vi leaned in the doorway to the living room, smiling as she watched Zoe and Cait bonding. She thought about joining them, but decided to hold off for a bit and let the two of them get to know each other. One on one was better than a whole family interrogation.

She went for a short workout in the garage, enough to work up a bit of a sweat. She definitely didn't dare do this workout nude, not while Cait was over. Instead she stuck with a tank top and sweatpants.

Vi felt pretty good upon returning to the house, but was slightly disappointed to find Cait heading for the door.

"Sorry for abandoning you there," Vi said.

"Not at all. I enjoyed myself," Cait said.

"All of it?"

"Ha, yeah, all of it. Your family's good. Weird, but good."

"If you say so," Vi said.

"I mean it. I never had what you have here. Cherish it."

"Um... ok." Vi shuffled her feet a little awkwardly. "You could... stay. If you want. I need to grab a shower, but--"

"Sorry, not tonight. I'm actually going to be late for work as it is."

"Oh, right."

Cait leaned in close and kissed her. "You're super cute when you're all sweaty like that," she whispered.

Vi blushed and just kind of watched Cait leave. When she finally started moving again, she found Helena smiling at her.

"Don't say it," Vi said, heading toward the shower.

"Say what?" Helena asked innocently.

"Whatever you were thinking."

"Wasn't thinking anything."

"I don't believe that for a second."

"I'm your mother. I'm allowed to be happy for you." Helena turned and headed in the other direction. "And I am, you know."

"Yeah, well... yeah. Good."

Vi gave up on the shower idea for the moment. She joined Zoe in the living room, slumping into her comfy chair while Zoe was absorbed in her game.

"You two got along well," Vi said.

"Yeah. She's cool," Zoe said.

"She is."

"Hey, Vi? What does it feel like? When you're with her, I mean."

Vi took a minute to think. "I don't know. Good, I guess?"

"Just good?"

"Well, like... it's confusing. She's so different from anyone else I've been with. She's so fucking hot, and she does things to me that... well they're good things."

"Sexy things?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah, sexy things." Vi smiled goofily, despite her best efforts. "She licked me out, Zo. No one's done that before. And then this thing with her fingers that--"

"No one?"


"All those boys, and none of them ever licked you out?"

"I never asked them to. Seemed like a hassle."


Vi peered suspiciously at her sister. "'Huh'? What does 'huh' mean?"

"In this case it means Cait might really know what she's talking about."


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