by Xarth
This entire chapter made me giggle. Maybe I was just too tired when reading it, but Ri, Vi, and Cait was just fun. Tftc!
Seriously looking forward to the next chapter! I love your dialog, it flows so naturally. Besides a few typos and grammatical issues this series has been fantastic!
Really loved this chapter. Diana should give up on her boyfriend and become Riker and Izzy's common girlfriend.
Cait fits very well with Vi's family. Looking forward to the sibling orgy.
I'm hoping Scotishtexan leave you finally alone, what he did was a rare case of a very weird obsession and bullying, normal people just leave if they hate some story, he stayed and tortured you chapter after chapter. I was gaping my mouth reading his obsessive comments. Perhaps somebody should visit his stories, read them and criticize mercilessly? Anyone? :)
"Riker gently snagged Diana's phone from her hand, then stood back and played photographer while Izzy tongue-bathed Diana's face. Izzy played up the hotness for her bro while he snapped pics, and that somehow transitioned into Izzy and Riker making out afterward."
Okay. I guess that no thoughts are running through anyone's mind about what could happen if Diana's phone finds its way into the wrong hands. 😕 Not very smart. 😒 2/5
Well, looks like ScottishTexan has made his presence known to show why he hates the works of anyone but himself. Despite the events that push believability beyond its breaking point, I can continue reading this series. Whether or not ST has believable premises within his stories has nothing to do with why I dropped his works. Why are those two things the case? Simple, believable characters that sound human, and not like bad romance novel author stand-ins.
Also, continuing stories that go beyond brother/sister (which is the only kind you seem to like), just so you can get more jabs in makes you look like an asshole.
It's "let's have a ScottishTexan burn 'em" day! He's never scored higher than a 4.666 (number of the beast) and his most recent offering hit 4.00. I'd say that makes him a very credible critic. Not. Keep 'em flying, Xarth.
The back and forth dialogue between the twins made sense but the Vi/Cait quick snippets is just annoying. 4*
And here he is, ScottishTexan again. One paragraph he doesn't like and he is giving 2/5. I told you all, he is mental and obsessed. And I actually read two of his stories yesterday! NOPE, he is NOT better than Xarth.
This story is freaking awesome! Great characters, romantic, funny, erotic and it’s my very favorite kind of kink! ;-p” I sure hope there’s more to this story. Thanks Xarth for writing it!
I agree with some commenters that the either the story or the storytelling - not sure which - degraded *slightly* throughout the series so far, but not enough to impede my enjoyment. Someone used "blasé" in a previous comment somewhere, and I don't think that's quite right, but there is a challenge in maintaining the "mystery" once everyone's blown their boundaries out of the water... OTOH I can see where at least two more chapters of this could go; might have to move it into the Sci-Fi category only because Lit doesn't have a "Yeah, Right" category :-)
I do have one real (albeit minor) complaint about the story, though. As I'm of exactly the right/wrong age, the name "Riker" is reserved for exactly one fictional person, ever. I keep getting mental flashes of a Starfleet Commander's uniform as I read the story!!!
alwaysdissingdaddies made a fair and interesting point. But: why would I read a story from a bad critic? I'd much rather spend all my reading time being entertained with hilarious Xarth stories to be honest. 5 stars
--- I don't give a rats ass about your opinions either. So don't comment about my opinion and I won't comment about yours.
Not once have I ever leveled the claim that I was better at writing stories than Xarth. There's a good deal of his older stuff that I have found to be better than the newer stuff. I have been given the impression that as of late, Xarth has taken to writing about any kind of kink and every kind of kink in an effort to "Please all of the people all of the time."
That's the major difference between us. I'm writing what I enjoy. And if others enjoy it too, then that's great. 👍
Obviously you don't like what I have written, so you're more than welcome to stay the hell away from my page.
Your comments place you firmly into the category of "sychophant".
--- I don't give a rats ass about your opinions either. So don't comment about my opinion and I won't comment about yours.
Not once have I ever leveled the claim that I was better at writing stories than Xarth. There's a good deal of his older stuff that I have found to be better than the newer stuff. I have been given the impression that as of late, Xarth has taken to writing about any kind of kink and every kind of kink in an effort to "Please all of the people all of the time."
That's the major difference between us. I'm writing what I enjoy. And if others enjoy it too, then that's great. 👍
Obviously you don't like what I have written, so you're more than welcome to stay the hell away from my page.
Your comments place you firmly into the category of "sychophant".
I think you are the best writer on here. But i understand what people are talking about. Usually when I finish the last paragraph of one of your stories I am still hungry for more. But there was enough repitition in the last chapters of this story that I found myself hanging on. The twin thing, which was so cute was getting less so by chapter 6. Maybe I just stayed up too late reading this.
So I liked this: "Like a garment that couldn't decide if it was lingerie or tactical gear."
Great stuff. Page 3 was amazing. Tremendous dialog. Really hilarious stuff. Of course the sexual, stripping, lap dance, growing sexuality among the three was exceedingly well done, but the comic dialog was really the best. Makes a good story great, a great story truly memorable. Great work.
I'm not really into vi and cait. They're relationship is not particularly compelling, personally. A lot of saying the same stuff over and over, and nothing that makes me feel any real romance there. The polar opposite of the twins, who I love. They're awesome together. Though I'm not into the cfnm or wearing each other's clothes parts.
I love that you incorporated "Vi and Cait" from League of Legends into the story, that is kick ass.
As George Takei is fond of saying...."Ooohhh....mmmyyy!!". It would appear ScottishTexan has done it again, stirring up controversy with comments about a section of this story (as he is won't to do...even I have commented about his intolerance of authors' perceived failures!!)
Yes, a misplaced phone is POTENTIALLY a life-ruining possibility; yet, this is fantasy, no real need to intrude on that. And to drag the score on the series down...WWWHHHYYYYYY!!!!!
This is a magnificent tale, HOT & NASTY!!! Yet full of emotional soul-searching by all involved...and now the oldest sister and her girlfriend, entangled with the twins!! Such Fun!!!!!
Definitely a Five**5**Star tale...too bad next chapter is the last...
I know, realistically speaking, this is not a serious story, but I can’t help noticing how acceptance and non-judgement make everything so deeply intimate.
The story gets better chapter by chapter so far I haven’t stopped reading it except to sleep
I'm reading the story for the third time now, and apparently it took me two years to understand that I'm partly reading League of legends / arcane fanfiction
As you may know, I adore your creativity and writing. But this chapter had some of your best, funniest work ever. In particular, these two parts of an exchange between brother and big sister:
"This is gonna sound pretty fucked up probably...."
"That's ok. Sneak it by me while my brain's melting. I won't even notice."
- and -
"That's sweet bro. Messed up beyond all rational understanding, but sweet."
"That's our family motto, isn't it?"
I think authors work their whole lives to come up with exchanges that incredible. Of course I loved much of the rest of the chapter, including the story as well as the dialog, but those beauties?? Lord! Absolutely brilliant! I don't know how many times I've read this story, and it never loses its amazing charm, quality, and ability to entertain. - oh, lest I forget, speaking of charm (among other qualities), I absolutely loved how you slipped
Vi's love for Cait - the initial inadvertent statement to how it struck Cait, and the exchanges between them that followed. In the hands of someone less talented it might not have worked. But because you've managed to pull us so emotionally into the story, it worked beautifully. Made me happy! As always, for all your best work, THANK YOU DEAR XARTH!