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Family Boundaries Ch. 08


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"You know I'm not Izzy, right?" Zoe mumbled.

"I'm aware," Riker said cheerfully. "You know I can kinda feel your vibrator going?"

Zoe squirmed, feeling a desperate need to press her vibrator more directly to her clit instead of just feeling it teasing her pussy as it currently was doing.

Riker kept feeling her up while she sat there making her mind up, his hand slipping under her shit and directly onto her breasts. It was a little scary how good it felt.

Izzy kept jerking Riker's cock while watching Zoe. She smiled when Zoe looked over at her.

"What do you want to do?" Izzy asked gently.

Zoe shook her head. "I don't know."

"That's ok. We can leave, if you want."

Zoe thought about it for a moment, even though she knew immediately what her answer would be.

"You don't have to leave," she said.

Riker grinned at her from her lap and pushed her shirt up over her breasts. Zoe gave in and removed it entirely. The way her siblings both looked at her was surprisingly intoxicating.

Zoe gasped when Riker pushed himself up to nuzzle her boobs, then suck on them gently. She jumped a little when Izzy was suddenly closer and whispering in her ear.

"Hehe, kinda twitchy, huh?" Izzy teased.

"Maybe a little," Zoe said. "Does he do this a lot?"

Izzy shrugged. "Kind of. He does like boobies. Can't blame him."

Izzy cupped Zoe's breast that wasn't currently being suckled at and played with it a bit.

"Something you have in common?" Zoe asked, watching with a sort of detached fascination as the twins shared her breasts.

"Depends on my mood, I guess," Izzy said. "And... who happens to be present."

Zoe swallowed, feeling the butterflies in her tummy accelerating their imaginary little wing beats. "Mom's right here, you know."

Izzy shrugged. "She's sleeping. We can go to our room, if you want. Or--"

Zoe gave up. She didn't know why she'd been bothering to hold back at all, other than nerves, and uncertainty, and excitement, and not really knowing what to do in a situation like this, and....

Ok, so she pretty much knew what had been holding her back. Despite all that, when she leaned over to kiss Izzy, it all just kind of worked. Izzy accepted the kiss with an easy grace that told of far more experience kissing people than Zoe had, which wasn't a hard milestone to reach, in some respects.

Surrendering to her siblings was surprisingly easy once she did it. Zoe just had to let them do what they wanted, maybe encourage a tiny little bit here and there, and they made her feel so damn good in return.

Zoe squeaked as the twins' combined pressure knocked her over on the floor with a soft thump. Riker and Izzy followed her, seemingly unbothered by ending up in an awkward pile. She supposed they probably enjoyed any excuse to be close and tangled up together.

"How do you feel about us licking your pussy?" Riker asked, dropping sporadic kisses on Zoe's tummy.

"Um... good?" Zoe answered. In her mind she was unsure, but her body screamed for a yes out of her.

"Cool," Izzy said. "You want Ri to do it? Or... me?"

"All good either way," Riker assured Zoe.

Zoe closed her eyes for a moment. If this was some awkward way of asking if she had any better idea where her sexual preferences lay than she ever had before, then she didn't have any answer for that yet. However, if it was purely which of them she wanted latched to her pussy right now....

"Do I have to decide?" Zoe asked tentatively.

"Shouldn't think so," Izzy said.

"We're good at sharing," Riker agreed.

Zoe bit her lip as the twins simultaneously crawled backward and tugged at her panties. Her vibrator had been knocked out of position and hadn't really been helping, other than to make her feel embarrassed as it was calmly turned off and set aside.

She knew she didn't have to feel shy or awkward around the twins. They were non-judgmental about these things, and far hornier than anyone else she knew, it seemed. Still, she wasn't used to her sexy secrets being discovered. More used to discovering them in other members of the family, if anything.

Both. She was going to have them both licking her. She'd never had anyone do it before, and now two people at the same time. Twins. Her brother and sister. Speaking objectively, the fantasy of it was fucking hot, and she probably needed to write a scene like this in her story.

However, while that detached core of her mused about the fascinating experience in front of her, her more primal self was flushed, excited, and unable to think of anything at all other than watching her horny siblings making themselves comfortable between her legs. One part of her analyzing the situation for future use, the other silently praying that nothing would interrupt, and that it would feel as good as she hoped.

The primal half of Zoe won out just as soon as she started feeling twin licks around her pussy. Riker and Izzy using those ambitious little tongues of theirs to treat her so good.

Their bright, mischievous eyes peeking up at her from time to time were perfectly identical. Zoe let herself enjoy the fantasy that she was getting attention from two copies of the exact same person. Which, in some ways, wasn't far from the truth. Riker and Izzy were so much the same person, even beyond being twins. That really appealed to Zoe right now for some reason. Like it had all the physical benefits of two mouths on her, but only the emotional impact of a single sexual partner.

The twins took good care of their big sister. Their tongues were all over her pussy, occasionally mixed with a few kisses or sucking at her clit. They seemed to be able to dance around each other without having to discuss it, except when they very deliberately met and let their tongues meet for a moment or two.

"Unf... mmm... yesss," Zoe moaned, wiggling involuntarily under her siblings' affections.

"You like that?" Izzy asked, gleaming eyes and seductive smile making it very clear she was only confirming what she already knew.

"You're gonna make me cum," Zoe breathed.

"Sure hope so," Riker murmured.

Zoe spread her legs even wider and tried not to interrupt any more. Riker had a slightly more practiced touch with his lips and tongue, his experience eating Izzy's pussy most likely showing through there. But it was together, when they were both on her at the same time, that she really felt the magic of their twin skills.

They were getting her close to cumming. It was new and kind of tricky in the sense that Zoe was used to controlling that part herself. She knew her body and how to get off. Having someone else do it really messed with her, as she felt kind of helpless and at their mercy as far as getting her there. It was, too, a brand new thrill to anticipate her orgasm, but not quite be sure when or if it was coming.

Zoe whimpered as they licked at her clit, back and forth switching up, then together. They built her up, right to the edge. Zoe panicked for a second that she would be stuck there, then all at once she was cumming. Cumming for her brother and sister, cumming for their tongues and their love.

"God, you two," Zoe said softly.

"Want another?" Izzy asked, still kissing around her pussy.

"Another?" Riker asked. "Weren't you tired?"

"Weren't you?" Izzy asked right back.

"... I got better," Riker said.

"Yeah. Same."

"So... you're not done yet?" Zoe asked while trying to sit up. "Is that what I'm hearing?"

"Might not be," Riker said.

"I... I don't know if I'm ready for more yet," Zoe said hesitantly. "But maybe soon?"

Izzy grinned and bounced to her feet. She helped haul Zoe and Riker upright as well. The three of them made a rather sexy, disheveled kind of picture. They were, collectively, mostly naked, and at least two of them were still very horny. Zoe thought she was too, but she definitely needed a minute.

"I'll meet you guys in a second," Zoe said as the twins headed toward their room.

"Ok," Riker called back over his shoulder. "We'll start without you though."

"I know," Zoe said. She took a deep breath, watching Riker and Izzy's asses as they walked away. "Oh how I know.

She waited until she was sure she was alone with their mom, then turned toward her. Helena, despite ostensibly having been asleep while Zoe was getting eaten out, now had her eyes wide open, silently examining her daughter.

"I knew we were making too much noise," Zoe mumbled.

Helena slowly sat upright. "The twins... aren't always subtle."

"That's a polite way of putting it."

"You ok, sweetie?"

Zoe shrugged. "I think so."

"How was it?"

Zoe smiled shyly. "You were watching, weren't you?"

"I was," Helena admitted. "It looked nice."

"It was." Zoe sighed. "They're so good together. Just having their tongues on me like that...."

Helena groaned. "Don't. You'll get me horny again."

"Surprised you're not already."

"Me too. Think I need some water or something."

Zoe nodded. "I'll grab a glass for you."

Helena shook her head. "No, I can get it. You go have fun."


"Go, I said," Helena said, catching Zoe's butt with a quick, gentle smack. "It's a big evening for you. Don't worry about me."

"I mean... I guess it kinda is," Zoe admitted. Her first time getting her pussy eaten. And in such dramatic fashion, with quite frankly a scary amount of familial participation. But then, how else would she ever have wanted it? "Alright. Night, Mom."

Helena threatened another spank, and Zoe danced away, suddenly conscious again of her own nudity. As she darted away, she decided she probably was already getting horny enough for a little more fun.

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Barest1Barest1about 1 month ago

You. Are. Simply. The. Best!!!

Baqfid12Baqfid123 months ago

Awesome series!

Sheep_DogSheep_Dog3 months ago

Family fun night!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

No one writes dialogue like Xarth.

DadiesdreamsDadiesdreams7 months ago

I’m loving this so much I don’t want it to end, I know it’s totally fantasy but it’s told with such affection and reality of in the moment and the dialogue shared between the characters is so realistic and sweet I truly loving fantasy family. Can’t wait for what happens next.

rbloch66rbloch667 months ago

I think I’m out of variations of praise for this series. It’s really good stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Stop using the “HeHe”s . Very distracting. Reread some of those lines without it and see for yourself if it flows better. Otherwise a good story.

IncestuosIncestuosover 1 year ago

Seriously! This needs to be made into a movie. Fantastic writing. Hoping this isn't the last chapter...

Winterfell22Winterfell22almost 2 years ago

I don’t want this to end

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Read handcuffed sister years ago , xarth the myth the legend still out here writing good stories.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 2 years ago

After reading Chapter 7, I realized that I wasn't really in the mood for this one. I actually had to step totally away from the story for a week before I was ready to continue reading it. Surprisingly enough I found myself really getting into this installment. I was most certainly burned out on this family and the break was exactly what I needed. There's one spot in the story that brought back a favorite movie though:

》A witch! A witch! Burn her! 🔥 Burn her! 🔥

》But how do you know she's a witch?

》She's dressed like one!

》I'm NOT a witch! I'm NOT a witch! They dressed me like this!


》Okay, so we did do the nose 🥕. But she IS a witch!

》How can you be sure?

》She turned me into a newt!

》Turned you into a newt?...

"... I got better," Riker said.

😆 🤣 😂 😹

Sorry, I couldn't resist when I read that line. 😅 Definitely a Monty Python homage!!!

I'm really looking forward to Zoe bonding with Riker and Izzy. If they became a throuple in a Triad relationship, it would not hurt my feelings at all. I want Zoe to fall for the twins and the three of them stay together forever. I know that you probably won't write it out to be that way, but it's the direction that would make me feel happy. 5/5

KlitomaticKlitomaticabout 2 years ago

Totally improbable, totally insane, totally a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Don't have Riker get pegged. Otherwise great

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

romantic this chapter.

pcman1950pcman1950about 2 years ago

Feels almost incomplete without a snide commentary by Ah, well, still a 5.

NedvespuncuskaNedvespuncuskaabout 2 years ago

Another perfect chapter. It's so believable, so beautifully written. I can't wait for the family's adventures. My favorites are definitely the twins. But the whole story is phenomenal. In any case, we look forward to the continuation. Fantastic writer, keep it up. Of course 5/5

BlackInsideBlackInsideabout 2 years ago

"We belong together"


Fenris420Fenris420about 2 years ago

I'm really hooked on this story and can't wait for the next chapter. I especially like the distinct personalities and their individual drama. Love that Zoe is being brought "into the mix." Now, if the twins (and Cait) can break through Vi's emotional barriers... I feel like that's going to be special. Not to mention who the twins will "help" in the future. Exciting. 5/5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great!! Looking forward to more of this love.

NiranaNiranaabout 2 years ago

That's the kind of family, I want to be in in my next life! 5 stars for your story as usual!

Shade1986Shade1986about 2 years ago

I was literally just checking to see if this story had been updated when this got posted! So excited. This has been a great adventure!

barny109barny109about 2 years ago

i'm glad Zoe is getting some love as well. another 5* chapter

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