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Family Business Ch. 01

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Ashley returns home from College to a very different family.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 07/04/2023
Created 05/23/2023
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I stood at the station, watching the train pull away and taking the last 4 years of my life with it. I had just graduated college and had come home to start in a position in my fathers' business. Well, not his business anymore since he died last year leaving everything to my mother. My mother, who had been little more than a necessary evil after he got her pregnant with me and was stuck marrying her. Not that either of them had been a big part of my life for the last 10 years, shuffling me off to a boarding school then an out of state college while they lived their lives.

"Ashley, there you are. Look how you've grown." I heard someone call out and turned to see Barbara, my mother walking down the platform toward me. She was dressed like I remembered her, in an outfit just a little too sexy for the occasion but she always managed to pull it off. She had gotten work done over the years and thanks to implants and Botox looked more like an older sister than my mother. She smiled a dazzling smile as she waved her tanning bed browned arm in wide arcs over her head in a childlike manner.

I smiled back and picked up my suitcase as I walked toward her. Despite everything, her bouncy attitude was infectious and I was soon wrapped in her arms as she gave me an affectionate hug and kiss on the cheek. "You look great mom; it is so good to see you again." I told her as she stepped back to hold me at arms length and get a good look at me.

"Wow, college life agrees with you, doesn't it?" she said and I shrugged my shoulders. I couldn't argue, where her tits were fake mine were real and I didn't need a bra to hold up my B cup breasts. I wasn't tanned in a bed, but had a healthy colour from hours of outdoor work and exercise. My hair was not touched up or styled like hers, but both of us had full heads of wavy chestnut brown hair. Hers was longer than I remembered, reaching half way down her back while mine hung just below my shoulders. Appearance wasn't something I was concerned with but from what my boyfriends had told me, I didn't need to worry about it either.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" I heard a man say and looked over her shoulder to see an older man approaching us.

"Ashley, this is Dan. He was your father's senior accountant and has been helping me run the company." Mom said, reaching out to put her hand on his shoulder while he extended his arm out to shake my hand. He was taller than me, but that isn't unusual given my 5'4" stature. I shook his hand as I looked up at him.

"Pleased to finally meet you Ashley. Barbara has told me a lot about you and I have been working on finding you the proper position now that you are home." He said with a smile. I nodded in reply, a little unnerved by his tone. There was nothing obvious, but his smile was less of a polite greeting and more like something someone would have as they looked over a new car they were deciding to buy.

"Thanks Dan. I am looking forward to working with you to learn about the company I will be leading someday." I said. Let's make sure this relationship gets off on the right foot I thought. I will be your boss eventually I said to myself and was satisfied when I saw his eyes tighten a bit.

"Of course, Barbara said you were driven to succeed." He replied as he put his arm around my mother's shoulder. It seemed a little to familiar for an employee but mom always had that effect on people so I let it go. He took my bag and led us to a car, holding the door for me and my mother. He slid into the driver's seat and drove us home while we chatted in the back. When we got to the estate, he pulled the car up to the front door then stepped out to open the door for my mother and I. He reached down and took her hand, assisting her as she slid out of the back seat in her tight skirt and heels. She smiled up at him, then rose up on her toes to give him a kiss.

"Ashley dear, I suppose I should have told you earlier but Dan and I are dating. In fact, he and his son are living here in the guest house. It makes it so much easier when I have a question, and the place has been so empty since your father died."

I looked at them in surprise, this was unexpected but not out of character for my mother. She and my dad had been married at a young age but demands of work had meant that he was often away. In that time, I had seen a series of men come and go. One of the reasons she bundled me off to boarding school was that I was starting to ask uncomfortable questions. She always needed a man to take care of her so hooking up with Dan made sense in a kind of way. It didn't matter to me, dads will had stipulated that the company would fall to me once the Board decided I was experienced enough to take on the job.

"Well, I am glad you told me. This would have made dinner awkward." I said and they both laughed, but moms seemed a little forced and there was a nervous look in her eye as we climbed the steps to the door.

Dan carried my suitcase to my room and set it inside. The room hadn't been touched since I left and was stuck in the style of a 12 yr old girl with boy band posters and stuffed animals. I looked around and he shrugged.

"We didn't want to touch anything until you came home, we can re-decorate if you want." He said with a smile, that same appraising smile that sent a shiver up my spine.

"Thanks, it's fine for now." I said as I closed the door behind him. What was going on here, why was I so nervous. Sure, it had been years since I was home and mom was acting a bit weird, but there had been some big changes recently. Of course, things would be awkward as I worked my way back into the family and the business. I shook my head and started unpacking. I would need to do some shopping soon since my college wardrobe was not corporate appropriate.

At dinner, Dan introduced me to his son. "Ashley, this is Zack." He said as the boy walked into the room. I shouldn't say boy because Zack looked about 18 and shared Dan's tall build. Where Dan was broad, Zack was lean but both of them had the same dark hair and eyes. Unlike Dan, Zack was blatantly obvious in his opinion of me. I don't think his eyes rose above my chest for the entire meal and my attempts at conversation were always steered to what the party life at college was like.

"Zack just finished high school and can't wait to hit the big leagues, right son?" Dan said proudly.

"Fucking right dad." Zack replied around a mouthful of steak. "Booze, babes and basketball, can't wait."

Dan chuckled and looked over at me. "Freshman, what can I say?" and I smiled politely. Can't wait to see what he says when Zack comes back with his first semester report card I thought.

After dinner there was some more conversation as we took a walk around the estate so I could familiarize myself with the grounds again. The main house was fairly large with a detached guest house and garage. The pool and jacuzzi were there, but a basketball court had been added for Zack who was sure he was going to get a sports scholarship. I watched him practice and while he was good for high school, there was no way he was going to make a college team. He was more about the fancy layup and celebration dance than any real skill but you couldn't tell him that. It would be satisfying to see reality slap him in the face.

"Thanks for everything but I should get to bed. It was a long ride and I am still two time zones out of synch." I said as the sun started to set.

"Good night dear." Mom replied as she hugged me. "Sleep well."

"Yes, you will have a busy time ahead of you now that you are back. Get your rest, you will need it." Dan said as Zack smiled a suspicious smile. 'What was the matter with me' I thought as I slid between the covers. Sure, this isn't what I expected but this is nothing I can't handle. Tomorrow I will start setting down some ground rules, especially with Zack and soon everything will be fine.

I woke a couple of hours later, not sure what had jarred me out of my slumber. The house was dark and the noise of crickets and other night sounds drifted through the open window. I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling listening to the quiet of the house.


'What the fuck was that?' I thought. It sounded like a cry of pain. I lay still, straining her ears for any noise.

"Thank you master, I mmmmpppphhh" I heard faintly through her open window. There was no doubt about what I heard, but from where and what the fuck was going on? I slid out of bed, pulling my t-shirt housecoat on as I moved to the window. There was a light on in the guest house and I noticed that the window was open. That must be where the noise came from and there were shadows moving behind the blinds. I strained my ears and heard muffled grunting with the occasional sound of a slap coming from the nearby building.

I had to see what was going on down there. If Dan was cheating on my mom, she needed to know about it. I tied my housecoat and slid my feet into a pair of shoes then hurried out of the house and across the lawn. I slid up beside the open window pressing my back to the brick wall. The sound of sex was clear now, bodies slapping against each other accompanied by grunts and moans. I peeked through the open window, but my view was obscured by the blind. I stuck my fingers through, pushing it aside just enough to let me see what was going on in the room beyond.

I was stunned, Dan was in there alright, with my mother, and Zack. Mom was naked on her hands and knees while Dan took her from behind and Zack was shoving his cock in and out of her mouth. Her tits swayed as the two men sawed back and forth in synch, fucking her face and ass simultaneously. I stared in shock as these two strangers spit roasted my mother.

"Fuck yeah, grind that ass." Dan grunted as he drove his cock into my mother from behind and I was shocked to see her do it, pushing back against him and wiggling her ass on his pelvis.

"Damn, this bitch has some wicked cock sucking skills don't you slut." Zack moaned as he grabbed a fistful of my mother's hair and pushed his own cock deep into her mouth. I was almost ready to barge in there and call the police, then I saw her nod in acknowledgement as her cheeks flexed around the penis in her mouth. Clearly, she was fucking these two, not being assaulted.

I stood there frozen, unable to look away as I watched two people who I had just met yesterday share my mother like a whore they had rented for the night. I flinched as Dan raised his hand and gave my mom a hard slap on her ass, and Zack laughed when she grunted in pain around his cock.

"Fuck, do that again dad." He said with a laugh, then moaned as Dan struck her again and again leaving clear red handprints on her tanning bed bronzed behind.

"Feel good when she grunts around your cock boy? Better hope she doesn't bite down." Dan chuckled as he dug his fingers into mom's hips and shoved his cock hard and deep up her ass.

"She knows better than to do that, don't you 'Mom'" Zack replied, twisting her head around by his grip on her hair so she could look up at him as he fucked her face.

"Mmmhmmm." She moaned around the hard young shaft that filled her mouth. I could see her eyes glistening and there were tracks of tears from her mascara, but she did not seem to be fighting or resisting in any way. In fact, she reached around to grab Zack's ass while she slid her mouth back and forth along his cock.

"Oooohhh fuck. Yeah bitch, just like that." Zack moaned. "I'm gonna cum soon. I'm gonna blow my load down your throat slut. Are you ready for it?"

"Mmmmmhmmmm, Mhhmm." Mom moaned in reply as I saw her shoulders tense and her fingers dig into Zack's ass. She shuddered as the teenager grabbed her by the back of the head and drove his cock deep into her throat.

"Aaaaahhhhh" he exclaimed as his own body tensed and shuddered with his orgasm. I saw cum leak out from around mom's lips and dribble down her chin as she worked to swallow the hot sticky load.

"Still can't keep up with your old man eh?" Dan gloated as he shoved his own cock in and out of my mother's ass or pussy, I couldn't tell.

"Fuck you" Zack gasped as he collapsed back on the bed. "Give me 20 years of practice and I will be making bitches like this beg to suck my cock."

"Hear that Barb, he wants to hear you beg." Dan replied as he gave her another hard slap on the ass. "Beg for my cum and work those cunt muscles while you do it."

"Yes Master, please, please cum in my pussy." My mom moaned as she pushed her ass hard against Dan's thrusting pelvis. "Please give me your cum, fill me up."

Dan reached forward and grabbed my mom by her long brown hair, pulling her head back sharply and causing her to gasp in pain. Her back arched as he pulled her up off of the bed, with his other hand he reached around and grabbed her tit groping her hard. I thought her implant was going to burst the way he squeezed her but she didn't fight or struggle.

"Yes Master, take me, make me yours." She whimpered as he pawed and groped her firm but tender breasts. I saw her bit her lip in obvious pain but she continued to grind her ass back against his thrusting cock.

"Yeah slut, squeeze that cunt." Dan grunted "Fuck, fuck yeah, fffuuuuccccckkkkkkk!" I saw Dan arch as he came, and Mom seemed to cum as well.

"Ahhhh, Ahhhhhhhhh!" she wailed as her body shuddered with her own orgasm. Whether it was in pleasure or pain I had no idea but soon both of them collapsed onto the bed, gasping into the sheets.

I stood there, rooted to the ground as Dan pushed himself off of my mom, his cock sliding out of her ass leaving a trail of cum across the back of her thighs. He staggered off of the bed and reached for his pants while Zack was just finishing dressing himself.

"You did good cunt. You are one awesome fuck, isn't she boy." He said with a chuckle as he buttoned his shirt.

"Fuck yeah Dad." Zack replied. "Lets get a beer, I'm bushed."

"Thank you, I am so glad that you are happy with me." Mom replied in a simpering tone, lifting herself up on one elbow and cocking one leg up to show off her hips. She reclined on the bed like a bronzed landscape of gentle hills and valleys, watching as the two men walked out of the room. Once the door closed though, her demeanor changed. She slowly sank down onto the mattress and curled herself up into a ball. I saw her arms wrap around herself in and her shoulders began to shake as she sobbed quietly in the empty room.

I heard the back door to the guest house open and saw Dan and Zack step out onto the patio. They turned to look at the pool and I took the opportunity to sneak around the corner and slip back to the main house. I had no idea what was going on here, but I was going to find out.

The next morning, I was sitting at the table nursing my coffee. I hadn't slept much last night and was getting impatient for my mom to come down so I could ask her what the fuck I had seen. Finally, I heard her in the hallway and looked up as she turned the corner. She gave a small squeak of alarm, "Oh, Ashely." She gasped putting her hand to her chest and clutching her housecoat. "Sorry, you startled me."

"Mom, I saw what happened last night. What is going on here." I said as I levelled my gaze at her.

She looked startled and quickly slid into a chair. "What do you mean dear?" she asked in a shaky voice. She darted a quick look over her shoulder at the patio door and the guest house beyond, then looked back at me nervously.

"I saw you in the guest house last night, with Dan and Zack. What the hell is going on here?" I demanded, slapping my hand firmly down on the table. Mom jumped at the noise and I saw tears start to form in her eyes. Her lip trembled and she looked away.

"I, you don't, I mean..." she stammered.

"I see you figured it out." I heard as Dan walked around the corner and into the dining room. "I thought I saw that blind moving." He was wearing his own housecoat and a pair of pyjama pants as he walked up behind Barbara and put a hand on her shoulder. Mom flinched at his touch and her eyes darted between him and me as she sat frozen in indecision.

"I had hoped to have a bit longer to get to know you before letting you in on the household secret." Dan said, and I saw his fingers tense digging into mom's shoulder causing her to flinch slightly.

"Secret my ass." I snapped back. "I saw you and that pervert son of yours raping my mom last night and if you want to keep your asses out of jail you will get out of our house immediately."

He chuckled, and I was stunned at his response. I had just told him that I was ready to call the cops on him and he thought it was funny? "Do you think this is a game. Get your asses out of here or I will have you both arrested for trespassing."

He smiled, that same appraising possessive smile that I had seen before then patted my mom on the shoulder. "Go ahead dear, tell her."

Mom broke down, she put her face in her hands as she sobbed deep racking sobs. "I'm sorry Ashley, I'm so sorry. It's all his now, he owns everything!" she gasped out.

I looked from my mom's tear streamed face to Dan's smug smile. "What do you mean?" I stood up and pointed at him. "Get the fuck out of my house now!"

"You mean my house, you stupid cunt." Dan replied, then grabbed mom hard by the hair and pulled her head out of her hands, forcing her to look at me. "Tell her. Tell her now before I lose my temper."

Mom flinched at the angry tone and dashed the tears from her eyes. "It's true. When you father died, I was so scared and alone. He had taken care of me since before you were born, he had done everything and I was happy to let him do it."

She looked up at Dan, sinking into her shoulders as he stared down at her with hungry eyes. "Dan helped, he took care of the will, the investments, even managed my seat on the board."

"You are fucking right I did, especially after that first meeting right?" Dan said contemptuously as he looked at me. "Your mom spent more time deciding what to wear than reviewing the agenda. She strutted in there like she was on a movie set but when the first question came, she was fucking useless. It was all I could do to keep the board from voting her out right there." He looked down at her and sneered "CEO, what a joke."

Mom shuddered, tears welling in her eyes again. Dan released his grip on her hair and with a sharp push shoved her out of her chair onto the floor.

"It wasn't hard to convince the board to appoint me as interim CEO after that little display. Then a few signatures and a press conference and your stupid slut of a mother had signed control of the company over to me." He chuckled. "What she didn't know, because she didn't read anything, was that she was also transferring me her controlling interest and all assets. Now I own the company."

I looked from my mom, sobbing on the floor to the man who towered above her. "I don't care!" I snapped back. "Dad's will said I would inherit the company when he died so it's mine now not yours. Now get out of our house before I call the cops."

In three quick strides Dan closed the distance between us and a quick backhand knocked me from my chair. I sprawled on the floor, my cheek stinging from the slap. "You fucking stupid cunt, just like your slut of a mother. The will said controlling interest, which your mom already transferred to me. There is nothing left for you to inherit!" he roared. "Also, this house was listed as a company asset for tax purposes so since I own the company, it's mine too." He put his foot on my shoulder and pushed me over onto my back. "Let me tell you one more time, in small words. I own it all!"

I looked up at him as he towered over me. "Fine, we'll leave." I pushed myself up on my elbows and looked across the floor to where my mom lay. "Let's go mom."

She looked at me with wide, fearful eyes. I saw her shoulders shudder as she took a shaky breath. "I'm sorry Ashley, I can't."


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