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Family Love Studies

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Mum helps Dad to give daughter sexual experience.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 02/20/2024
Created 12/10/2023
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** This is my first story for Literotica and contains consensual incest and family love with multiple partners in a total fantasy world where it is permissable. I do not give permission to re-post or archive my stories. All characters are 18 and over. Hope you enjoy it and I do plan to write further parts **

Part 1 - Innocence

In keeping with tradition, my Dad's 19th birthday present to me was a brand new pair of snug white panties.

"They're one size too small, Amy. I hope that's alright?"

"I love them Dad", I said, holding them up so Mum could see. They had a small, cute little pink bow at the top, and their size meant they would mold tightly to me, showcasing the shape of my special place clearly to anyone who looked.

Mum smiled warmly at me across the breakfast table. "They look lovely, sweetie. I can't wait to see you wearing them. I bet your Dad feels the same way!"

"Absolutely," Dad said, looking meaningfully at me. I could feel heat rise to my face, and also between my legs. I rubbed my thighs together. Dad had never looked at me like that before. But now that I had become a woman, I knew what would be expected of both of us, and Mum would play an important part too. I couldn't help but notice the blush rising on Dad's handsome face as he ran his hands through his dark hair. He was broad shouldered and clean shaven, and I knew he worked out. I was slim but curvy with long ash-blonde hair which today I had tied back in a simple ponytail. I looked quite a bit like Mum, although she wore her darker blonde hair at shoulder length. She had a bigger bust than me, but I wasn't far behind. I noticed Dad was looking at my chest through my soft clingy pink sweater, and I felt my nipples harden.

"So", Mum said, "You've only got one more term left at the Academy, and then it's the Summer Holidays - you must be excited Amy."

I definitely was. Angel Academy was a great institution, and I'd made a few good friends. It helped that it was a girls only residential private school; there were no boys to distract students. The teaching so far had been to a fairly standard curriculum, albeit taught expertly with small class sizes and lots of extra support. I was confident I would graduate with at least a merit. But I was much more interested in the content of the final term. Mum and Dad had helped me choose the courses, but it was my final say.

I smiled at Mum. "Yes, it's been a long haul - I'm looking forward to coming home. I do miss both of you. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the final term".

"Remind me, what did you sign up for in the end?" Mum asked.

I found myself looking at Dad. "Well, I got my top three choices - Innocence, Slut Play and Advanced Orgasms". I noticed Dad shift in his seat. "Apparently," I continued, pulling up the email on my phone, "All three include as standard Oral, Vaginal, Anal and Working with Partners, but the AO course goes a bit further - I can't remember now but I think it includes specific use of toys, male prostate massage, that kind of thing."

I didn't feel as embarrassed as I thought I would saying that out loud, outweighed as it was by a growing excitement. "Mostly it's theoretical, but there will be some video and live demonstrations"

"Sounds great honey. And now that you're 19, me and your Dad also want you to have this."

Mum handed me an envelope which I thought was just my birthday card. I opened it carefully. The card was cute with "Happy 19th!" written as separate letters on a bunch of balloons that were in a sort of flowerpot like the balloons were flowers. Inside it was signed by Mum and Dad but also by my big sister Teresa and older brother Grant. Teresa worked in the City but was going to have a couple of weeks off for Summer; Grant we weren't expecting to see until Christmas now as he was away at Uni and was planning to go travelling during the Summer break.

On the inside of the card was taped a shiny platinum credit card with my name on it. I was surprised but delighted.

"Thanks Mum and Dad!"

"No problem Amy", said Dad, "We want you to have your independence. There's no limit on the card and I've set up auto payment. Whatever you want, whatever you need."

I knew Mum and Dad had a lot of money. Mum had inherited quite a bit, including the house, and last year Dad had sold a couple of his special military security apps exclusively to the government and had made a fortune.

Mum chipped in, "Don't think we won't still be buying you stuff though. We want to spoil you. Tomorrow, your Dad and I are going to start picking out your summer, lingerie and nightwear wardrobes. I know you're still going to grow a little, but we'll get your latest measurements from the Academy anyway". I knew that my certificate of virginity would also be issued in due course.

It was the weekend before I had to go back to the Academy on Monday, but Dad had to go on a business trip. After breakfast he grabbed his briefcase off the kitchen top, and went to kiss Mum goodbye at the door.

"Amy," said Mum, "I think you're forgetting something? Come and give your Dad a kiss goodbye."

I went to Dad at the door and he bent and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Not like that," Mum said, "Properly. You're 19 now Amy. Your father should know better too."

I met my Dad's eyes and saw the mixture of nerves and excitement in his eyes. I expect my gaze looked similar. I went up on tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the lips. It was the first time we had kissed on the mouth, and I found I wanted to do it again. His lips were warm and strong. Dad turned quickly though and headed out the door, but not before I noticed the obvious bulge in his trousers.


The final term at Angel was eye-opening to say the least. There was a lot of textbook information to go through, starting with the history of the family love movement, the layers of legislation and regulation, and medical matters. Anatomy of sex organs study was detailed to say the least.

The Academy's in house medical service took care of contraceptive patches in readiness for graduates and regular health checks were taken, including sending hip/bust/waist/leg/bum and other measurements home. I had been given a clean bill of health and a year long contraceptive injection- I was also really happy that my bust and nipple measurement had increased since the last check.

I had taken gymnastics classes alongside academic study, both because I wanted to maintain a certain level of fitness and flexibility for what lay ahead, but also because it was a good way to break my hymen ahead of time, which would reduce any pain I might feel when my virginity was taken - but I was technically still a virgin. My virgin certificate testified to that, but also made a note that my hymen had thinned and torn. There hadn't been any bleeding, just a bit of discomfort. I also had planned to keep my workout clothes as I liked the way they clung to me, and I had a feeling Dad would like it too. I knew my black yoga pants made my curves all the more obvious.

Me and my best friend Jane probably spent most time outside of lessons talking about the Innocence classes. We had been asked as homework to come up with names for our vaginas that we thought would turn on our Dads and be suitable for the virginal innocent image, and also that our Mum's could be in support of. I had a shortlist of cunnie, honeypot and flower. I thought they were cute. I was also ready to have Dad name it with whatever took his fancy. I thought he might go simply for pussy but I wasn't sure. Jane meanwhile was favouring muff or front bottom. There were also questions of what to call our clitorises (bean or button for example), and then the options of what to call the male organ - there were so many choices but it had been instilled on us that language was an important part of the Innocence image we were trying to cultivate. I had decided I was going to talk about what my dad's penis (once I got a proper hold of it) looked like and felt like, rather than name it particularly. I'd wait for inspiration to strike.

As for the Slut Play classes, of course there was quite a bit to discuss there too. Some of it was about clothing choices, but moreover it was about getting in the habit of being quite forward - coarse really. Jane and I had role played asking each other to finger each other's "cunts" or asking each other to be "bent over and fucked hard".

Inevitably the orgasm classes made me and all the near-graduates very wet. At this stage we weren't allowed to masturbate to orgasm but we could touch ourselves a little to relieve some of the tension we were all building and to practice the techniques. The videos and live demonstrations, sometimes involving our female and male teachers demonstrating at the front of the class, ensured I was constantly changing wet panties for dry ones, but of course I had kept the tight and pure white panties that Dad bought me untouched. They were special. I looked forward to him feeling how firmly they would cup me front and back. Not as much as I realised I was looking forward to him taking them down perhaps. I was nervous of course, and I knew Dad would be too. But Mum was there to support us in taking this first proper step into my womanhood. I knew she had a lot of experience, and I intended to both learn from her and follow in her footsteps. In all likelihood Mum and Dad would be present for my first orgasm and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.


Graduation was a straight forward affair. It was a perfect sunny day, and Mum and Dad were sitting near the front, close enough that I could see tears Mum's eyes. Once I was on stage, there was a quick handshake from the Dean, and then I was off with my diploma. I had narrowly missed a distinction but I was happy with the merit in Family Love Studies, and across the non sexual curriculum, I also gained an overall merit. The qualifications put me in a good position for many future career choices. Right now though, I was going home for the summer. I had already decided to start in Innocence mode. Firstly, it was the closest to who I actually was, physically if not wholly mentally. Secondly, I knew Dad would still want to see me as his innocent little angel, at least to begin with - hence the white panties 19th birthday present. Thirdly, if I was honest, it turned me on the most.

I wished Jane good luck and before we said our goodbyes, we agreed to stay in touch over the summer, not ruling out visiting each other either. She had decided to start with Slut Play and I was curious as to how that would go down with her parents.

Dad drove us home, and Mum chatted with me from the backseat whilst I sat in the passenger seat. I was still wearing my graduation outfit, which was a very short red-checked skirt and a tight white blouse over a plain white bra. Every few minutes I caught Dad looking at my bare legs, and once when he changed gear, he accidentally-on-purpose touched my thigh. It spread heat and wetness through the black panties I was wearing today. There wouldn't be long to wait now for both of us.

Mum made a grand graduation celebration dinner with a roast and all the trimmings, and then we all said goodnight. It had been a long but happy day. Mum made me kiss Dad on the lips again before I went upstairs, and this time we kissed for longer. Mum watched us approvingly, even stroking my hair at one point, before I finally made my way to my bedroom. I loved the girly whites and pinks it was decorated in and had missed it. I even had a candy stripe bedspread and matching pillows. I laid out my Innocence clothes for the morning on the back of my chair. The credit card had come in handy. I had already bought plenty of suitably Innocent things, also some for Slut Play as I had planned ahead.

Mum would give me a bath in the morning, and then help me get dressed. Then after breakfast made by Dad (I would need my energy) we would make a start putting into practice everything I had learned. It took me a while to get to sleep that night, especially without touching myself, but I wanted to save myself now for Dad.


"Come on Amy," called Mum, "Your bath's ready!". It was years since Mum had given me a bath, but this was all part of the well-established first day tradition. Mum sat on the edge of the bath, swirling the bubbles,, and watched me fondly as I came in. I stripped off my plain pjyamas and for a moment I was embarrassed. Mum picked up on it right away. "Amy, you've nothing to be ashamed of. You're a beautiful young woman. Come on, let's get you squeaky clean." She looked at me between the legs. "Did you decide...?"

"Yes. I'm going to go with cunnie.I think Dad's going to like it."

Mum smiled. "I think he'll love it. In more ways than one. But I was actually going to ask if you wanted me to shave you?"

"Yes please Mum. Will you leave some hair at the top though? I'm a woman now, and it feels nice when I stroke there. I think it looks nice too and matches my hair."

"Of course, dear." She helped lower me in the bath, and after shaving my armpits, legs and my cunnie as I'd now decided to refer to it, she helped me wash all over. Back in my room, she towel dried me carefully, patting me dry as I sat on the end of the bed. She dabbed small amounts of my favourite floral perfume in my hair (which she put into two bunches) under my arms, my bust and on my inner thighs. She also painted my toenails a bright cherry red. I wasn't particularly petite, but I had small pretty feet and cute toes.

"Come on Amy, let's get you dressed for breakfast now. Your daddy is waiting". I noted that she was calling him Daddy now. I felt warmth pooling between my legs but tried to control myself for now as I stepped into the snug white panties mum held for me that Dad had bought just for me a couple of months ago. I had held them a few times but this was the first time I'd worn them. They were super soft and just clingy enough that when I looked down I could see my slit through the thin fabric and the impression made by my small landing strip. Mum touched the cute pink bow at the waistline. I put on my plain white bra, tactically too small so that it squashed my bust up and together. "Arms up, sweetie." Mum pulled my new pink pjyama top down and it hugged tightly to my ample bust, stretching the word "Princess" that was in fancy style silver letters across the front. It was long enough that it just covered my panties but left my legs bare. Finally I stepped into fluffy pink slippers and together Mum and I went downstairs, her in her dressing gown, and me in my Innocent clothes.


Dad was already sitting at the breakfast table and everything was already laid out: Toast, cereals, tea, coffee and orange juice. He looked up from behind his newspaper and smiled warmly at me.

"Morning Amy, did you sleep well?"

"I did thank you, Daddy. It's good to be home".

"It's lovely to have you home, angel. Or should I say princess?"

Dad's eyes were locked to my chest as I sat down next to him. Then he couldn't help but glance at my long bare legs. My nightshirt rode up my thighs. Mum sat the other side with a knowing look.

I helped myself to cereal and orange juice and watched as Dad poured him and Mum a coffee. Mum sipped her coffee and asked Dad what his plans were for today.

"Well I don't need to be in the office till this afternoon, so I was just going to work from home this morning."

"That's nice dear. You can spend some time with Amy perhaps?"

"I'd like that," he said. Then a delicious shiver went through me as I felt his warm and large hand land on my bare knee under the table.

I looked at Mum and she nodded slightly. "I'd like that too, Daddy," I said. "But I'm not feeling well all of a sudden."

Dad's concerned eyes met mine. "What's the matter, Amy? It's certainly been a busy few weeks. Perhaps you're tired?"

His hand drifted up from my knee to the smooth skin of my inner thigh. "It's not that, Daddy. I think I might have a bad tummy or something. I've got butterflies. They're sort of low down though. Mummy gave me a bath this morning and ever since then, well I've had this kind of ache down there."

Dad looked at mum. "Helen, I wonder if Amy needs to go back to bed for a bit? Would you like that Amy? Mummy can tuck you up in our bed for now as you'll have more room."

"I think that's a good idea, Daddy. Sorry to be a bother though."

"You're never a bother, Amy," said Mum and came around the table. She saw where Dad's hand was and took in his fingers that were gently stroking up and down my bare thigh. "Come on Amy, let's get you rested upstairs."

She pulled me gently to my feet and led me out of the kitchen. I could feel Dad's eyes on my backside and turned. "Daddy, would you come up and check on me in a minute? I think...I think it's my...I think it's my cunnie. It feels funny."

I saw the burning look in his eyes. I turned back to the stairs and hitched up my nightshirt so he got an eyeful of my white-panty clad bum.

"Of course I will. I...I can kiss it better if you like?'

Mum answered this time, calling over her shoulder as we climbed the stairs. "That's a good idea, dear. Just give us 5 minutes"


Mum got on the double bed first. Of course I'd been in my parents bedroom before but this was different. I felt a thrill of anticipation as Mum pushed the pale green covers down with her feet, saying she didn't want me to get too hot. She got me situated so I was lying on my back, propped up against her in a sitting position with her head on the pillowed headboard and resting gently on my shoulder. Her arms came around me from behind and her hands were clasped loosely together over my tummy. I was sort of half sitting in the V of her legs, lying back on her with my own legs stretched out on the bed.

"How you feeling now, sweetie?"

"Ok thanks Mum. Sorry for being so silly."

"You're not being silly. When a young woman has an ache in her cunnie, it needs to be taken care of. Daddy will see you right'", she whispered breathily in my ear.

Just then Dad came in the door and gently shut it behind him. I immediately saw the bulge in his trousers and wondered how big he was and whether I'd see his manhood for the first time before the day was out. I looked at him and he made no attempt to hide his hardness.

"Are you ready for Daddy to kiss you all better, my Angel?"

"Yes, Daddy. Mummy's got me all comfortable, but it still hurts down there."

Dad sat on the end of the bed and slipped off his jacket and tie. After taking off my slippers, he took my feet gently in his warm hands, noticed my pretty toes, and pushed up on the soles of my feet so my knees bent. I felt mum lift up my nightshirt over my hips and I let my legs fall open.

Dad was transfixed on my white panties and stared hard between my legs. I could feel myself getting warm down there, and my breathing picked up pace.

"Are those your birthday present knickers?", he asked without looking up

"Yes Daddy. Do you like them?"

"Very much Amy."

"It hurts down there though Daddy. Is there something wrong with my cunnie?"

"Well let's take a look, shall we?" he glanced up at me, heat in his eyes.

His hands skated slowly up my legs and to my thighs, my skin tingling as he went. His left hand rested on my hip and with his right hand he gently cupped me between my legs over my panties. I gasped at the contact and felt myself getting damp. Before I could do anything else he began running his index finger gently up and down my slit which was clearly visible through my panties. I watched as a small patch of wet appeared.

"Dad, is that supposed to happen? It feels all tingly down there."

"Don't worry, sweetie. When a girl becomes a woman, her....cunnie aches and gets wet sometimes". I could hear my Dad's breathing increase now too. "Daddy will kiss it all better".


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