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Female Marine Cheats with Afghan

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Female Marine and Afghan man have sex.
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Forward Operating Base Eagle - Afghanistan - 2014

My name is Sarah and I'm a 22 year old female Marine Corporal. I'm white, 5'4", with a great toned ass from A LOT of squats and lower body workouts. I'm currently assigned to a Female Engagement Team(FET) at FOB Eagle in Afghanistan.

I've had the same boyfriend, Ian, since high school. Ian is also 22, but he went to college when i enlisted. Ian graduates this spring and I'll be exiting the Marines this summer. Being in Afghanistan has been hard on us since we can only talk a couple times a week, but I'll be going home in another month and we won't have to be apart ever again.

As a female Marine assigned to FET, I go out on patrols with the Marine infantrymen and act as a liaison between the male Marines and female Afghans we come across. I'm proud to say I'm pretty good at my job. Part of what makes me good at engaging with the female Afghans is my proficiency in speaking Pashto.

I had taken language courses prior to my deployment, but what really helped me the most was engaging with Amir, one of the Afghan interpreters assigned to my squad. Amir was very pleasant to speak with and was often smiling. Amir was significantly nicer to me than some of the Afghan army soldiers we shared the FOB with. I knew it was a cultural thing on their part, but it was simply not pleasant to interact with a lot of them. Amir, on the other hand, voluntarily helped me improve my Pashto. At five months into this deployment, we could freely converse in Pashto. It didn't hurt that Amir was handsome and easy going with a great smile. He could dole out compliments in Pashto akin to a French guy in a rom-com, often making me blush.

My troubles started when I logged into a video chat service to talk to Ian. I tried calling him a few times but he wasn't answering. I saw my friend Liz was online, so i gave her a call. She picked up almost instantly. "Hey, girl! What are you up to?" I asked her in greeting.

"Hey, nothing good. I was actually writing you an email when you called." She sounded upset and angry at the same time.

"What's going on?" I asked her, concern in my voice.

"It's Ian," she said, "I saw him with another girl at the coffee spot by our school. She was about your height and size but blonde hair instead of brunette like yours." I was speechless as she continued, "They seemed to be laughing a lot and I saw him show her a diamond ring. She was very excited and hugged him, but I couldn't see if she put it on. I was pretty mad he would cheat on you so I went to storm out of there when he saw me. He actually had the balls to say "Hey Liz" like I hadn't just caught him with another woman."

By this point, I had tears coming down my face. I said, "I have to go, thank you for telling me," as i ended the video call.

I immediately tried to call Ian, but again, he didn't answer. I tried two more times without success. "That bastard!" I thought to myself, "I've been in Afghanistan the last 5 months and he's apparently having the time of his life fucking college sluts. And what? Getting ENGAGED?!"

I quickly logged off the computer and left the building. I was walking back to my barracks tent with tears streaming down my face. I was so upset I walked right past the entrance to my tent without even realizing it. When I reached the end of the row, I turned right and began circling the rows of barracks tents. The more I walked, the more my pain turned to rage. I really didn't think Ian was like that, and to have strung me along for all those years, I couldn't believe that asshole!

It was about 10:00 p.m. local time and I was on my fifth or sixth lap around the living quarters, I had really lost count. I heard a familiar voice with only a hint of an accent, "Sarah, my beautiful friend, what are you doing?" I knew it was Amir before I even turned to look at him. When I did, the tears came back to my eyes.

"Oh Amir, it's Ian. He was cheating on me this whole time," I told him as I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, tears flowing freely down my face now.

Amir held me in his embrace, "oh Sarah, I am sorry this has happened to you. These are my quarters, please sit with me and have tea and we can talk this out." I simply nodded with my head still pressed into his chest. We released our embrace, and he placed his hand on my back as he showed me into his quarters. Amir offered me the lone chair as he began making us tea.

I began pouring my heart out to him as we sipped our tea and I asked him if he had anything stronger. Amir smiled, "Yes, Sarah, I have some traditional wine. It is an old family recipe dating back centuries. Would you like to try some?"

"Yes, please," I told him and he poured each of us a glass. Once he sat back down on his bed, I leaned over from my chair and we gently touched glasses before taking a sip. "Mmm, that is excellent!" I said.

We continued our conversation, some of which was about Ian, but we also chatted about other things, easing me out of my bad mood. I noticed our glasses were getting low so I retrieved the bottle of wine, topping off both glasses as I sat down next to him on his bed. There was a moment of silence as we looked into each other's eyes, each of us taking a slow sip of the wine.

Amir really is a handsome man, I thought to myself, as we sipped our wine and made small talk. I looked into his brown eyes, as he looked into my green ones, there was an air of comfort and mutual attraction. Amir's dark skin was a great contrast from my own white skin, even with five months of Afghan sun under my belt. He was especially dark compared to Ian, who remained pale no matter how much sun he got. Amir's well toned arms and torso are also much more muscular than Ian's. How had I not noticed how truly HOT Amir was until now.

Without realizing it, Amir and I had both stopped talking. We slowly leaned in toward each other, Amir's left hand finding my own right. Amir's right hand reached up behind my head and pulled me closer, our lips briefly touching as we looked into each other's eyes. We both leaned in a second time, this time with our eyes closed, as we kissed passionately on the mouth.

I could feel my hunger for Amir rising higher and higher, further fueled by the wine we had drunk. We sat on the side of Amir's bed, kissing for several minutes.

I pulled back from Amir, "I'm not ready to move any further," I told him, "I should probably go back to my tent."

"Yes, you are right, Sarah," Amir said respectfully. "Sarah, you should know this, you are quite beautiful and perfect, like a sunrise over the mountains. What Ian has done is shameful and you do not deserve such treatment."

"Thank you, Amir. That means a lot," I said, knowing I was blushing at the compliment. I exited his quarters after one more soft kiss on the lips.

I made my way back to my own tent and took my uniform off, folding it neatly by my bed. I climbed into the sleeping bag on top of my mattress, my mind racing. I knew what had just happened with Amir was forbidden by Marine Corps policy, but I couldn't help but think about Amir. Smart, sweet, and downright sexy Amir.

I was starting to get turned on again, thinking of the intense kissing in Amir's quarters, my hand snaking it's way down to my pussy. I began rubbing my clit through my panties, imagining it was Amir giving me the pleasure instead of my own hand. My orgasm came quickly and damn was it a big release. I slowly dozed off to sleep in a post-orgasm bliss.

I awoke early the next morning and dressed in workout clothes. I brushed my teeth and jogged to the FOB gym. The morning was cool and the base was quiet this early. The only people awake this early were probably the guards on post.

As I entered the gym, I saw I wasn't the only person up this early after all. Amir was doing bench press, and I watched as he pressed twice my weight several times before racking the bar. Amir sat up and I said, "Hey Amir!" a little too excitedly.

Amir smiled and said, "Good morning Sarah, how wonderful it is to see your beautiful face so early." I felt my cheeks getting warm and knew I couldn't hide my blush. I just wasn't used to a sexy man calling me beautiful.

I smiled back at him, "I'm doing legs today, are you going to focus on chest?"

"Yes, I've got another set on the flat bench, then I'm going to do incline and decline, before some dumbbell work."

"Okay, well let me know if you need me to spot you or something," I said as I started to put some lighter plates on the bar in the squat rack for my warm up set.

"You too Sarah, let me know if you need a spot."

With that, I ducked my head under the bar and got it situated just right on my shoulders. I straightened my legs to lift the bar from the rack and took a couple steps back. I watched my form in the mirror as I completed 12 reps with the light weight. My plan was to do a pyramid workout today, increasing my weight, while simultaneously decreasing the number of reps. I racked the bar and added additional plates to increase the weight. I repositioned myself under the bar and lifted it off. Again I took a couple steps back and began squatting my 10 reps. I looked in the mirror and this time I could see Amir watching me from his bench.

Amir would definitely get a show while I squatted. I knew my ass looked great in these shorts and the actual act of squatting only made it look better, especially while I was in the down position. I racked the bar again and went to work adding weight. I took a moment to take a drink of water and saw Amir had moved on to the decline bench. I watched his arms and chest flexing as he completed each repetition. My eyes moved to a noticeable bulge in his American style gym shorts. His shorts had bunched up around his crotch due to his position on the bench, making his package especially obvious. I was lost in my own thoughts and must have been staring because I heard Amir ask, "do you need a spot, Sarah?"

"Oh, uh, yes, please," I said, tripping over my own words. Amir was going to get an up close view of my ass during this set.

I knocked out the first couple reps, when Amir said, "halfway there, keep your back straight, push out your chest." I did as he said and knocked out the last few reps as he said, "looks great!"

I racked the weight and said "My form, or my butt?" while grinning and giving him a wink.

"Both," he said, "definitely both!"

I giggled and asked, "do you want me to spot you on this set?"

"Yes," he told me, "I'm going for eight reps and I just increased the weight from my last set."

We made our way over to the decline bench and he got situated. I stepped onto the spotter's step and watched as he lifted the bar from the rack. My eyes glanced up to his bulge, which I noticed had grown since spotting me on my squats. "Damn," I thought, "his cock must be huge!" I could feel myself getting wet at the thought of it. As Amir racked the weight, I said, "I guess you were stronger than you thought, you didn't even need a lift off."

"I've got a beautiful woman watching me as motivation, i could lift a truck right about now!" he said with a laugh as I giggled along with him.

We both continued our workouts, flirting with one another as we did. Amir seemed to be the cure for my anger and sadness over Ian. I hardly thought about Ian at all when I was with Amir. Sometimes I couldn't help but notice how much more muscular and handsome Amir was, and definitely more well hung.

Once we finished our workouts. Amir asked if I wanted to go for a run with him around the FOB and I agreed. As we were nearing his quarters, Amir asked if I minded stopping so he could grab a drink of water. "Sure, that's fine," I said, and we slowed to a walk as we approached his door. I entered behind him and watched as he retrieved a bottle from next to his bed. I watched his muscles flex as he twisted the top and took a long pull from the bottle. I stepped closer to Amir and he lowered the bottle from his lips. Amir screwed the cap back on as I took another step forward. The bottle dropped to the floor as Amir took me in his arms, one hand on the small of my back, the other on my hip, as he lowered his face to mine. We kissed, and wow was it a kiss. The kiss went on for several long moments, my arms wrapped around his muscular body.

I didn't resist as Amir turned us around and laid me down on the bed, crawling on top of me. "Do you want to do this, Sarah?"

"Yesss," I hissed back at him, "I want you so bad!" With that, Amir leaned back, pulling his shirt off over his head. His torso was well muscled and his abs were well defined. His skin was dark compared to my hands that were exploring his chest and abs. He gently raised me up and I raised my arms for him to remove first my shirt, then my sports bra.

"Magnificent," he whispered, as his hands found my breasts and his thumbs brushed over my erect nipples. I moaned as he gently stimulated my nipples with his fingers, and then moved on to using his tongue and mouth. I felt myself pushing my breasts out, offering them to him fully.

"I want you, Amir. I've never wanted anything more. Please, take me, Amir." With that, Amir leaned back enough to pull my shorts down. He briefly rose from the bed to remove his own shorts, before climbing back into the bed with me. I spread my legs invitingly as he climbed between them. I was now only wearing my panties and he was in tight fitting underwear. I saw his cock was bulging in the underwear and he pressed his crotch into mine, as he began kissing me on the mouth again. Amir was grinding his cock on my pussy and clit through our underwear and it was driving me wild. I could already feel an orgasm building from this and I climaxed as his tongue explored mine.

Sensing I had cum, he began removing my panties. I lifted my hips from the bed to make it easier on him. I was now naked beneath Amir, an Afghan interpreter. The thought of all the rules we were breaking only made it hotter. I reached down and pushed Amir's underwear down to his thighs, exposing part of his dark shaft. I leaned forward more and pulled his underwear down to his knees, exposing his entire cock. "WOW!" I exclaimed, "it's huge!" Amir's cock was every bit of nine inches and thick. My mind flashed to Ian's penis, the only other one I had seen. Ian told me his 5 inches was big, but Amir's cock put Ian to shame. I guess it's just one more thing Ian lied about.

I wrapped my fingers around Amir's hard cock, or at least I tried to, they didn't actually go all the way around. I ran my hand along his shaft and ran my thumb across the large head. "It's sooo big!" I said again. Amir grinned and gently laid me back on the bed again.

Amir climbed between my legs and I put my feet on Amir's ass, pulling him toward me. Amir paused at my entrance, running the head of his cock up and down my pussy and getting it wet with my juices. I couldn't help but let out a slow moan as he rubbed his head up and down several times.

I used my legs, wrapped around Amir, to pull him closer, trying to pull him inside me. "Pleeease," I begged, "I need you, Amir." Amir stopped his teasing and began to push his cock into my eager pussy. "Oooh," I cried out, "yesssss! It's so big, Amir!"

Amir took it slow. He would push in a little, and then pull back, then push in a little further, before pulling back again. He never let his cock fully leave me, but he did pull back until only the head remained inside of me. Amir was taking it easy on me so I could get used to his size. I won't lie, it did hurt a little, but the pleasure far outweighed the pain.

Eventually, Amir had his entire nine inch cock buried deep in my pussy. I've never felt so full in my life! I've never felt anything so good! With his cock buried to the hilt, he leaned forward and kissed me on my mouth. His tongue found mine, and they danced for several long moments, both of us content with his cock simply buried deep inside of me.

Amir broke the kiss when he leaned back to an upright position. He pulled my legs from around his waist and placed them on his shoulders. Amir began moving his hips, bringing his cock about halfway out before burying it to the hilt again. "Oooh, yesss! That feels so good!" Amir started pumping his cock faster when he saw I was loving it. Soon Amir was in a good rhythm and I could feel my orgasm building. "Keep going! Just like that! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum on your big cock! Yesss, I'm cumming" Amir relentlessly fucked me as I climaxed. That had to have been the biggest orgasm of my life.

As my orgasm passed, Amir slowed his pace and leaned forward to kiss me again. He continued to gyrate his hips while we made out. "Sarah, I so love your beautiful ass. I am not sure what you would call it in English, but I would like to take you from behind."

I giggled, "It's called doggystyle. Let's do it!" I told him. Amir pulled his cock from my pussy and I turned over on my hands and knees in the doggy position.

"Yes," Amir said, "just like that!" I wiggled my ass back and forth tauntingly in front of his large erect cock. Amir put his hands on my hips and pulled us together. The head of his cock found my pussy and he pushed inside.

"Ooooh, that feels so good!" I exclaimed. Amir began to piston in and out of my pussy. Amir wasn't holding back anymore and he was pounding my pussy hard.

"I love the way your ass shakes on my cock, Sarah, it's so sexy!" Amir continued to bury his cock in my pussy while holding onto my hips. I could feel another orgasm building up as he fucked me.

"I love the way your cock feels inside me, Amir! It's so big, and you really know how to use it!" It didn't seem possible but Amir picked up his pace even more. "You're gonna make me cum!" I told him. "Keep going! Keep fucking me! I'm cumming! I'm cumming on your big cock!" Another orgasm washed over me and my arms gave out. I fell forward into the bed and Amir fell forward with me, his cock staying buried deep in my pussy.

I was now flat on my stomach with Amir on top of me. Amir continued to fuck me in the prone position. "I'm getting close, Sarah, I'm going to cum!"

"Ooooh yes, keep fucking me, Amir! I'm going to cum again too!" Amir kept pounding my pussy with his huge cock. He was completely dominating me and I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to. Amir was starting to moan louder with each thrust.

"I'm going to cum!" he said, "do you want me to pull out?"

"No! Don't pull it out! Keep fucking me! I'm about to cum too!" Amir didn't hesitate to keep fucking me. Just as I was about to cum, Amir buried his cock to the hilt and held it there. He cried out as he came hard inside my pussy. I could feel his cock pulsating inside me as he filled me with his potent cum. The feeling of his cum flooding inside me was all I needed to be pushed over the edge into my biggest orgasm yet. "Yesss," I hissed, "fill me with your cum, Amir! I'm cumming so hard!"

As we both came down from the orgasmic high of climax, we lay their, panting. Amir's softening cock was still buried deep inside me, acting like a plug to keep his potent seed deep in my pussy. "That was the best sex I've ever had, Amir. You are truly amazing."

"You are an amazing and beautiful woman, Sarah. You drive me wild with lust and hunger!" Amir leaned forward and kissed along my neck. Even soft, Amir's cock felt bigger than Ian's.

Amir slowly pulled his cock from my pussy and rolled over onto his back. I rolled onto my side to face him. I cuddled up close and kissed his lips as my hand fell to his cock, and then his balls. I began to massage his balls as we kissed for several moments, before breaking the kiss with his lips, and leaving a trail of kisses down his body.

I took Amir's cock into my mouth while I massaged his balls with my hand. I would never have sucked Ian's cock after it had been inside me or after a workout like we had done. Something about tasting my own juices, or Ian's sweat just wasn't appetizing to me. I didn't feel that inhibition with Amir though. The thought of giving him pleasure turned me on immensely and took those inhibitions away.


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