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Fetish Factory

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CD gets turned into a fetish doll.
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I feel this story needs a quick intro. This was inspired by one of the first pieces of erotic fiction I ever read, The Factory by Tr_Veller. It's a similar story, but it's with a genetic girl and not as much sex, still it was an amazing piece. I tried reaching out for permission to basically borrow the idea and take a trans spin on it, but haven't heard back. So, if anyone knows Tr_Veller, I'd love to connect again. So, on to the story...


I'm not sure what possessed me to take this crazy job. I mean, I wasn't desperate. Certainly, not yet anyway! Sure I'd been trying to find journalistic work, but the best I could find was some freelance photography stuff. Although just taking pictures was fairly easy work for my skill level. Plus the nice camera my folks had gotten me for my birthday helped! Still the jobs really didn't pay much unless you were a major name or an award winner, but I wasn't broke, yet.

So I suggested to some friends that I should just start shooting wedding photos or something, then I'd at least make some money! One friend said they had someone that looking for some freelance investigative work.

That was how I found myself on a cool Friday night in the industrial part of town sneaking into a factory. Supposedly the company was up to something immoral, and possibly illegal. Mrs. Bonds, my employer for this excursion, wasn't real specific about the details, just that she needed as much information as I could get about the factory, how it worked and what was going inside specifically. Also, any details about where the items were coming from.

I thought briefly about my employer who was a very beautiful, but severe woman. She looked like she might be older, but it was hard to say. She might have been late twenties to possibly early forties? No matter, she was very lovely, but also very serious and definitely commanded attention! I considered myself fairly confident, but her commanding presence had me tongue tied and simply answering yes and no. I really wanted to add, Ma'am, but I wasn't sure if she'd be insulted by that!

Her commanding presence also kind of excited me, since I really loved a dominant, confident woman. So, my mind kept drifting back to her all black outfit and her wicked high heeled boots. This brought my mind to her now and made me wonder why I didn't ask more questions. Partly, she was willing to pay some up front, with the rest of the payment on delivery, so it didn't seem to warrant asking too many questions!

I dressed in some black pants and a black sweatshirt to try and look stealthy, I guess? I grabbed a small backpack and put my camera inside it. I figured taking my camera bag would be a bit too obvious. Anyway, I circled the building a few times and didn't see anyone going in or out. I figured maybe at this point on a Friday night everyone had gone home? I didn't see any vehicles around, so I figured it was safe to get a closer look. I worried briefly about security or something, but I figured I wasn't going to find much standing around looking at a dark building!

I crept in for a closer look, trying to watch for people, cameras, anything. If I hadn't been told something was going on in this building, I'd actually assume it was abandoned! I didn't see any windows that looked like they'd be open, and I couldn't see in any of them. So, I finally decided to try some of the doors. I actually found one down a short set of stairs that was unlocked! Great! Now at least I could claim I just wandered in trying to find a bathroom or something, if I got caught!

The first thing I noticed when I got in was a steady droning noise. It wasn't deafening, but it was loud and would have made even a casual conversation difficult. I closed the door behind me, briefly debating if I should lock it, but then figuring I'd leave it open in case I needed to make a quick getaway. So, I stood as my eyes adjusted to the dark and trying to determine the source of the noise.

I realized it was a bit brighter inside, so I made my way down a short hallway, to a heavy wall. I took a deep breath to steel my resolve, and carefully opened the door. The noise hit me much harder, and while not ear-splitting, it was quite loud, especially considering how little could be heard from the outside. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me, then glanced around to get a lay of the land.

At first, I thought there were hundreds of people, around moving in lines. Then I realized it was some kind of... mannequin? Maybe dolls of some kind? And they were on conveyor belts?

"What the actual hell?" I said aloud, though I could barely hear myself over the machinery. I looked around the factory floor, but could find no sign of any people, and no activity other than the mannequins being shuttled about.

Was this really the right place? I found it hard to believe there could something immoral or illegal going on with mannequins, but then again, I was being paid. So, I figured I should at least check it out before moving on. So, I started sneaking, looking for any place where someone might watch the whole thing, but after several minutes I couldn't find any signs or people, no coffee makers, water fountains, not even a bathroom! What was this place?

So, I decided to focus on the mannequins and the conveyors themselves. First, I wondered about the different lines, most of the mannequins seemed to be wearing dark clothing, but it looked shiny even in the lower light of the factory. As I got up close and looked at them, I realized they were actually dressed in latex! Well, this was a turn. Okay, so it was a fetish factory of latex covered mannequins? This was a bit exciting since I loved kinky clothing, and latex was a favorite, so this was a wild thing to run into!

I followed the line down to one of the main areas and saw a series of attachments come out and cut most of the latex off the mannequin. The clothing all seemed to fall into some kind of collection bin. I watched as several dolls went by and realized it wasn't even the same outfit, there seemed to be a wide variety of outfits coming down. From a catsuit and pumps, to a French maid dress all the way to heavy duty corsets and thigh high boots! I also realized many of them had some kind of bondage gear on them. Some were in just cuffs and a collar, but others had armbinders, gags, harnesses and other heavy duty items.

This was pretty wild stuff! I looked through the collection bin and realized there were panties in there as well. What was really wild was most of the underwear seemed to feature some kind of dildo or two dildos! What was the point of dildos on a mannequin? Most didn't even usually have orifices, right? This made little sense to me.

I dug through the bin, and found a pair of panties and a gag that were basically intact. I fished them out and put them in my bag. I told myself it was something to show to my employer, but really I was planning on wearing them! You see, I had long been a crossdresser and I loved fetish clothing, like leather, PVC, and yes, latex. Corsets, boots, and gloves were also on my list of favorite items! The phallus in the panties had me a little excited, too. Since I had played with a dildo and vibrator myself, this seemed like a dream come true. Now, I was just hoping there was some way to find racks of the clothes before they went on the mannequins! Maybe I could get myself a whole outfit?

So, I decided to try and check the mannequins closer. I was a bit below them, so I couldn't really see the conveyors well. I followed the line, but shortly after the removal phase, the lines moved into some kind of deeper area. I could see the dolls were being given some kind of washing, I guessed an antibacterial scrubbing or some kind of cleansing? It was hard to say from this far back. Once they moved past the rinse, I could see the dolls had some kind of box come over their heads? I couldn't see much further back, and I couldn't figure a way around the rinse tanks. So, I decided to try towards the front and see if I could find some way up to the conveyor there.

In my head, I had started referring to them as dolls instead of mannequins, because this seemed a bit beyond a normal mannequin thing. I was wondering if maybe these were some of those lifelike sex dolls, and this was how they got processed? But why were they coming back and getting their outfits taken off? Maybe they would get an upgrade and go back to their owners?

I approached the front of the conveyor and had pretty much given up any pretense at stealth, I didn't see how there were any people here! The floor sloped up a bit, so I was able to get closer to the line and I could see most of the dolls were in fact coming to the conveyor belts in their latex clothes and bondage gear, but I couldn't really see where they were coming in from.

I finally pulled myself up to the factory roller lines and balanced just next to the dolls going past. I tried to grab onto one of the dolls and check it out, but it was going too quick and all I was able to determine was that it wasn't a plastic mannequin, but felt more like a soft, smooth rubbery substance. Not quite skin-like, but something along those lines. It was also slightly warm, which threw me off a bit. Of course, they all seemed to be wearing the fetish clothes, bondage gear and I could also see most of them had some kind of make-up on. The few I saw looked to be very heavily made up, with lots of eye color and lipstick. Again, as a lifelong crossdresser, I had to admire the heavy look, but I also wondered why they were made-up like this!

Not only were the dolls going fast, but I only had a couple feet of room, and I didn't want to fall. Instead, I made my way along toward the front of the line, looking for how they entered the system. As I made my way up to the front, I could see some kind of chute where they seemed to drop down and then the lines split out into several different conveyors. I couldn't see any way up to where the chute came down and I'd have to cross the quick moving belts to get to the front.

I could see the dolls landed on the line, then their feet had some kind of grippers that locked onto them, holing the doll's feet to the belt, but I didn't see much else. I was just about to head back when my bag got caught on a doll and my foot slipped on the conveyor. I fell onto the belt itself, knocking one of the dolls out of the way, and my bag tumbled back down to the main floor. I was quickly whisked away and as I tried to move, my foot was caught by one of the grippers!

Oh no! This was not good. I reached down and tried to find a release or something, but I didn't see anything. I tried forcing it open, but it was not going to give at all. It wasn't a grip cutting off circulation, but it was tight. The grippers had some kind of padding that let them grip tightly, without crushing my foot. I stood trying to see if I could spot a way to stop the line, when I felt something along my back and then another gripper closed around my neck. In my surprise I put my other foot on the belt right into the lock of the other gripper! I was held fast! And surprised since I hadn't notice the neck piece before!

As I looked at the other dolls, I realized there was a thin bar that ran up the back and held the dolls up that way. I was on the verge of panicking, but took a few deep breaths and decided to try yelling for help. I was past caring if I got caught, I just wanted off before getting to the cutting station! After a few yells, I realized that with all the noise, there was no way anyone was going to hear me. My heart was pounding, but there was little I could do but ride closer to my fate!

I could feel my heart race as I got closer to the cutting station. The doll in front of me was lifted slightly by the two arms under the shoulders. The doll was only slightly off the platform, but it was held pretty fast.

I then watched in horror as the mechanical blade arms extended to the doll in front of me and shredded the clothes it was wearing. I approached and as the shoulder arms lifted me, I felt my feet were free of the belt and I tried pulling at the collar to see if I could get loose, but the sucker was just stuck too tight.

Moments later it was my turn! I stood as still possible, even closing my eyes and holding my breath! I wasn't sure how sharp the blades were, but they looked razor sharp and scary as hell! It was all over in a heart-stopping moment, I felt the blades pass just fractions off my skin, shredding my sweatshirt, pants, and even my watch, shoes and underwear! I could feel all the clothes and my watch falling off as I moved relentlessly down the belt towards my fate.

I shivered as the sweat of fear from harrowing ordeal began to cool on my bare skin. I felt even more vulnerable being completely naked. I'm not sure why, I guess it was psychological? After all, I would have been held fast either way, but now I was naked and afraid, literally!

I watched the doll in front of me pass into the spray station and saw a number of jets spray every last bit of the doll. The chemical smell was really strong as I got closer. I hoped whatever the spray was, it wasn't toxic or anything! I realized there wasn't much to do but hold my breath again and hope. I did also take the last moment precaution of closing my eyes, hoping the chemicals wouldn't get through or burn too bad. I also realized the foot grippers were sliding further open, so my feet were almost four or five feet apart, near the edges of the belt! With my legs splayed open, my crotch was quite exposed, so I felt even more vulnerable!

The water sprayed on me and I almost gasped, but kept my wits, and my mouth shut! The spray was forceful and cold. I could smell the faint chemical tang and could feel my skin buzzing in an odd way. I also hoped I wasn't allergic or anything. I was about to open my eyes, when I heard another set of jets and felt myself being sprayed again. Again, the shock and cold hit me and made me shiver with both cold and fear. It took me a moment to realize the chemical smell was gone. I guess the second jets were the rinse? It took me a moment to realize the strange sensation I felt on my skin was actually my hair!

Holy hell! All of my body hair was gone! I was completely hairless from my feet all the way to the top of my head! I was set back down on the belt and the grippers reattached to my feet. If I'd been thinking clearly, I would have probably tried to avoid them, but I was too busy blinking the water out of my eyes and trying to feel around. Sure enough, my skin was about as hair-free as it could be. Blinking, I could even feel my eyelashes and yes a quick check and even my eyebrows and head hair were gone! This was a bit much to take psychologically, but the machines were relentless and kept me moving toward my fate.

As I came out of the wash station, I could see the factory opened into another area. I looked around hoping there some people here that would be able to free me, but alas it was just me and the dolls. I sighed wondering what this crazy contraption had in store for me next!

I could see the next thing was a box descending over my fellow doll's heads. Naturally, I couldn't see what was going on, but I was definitely going to find out! Sure enough, moments later the box came down over my head and I could see a series of lights, sensors and more machine arms. I had a brief moment of terror thinking these were more blades, when I realized they were pads and brushes. Seeing the brushes threw me back to the make-up and I realized I was about to get a wild make-over!

Again, I tried holding as still as possible and also closed my eyes, not wanting to get a brush in the eye! Though as I did, it occurred to me , the dolls probably shifted and moved, so the sensors must be to make sure they get the dolls correctly done, even if they're not lined up perfectly. I could feel the brushes and pads moving over my skin. My face seemed to be getting hit everywhere at once. It was a bit overwhelming and felt really strange! I didn't know how else to manage it, so I just tried to wait patiently, assuming it was designed to be quick and figuring it would be over fast. I could also feel something happening to my fingernails and toenails, so I assumed I was getting a mani-pedi, too!

Sure enough, just as I was beginning to wonder how much longer it could take, the brushes withdrew, something cold like a gel was sprayed on my newly bald head! Then, I could feel warm air circulating in the box. Finally, after a few moments, the box withdrew. I felt the oddly familiar weight of make-up on my face. I could feel my lips, eyes, cheeks, most of my face had been done. I looked down and I could see the bright red gleaming on my finger and toenails. That was one way to get your nails done in record time! If not for the scary ride, this might be a good way to speed up the nail salon process!

So, as I was admiring my new nails, I felt something heavy on the top of my head. I tried to look up, but whatever it was, had a decent grip and was pushing down hard. After a few moments, but seemed a lot longer, the pressure relented. Though I could still feel something heavy on my head. As I moved it a little, I could feel hair brush my shoulders, so I deduced a wig had been placed on my head. I reached up and pulled on the wig. I could feel the pull on my scalp and I guessed the gel had been some kind of quick drying adhesive. I had a wig glued to my head! I could also feel my eyelashes as I was blinking, so I must have had fake eyelashes glued on. I wondered if they drew on eyebrows, too. How crazy is that? I was being forcibly made over into a sex doll, and I was worried about my eyebrows matching my hair and eyelashes!

I really wanted to see what I looked like. Here I was heading to an uncertain fate, and I was worried if I looked cute or not. As luck would have it, the walls closed in to a narrow corridor and I was able to see myself in the gleaming polished metal walls. It wasn't quite a mirror image, but what I saw was pretty wild. I could see a heavily-made over blonde staring back at me. If I couldn't see my hand moving up to touch my face, I wouldn't have believed it was me!

Clearly overdone was the goal and red must have been my theme. I had light red eye shadow, that darkened out to a wing past my eye. The dark black eyelashes looked a stark contrast to my red eyes, my cheeks and face were lightly rouged, but my lips were done in a bright fire engine red that basically screamed 'cocksucker'. Pair that with the bright red nails, and except for my cock, which was still quite flaccid due to the crazy nature of everything, I looked like a naked sex doll.

I was brought back to reality by the next station coming up. I could see the doll in front of me lift and then break off into a different belt. It was kind of a strange moment, like losing a travelling companion. Also, it meant I didn't have as much warning about what was coming. The arms lifted me up again and I tried to remind myself not to put my feet back down on the grippers when I was done. As I was thinking that, several things happened at once. First, I could feel something pulling at my feet, while something was wrapped around my mid-section. I tried to look down, but it was tough with the neck gripper and the arms holding me up. Whatever was on my legs felt soft and smooth, so I was guessing some kind of stockings? The part around my midsection covered me from waist to just about the shoulders and was pretty solid. When it started pulling tighter, I guessed it was a corset. When it felt like it was squishing me in half, I was confirmed it was a corset!

As that was going on, I felt a new sensation on something else sliding up my legs. This was followed by surprise coldness at my ass! I had a brief moment to wonder what was going on when I felt the latex panties pulled the rest of the way up and I felt a strong pushing at my ass. I realized the phallus on the panties was being lubed up and the machine wasn't going to take no for an answer!

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