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FG Rose House Ch. 06


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I managed to get another five-hundred feet then I stopped and bent over to rest my hands on my knees and alternate with taking generous swigs of water. Breathing hard I growled, "I did not expect us to be taking the heart attack trail on day one!"

Yasmin chortled. Her laugh was so pretty, but it sounded condescending now, to me. Maybe I was a little sensitive. She was ten yards ahead of me smiling as she looked up the trail then down. I scowled at her, feeling that she had done this on purpose. Inviting me to go hiking knowing it is not something I do often, then taking me to the advanced trail, and now her sister was standing here feeling humiliated while she was prancing about light on her feet like a gazelle that has been climbing this ridge all her life!

"I tell you what," Yasmin purred as she came back down and put a hand on my shoulder, "Since we came on a day when there is no one here but us, how about I incentivize you?"

I raised my head to look up at her suspiciously before asking, "How?"

She grinned naughtily as she took two steps back and put her thumbs in her tight spanks and rolled them down over her hips as she said, "Like this."

She rolled her tights over her thighs and then carefully stepped out of them. I got a stunning view of her thongs and the way her belly, hips, thighs, and pussy all came together in a most beautiful landscape of smooth chestnut skin, soft fat, bone, and hard muscles. Like the land she loved hiking so much, her body yawning flats, soft curving hills, hard ridges, and deep crevasses. Though, of those crevasses I wanted to investigate the most were currently hidden beneath a small piece of black cotton cloth.

Turning around she gave me such a view of the two loveliest mountains. The scenery took my breath away! She was the only landscape I had eyes for, everything else was dreary and pale by comparison. Like I said before Gabriella and Sonya both have what I consider perfect asses. Yasmin's was even grander. In sheer size that is. Where their hips and ass measured thirty-four inches of pure heavenly muscle and flawless chestnut skin made into large round swells shaped like a perfect upside down heart with a little fat in the bottom, then there was Yasmin's forty-three inches of goddess worthy ass and hips. It was mind blowing!

Standing six feet two inches, she was two inches taller than me which made her broad hips, thick ass, mile long legs, thirty-eight inch chest with sleek b-cup breasts, and thirty inch waist seem merely fit-thick on bottom while the top half was slim, if not willowy. She was a near carbon copy of her mother, Kathryn. I guess that's how it is when a brother impregnates his sister.

Yasmin did a little twist, shaking her ass at me like she had tailfeathers, making each ass cheek slap the other before looking back and giggling, "I'd ask if you like what you see, but well, your expression says it all!"

She chuckled again, so unlike her usual reserve, as she folded her boy-shorts. This was a side of her that she almost never showed anyone else. She was comfortable with me, though I really didn't understand why. When I asked her once she had only said that when it had mattered most to her I had made her feel more beautiful than her sisters, or anyone else for that matter. I couldn't for the life of me remember a time when this reaffirmation of her beauty could have taken place, so I simply shrugged it off. Still, for as long as I can remember Yasmin was more relaxed, maybe even flirty with me, but this, this was new. She was being... seductive!

In her own way of course. Which meant sporty, athletic, challenging, in a competitive sort of way.

"I will take the lead," She giggled, "That way I will keep your motivation out in front of you!"

I would like to say that we reached Manastash Ridge in record time. I would like to, but that is not what happened. Truth be told, Yasmin probably could have climbed to the ridge, gone all the way back to the car, and then come back a second time and still beaten me to the top!

For the rest of the hike I watched her slim waist twist and flex. The movement of her arms and shoulder blades. The stretch and contractions of her glutes, thighs, and calves.

My favorite though was her ass.

The stretch and then contraction of those large muscles. The bounce and jiggle of the soft layers of dense fat that rounded her bottom most excellently. I was mesmerized. A drooling fool enthralled by their sway and bounce. So enchanted. So hypnotized. All I wanted to do was latch on with my teeth and bite down until I marked her forever as mine, and then, to my surprise, we were there!

She giggled again like a little girl delighted by something she achieved. Looking up for the first time I was taken aback by the view. It was beautiful, made all the more so for Yasmin standing in front of me with the wind blowing her dark brown ponytail out to the side.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She said her voice pitched higher to be heard over the wind.

"Not as beautiful as you," I replied, meaning every word. The landscape spread out before me was very pretty, but in my opinion it didn't hold a candle to the landscape of Yasmin's body.

She turned back and gave me a pursed smile, her eyebrows drawn down, her gleaming blue eyes squinting to peer at me through her lashes. She was flattered, but with the look and slouch of her shoulders it was apparent that she didn't believe me. That was how it always was with her, she never could believe that she could possibly be the most beautiful girl in the room. She didn't even believe she was middling pretty. All she saw were her flaws, from her parentage to the fact that she had this little habit of snorting when she was taken by a fit of surprised laughter. Other than that she had no flaws, at least, not physically. She was as close to the perfect woman I had ever seen, with Rosa, Gabby, and Sonya all striding right there with her. They were all different, unique, and yet I couldn't say who I thought was the most beautiful of them had they asked. Of course, had they asked I might have run for Manastash Ridge!

Well, maybe not Manastash Ridge. I was certain Rosa, Gabby, and Sonya wouldn't catch me if I ran, but Yasmin, she could catch me in no time flat. Most likely, well before the trailhead and definitely well before I was half way up the trail!

Standing there thinking about running and Yasmin catching me and how she could crush me with her thighs, I didn't notice when she took my hand. It was very subtle. She even laced her fingers through mine. She looked around to make sure we were still alone, and then she said, "I know I can't possibly compete with Gabby and Sonya. They are just so beautiful and charming, but, if everyone in the Rose House is going to be competing for your affection like this is the "Bachelor", well, I want to throw my hat in the ring as well."

She looked out over the scenery while I looked at her as she took a deep inhale and continued, "I've loved you since I was fourteen. When my hips seemed to be twice as wide and my ass twice as thick as the rest of me. For that whole summer we hung out. You never let me very far out of your sight, and you didn't let Gabby and Sonya pick on me once. You even held my hand when we went out. It was... very special to me..."

Her voice seemed to slowly fade away though her confession still echoed in my head. I had liked Yasmin, Gabby, and Sonya ever since I met them at a family gathering out on the farm when we were children, but that year when I saw them Yasmin had grown, and I for the first time realized that she was very very pretty. All three were of an age, but Gabby and Sonya hadn't begun growing quiet so... extravagantly. The difference had drawn me to Yasmin like a moth to a candle, and then when Gabby and Sonya had picked on her, well, I couldn't exactly let quiet diminutive Yasmin who never retaliated, go undefended. I had even taken to holding her hand anytime we were together just to show that she was with me, and I was going to protect her. Of course, it had nothing to do with the fact that I was crushing on her and wanted any excuse to touch her, to feel her thigh pressing gently against mine when we sat together.

"A lot has changed since then," I said, "We've changed a lot since then. We've all grown up a lot since then."

"Maybe so," Yasmin whispered as she nodded her head, "But my love for you hasn't."

Looking around again trying to see if anyone was coming up any of the trails, her hand tightened on mine momentarily before she pulled away. She was looking around again, looking for something before she said, "It's time I gave you your reward for making it to the top!"

"Wait! What?" I exclaimed.

She just turned and smiled at me, "I told you, I'm throwing my hat in the ring for your affection! Did you really think that we all didn't hear you and Bernice going at it all night long? Or, that whole conversation with the manager?"

With a smile she slipped her thumbs under her panties and pushed them down as my mouth fell open. Very carefully she stepped out so as to not get dirt or gravel in them, and then she rolled them up and added them to boy-shorts in her left hand. Straightening up, she smirked at my reaction.

My mouth hung open stupidly as I stared at her pussy. She didn't take her sports bra off, so she was completely naked from bra to hiking shoes. She turned one knee out, separating her thighs, posing to give me a better view. She had perfectly smooth pussy-lips, fat and ripe, giving her a beautiful camel-toe. Above the slit of her camel-toe, on her pubic mound and lower belly, she also had most of her pubes removed except for a thick brown triangle with its point down. It was three inches by three inches by three inches, with pubes that made a nearly two inch tall forest that was being blown over by the strong winds on top of Manastash Ridge. Between her thighs I could also see the curves of her ass cheeks.

Yasmin giggled, apparently pleased with my reaction. Turning in a circle to give me the full show. Once she was facing me again she chuckled, "If you're not too stunned, you can come and have me if you want. I... I've never done this before, so you will be my first."

Yasmin's confession of her virginity surprised me at first, but then it made sense. Of course she was a virgin. Why wouldn't she be?

Stepping in close, I wrapped my arms around her waist and let my hands glide down over her voluptuous ass cheeks. Our eyes met as I grabbed two handfuls and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. All I could think was of how beautiful she was, and that summer so long ago.

As we kissed she twisted in my arms until I could no longer maintain contact with her lips. She pulled her high ponytail over her shoulder leaving the soft chestnut skin of the back of her neck for me to kiss and nibble. Her large round ass pressed into my lower belly, thighs, and groin. I could feel my dick pressing hard against my pants into her soft cheeks, and she could feel it too. I ran my hands around her waist and across her taut abdominals before cupping her small perky breasts. I tried to slide my fingers under her sports bra and push it up, but the damn thing was so tight I wondered how she was able to breathe!

She chuckled at my difficulty as she whispered, "Next time lover."

Placing her hands on the backs of mine she guided me back down her belly. It was so tight with the slightest softness rounding her lower belly just below her navel. Down she led my hands, one hand to her hip flare and the other to her thick forest of pubes.

I ran my fingers through. Her pubes felt soft and wispy, but thick and coarse all at the same time. I raked my nails through before grabbing a handful and pulling. Not hard though, just enough that Yasmin sighed as I pulled her skin away from her muscles before her hair pulled out of my fingers, and then I pushed my fingers between her thighs. Slipping my middle finger between the folds of her labia it was a wonder at how moist she was, of how warm she was while her lubricants were so cool.

Yasmin sighed again.

Using her hand she guided both of my hands to her hips and then spread her legs and bent over and grabbed her ankles as she purred, "I want you to fuck me from behind. Take my virginity Ryan and make me your woman! I don't care if you love Gabby and Sonya too. I don't care if you fuck all the girls in the house! I've seen my mom with your dad. I've seen how happy she is even if she has to share him with your mother and all the others. I can be happy too Ryan as long as I get to be with you! As long as you are part of my life and I am part of yours..."

She trailed off in a gasp as I spread her voluminous ass cheeks apart and pushed by dickhead just inside her pussy-lips. The shimmering pink membrane of her hymen spread across her vagina blocking my entry. All except for a small round hole where I put the tip of my dick, and then I tightened my grip on her hip flares and I thrust in with all of my might!

It felt like trying to push through a balloon with a spoon at first, stretching and stretching but never tearing. Not allowing me to pass. Not allowing me through. Not giving me access to the most intimate parts of the girl I had wanted to make love to since we were both too young to realize what it was that we were feeling, and then Yasmin gasped in pain as I felt her hymen suddenly rip and give way!

I slammed all the way inside her and she grunted a curse before looking back over her shoulder and up at me. Tears were glistening in her bottom lashes and just starting to roll down her cheeks when she begged, "Please, don't move! That hurt way more than Gabby and Sonya told me it would."

"Do you want me to pull out?" I asked.

She shook her head vigorously, "No! Just... stay exactly where you are. Let me get used to the feeling of you inside me, and the pain is already subsiding... a little bit."

"Okay," I agreed.

I didn't want to withdraw anyway. She felt so good to be inside of. Warm and wet. Her vagina seemed to be trembling all around my dick, shivering and convulsing, tightening and loosening, and I could feel her cervix, I thought. Not the hard cone I had seen in biology diagrams, or even felt inside Rosa more than once, although hitting it those times felt like being punched in the nose. No, this time like some of the other times with Rosa, when she was especially aroused, it felt soft and small like a tight round donut.

Standing there behind Yaya, I caressed her broad round ass cheeks while I flexed my dick inside her womb. She let out little sighs and sometimes moans, but she never said to stop. Her vaginal mouth seemed to be tightening around the base of my dick like a tight ring. The result was my dick swelled up, getting longer and thicker and I could feel my head slowly bobbing up and down with my heartbeat, every time my urethra licking across the ring of her cervix. At least, that is how I imagined it.

"Okay," She moaned after what felt like five minutes or so, "You can start moving now. Just. Start off slow, please."

That is just what I did. Withdrawing nice and slowly, and then pushing back in just as gently. She hissed with the pain but said nothing as I kept up my pace. Soon hissing turned into sighing, and then moaning. As my pace quickened Yaya's started moaning, "Oh fuck."

"Oh fuck."

"Oh Ryan."

"Fuck me Ryan."

"Fuck me!"

"Oh GOD!"


"Fuck me Ryan! Fuck me! Make me yours!"

Her moaning became wailing and as her volume increased so did her vehemence. She shifted her feet before reaching back and taking my hands from her hips so she could hold them. As soon as she had a tight grip she started slamming her ass and pussy back into my thrusts in great collisions. She yelp and squealed as our bodies collided in loud sexual slaps of my hips against her ass, her thighs against mine, and my balls against her pussy-lips. Her encouragements devolved into unintelligible croons of sexual delight and intoxicated mewling. The cum in my balls seemed to rage inside me just before blowing through my groin like steam in a kettle that raced out to blast into Yaya!

Her mewling cries turned into a shuddering intake of breath and her whole body started quivering as her hands tightened down on mine until her nails bit into my palms. She ground her ass into my lower belly, and we held like that for what felt like five, or maybe it could have been thirty-five minutes. Both of us were quivering as I pumped what felt like a gallon of cum directly into her womb. Filling her up until I could feel it splashing back and running down my balls. I could only imagine that it must be running down her thighs in rivulets to dribble from her knees and rolling down to soak her socks. When I finally took a step backwards, withdrawing from Yasmin as I did, I stumbled and nearly fell if not for still holding her hand.

She pulled me towards her and flew into my arms before lavishing me with kisses as she proclaimed, "I love you Ryan! I love you. I love you. I love you!"

There was a ragged sound of throat clearing and we both looked around to see an older man in his fifties and his wife maybe in her late thirties or early forties standing there watching us. Her face was stern while he seemed amused. Yaya yelped and blushed so red I had to choke back a laugh, then I had time to pull my pants up before she grabbed my hand and ran. The man and woman laughed at that.

Nearly dragging me the whole way, we were halfway down the trail before Yasmin stopped to catch her breath. I quickly finished pulling my pants up, buttoning, and buckling them before Yasmin realized she was still naked except for her bra and shoes.

"Shit!" She yelped again and blushed before pulling her panties out and pulling them on.

It was as she was doing that that I saw for the first time the long streamers of blood and pinked cum that ran down her inner thighs nearly to her knees. She paid it no mind though, just pulled her thongs up followed by her boy-shorts before setting a fast pace back to the car.


We laughed about the whole thing all the way back to the Rose House. When we arrived, Yasmin smiled at me very deviously as she waited for me to open her door, and then she took my hand and nearly dragged me up to her room.

She had her sports bra peeled off and was dancing and hopping her way out of her boy-shorts and thongs. She toed the heels of her shoes off and kicked them to a corner, all before I had the door closed.

Giggling, she took my hands and pulled me across the room to the bed. It was the first time I ever saw her breasts. Beautiful, soft, teardrops that curved down from strong shoulders and pectoral muscles on an athletic ribcage that was a slightly oval trapezoid sweeping down to thickly muscled waist with firm four-pack abdominals and defined obliques. The shape of her ribcage such that her breasts sat proudly. The tops ski-sloping out small rosebud areola and eraser-head nipples that pointed only slightly outward and up while the rest of her modest breasts were generous under-curves sloping black to her chest making those wonderful teardrop shaped hills that met perfectly in the center of her chest and rolled around and up toward her armpits.

They barely jiggled or wobbled as Yasmin pulled me across her room to her bed. Her breasts looked soft, indeed I knew for a fact that they were, but the dense fat was much too firm for them to jiggle from nearly moving around. Now that I saw them I changed my mind. I had thought they were b-cups, but if they were it was just barely.

For just a moment Rosa was superimposed over Yasmin. The shock of it made me hesitate for only a moment, and then I was falling on top of her. Pulled into her embrace, her arms and legs wrapping around me, breasts offering sucker, her body accepting me. We rolled across the mattress, a flurry limbs as the sounds of sex and love, of moaning and growling came from us and seemed to bounce off the walls to wash back over us as our passions moved us a long to a faster and deeper rhythm within eachother's embrace.

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