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Fire Dancer

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Great night for couple who meet at rave.
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The beach was glowing with the fire that raged down by the water. The sky was clear and the stars blinked and winked high above the gathering of friends. The full moon sat silently listening to the music that rocked the partygoers as they danced and moved gracefully in the firelight. The air was cool but it was warm enough for skirts and sweaters. I was mesmerized by the fire and had to blink it away as someone stopped beside me.

"Dude," Crawl said sitting on the log beside me, "You not drinking tonight?" I shook my head, "here then man," he handed me tube of paper, "this will take the edge off."

I looked at the joint he had pressed into my hand. It had been a long time since I even held one of these, I grinned at the memory. I decided against it and handed it back, but he was already on to the next pack of people a little farther down the beach. I shrugged and stuck it into my deck of smokes and after putting it back into my pocket I returned to staring at the dance of the fire.

Something moved past my vision casting a shadow as it passed between the fire and me. I'm not sure why but my eyes followed the shape until it reached the far side and I could make it out.

I felt my jaw drop.

She was beautiful. Her long sandy brown hair swirled about her face and shoulders as she danced to the techno beat of the music. She wore a purple sweater and a black mini skirt. She circled with group that gyrated to the music and my eyes stayed on her. As she passed my side of the fire again I could see how flimsy her skirt was. By watched the fire threw it as it highlighted her legs beneath. Her form dragged me in and I was powerless to look away. The circle moved and blocked the light that let me glimpse her thighs.

But she didn't move. I felt the heat rising in my face and was glad for the shadow she cast over me. I sheepishly look up to see her staring at me staring at her. She smiled widely at me before flipping her hair and sweeping off with the circle again.

"Crawl!" I called to my blonde spiky hair buddy, "CRAWL!"

"Dude," he motioned me to keep it down, "What's the up?"

"Who is that?" I nodded towards the goddess that danced by me again, this time bending slightly to wave her ass at me. "The one in the purple?"

"Sorry dude," looked at me with blankness in his eyes, "drawing a blank," he grinned like a cat, "but I'll find out!"

"Wait!" I called but he was already bopping his way into the line of dancers beside her. "Fuck!" I swore to myself and covered my face with my hands, "The stupid prick is going to scare her off." I shook my head sadly afraid to see what was going on.

"DUDE!" Crawl's voice sounded nearer. I sighed and looked up. "This is Kalee," he pointed at the vision in purple that stood beside him, "Kalee, this is Malcolm," he finished the introductions, "Mal's got it bad for you babe." He whispered but loud enough for me to hear. I could feel my face burn as I blushed to the roots of my hair. Crawl bopped away without another word to join the dancers again, leaving her standing in front of me.

"Hi!" I grinned like a fool. She was even more beautiful up close. Her brow knitted together, as she shook her head. I realized the music had jumped about 10 notches as the current popular song began. I stood and shouted almost in her ear, "hi!"

"Hi!" she yelled back, I shook my head barely hearing her. She frowned and stepped past me. I turned to see her grab the blanket from the log I was sitting on and throw it over her arm. She reached out and took my hand it was soft and warm in mine. I smiled at the sensation as she pulled me away from the noise. We walked away from the fire and the party, away from the beach and the water towards the brush the lined the camp ground. The music was a dull moan behind us when she stopped and released my hand.

"We can talk here," she smiled at me and looked around the clearing we had walked into. It was about the size of an average living room walled with Popular and Spruce trees. The grass was about knee high and the moon seemed to hang directly over it. The party gave a nice background sound and also let us know we weren't alone in the world. For a second, I hate the party for that very same reason.

"You look stunning tonight." I blurted out and silently cursed myself for it. Kalee smiled over her shoulder at me and spread the blanket out flattening the grass.

"Sit." She said motioning me to the blanket. I did and she stood over me glowing in the pale light of the moon. It washed the colour out of her sweater; making the purple an almost blood red and her hair the look of frost touched wheat. She sat on her hunches before kneeling on the blanket. I could see the contrast that the white skin of her thighs made with the dark material that just covered her crotch. My own crotch took notice and stirred as she moved to sit beside me. She smelt like the breeze over a field of vanilla flowers as I drank her in. "Nice night," she observed leaning back on her straight arms, pushing her breasts out straining the wool of the sweater.

"Yes," I said after clearing my throat, "even better now."

She giggled as she sat up crossing her legs. She patted her pockets and her face scrunched up into a frown, "Oh hell!'

"What?" I sat up right looking around the clearing for what had startled her.

"I forgot my smokes." She looked at the blanket a little embarrassed.

"Here," I said fishing out my pack and handing it to her.

"My hero!" She giggled again and batted her eyelashes at me as she took it and slipped it open. "What's this?" Kalee held the Fatty up from my deck.

"Not mine!" I defended, "Crawl gave it to me, I ---"

"It's Ok," she reassured me, "I was kind of hoping you had something," she grinned, "I find they make the 'getting to know you better', well, better, she shrugged and stuck it between her lips, "Got a light?" she said around the joint in her mouth. I fished out my Zippo and sparked it up for her. She took a long drag and held it in as she handed it to me. I chewed my lip for a second before taking it and doing as she did. "WOW!" she coughed and let the smoke out, "Crawl always has the good shit!"

I fought of the cough that wanted desperately to expel the foreign smoke I had just inhaled; I let it out with a tiny cough. "He sure does." We passed it between us until it got hot on the fingers and she put it out with a little spit in her palm. She grinned nodding towards me and opened her mouth. I shrugged and opened mine. Kalee leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine, my eyes went wide as she breathed her smoke into my mouth. I took it with her kiss and held it as she popped the roach into her mouth and swallowed it.

My head swam as I fought to hold the smoke. The world tilted and I fell back to the blanket. The impact forcing the smoke from me in a whoosh, and I lay still waiting for the ride to slow. I felt warm as Kalee moved beside me and stretched out along my side. She put her head on my chest and rested her arm over my belly. I grinned as she moved her leg to lay over mine. Her scent, her warmth, her presence make the euphoria of the Fatty even more intense, I could feel myself grow with her touch.

"I feel neat," she purred on my chest.

"You sure do," I whispered and continued louder so she could hear, "you are a great dancer."

"Were you watching me by the fire?"

"Uh huh."

"Did you like my moves?" she cooed moving her hand under my jacket to rub my T-shirt beneath.

"Did I?" I sighed as her hand moved over my nipples, "you were the best one out there." I continued, "you were hot, I mean, hotter than the fire."

Her hand moved to the top of my jeans, "am I hot now?" I nodded afraid to speak and make her stop whatever she planned to do. "I am hot," she purred and slipped her fingers under my belt into my pants. I gasped as her finger tips touched the swelling head of my cock threw my underwear, "I see you think so too." She laughed and moved her hand lower to circle the head with her fingers.

I moved my arm under her shoulders and pulled her closer until our lips met. Her tongue darted into my mouth as she squeezed the semi in my pants. She broke the kisses after searching my mouth with her tongue. I groaned as Kalee removed her hand and rolled onto me, straddling my hips.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" she said in a small voice. I smiled and nodded reaching up and cupping your breasts with my hands. "Really?"

"Really Really, You were the most beautiful woman at the fire." I assured and moved my hands to the hem of her sweater. She sucked in a breath as my hands touched the skin of her belly, "too cold?" I ask, worried I broke the mood.

"You know what they say," she sighed and grabbed my wrists and moved them up her belly, "cold hands, warm hard!" Her sweater gathered around my hands as I made my way to her breasts, She leaned her head back and sighed as I reached her warm flesh. Her hard nipples slipped between my fingers as I covered each globe of delight with my hands. I could see as I pressed them to her chest that she had on no bra, and the sight of the soft round underside of her boobs took me from the semi position to the erection stage.

The cool air seemed to steam as the Fatty took full effect on our senses. The sight of her on my hips and my hand on her soft flesh took on the aspects of a dream, a dream I never dare have, and a dream I never wanted to wake from. She lifted her arms as I pulled the sweater over her head and as it cleared her arms she leaned forward offering herself to my mouth. I cupped her breasts from underneath and lifted each to my lips in turn. I licked around the nipple, careful not to touch it, before I sucked it into my mouth and strummed it with my tongue. Kalee moaned as I pressed my teeth to it and pulled away, stretching the tender nubbin before releasing and starting again on the other one.

She grabbed my jacket collar and sat up pulling me with her. Kalee removed my coat as my mouth works feverishly on her breast. Once off she grabbed my shirt and made me leave her breasts as she tore it off over my head. She pushed me back to the blanket hard and stared into my eyes as she held me down. She moved her hands to my face as she lunged forward to press her lips hard against mine. I fought off her tongue as it darted in and out of my mouth before she moved to my chin and then to my neck. I groaned as her teeth raked my Adams apple before she continued downward.

Kalee moved off my hips to kneel between my legs, her mouth and tongue never leaving my skin. Her hands worked feverishly on my belt, but when I reached down to help she slapped my hands away, all the while her lips moved on my belly. I felt her smile as she solved my belt and pulled open my pant. I lifted my hips so she could pull them down and release my fully-grown member.

She left my underwear on and my cock strained the material. Kalee nudged my dick with her nose and then kissed it through my underwear. It wanted out! I wanted it out to feel her mouth on it. With agonizing slowness she pulled my underpants down and looked at my throbbing dick for a moment and then took it in her hand and inspected it from all angles. Then she looked up into my eyes and smiled up from between my legs. Kalee kissed me right beside my patch of pubic hair then ran her tongue down across my balls and back up the other side.

She began to tease my dick by getting close but not quite taking it in her mouth. I couldn't take it any more. I grabbed her head and guided it straight to my dick. She grinned at my cock only inches from her mouth then she really went to work. She licked and sucked me like I was a melting ice cream cone on a hot, sunny day.

The heat from her mouth and the feeling of her tongue being everywhere at once brought a growl from my throat. My hips moved against her strokes and after only a few minutes of bliss She stopped. Releasing my aching member she move her attention to my balls. Kalee licked the sac before sucking a nut into her mouth and rolling it around with her tongue. I moaned as her hand moved slowly on my shaft as she alternated between squeezing as she moved towards the head to a feather touch as she moved to the base.

I wasn't sure if the Fatty or Kalees oral skills had me rocking my hips and throwing my head from one side to the other as she continued to lick my balls. Grinning at me she ran your tongue from my balls up my shaft to circle the head. Kalee laughed as I moaned louder and she took me back into her mouth. She stroked it deep, taking all I had before letting it pop from her mouth, and then doing it again.

"Almost--," was all I could manage as my orgasm clawed it's way closer to the top. I held out as long as I could, "I'm cum—" I groaned as I finally let loose of my load. She knew when I was going to shoot because she took me deep into her mouth and sucked and swallowed as my cum gushed forth. I was in sweet agony as Kalee began pumping my cock with her hand as my orgasm ebbed. My breath caught each time her tongue brushed the sensitive head as she milked me for all I had. A little bit of my load dribbled out of the corner of her mouth as she sat on her heals and smiled at me as I tried to make my brain work again. She scooped it up with your finger and looked at it as it hung in a white glob before her eyes before licking her finger clean.

My mind was gone. Suck out through my penis with my orgasm. I trembled as she kissed the head of my shrinking cock and climbed up my body to lie beside me. I stared at the moon, not seeing it, not blinking, and trying to understand what had happened to me minutes before. A smile grew on my lips as my mind slowly returned functioning norms.

"Wow!" was all I could manage as I turned to see Kalee watching me and I kissed her deeply, showing her my gratitude for what she had done to, no, for me. I could taste myself in her mouth as I gathered her into my arms. "That was indescribable!" I breathed breaking the kiss, looking into her smiling face.

"I'm happy you liked it," she grinned back at me.

"I'll show you how much I liked it." I sighed and began kissing my way down her body. Turning my attention to her breasts again. This time lifting them by the nipples that I gently held between my teeth before letting them fall back to giggle into place. I continued down her soft belly to tongue her navel. She giggled as my tongue dipped into her belly button. I moved my hands down along her thighs enjoying the smooth skin as it moved under my fingers. I pushed her thin skirt up to her waist revealing the lacy black silk that I had glimpsed earlier. Kalee sighed softly as I licked my way over the smooth material to her thighs. I licked and kissed one creamy thigh then the other. I let my nose brush her pussy as I moved back and forth between them. She jumped each time I came in contact with her sex.

I knelt between her hot legs and caressed them as I moved towards her silk panty elastic. Kalee lifted her butt off the blanket as I pulled them off, slowly, my heart rate increasing as inch by inch of her sweet sex was revealed. Her dark patch of hair that ran across the lower half of her mound looked black in the moonlight as I pulled the thin garment to uncover her crotch. She lifted her feet into the air allowing me to pull the panties off her legs. I stared at her naked body bathed in the soft glow of the full moon. The smell of her damp musky panties made my satisfied cock began to grow as the thought of being inside her flashed threw my mind. "My god," I breathed kissing the inside of her knees, "you are gorgeous!"

"I'm what ever you want." She purred sliding her hands down over her mound and pulled her pussy open for me to see the pink flesh inside. It glistened in the pale light, "I want you bad!" she emphasized "bad" by lifting her hips towards me. I grinned and licked my way back down her legs until I was lying between them. My face only inches from her wet cunt, her musk filling my nostrils and I inhaled her, she sighed with a shiver with each of cool breezes my breath made over her wetness.

I watched as Kalee moved her hands over her pussy lips as I snaked my arms under her legs to get comfortable for my meal. Her breathing deepened as she enjoyed the sensation of her hands on herself. I reached over her hips to grab her wrists and stop her hands. "Not so fast." I chided and removed her hands from my snack.

Kalee gave a disappointed groan as they lost contact with your skin. I began on her thighs again, licking and kissing and occasionally racking the tender flesh with my teeth. I ran my tongue up the line where her thighs met your pussy. She sighed and moved her hips to feel more of my wet tongue as I continued to tease. Her hands squeezed mine as her hips moved harder against my tongue. I touched the tip just below her lips and she squealed as I pulled it along the length of her slit. It had a slight taste that drove my arousal threw the sky. I kissed her pussy darting my tongue into her tight opening.

"That feels SO nice!" Kalee purred arching her back to feel more of my mouth on her gash. I move the tip of my tongue up her slit, stopping when it touched on her clit. I made an "O" with my lips and covered her hard nubbin. I sucked it into my mouth as I let the tip of my tongue flick across the end of it. Her fingers dug into my hands as she surrendered to the feeling that washed over her. Her back was off the blanket, supported by her head and hips; her breath was ragged as I continued on her clit. She cried to the sky, as her orgasm grew nearer.

I released her clit and slipped my tongue between her cheeks, touching her anus. Her body trembled as I rimmed her. Kalee moans turned into "Oh god!" over and over again. After a few minutes of holding her on the edge I moved back up to her clit, never letting my tongue leave her sex. I sucked it into my mouth again and brushed it with my teeth, a feather touch that was too much for her.

Kalee screamed and clamped her thighs on my head. Her hips bucked as wave after wave of her cum racked her frame. I held on for all I was worth, continuing to flick her clit with the tip of my tongue.

Kalee sucked in a ragged breath and her body froze. It vibrated for was seemed an eternity as the power of her orgasm shorted her systems out. "FUCK ME!" She cried releasing her breath as her orgasm faded and her body relaxed, falling to the blanket. Kalees chest heaved as she sucked air into her lungs. Her body blush faded gradually as little tremors ran threw her belly as the aftershocks of her "O" slowed. "Oh my--!" she laughed as I stayed between her legs and kissed her pubic hair, waiting for her to regain control of herself. "That was intense!" She smiled broadly at me and ran her fingers threw my hair, "Get up here." I kissed my way up her body to her lips.

I crushed her to the ground as she tried to devour my lips. My face was wet with her cum and she didn't seem to care as she kissed and licked it off of me. "Did you cum?" I asked innocently. Kalee shook under me as we laughed, the urgency and tension of our acts drained away.

"Umm," She grinned impishly at me, "I think so." We held each other tight as our lips met again. "What's that?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked my brow knitting together. She moved her hips and I realised my hard was lying against her wet pussy lips. "Oh." I blushed as I figured out what she meant. "Want to find out?"

"Very much," Kalee winked and snaked her hand between us. I gasped as she gripped my cock and moved it against her hot hole. I shifted my hips as she moved the head to her opening. With a little movement the head slipped inside. She sucked in her breath as I slowly pushed it as deep as I could go. It was tight, wet and hot. The feeling was what I imagined heaven would be like. I didn't move, staring into her eyes, letting myself get lost in those deep pools. "Fuck me," She breathed simply.


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