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First Immortals Ch. 10


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Of course I volunteered to be the first to test it. It wasn't me being a glory hog, and it certainly wasn't through boredom, but the basic logic I applied was I self-healed. If something went wrong that the medics couldn't work out my body would just fix itself.

Three days later I met Lab Rat and Ghant, who was Susie's 2IC and who did all of the work outside the main science block, at the Ferguson Range. Freed Isley was there too, and every time I saw him I was still very pleased that I had managed to lure the former caretaker of the base back into service. He was in charge of property, and if Freed said something had been done you knew it had been done right.

"Right to go Commander," Freed said.

"Communication established," Ghant said.

"Weapons system ready," Lab Rat said. I nodded.

"Firing it three, two, one..." I said, and then I concentrated on the watermelon at the far end of the range and an apple on a stand twenty metres away from it exploded.

"Oh shit," Lab Rat moaned, but I smiled.

"That's good," I responded.


"The weapon works, and the basic principle of firing it using the brain works, but I now have to practice and get myself used to using it accurately."

"Oh." She was obviously still disappointed, and I wanted to give her something to do so she wouldn't hang over me while I worked on my side of things.

"What I need from you," I told Lab Rat, thinking quickly, "is a version of this weapon that is built into a uniform."


"The YW's and the Eriguons can just freeze us, so if we have a weapon that is even broadly aimed by hand they stop us using it, but if it is built into the uniform and I can see my target I should be able to fire it mentally even if I can't move my body."

"Why didn't I think of that?" Lab Rat asked.

"Because you haven't experienced the problem yourself," I explained. She nodded.

"You can use this as it is all day," Lab Rat said, pointing at the equipment set up in front of me, "I'll send Sonya out here when I get back to keep an eye on it. Actually, no, I'll send Hert. I've got other plans for Sonya." She grinned and I knew where her next source of inspiration would be coming from.

"Just let me know if anything goes wrong sir," Ghant said, "I'll get back too, we have booked two more links for today if this works, and I agree, it does."

"Great," I agreed, "make it no more than five per week for the first three weeks, just in case there are problems we don't see immediately." Ghant nodded and followed Lab Rat out. Freed looked at me.

"I'll just sit here and watch Commander," he said with a grin, "got nothing better to do."

"Thanks Freed," I said and once the others had left I practiced.

It wasn't easy to sight in my own internal range finder. Up until then we humans had been satisfied with 'about fifty metres or so in that direction' for accuracy. As history has shown we had the right abilities, we just didn't know how to use them. I practiced all day, and by the end of that day I was still only destroying the object I wanted first time about twenty percent of the time, but I had shown steady improvement. Freed saw the slow progress and was obviously thinking ahead.

"Lab Rat," Freed said into his communicator, "how many more of these weapons can I have in the next two weeks?"

"What urgency?" Lab Rat asked.

"They did two more links today, so tomorrow there will be three people wanting to practice. If they are taking turns it will be much slower progress. Commander Scabbard said they can do five a week for the next three weeks."

"Uh, huh," Lab Rat said, "I'll get back to you."

As it turned out just under half of the links didn't work. Some people just couldn't get it, no matter how hard they tried. But even so at the end of the three week period there were forty ranges set up to test the new weapon. We called it the MS, because they were the first letters of Mortiguan and Susie's names, but the same initials meant it was more commonly referred to as the 'Matter Shatter'.

By the end of the same three weeks there were four of us who could, with the use of some pretty clever variably magnifying contact lenses, line up twenty apples just a metre apart at nine hundred metres range and destroy them one by one in less than two seconds. The MS was everything I had wanted, and much, much more, and the more that we trained the better we got at using it.

It took Lab Rat's team three months to develop a working prototype of the MSU, or the uniform mounted version of the MS. It was an almost total re-design, but while that was happening I spent as much time as I could practicing with the MS, and I had so many other tasks that I needed to keep on top of as well.

I was becoming very concerned about the energy weapons. Millions of them had now been destroyed and we should have been confident that they were all gone, but people are going to be people, no matter what is at stake, and I was positive that some had been hidden. Some by non-conformists who did not want to be told what to do, some by alarmists who were saving them to be our last line of defence when we were invaded by aliens, and goodness knows what other freaks with reasons that were logical only to themselves. We had managed to build a detection system that sensed when one was discharged, but we couldn't see them until they were fired.

The problem was I didn't know how long we had left, and I had reached the point where I just had to wait. I have never been one to do waiting well; I need to be doing something. Even in those long and boring patrol flights back in my early days I was always actively doing something, even if it was just trying to confuse the computers by varying my routine so it was impossible to predict when I would next be in an individual sector. It always drove the brass nuts, but it was actually the most effective way of doing a patrol so they couldn't complain.

Then, on one day that had been largely uneventful, things changed dramatically. I had been up in my Stellar doing a few circuits of the Earth and playing with the micro movement joystick. I was able to control the ship with the tiniest of movements now, but I had stayed up there a bit too long and by the time I landed I needed to go to the toilet quite urgently. I got out quickly and headed toward the can, but when I went through the door I found myself in the large blue warehouse area again. The Eriguons had picked the most inconvenient time to return. I can tell you on good authority that when the body is frozen it does not stop the bladder from demanding attention, although it does reduce the problem a little. I was standing near Rickson and another man who I recognised from the World Council of Nations assemblies, but I didn't know his name. Having dealt with Rickson's security guards in the past I wondered how much they were panicking now, because I guessed they had just seen him disappear from right in front of them.

There was a long wait, made to feel much longer by my full bladder, while I guess the Eriguons were trying to contact us telepathically. Eventually they gave up and pointed at me, and this freed me. It also relaxed my internal muscles that had been frozen and I damn near pissed myself. I could see the newscast headlines 'Chief of Intergalactic Navy sees an alien and wets his pants'. Not the most reassuring thing, but I managed to keep in control and avert that particular disaster. I set up my communicator as a projector.

"We have been watching," the Eriguons words projected against the wall, "and you have failed to destroy all of your energy weapons. However we see you have tried to comply so we will give you one more Earth week."

"We do not have the technology to detect them," I said, "so one week is not enough."

"Please allow us more time, or show us how to find them," Rickson said, and I realised the others were no longer being held either.

"No," the other man I had recognised, who I later found out was Carlos Grent, said, "we have to do this ourselves." Both Rickson and I turned to him.

"Why?" Rickson asked, and then it dawned on me.

"Maybe he has been hiding one?" I suggested, and the man paled.

"I, uh..."

"This man will be eliminated as an example, show your other leaders," the words demanded.

"No... I..." Grent turned and ran, I can't be sure where he planned to go, but he didn't get far. Once again I got to see a man reduced to a puddle by the Eriguons weapons. It is a sight that still makes me shudder to this day.

"You have on your communicator a way of finding them," the words showed up, "and you have one Earth week."

"Wait," I said as they turned to go, and I so desperately wished to go myself, "how do we contact you?"

"You don't," the reply came, "we contact you."

Then they were gone and I was at the toilet door again. Rickson called on the communicator and I rejected it. I think that was a first for our esteemed President but I had a much more urgent matter to attend to first.

There were still two hundred and eighteen energy weapons that had not been destroyed, and the homing system that had been installed on the communicator took us straight to every one of them. It took just four days to retrieve them all and start action against the people who endangered us all by keeping them hidden. Most of those people were conspiracy theorists who believed that we would be attacked as soon as the weapons were gone and, no matter what you said, you just could not convince them otherwise.

Unfortunately, as it turned out, they were right.

It was only about fifteen hours after the last energy weapon had been destroyed, and I had just finished a 'therapy' session with Susie. I was suddenly frozen as I walked out of the building. At first I thought it was the Eriguons again, and at that moment I was relieved to know we had finally destroyed all of the energy weapons, so they wouldn't be threatening us again. Then I saw a YW, and I cursed inwardly. We simply weren't ready for this. The MS was still only a stationary weapon, because we had only got the uniform version the previous day and we hadn't started practicing with it properly yet. I had expected to have a bit of time for us to develop our weapons before having the need for them, but the fact that the YW's had turned up so quickly could only mean that they knew as soon as the energy weapons had been destroyed. Somehow we had been sold out.

I couldn't do a thing as a YW ship swooped down and I was carried on board. I found out later that they had targeted particular people and I was right at the top of their list. All the people that I could see on the base were frozen and powerless as I was abducted, and I almost despaired as I realised that this was the most dangerous place on the planet for our enemies and they had come here and taken me with ease. I just hoped that they weren't planning on killing me immediately, because there would be nothing I could do to prevent that.

What they had planned for me was far more diabolical.

I was taken to a large and mostly empty hall, which was starting to fill up as people were brought in by the YW's. When I saw the people assembled there I realised the YW's had a very specific plan. They had taken Rickson and at least thirty members of the council. Everyone I saw I recognised as a well-known figure, and all of us were male. There were actors, musicians, politicians, sports stars and military, and we were all frozen and powerless as the YW's slowly brought us all in.

The YW's set up an area with four posts at the corners, and when they had everyone they wanted there, they pointed us at the area. I had seen this before, and I knew what was coming next. They would select a victim, and in front of everyone a YW would slip its tendrils into their clothing and create an incredibly realistic sexual image. The stakes in this game were as high as you could get, because when the human came, he died, and the YW got whatever their version of pregnant was. As one of only three people who had survived this process I knew that if the YW's decided to do this to everyone, the assembled group would be decimated.

I found myself hoping that they would select me first, and this was for two very different reasons. The noble reason was that I guessed I had the best chance of beating them by making them cum first. This was because I had spent my whole sexual life making sure the girl always came first, and this would overrule their images requests for me to cum. The fact that I had just finished a marathon session with Susie would help me last longer too. The second and more selfish reason was I did not want to stand there helplessly and witness any more men being killed by this method.

I was able to test my movement again while I was frozen, and I realised I did have enough to be able to fly my Stellar, but being realistic I thought it was unlikely that I would ever get that opportunity. I had survived this ordeal once, at what the witnesses said was the spectacular expense of a YW, and I was sure they weren't going to be in a hurry to let that happen again.

They did choose me to first, but as I stood there trying to calm myself down not two but eight YW's approached. I wondered what they were doing.

I've often heard people saying 'I wish I knew then what I know now' or something similar, but in this case I am really glad I didn't know then what I found out much later.

The YW's breed using the ejaculate of pretty much any species. But breaking it down to really simple terms they aren't so much interested in the actual substance produced, but more the sort of 'window to the soul' that occurs during orgasm. When we come it gives them the opportunity to effectively suck out our life force, and this is what fertilises their offspring.

This has to be a one on one or two on one situation, because if more than two YW's are in contact with their victim when he climaxes there is not enough life force to impregnate any of them. What they were doing was making an example of me, and having eight of them there was only to make sure I was killed. They would get no other benefit. Another thing I found out later was that the four posts were cameras, and the vision of what was happening in the ring area was going out live to every communicator on the planet.

The YW's were going to kill every big 'celebrity' on the planet live, one by one, and this was designed to destroy any semblance of resistance.

Reality faded as the YW's made contact, and I was transported once again to what I can only describe as a more real reality, or at least that was what it seemed like at first.

I was standing at the edge of a forest, on the bank of a fast flowing river. Judging by the light it was around noon and judging by the smell it had recently rained, although the soft grass was not wet. Four women approached me from upstream, and I did not recognise any of them. They were all wearing skimpy white bikinis, and were all very attractive in a clichéd sort of way. It was like they were all just a little too good to be true. But they walked right up to me, and immediately started rubbing their hands all over my body.

"Hello ladies," I said, wanting to be polite, and they all smiled, but said nothing.

There were two with yellow hair and green eyes. One had her hair cut short and the other had long hair. They were identical in height and body shape. The other two had violet hair and golden eyes, and they also were one short haired and one long haired. Their bodies matched the other two. I could see and feel that they were real, but there was a nagging sense of something being a bit fake.

One of the girls had her hands in my pants and was vigorously rubbing my cock. It was like she wanted to get things finished before they started, so I gently grabbed her hand to slow her down. She looked up at me in surprise, so I kissed her long and hard until I felt her relax a bit. As soon as she let go of me more hands were in my pants, and the frantic stroking started again. I decided it was time for me to take control.

I quickly shed my pants and lay down on the ground. The girl who was groping me lost contact and I pulled her pussy down to my mouth. Two can play the 'bring them off quick' trick. I felt a tight warmth around my cock as one of the others slowly slipped her pussy over it. I heard her groan as she did. My hands slipped between the legs of the other two girls, who had kneeled down beside us, and I played with them at first just rubbing gently and avoiding their most sensitive areas.

We stayed like that for about twenty minutes. One girl was riding my cock, one my mouth and the others were on my hands, while their hands constantly working on my chest and balls. There was a lot of sexual energy there, but the girls all showed exactly the same signs. They were slightly flushed and had just started to get a touch short of breath.

They obviously wanted me to cum, but that was a long way away because something was nagging at me. Something wasn't quite right. I switched the girls around, and the girl on my tongue tasted the same as the last one. The girl on my cock had the same difficulty getting started, and felt just the same as the last one. It was like I was fucking four identical women.

After another twenty minutes of so we swapped again. By this time the girls were all panting and sweating a bit. They were all getting closer, but again it was all at the same time. It was strange. I knew I was still a long way off; after all I had just had a long sexual session with... I struggled to remember, and the feeling of unreality grew. How could I not remember who I had just fucked?

I swapped them around one more time, and again they were all the same. I had tasted each of them, I had fucked each of them and my hands had thoroughly explored each of them, and without the hair and eyes I would still not be able to tell them apart. My body was aching, but I was still working hard on getting at least the first one off before I suggested a rest. I could feel it was getting close now. They trembled and shook constantly; their synchronised moans assaulted my ears and scent of their arousal fill my nostrils.

They were all close, and I still couldn't pick which of them would cum first.

A movement in my peripheral vision attracted my attention, and without slowing my tongues assault my eyes swivelled sideways. Four more bikini clad girls were running down the river bank. They looked the same as the ones I was with. Surely there couldn't be eight? They were sprinting at us, as if they wanted to join our moment, but they were fractionally too late. They would have been within fifty metres of us when I felt my girls all come at the same time. They howled in unison, and it sounded more like despair than ecstasy, and they all started to throb and shake.

I blacked out.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
If you considering using an uncommon acronym,

your decision process should follow this process:

If you only plan on using it once: skip the acronym and write it out, why bother with a character saving abbreviation if you're only using it once?

If you plan on repeated use: write it out, then put the acronym in parenthesis: 'Second in Command, (2IC)', or write the acronym and put the full term in parenthesis: '2IC, (Second in Command)'.

Depending on the type of non-fiction style manual, one way of the two ways would be the standard; in fiction, either is correct. The most important thing is to USE one; you never want your reader to ask themselves, 'What the fuck does the author mean with that?'

bb1212bb1212over 9 years agoAuthor
Next one isn't far away

Thanks everyone for the feedback. Chapter 11 should be submitted within a week, but then it is back to work, and that is mostly what has been keeping me from writing. I do apologise for the long gap, but I have learned I really shouldn't post any part of a story until it is complete. I made an exception in this case because of a serious health issue, but that is over for now and I am trying to get this moving far quicker now. I do appreciate the people who take the time to comment, be it good or constructively bad. BB1212.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Glad to see an update!

Please let us know you are not going to leave us hanging for months or Heaven forbid, years until the next update.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Don't listen to this other guy the story is great and I really am hoping for the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Be real!!!!!

It's been almost a year, and the best you can do is almost two pages!! You might as well have not even posted it. You suck!

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