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First Time Posing Pt. 06

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CMNF Charlene and Tammy practice erotic poses.
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Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/10/2018
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The family weekend is over, the Phillips departed for home. Presently Charlene and Tammy are contemplating, when they should start practicing for the erotic modeling session, that will be starting at the college soon.

"Tammy, I think we should ask Tom and Jamie when would be a good time to practice our poses. When will you be ready to start?" Charlene asked the young woman.

"Charlene I wish it was never, but I need to see if I can gather the courage to model for a group, as soon as possible, because I have a feeling the Professor will be approaching me to model soon."

Jamie came walking into the kitchen. While he was watching the two women preparing dinner for everyone, he said. "What are we having for supper?"

"We have a roast in the oven. We are preparing potatoes and green beans to go with it." Tammy said, while she was cutting up the potatoes. Looking at Jamie and turning red. "We should probably think about practicing for the modeling sessions coming up. You can photograph us, and give them to the professor, to critique, while we pose for you."

"We need dad here also when we are modeling, so probably the best time to practice is Saturday afternoon and Sunday." Charlene said, looking at the two others in the room, to see if they agree.

All were in agreement, and the subject was dropped.

Tom came home from work. While having supper, the subject was brought up about modeling, with the decision that was made by the three. Tom agreed with them.

Tammy was spending more time at the Carter's home, than at her dorm.

Charlene likes having Tammy at their home, so she asked Tammy. "Will you save money, if you stay here, not having to pay for your dorm room?"

Tammy excited Charlene has asked her to stay with them said. "Mom, you mean it, I can stay here? That would be so cool." The young woman acquired a frown on her face saying. "I will have to check to see if my scholarship requires me to stay at the dorm."

Jamie came into the room asking. "What are you ladies talking about?"

Charlene said. "What do you think about Tammy staying with us, at least for the rest of the school year?"

"Sounds like a great Idea to me." Jamie said as he thought of all the great times he and Tammy could have, if she is living there.

Charlene said, as an afterthought. "I will have to run it by your father though, to make sure he is Okay with the arrangement. Tammy, you will have to talk to your parents, to get their blessing also."

Within a few days, all that was needed for Tammy to stay at the Carter home was the college to agree to the arrangement.

Tammy went to the student affairs office to talk to the woman in charge of the dorm assignments.

Walking to the door Mrs. Collins said. "I am ready to see you now." As the young woman entered the office Mrs. Collins asked. "How can I help you Tammy?"

"I would like to know if I can move out of the dorm into a private home." Tammy asked.

"Miss. Phillips, I see you're almost twenty, but I will need a letter from your parents, before you can move out of the dorms. You have to be twenty-one, before you can make that decision, without your parents' consent."

"Will that save me money on my scholarship, if I move out?" Tammy asked.

"It will save you money on your food allowance that you pay for, and you won't have to be a figure model for the Visual Arts courses Miss Phillips to keep your scholarship."

The overjoyed young woman said. "I will call my mother, and you can talk with her." She went out of the office and called her mother stating. "Mom I want to move out of the dorm and need your permission, can you talk with Mrs. Collins." Without waiting for an answer, she handed the phone to Mrs. Collins.

"Hi, I am Deloris Phillips, Tammy's mother. My husband and I have no problem with Tammy moving to the Carter home. I will send you an email to that affect, after I get off the phone with you."

"Thank you Mrs. Phillips. I will get the paperwork started, and by the weekend, we will change her address to the Carter Residence. Have a nice day." Mrs. Collins hung up the phone and said to Tammy. "You're all set. I will change your scholarship to reflect your change in status, you will be able to take a few more courses, with the change in living arrangement."

Tammy was thrilled. She won't have to model for the visual arts class anymore, and she can take a few more courses, without paying extra for them. She couldn't wait to tell Jamie. She saw him in the student union. Running to him she hugged him stating. "I don't have to model for the erotic poses, if I move into your home, Mrs. Collins told me. Isn't that great?"

"Yes, see I told you it would all work out." Jamie said.

The young woman could see by his lack of candor, that he wasn't being entirely truthful with her. "You want me to model don't you?" Tammy, getting the look on her face, with fire in her eyes, that Jamie saw when she was mad at him.

"No, I'm glad you don't have to model, but presently my mother was going to model, to help me bring up my grade. With you not modeling, maybe she won't either, if that is the case, I will lose my scholarship, if I can't bring up my mark." Jamie stated, as not to have Tammy mad at him.

"Oh, I didn't think of that." Tammy stated, as she now worried that Jamie will be upset with her.

They both had to go to class, so the subject was dropped for the time being. Jamie brought Tammy home after their class, but he had to go back to college. He had two other classes in the evening, leaving Tammy and Charlene to cook the night time meal.

Charlene could see Tammy was excited by something, so she asked. "Looks like you received good news today?"

"Yes, I was told that since I am moving out of the dorm. I don't have to model for the erotic poses, to keep my scholarship." Tammy stated, as she is excited she won't have to model nude anymore, in front of her classmates.

"Oh, that's great, see you were worried about modeling, and everything works out." The older woman said, without the usual enthusiasm, that she has when talking with Tammy.

Tammy was extremely happy, Charlene now had to make a decision, whether she wants to model or not. Jamie and Tom were disappointed, because Tammy is moving in with them, she doesn't have to model nude anymore. Furthermore Tom is concerned Charlene will back out of modeling. Jamie is concerned about losing his scholarship, if he can't bring up his visual arts grade.

It was Friday night, Charlene and Tom usually go out with friends, once or twice a month, so they left the two young people home to do their homework. It is a late night, when the older couple, go out.

As soon as the older couple left, Tammy knowing Jamie is melancholy, because she doesn't have to practice her poses anymore said. "You want to go to my room to do 'homework'?" The young woman gave him a smile, as she ran up the stairs to her room.

"What 'homework' are you thinking about doing?" Jamie asked, as he watched his lovely girlfriend remove her clothes, as he entered her room.

Down to her panties, she stopped undressing to go to her dresser, and removed the speculum from the top drawer, that she confiscated from the doctor's office, where she had her exam. "Do you want to play doctor tonight?" The young woman giggled, as she removed her panties, got on the bed on her back, and spread her legs, so her boyfriend could examine her overheated womanhood.

Not having any private time in a while, Jamie appreciated the chance to see his lovely girlfriend in all her naked glory; he said taking the speculum and inserting it in her pussy. "You're very wet I don't even need any lubricant." Looking in her birth canal he stated. "With your red hair and a lovely pussy, I can look at you all day, and not get tired of the view." Looking at her grooming Jamie said. "Even though you won't be modeling, do you want me to trim your pubic hair, and groom you pubic heart?" Looking at his lovely girlfriend he marveled at her innocence, even though she is nude, and spread, to let him inspect her inner being, using the speculum.

"Sounds like a good idea Jamie. Oh and even though I won't be modeling for the class, I will model for you any time you want me to." Tammy said, still sitting with her legs spread, even though Jamie removed the speculum, from her pussy.

Jamie, going in search of her feminine grooming equipment hollered out. "Tammy where is the shaver and scissors?"

Getting up from the bed, the nude young woman went into the bathroom, to get the equipment required to do the job stating. "Here is where I keep all my Shaving stuff." The young woman, pointing to a lower drawer she uses, and giving Jamie a perfect view of her womanly charms and back door, while bending over to retrieve everything needed to perform her grooming.

"Jamie, I think I should take care of your hard problem first." Tammy, smiling innocently and pointing to the tent in her boyfriend's pants. Going back into her bedroom she sat on the edge of the bed and motioned for Jamie to stand between her legs. Tammy undid his belt and button on his pants, pulling them down as one with his underwear.

Jamie rested his hand on her shoulder to steady himself, as she helped him remove his discarded garments from his feet. When he turned back to face her, his pecker hit her nose.

She grabbed his organ, to stop from being pocked in her eye, and brought it to her mouth stating. "I was told that sperm is good for your complexion. I wonder if it works as good when you swallow it." The young woman said, before she enthusiastically started to suck on her boyfriend's manhood.

Tammy was giving Jamie so much pleasure with her oral ministrations that he would have fallen over, if she didn't have her arms wrapped around his ass, as she deep throat-ed his cock. "I think I will call her hoover from now on, after the vacuum we have." He giggled, as he was getting ready to shot his load down her throat.

The young woman really loved Jamie, she has never had a boyfriend who is as sweet to her as Jamie is, and with a family she adores, she thought. as she was pleasuring him.

Jamie was glad he met this beautiful woman thinking. "I am very lucky to find a sweet young lady like Tammy, who is not all about herself." It was a few minutes later, that he moaned his orgasm, blowing his load down Tammy's throat.

The young woman happily took his offering, swallowing every drop, and she licked is cock clean, smacking her lips in the process, to show Jamie she loved his cum. Holding onto Jamie to stop his legs from buckling she said. "Now can you concentrate on grooming my woman parts, without causing damage to my kitty?"

"Thanks Tammy; I really needed that." Wanting to return the pleasure Jamie said. "I want to groom your kitty, but I think you need a little moisture; before I start to groom you." Jamie pushed her to her back on the bed, put her legs over his shoulders, and started to pleasure her orally.

The surprised young woman was moaning her pleasure, as Jamie put a lip lock on her pussy lips, sticking his tongue into her, as far as he could. She was cumming on his tongue, within two minutes of him starting his oral pleasuring, of her pussy.

"OHHHHH Jamie, you sure know how to treat a woman." Tammy moaned through her orgasm, bucking to try to get his whole head into her pussy, when she came.

Setting back on his knees Jamie said. "Tammy, I just had an epiphany. Do you realize that a guy spends nine months in their mother's womb kicking her, trying to get out? The rest of his adult life is spent trying to get back into the womb."

Tammy still in a post orgasmic fog, didn't understand what Jamie was talking about, but then she caught on, and laughed uncontrollably at the thought.

Jamie had Tammy sit on the edge of the bed with her legs spread, and started to groom his girlfriend's pubic area. It took him about a half hour, to take care of her pussy hair. By that time Jamie was hard again, and Tammy needed to be serviced also.

She slid up onto the bed and spread her legs saying. "Jamie, my kitty needs to be stroked deeply." The young woman opening her pussy with her fingers, to let Jamie see how wet she is.

Jamie crawled between her legs, and Tammy aimed his cock with one hand, while holding her pussy opened with the other. They started the dance of love slowly, but in no time they were pounding way. Jamie trying to ward off his orgasm, until Tammy got off, but he couldn't hold back creaming her cervix with his sperm, a few seconds before she came. Her pussy muscles were so strong that she had him captive in her pussy upon her orgasm, until he deflated, and fell out of her femininity along with some of his cum.

Rolling off Tammy and lying on his side, he started to play with her nipples as they relaxed. "Life is good." Jamie thought.

Meanwhile the older couple is going to meet another couple, when Charlene received a phone call from Carla.

"Hi Charlene this is Carla, John got called out to an emergency job tonight. We will not be able to make it."

"Oh sorry to hear that, but don't worry about it Carla we can go out next week." Charlene said.

They hung up after saying good-by.

Overhearing the conversation of the two women Tom said. "How about we go someplace we are not known, and have some fun Char."

"I think it is someplace that you will have fun, and I will probably end up naked. Am I close to right Tom?" Charlene said knowing the way Tom has been thinking lately.

Turning red because she was right Tom said. "Let's have dinner and talk about it." He brought his wife to an upscale intimate restaurant on the outskirts of town.

The couple had to wait for a table, as the restaurant was crowded. They finally were called, and the Hostess sat them at an intimate table in the corner, getting their beverage order, and left.

"What did you have in mind Tom?"

Tom hesitated, as he formulated his thoughts to his best advantage, as he wanted his wife to buy into the fantasy he has. "I was thinking we go to the strip club that is about an hour from here. They have amateur night on Fridays at eleven pm."

"You want me to go with you, while you watch women take off their clothes?" Charlene said, not understanding what her husband was talking about.

Trying to explain, Tom said. "I want to go there, so you can see if you would want to enter the contest, it is one thousand dollar first prize, Five hundred dollar second prize, and two hundred and fifty dollar third prize. Her husband hoping she would consent to go, knowing there was a cash prize involved.

"It is an hour away; I think I want to go to the club. I want to see what an amateur contest is like." Charlene said, to her husband's relief.

It was nine thirty, before they finished dinner. The mature couple left the dinning establishment, for the hour drive, getting to the club about a half hour early. They had a hard time finding a parking spot, as the lot was very crowded.

Having second thoughts, Charlene said. "Do you think this is a good idea Tom?" Charlene had a premonition that someone they knew would be at the club.

Seeing his fantasy may not become a reality tonight, and trying to salvage some of it, he said. "We are here now. We can go in there, and watch the amateurs perform to see how good they are?"

"I guess we can go in there to watch the show. I am curious to see the amateurs dance." Charlene said, curious to what goes on at a strip club, as she has never been to one before. She wanted show Tom; she was somewhat interested in the amateur strip contest.

The couple went to the club entrance.

The bouncer said. "Are you going to participate in the amateur contest tonight Mam?"

Charlene said, "No."

"It is twenty dollars apiece then." The bouncer said.

Tom paid twenty dollars apiece cover to get into the club. They found a table in the back of the room. A waitress in a skimpy bra and panties asked for their drink order. That cost them fifty dollars apiece for two cokes.

"I am going to have to dance, if we drink more than one coke, to pay the bar tab." Said Charlene in a loud voice, upset that they are there presently, feeling they have been taken advantage of, because of the cost of beverages.

The waitress hearing Charlene's complaint said. "You're pretty enough to enter the strip contest, but you need to have courage to take off your clothes. They will refund you the cover charge and the cokes will be only two dollars. You should be able to take at least third, prize, if you're willing to take your top off and dance topless?"

"I think I need a couple of glasses of wine and then I may be ready to enter the contest." Charlene said looking at her husband, to see if he was happy with her last statement.

The waitress came over and asked. "You said you wanted a couple of glasses of wine? Here is the entry form for the contest, fill this out and the wine is free. If you don't want to dance the wine will cost you twenty-five dollars a glass."

"Give me the form to fill out, with a pen, and get me two glasses of wine. We also want our cover charge back, along with the money for the cokes." Charlene said to the waitress while she filled out the entry form. "I hope you're satisfied Tom, bringing me here to have me exploited by the group of perverts in the club." Teasing Tom, as she completed the form, she is wondering whether she will have enough courage to strip completely on stage. "Good thing I wore my sexy panties and bra tonight and a dress that is relatively easy to remove." Charlene thought, as she waited for her wine to be delivered.

The waitress delivered the wine and gave Charlene all the money back, as she picked up the entry form she said to Charlene. "The crowd here loves mature women. If you take all your clothes off, you will get first prize as you're new here. The judges usually pick the new women that strip. If you keep your panties on, you will probably get second or third prize." The waitress walked away with a ten dollar tip from Tom, but Charlene kept all the money the club refunded them.

The form had a six on it, meaning that there will be six women participating in the contest so far, it is still an hour away as the participants have until eleven pm to enter and the contest starts at eleven thirty each dancer, dances to two songs, which is about five minutes each, on stage.

The manager came to see Charlene, he handed her two documents. "My name is Joey; I am the manager of the club. One sheet of paper is the song list; you can pick two songs from it. The other paper are the rules. You can strip nude and show pink, if you want, but you can't let anyone touch you. If the guys give you tips, you can let them put it in the garter, we will give you. If you bring the garter up close to her pussy, you can give them thrill, by letting them feel your lady lips with the back of their hand." The manager winked at Charlene, and looked at the man sitting next to her, to get his reaction.

"Joey this is my husband Tom, he is the one that wants to show me off to the world."

"Tom you're not going to get crazy, if your wife shows her box, to the crowd. Are you?"

"No Joey, it is a fantasy of mine to see my wife nude in public, and this looks like a safe place to have her show her beaver and boobs.

"Yes it is, see the big guys with the black tee shirts on, look around, there are about six of them, they are my bouncers. Most work here as a favor to me, and they get to watch the ladies strip." Joey said as he pointed out the large guys spread out around the club. "A lot of guys get a kick out of their wife's dancing on stage, and some of the women are really good dancers." Joey said, letting Charlene and Tom know that Tom isn't the only guy that likes to expose his wife in public.

The DJ called for all the dancers to go to the dressing room to get ready, and this caused Charlene to get a case of the nerves, although not as bad as she would have, if she didn't have a couple a glasses of wine.

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