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First Time with Mummy

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He gets a big surprise when mum catches him wanking.
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Disclaimer: All characters within this story - other than those mentioned in reference to commercially-available works - are wholly fictional. Any resemblance of such characters to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.


I have no idea when I first noticed it, but my mother certainly has some of the largest breasts that I've ever seen. I know that it's wrong for me to have such dirty thoughts, but for years now, I've longed to play lots of naughty, kinky games with her.

No matter what the scenario, or how wild my fantasies become, her heaving bosom always seem to take centre stage; even more so since the day that I stole one of her old bras from a bag of landfill-bound clothing. After all, discovering that my mother fills out a 44H brassiere was a considerable shock; albeit a highly pleasurable one that added fuel to my already heated wanking sessions.

Whether or not she wears a bra, my mother's chest still deserves to be designated as a site of outstanding natural beauty. When she does wear one, her breasts always form an incredible cleavage as they nestle perfectly in the cups, and I love watching the way that they gently bounce up and down as she walks. Freed from their confinement, they tend to betray a slight sag, but still sway beautifully with every step that she takes. Even her stretch marks serve only to highlight the fact that mum's huge bust is entirely free of enhancements, tucks or lifts; her all-natural curves swell invitingly with her breathing and put me in mind of a vast, rolling ocean.

To be honest, I've always loved watching mum dress for bed and seeing her nipples hardening as they brush against the thin material of her nightie. I've dreamed about hugging her from behind while she washes up at the sink, feeling the weight of her breasts in my hands as I jiggle them under her apron. I've imagined what it might be like to share a deep, passionate kiss, holding her tight in my arms so that I can enjoy the soft swell of her ample bosom squashed against my chest. I've even fantasised about us lying in bed together, totally naked, and hearing her urging me to bury my face between her heaving mounds while she strokes my hard cock.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I need to backtrack a bit...

All the way through my teenage years and my years at university, I can remember having been fascinated by the idea of making love to a buxom mature woman. In fact, if I'm honest with myself, I lost count of the number of times that I sat in my bedroom at night, indulging my fantasies into the early hours of the morning. I would fire up one of my many videos, lie back on my bed, and then try to fight off the urge to start stroking for as long as possible, listening to the moans, groans and dirty talk pouring out of the speakers.

Of course, my dick would be throbbing painfully against the confines of my boxers, but the head would always be extra sensitive when I finally gave in, pulled my raging hard-on free, and began jacking off. I would keep pace with the actors, imagining that I was in their place, and was always rewarded with a nice big load. Unlike most of my friends though, I refused to offload into an old sock or a wad of tissue paper; instead, I enjoyed the feeling of shooting ropes of warm, sticky spunk all over my belly, then massaging it into my arms, chest, stomach and thighs.

Guess what I was up to last night...

You should know that my father is currently away on one of his frequent business trips. Apparently, the project on which he is acting as Chief Operational Adviser may well hinge on enticing a large investment from a golf-mad Texan oil magnate, so mother and I have the house to ourselves while he is forced to 'endure' several days of match-play on the links at St. Andrews. I had assumed that this would provide me with lots of trouble-free wanking time, as mum almost never ventures into my room, preferring to let me keep it in order.

So there I was, lying on my bed with a noticeable bulge developing in my underpants, trying desperately to resist the need to massage my aching cock as I watched the gorgeous Roberta Smallwood being undressed by handyman Don Fernando. It was one of my favourite vintage scenes, and one which never failed to make me explode within thirty seconds of touching my cock; as soon as I saw Fernando slide his hard dick between Roberta's massive natural melons, I knew that further resistance was futile.

In a mad rush, I fumbled with the buttons of my boxers and freed my throbbing erection, gripping it tight around the shaft before slowly stroking back and forth along the whole length. As the handyman plunged back into Roberta's lovely wet pussy, I instinctively quickened my pace, but my eyes remained focused on the vast expanse of soft titty-flesh that the young stud began massaging in time with his thrusts. I loved watching the way that Roberta's huge breasts rolled and bounced as she lay on her back, Fernando's hard cock buried in her dripping cunt; it even beat the sight of them swaying back and forth as he took her doggy-style.

Suddenly, I could hear Roberta moaning in pleasure as her orgasm began to overwhelm her, and knew that any second now, her lover would pull out, urging her to push her heavy breasts together before showering them with his cum. I shifted on the bed, readying myself for my own exhilarating climax, and began to imagine myself straddling Roberta, her massive tits held up to receive my tribute. Without taking my hand off my cock, I rolled over and got up onto my knees, closing my eyes and listening to the creak of the bedsprings as I pictured the scene.

"Oh fuck Roberta!" I moaned, my whole body shaking as I closed in on joining Fernando in squirting my load for the huge-breasted goddess who we both worshipped. "Hold those lovely big boobs up for me. I'm going to cover them in my thick creamy spunk, and it's all for you!" My hand was moving on autopilot now, stroking faster and faster, and I could picture myself rubbing the head of my cock over Roberta's hard nipples as I started to leak pre-cum. "That's it baby! Wrap your gorgeous melons around my fat dick. I love fucking your massive tits! They're so huge and soft...oh fuck...here it comes!"


As if on impulse, I threw myself flat on my back; seconds later, as it had done a hundred times before, my orgasm hit me like a train. However, no sooner had the first rope of cum shot out of my cock and landed across my belly, then I heard a loud scream from the doorway, and I jerked my head round in the direction of the noise. My body was still quaking as I rode out my climax, and I couldn't make sense of what was happening; all I knew for sure was that I was soaked in my own sweat and spunk, and that someone was staring at me from the other end of the room.

Slowly, my vision returned to normal, and I could see that my mother's mouth was wide open in shock, her finger pointing at me like a pistol. A pile of freshly laundered sheets now lay scattered at her feet, and she did not seem sure of where best to direct her gaze, having settled for a spot on the wall just behind my right ear. Instinctively, I made a grab for the towel that lay folded under my bedside table, and began to think about a suitable explanation, but mum had already turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Shit!" I swore inwardly, urging my heart rate to return to a sensible speed. Mum had never caught me wanking off before, though I was sure that she knew what I was up to, and I had no idea how to handle a situation like this. Abandoning my usual post-orgasm routine, I fled into the bathroom, tossed my underwear into the laundry hamper, leapt into the shower and began hosing the cum from my body, my head spinning as I tried to make sense of what had just happened. How long had mum been at the door? What exactly had she overheard?

Switching the shower to its 'power' option, I lathered up a mass of shampoo and massaged it into my scalp, desperately trying to clear my head as the warm water thundered down onto my back and shoulders. Then, standing akimbo under the full stream of the water, I scrubbed myself down with a bar of fresh soap, giving myself over to the soothing feeling of the hot needles washing the sweat out of my tangled locks and matted chest hair. Thanks to the combination of steam, lather and water, I could feel my initial panic beginning to subside, and was just about to step out of the shower when I heard a soft knock at the door.

A surprising turn of events...

Of course, I could be under no illusions as to who it might be; as I say, mum and I were alone in the house for the time being. Swallowing my pride, I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped nervously out onto the cold tiles of the bathroom floor, desperate to know exactly how my mother might react to what she had seen less than half an hour earlier. Her eyes were red and puffy, so I assumed that she must have been crying, but she now appeared to be more composed, having recovered from the initial shock.

"Sweetie?" I heard her whisper in a hushed voice. "I think it's best if you and I have a little chat. Come into my room once you've dried off." She tossed me a clean pair of boxers and a tee-shirt, then began to head back along the landing to her bedroom. Halfway along, however, I saw her pause and glance back over her shoulder, this time searching out my eyes. "Don't worry," she added in an almost matter-of-fact tone, "I'm not angry with you. There's just a few little things that I need to ask you."

Needless to say, I was rather nonplussed by that last comment, and hurried to dry myself and dress in the few clothes which had been provided me. Whatever this 'talk' was going to be, I didn't really feel comfortable doing it in what amounted to 'vest and pants'; the sort of thing that you used to be subjected to at school when you'd turned up for a P.E. lesson without the correct sports kit. Still, mum had caught me, quite literally, with my pants down, so I had little reason to disagree with the manner in which she wished to conduct this discussion.

Bracing myself for the worst, I walked the short distance to my mum's bedroom, knocked on the door, and waited for her to ask me inside. Strangely, I could smell the scent of an expensive perfume - one which mum usually wore only when she and dad were attending high-profile meetings with clients from the bank - and could hear the sound of soft jazz music drifting out of the speakers mounted on the back wall. However, none of that prepared me for what I saw upon responding to my mum's invitation to enter...

There, sitting on the end of the bed, was mum; but it was mum as I'd never seen her before. In the time that it had taken me to get dressed, she'd changed into a soft white cotton bathrobe, tied back her long chestnut hair into a ponytail, and put on what I was sure were black silk stockings. She had also freshened up her makeup, and I took particular note of the dark cherry-red lipstick which she had selected; again, a shade which she wore on very rare occasions. Then, mum's deep blue eyes met mine, and she gave a small smile and patted the bed beside her, motioning me to sit down.

Still not quite sure what to make of all this, I made my way over to my parents' large double bed, taking a seat beside mum, and flinching slightly as I felt her put one arm around my shoulders. "Relax honey!" She whispered gently, trying to sooth my nerves. "As I said before, I just want to ask you a few questions." Taking my chin in her free hand, mum began rubbing my shoulder as she raised my head, lifting and tilting it so that I was facing her. "Now tell me. What was my sweet baby doing in his room earlier? I don't think that mummy was meant to see that, was she?"

This seemed like a stupid question, and I was surprised by the calm, almost joking tone in mum's voice. I could feel my face reddening, and was having difficulty speaking; all I could do was drop my gaze away from mum's eyes and shake my head slowly. "Aww baby, that's so cute!" I heard her giggle, "I've got you all embarrassed now." Before I could react, mum leant over and planted a brief kiss on my forehead. "It's ok. I shouldn't have stormed out like that. It's not as if I don't know what horny young men get up to when they're alone in their rooms!"


I was rather shocked to hear her being so frank, and decided that it was best to try and explain. "Mum..." I began, still not quite daring to meet her eyes, "I know that there's nothing wrong with what I was doing, but you're right. I never meant for you to see what I was doing; much less catch me in the middle of an orgasm. I'm so sorry! It won't happen again, I swear! I won't...I won't..." The words just seemed to tail off, and I could see that mum was still smiling at me, her blue eyes twinkling in the low light and a flash of white showing from between her full, red lips.

"Hush darling. It doesn't matter!" Mum's voice was more urgent now, and she had a hand on either side of my face, her fingers entangled in my hair. "I know that it was an accident. You just forgot to lock your door like you usually do." She must have noticed the look of surprise that flashed across my face, because she winked at me and leaned forward so that her mouth was right up close to my ear. "See, mummy knows exactly what her naughty boy has been up to, jerking off to all those dirty porno films. I even found this under your bed the other day..."

As mum stood up, I was able to see her properly. The white robe fell halfway down her calves, contrasting beautifully with the sheer dark stockings. The belt was tied tight across her plump belly, but it didn't hold the garment completely closed; as she turned to stand in front of me, I saw a flash of lace at the top of her stockings. More impressively, the upper part of the robe was slightly open, meaning that I was treated to a glimpse of mum's creamy white breasts as well as the black full-cup bra that encased them.

"Something interesting?" I heard her ask me in a dismissive tone. My mouth, I now realised, was gaping open, and I swallowed hard in an effort to regain my composure. I made some non-committal noises, and mum gave me a knowing look as she reached into the pocket of the robe. "As I was saying," she resumed, "I was tidying up your room on Monday afternoon while you and daddy were out at the Test Match at Headingley, and I was rather surprised to find this hidden under the bed!" So saying, she whipped her hand out again, only now she had the bra that I had stolen hooked on the end of her finger.

With a grin like a Cheshire Cat, mum tossed the bra into my face and bent over to raise my chin. "Mister: you're in big trouble." Strangely, there was no hint of anger in her voice; either mum was a damn good actress, or she was genuinely amused by my shock. "At first, I assumed that you must have been fooling around with one of your big-titted friends from Uni, but then I realised that there was something familiar about that bra. After all, I doubt that many girls your age get kitted out by Rigby and Peller!" Suddenly, she grabbed hold of my head and pulled me forward, burying my face in her huge, heaving bosom.

Mum knew all along...

Being smothered in my mother's cleavage was something that I'd dreamed of countless times; however, unlike in my fantasies, I got the impression that I was in for a rough ride. "So I was right then?" Mum purred, releasing me so that she could take in the sight of me gasping and panting for breath. "My naughty baby boy stole his mummy's bra! If you weren't such a big boy now, I think that I'd have to spank you..." She tilted her head to one side as if considering this option, then caught me completely off-guard by wrapping her arms around me and straddling my lap.

"I don't know what I should do though," she continued, conscious that I was completely pinned down. As well as having large natural breasts, mum is what many would term a BBW; she has big strong arms, a lovely plump belly, a nice fat arse, and thick thighs, and she was currently resting her full weight on my legs. "Since you're too big for a spanking, I think that I need to come up with another punishment for you." Mum grinned again, then treated me to another face-full of breast flesh, shaking her shoulders this time so that her big soft tits bounced off either side of my head.

"There we go!" Mum had started to giggle like a schoolgirl, and I could feel her plump curves jiggling as she laughed. "I'll just beat you up with these big boobies that you seem to like so much. Tell me, when you've been stroking off that fat cock of yours, have you been picturing your mummy's huge, soft breasts in your face?" Without waiting for a reply, she reached down and tugged the belt holding her robe closed, and let it slowly fall off her voluptuous body. This revealed a beautiful lace bra, French-cut knickers and old-fashioned hold-up stockings, and my eyes began to bulge out of my head.

"Hmm, I see you approve of my outfit - or lack of one." Mum was clearly enjoying how utterly stunned I was, and she treated me to another wink, more languid this time, as she climbed off my knees and hauled me to my feet. "Here baby," she whispered in husky tones, "come and give mummy a big kiss!" Once again, I felt her arms thrown around my shoulders, and I suddenly realised that mum's huge breasts were being squashed up against me, the nipples hardening beneath the lace of the bra cups.

However, this sensation had barely registered when I was hit with another; that of my mother's hot lips pressed hard against my own, her warm tongue gently probing against my teeth, urging me to open my mouth. I could hear a low, soft moan starting to build in the back of her throat, and felt her slide a hand up the back of my neck into my hair; meanwhile, she grasped my wrist with the other and guided me to cup one of her full breasts, joining me in fondling her soft flesh. Mewling like a kitten, she broke the kiss only so long as to gasp, "don't you go forgetting my arse you dirty boy!"

I grinned and slapped her lightly on the left buttock, enjoying the low growl that emerged from her throat before our lips met again. Now, firmly locked together, tongues dancing and jousting in each other's mouths, we collapsed onto the bed; mum rolling me onto my back and kneeling over me with a wild, passionate gleam in her eyes as I struggled to pull off my tee-shirt. "Tell me," she panted, running a lazy finger down my chest and stomach. "How badly do you want me to take off this nasty bra?"

The moment...

"Are you serious?" I whispered, not quite believing what I'd just heard. "What about dad? He'll be furious if he ever finds out!" Mum gazed down at me, her deep blue eyes sparkling as they reflected the soft lamplight, and bent down to brush my lips with another fleeting kiss.

"Well then," she smiled, "I'll just have to make sure that we can have as much fun as possible before he gets back. I'm sure that my baby won't be so stupid as to let daddy know about all this; at least, not if he wants to be able to carry on playing with his horny mummy's juicy melons!"

With that, she reached up behind her back and unsnapped the bra, slipping it off her shoulders and tossing it across the room. "There you are baby. Mummy's tits are all yours tonight, and I think that I know just what to do..."

Reaching out, mum pinned my shoulders onto the bed, swinging a leg over me so that she straddled my hips; then, lowering herself just enough to make sure that her panty-clad pussy pressed against the bulge in my boxers, she dropped her weight forward, and her soft, heavy tits once again smashed into my face.

"Take that, you naughty little fucker!" Mum yelled, grinding against my crotch as I fought to free my nose from beneath her huge tit. Thankfully, she had left my arms free, and I was able to use both hands to massage the expanse of warm flesh that now covered my face, adjusting the position of my head so that I could still breathe without too much difficulty.

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