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Five Dates Ch. 09

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Michael and Liz enjoy the native girls.
11.1k words

Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 01/06/2023
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I woke up with the dawn just barely brightening the bay, the sun casting a long shadow of the bungalow across the slowly undulating surface of the ocean. I shifted slightly and realized I was alone in the bed, but not for long. I saw movement in the growing morning light and watched Liz step to the side of the bed, drop the robe she had on and slip under the covers with me. She snuggled up against me, pressing her nude body to mine and moving me so she could lay her head on my chest and wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"What were you doing?" I asked sleepily, having not gotten all that much sleep over night due to our nocturnal activities.

"Watching you sleep," she whispered.


"Because you were so peaceful. It's the first time I've seen you sleep like that. Usually you're very restless all night."

"You've been watching me sleep?"

She chuckled softly in the incredibly sexy little laugh of hers. "Hard to sleep through you rolling around and thrashing. You talk in your sleep too; did you know that?"

"I didn't used to."

"You do now. Well, last night you didn't." I rolled toward her enough to face her and wrap both arms around her. I pulled her to me and I kissed her softly, which she returned with equally gentle, loving passion. "What was that for?" she whispered as I broke the long gentle kiss.

"Just because."

"Last night?"


"It was good sex, but why was last night different? We've had sex lots of nights now."

"Because last night we didn't have sex."

"Yes we did."

"No, we didn't. Last night was the first time you and I made love. There was passion, there was gentleness, there was caring and love. Last night was much different than anything we'd done so far. It felt good."

"It did, didn't it?" she whispered with a smile. "I kinda felt like maybe there was some hope for me, for us. Just when I was starting to think about maybe I wasn't something you'd throw away, I went and did something stupid with Eddie. I thought maybe I'd crossed that line with you again. But you didn't shy away. You showed me that it bothered you, but you didn't shy away. You made me feel like there was some hope. I've never let myself be hopeful, well, not in a lot of years. I gave it up a long time ago. But yesterday, I could feel it stir in me. Is there? Hope for us I mean?"

"I'll admit. I was pretty put off by what you did with Eddie. I told you I wouldn't judge you until after this was all over, but for a while last night, I thought you were going to end up in the dumpster with Donna. But then, after the way you felt to me last night? I think there is, as long as we can avoid more Eddie's. I do have a question though. At the dance, you took off all your clothes. Why?"

"You didn't like it?"

"We're not talking about what I liked," I whispered. "I'm asking why you did it."

She thought for long seconds. "I took my top off to be playful. I wanted you to be able to see my tits. As I was dancing a saw a lot of guys enjoying the view. It made me all tingly inside, so I stopped fixing my dress, just to see what it felt like if it fell down accidently."


"God it turned me on so much. I felt like everyone could see my pussy leaking down my legs as I danced up there. But the funny thing was, I wasn't really looking at them. I was looking at you. I wanted to turn you on and I wanted to walk over and have you take me, right there. Just bend me over one of the benches and take me right in front of everyone."

"Was it me? Or just because I was a guy?" I asked quietly.

"To be honest, it was just you I wanted in me. It was your cock I wanted to feel, your cum I wanted pumping into me. It turned me on to dance for those other guys, but it was you I wanted to touch me." I nodded quietly and kissed her nose. "Is it okay? That it turned me on dancing for them?"

"I told you. You do what feels good for you and we'll worry about what I think later."

"It is later, at least for me. Last night, I wanted you to, well, I wanted it to be alright with you. I wanted you to be as excited for me as being naked up there made me excited for you. I know now how much me having sex with other guys bothers you."

"As far as I'm concerned, we don't need to have sex with other people."

"No. I want you to feel like you can. Have sex with other women I mean. I don't want you to feel like just because I have feelings for you that all of a sudden you need to stop exploring. Hell, there are so many ways of having sex, so many places and methods and, well, you should be able to enjoy all of it."


She looked at me for a long time. I could see her eyes look away and then force herself to look back at mine. It was as if she didn't want to answer, but the longer I held her to me, the more she felt like she had to. "I've had sex with so many men. Almost all of them against my will. I was forced to do it, and I was forced to pretend I was enjoying it. After a while it was easier to just try and enjoy it than to pretend, so I did. I didn't get to choose who or when or even how most of the time, but I learned to enjoy it, in a way at least. It was just sex. I mean, it wasn't anything like when we're having sex. When I have sex with you, you care about how I feel, you care about making it good for me. They didn't. It was always me making it good for them. I don't want you to feel like I used to. I don't want you to feel like you have to make it good for me. Sometimes you should just have sex with someone because it might be fun and feel good for you, and I know, that any time we have sex, it'll be more about me, to you, than about you. If you have sex with someone that you aren't emotionally invested in, you can just let go and enjoy how it feels without worrying about how it feels for her."

"Like all those guys did to you?"

She shrugged a little. "Yeah, sorta."

I hugged her to me tightly for a few moments and then gave her a soft kiss. "I appreciate that you want me to be able to just have fun. But won't it hurt your feelings? Like it hurts mine to see you having sex with another guy?"

"Not really. Sex, it doesn't always have to be about making love. Sometimes it's just for fun, like playing a game. It hurts you for me to have sex with another guy because you can't separate the emotion from the act. To you, if he's having sex with me, there's an emotional attachment. I think it's kinda nice to have a guy care that much about me. I don't need to have sex with other guys. I've had my share of different guys, and to be honest, you do a really good job of keeping it interesting. So, you have sex with women you want to, just let me know if it becomes a problem where you get emotionally attached to someone else. I'm just starting to like feeling like maybe there's a light at the end of this tunnel and I don't want to get too focused on it if it's going to fall apart."

"And you expect it to?"

"Until last night? Yeah. Now? I'm beginning to wonder if maybe there is a chance. I like the idea. I like how it feels inside, looking at you, knowing that if I close my eyes, you'll still be there."

I kissed her again and then suggested we take a shower and go have breakfast. We didn't bother making love in the shower, for both of us cuddling and touching and washing each other was enough. I dressed in the tiny little bikini underwear she wanted me to wear, and a pair of shorts. She picked a t-shirt for me to wear and then dressed herself, wearing a pair of tight little micro shorts and a satin tank top. She didn't bother with either underwear or a bra, telling me that she wanted to tease me and she kinda liked the attention she got when she dressed like that. Since I'd told her to do what felt good to her, I couldn't exactly argue. I'd either get used to it or, well, worry about it later.

We went to have breakfast, and as expected Liz drew quite a bit of attention in her shirt, her dark areola slightly visible through the thin, cream-colored material, and after a few minutes the obviousness of her hardened nipples. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that she really enjoyed the attention. Nancy was never quite that way. She tended to be much more reserved, saving showing her special parts for me only. But given what a lot of women those days wore, I suspect a lot of them loved the attention their attire brought them. I wondered if they got turned on like Liz and just didn't admit it? As long as she wasn't inviting them to touch, I guess it really wasn't the worst thing, was it?

After breakfast we drove back to our bungalow, and I suggested we go for a walk on the beach. There were a number of clusters of the little over-water bungalows, each one consisting of four little bungalows on a common boardwalk. These were spaced out along the protected shoreline the reef created. Once we'd walked past that, the open ocean waves rolled onto the white sand shoreline we were walking in. Once we were past the protected bay, there was little along the shoreline to indicate that the island was even populated, except for a few little cabana-type shelters near or in the tree line. Liz convinced me to walk with her naked, and we took our clothes off and held them as we walked nude along the beach, hand in hand. I would have loved to do that with Nancy, but she would never have agreed. Much too public for her. I was almost surprised how comfortable it was with Liz.

We had walked almost down to the end of the island, the waves getting significantly higher since the island wasn't protecting the shoreline nearly as much. Liz took my clothes and tossed them up onto the shore far enough the waves wouldn't reach them, and then drew me out into the surf with her. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me to her, coaxing me to play with her butt while she kissed me. It wasn't long before the two of us were lying at the edge of the surf, the waves washing around us while I lay on top of her, plunging my hardon in and out of her. She moaned and cried out loudly in pleasure as I pumped myself in and out rhythmically. She looked exquisitely beautiful, lying below me, the foamy waves washing around us, her hair, no longer neatly brushed, but wet and tangled by the waves. Her tits rolled and moved on her chest as I slapped our bodies together, driving into her with abandon. The surf even drowned out the sounds of the island wildlife as I pounded into her, pushing her toward what was going to be a massive climax.

"OH FUCK YES!" Liz screamed into the air as her climax started to wash over her with the same intensity as the waves. "GOD MICHAEL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" she cried as she arched her back and pushed her pussy toward me, her body stiffening as her orgasm overtook her entire body. I wondered if she was squirting, the way her body was jerking and shaking, but couldn't really tell with the waves washing over our legs. What I knew was that her own orgasm was pushing mine over the edge as I continued to plunge into her with abandon.

"OH FUCK!" I grunted as my body jerked and jammed into her. I felt a surge of cum lance into her depths as my climax overtook me. She heard my grunt and reached for my neck, pulling me down against her. She let her arched back flatten to the sand, pulling me down onto her, aggressively kissing me as if it were the last kiss we would ever share. She held me, pulled me against her, her cheek against mine, her whole body shaking and trembling. It took me long seconds to realize that her climax had long since passed and the shaking I was feeling now was from her crying. I held her tightly, letting it pass, letting her emotions flow out of her. Slowly she stilled and we lay holding each other, neither of us saying anything for a long time. My cock had long since softened and slipped from her before she released my neck.

"I'm sorry," she whispered just loud enough for me to hear over the surf.

"For what?"

"For crying on you."

"Wanna tell me why?"

"Only you would ask such a stupid question," she said with a shake of her head and a small smile.

"Why is it a stupid question?"

"Because, I was crying because of you. Because of how you make me feel cared for and loved and because you're the only man that has ever treated me like this. I was crying because I have fallen so completely in love with you."

"And that's a reason to cry?"

"Can you think of a better reason?"

I just looked down at her and shook my head. No, I was never going to understand women. It didn't matter. She pulled my face to hers again and kissed me softly this time.

"So, you two done playing bunny rabbit in the waves?" I heard from the tree line. I looked up and Liz did her best to crane her neck around to see who was there. I saw Allissa standing at the edge of the trees, topless, unsurprisingly, wearing nothing but an absolutely tiny thong-type string bikini bottom. "I thought we were going to meet after breakfast. When you didn't show I figured you went for a walk or something."

"Um. Yeah. I guess," I mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed at being caught having fun in the surf.

"Alyssa? Cool. I thought we were going to meet you at the dock at nine?" Liz said as she pushed me until I rolled off of her, my shrunken dick now exposed, causing me to feel that embarrassment again.

"Uh huh. An hour ago."

"Oh shit. I'm sorry," Liz said, getting up and walking toward Alyssa. "It was my idea to go for a walk, I just didn't think it was that late."

"Well, I don't mind spending my morning off after what you did for that poor woman. But I hadn't planned on spending the whole day, not to mention they're calling for rain early afternoon."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Liz said again. "Michael? You going to come or not?"

"You wanna bring me my shorts?" I asked hopefully.

Liz looked at me sideways and shook her head. "Lover, she's already seen it, remember?" I sighed and pushed myself up, walking completely naked toward them.

"I have a cart up here," Alyssa said, turning and heading into a little path through the trees. "And don't worry. I'm not interested. I'm not into cocks!" she called over her shoulder.

I picked up my shorts and stepped into them before picking up the rest of our clothes. Liz started to put her shorts and top on while we were driving back, but Alyssa handed her a tiny little bikini instead. Liz put it on but it barely covered her important parts, and her big tits kept bouncing out of the tiny top. "Can you run a wave runner?" Alyssa asked over her shoulder as she raced down the little gravel road almost as fast as the little cart could travel.

"I suppose," I answered.

"Good. How about you run the one with our gear on it and I'll ride behind Liz."

"Where are we headed?"

She twisted to look back at me with a crooked little grin. "A quiet little island where you won't have to worry about that swim suit Liz kept trying to take off of you."

We arrived back at the dock we had left the day before. She gave us each life jackets and then led us down the dock to where to wave runners were floating, tied off to the dock. They were both fairly large ones, not like the little things I'd seen on the lakes around our house. No, these were certainly big enough to sit three or four people. One had a large gear bag strapped to the rear portion of the seat. "You wanna drive?" she asked Liz.

"I never have," Liz answered hesitantly.

"Trust me, nothing too it. Just climb on and I'll get on behind you. Michael, you can take that one. Try not to lose our stuff, okay?"

"Um. Yeah. Sure," I answered, hoping her irritation wore off before we went diving with her. I untied the wave runner and climbed on. It only took a moment for me to clip the shutoff to my life jacket and start the engine up. By then she was settled behind Liz, who was trying to start the engine. Alyssa reached around Liz and clipped the safety in place and then slid her hand down to Liz's thigh. Liz got the craft started and Alyssa leaned against her to tell her where to steer.

I took off and followed them. While it took almost half an hour to reach the dive point in the deck boat, on the two wave runners we raced past the anchor buoy in only a few short minutes, and then Liz made a long curving turn to head out to sea. I followed, wondering how far we were going to run.

There was a light ocean swell, the long, rolling waves maybe two or three feet high. They seemed higher than that as we launched over the top of each one, the heavy wave runners slapping down on the downward slope of each wave. After the first dozen or so, it became fun, at least for me, and Liz picked up speed. I figured we had to be going at least forty or so miles an hour over the waves, bouncing and bounding over them. In the distance I could see a few palm trees and then as we grew closer, I realized there was indeed an island ahead of us. The other thing I noticed was that the waves were getting significantly taller, a few even having little whitecaps on the top. The closer we got to the little island the rougher the waves became, until we were running much slower, the waves breaking almost over the nose of the wave runners with each one we crested. I looked ahead and all I saw was rough water, but Liz suddenly angled off to one side of the rough water and after bounding over a few somewhat smaller waves, we found ourselves in the lee of the island on relatively calmer water.

I was following behind them by about a hundred feet or so, and slowed down as we approached the sandy beach she was headed for. They drove up slightly onto the sand and sat there. I wondered what they were doing, still sitting on the craft. I pulled in next to them, and then realized why they were still sitting there.

Liz had her life jacket unbuckled, her big soft tits sticking out the front as she leaned toward the handlebars. Her brightly colored bikini bottom was also missing, and Alyssa had one hand between Liz's thighs.

"Oh fuck yes," Liz moaned at something Alyssa said. Liz stood up and leaned forward over the handlebars, her bare ass pushing out toward Alyssa's face. I sat there, only a couple feet from her, watching Alyssa push her face between Liz's legs, licking her wet pussy and trying to stick her tongue between her lips. Liz worked the life jacket off, leaving her completely naked, standing over the seat and leaning over the handlebars, Alyssa's tongue dipping and stroking between her obviously turned-on pussy lips. I guessed Alyssa had been playing with Liz's pussy on the way out, which explained Alyssa's comment before we left the beach. It wasn't me she was looking at on the boat, it was Liz. I chuckled at myself for being so oblivious.

"I'll get the gear off while you finish," I said as I climbed off. It only took a few moments to unstrap the heavy plastic-coated bag and move it to the shore. I pulled off my life jacket and then stepped out of my shorts, my hard-on poking out as I watched Liz get her pussy licked. I was surprisingly more turned on than anything else. I guess my male mind didn't see this as a threat, and so I didn't mind. In fact, I found myself standing there, stroking my cock, wishing I could join in.

Liz moaned louder and bent over the handlebars further, her hips resting against them and her hands on the hood of the wave runner. She leaned over so far that her tits almost touched the plastic hood as Alyssa lifted and spread her legs, opening her pussy lips to her tongue even further. "OH MY GOD YES!" Liz cried out as her whole body began to tremble. She lowered her head until her forehead touched the hood, her whole body shaking as Alyssa assaulted her clit with her tongue.

"Oh god. Ohhhhh stop. Please stop," Liz moaned, pushing herself up and pushing her ass back at Alyssa.

"If you insist," Alyssa said, wiping Liz's juices off her face with one hand. She slid back on the seat and swung her leg over to climb off as Liz pushed back and sat down heavily on the seat.

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