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Five O Pt. 02.5

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Back at Casa Caprano. We meet Gladys Murdock & Carmella too.
11.2k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/03/2020
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Back at Casa Caprano. We meet Gladys Murdock and Carmella too.

I changed the Rosso's name to Russo. I apologize for any grammar errors I've made; auto-corrects I've missed; and any continuity breaches you might find. Of course, I'd love if you read the whole series but if you haven't, that's Okay. You'll get it. I'm happy you stopped on this story.

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Five O -pt 2.5

The mood was somber on their way home from The Russo's. Francine was navigating the S.S. Caprano through the neighborhood canals. This barge was a black 2014 Cadillac CTS V. Tony always pointed out he bought it in 2014; he never added that it was a salesman's demo with fifteen thousand miles.

Tony was thinking about the aftertaste of semen in his mouth wondering if it was Louis's or his own. Francine drove in silence. He knew her brooding usually forecast a storm.

'I know it's old and she wants me to sell it.' he thought. 'She wants a new Mercedes or a Beemer, of course. In its day this baby was the most powerful production sedan made. Including both those Euros. The trunk's big enough to haul a baby elephant and it still has good giddy-up.'

Tony loved his Caddy. 2014 was the last year for this model. It had a 6 liter V-8 putting out 550 HP. He knew better than to get it in red with a the manual transmission would have been pushing it. It was a late mid-life crisis car for Tony when he bought it and now, while he might not think of it this way, It was a bastion to his eroding masculinity, a rolling man-cave.

"Fran?" no answer. Fran? A little louder; still no answer.



"Think we should trade the mini-van in for something you'd enjoy driving more?"

"And why would we do that, Anthony? You know I don't like driving this thing. We should trade this behemoth in for that car I've wanted?"

"Never mind, Hun."

While Tony thought about his car Francine thought about The Caprano Way and where it all started. It was in the first year of her marriage when Tony's mother, Angelina taught her about Maternal Discipline.

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It all began the first time she had taken her husband to his mother's house after another of his contrary fits. It was at Angelina's advice after Francine called her in tears about Anthony's tantrums.

"I don't know what to do, Angelina. He won't do anything I ask and I'f I call him on it he flies off the handle. It's awful. Sometimes I think he's acting like this just to make me mad."

"I know exactly what the problem is. You bring him right over to me the next time this happens." Angelina had told her. And that is what Francine did.

As soon as they had entered the front door on that fitful day Angelina took her son by the ear and led him into the living room.

"Strip." was all she said. And strip he did. No hesitance. No protest. He just hung his head and undressed. Francine had seen her husband naked many times but something about this setting with him contritely removing all his clothes at his mother's command, and in front of the two of them was unusually potent. As he removed his clothing he folded it neatly and put it aside.

Angelina told Francine, "The only way to turn a good husband into a great one is to strip him bare and spank him on his bare behind when he acts like that. But spank him till he cries and not wet eyes or alligator tears. I'm talking about all out balling. And when you think he's had enough that's when you give him ten more. Make him count them out load, and say he's sorry after each wack. This is something he has to remember."

When he was naked Angelina had him bring over the sturdy armless side-chair that sat against the wall. This chair never seemed to her to have any significant purpose in the room other than another decoration in the old Italian woman's interior design scheme, but now it was like a Disney character with a knowing smirk. She sat down and beckoned her son over her lap.

"You knew it would eventually come to this didn't you, Antonio? It's time for Francine to learn about the Caprano Way. You see, dear the Caprano wives have a strict code of obedience which we expect our husbands to follow. Grandmother Caprano spanked her boys from when they were tots until they grew up and got married. Then she taught us how to take over.

Francine wondered about Silvio the youngest brother who never married.

She didn't say anything and watched her mother-in-law pat Anthony's naked behind.

"She taught each of her daughters and every new wife the Caprano Code. And now I'm entrusted with that responsibility."

Francine was delighted to see her disobedient husband in this humiliating position, naked over his domineering mother's lap. But in all her frustration and anger with Anthony she didn't understand why his submission to his mother titillated her so. Her nerves were jiggling and her nipples tingling. On some instinctual level, she knew this submission in her man felt heady and right. So right.

'Things are going to be different from now on,' she smirked.

Angelina began spanking Antonio's Bare naked ass cheeks with a steady series of resounding slaps. At first he squirmed and made little noises. Angelina kept it up. Francine couldn't believe how hard and steady she spanked him. He was panting and flinching at each blow. He twisted and sobbed until his mother placed her leg over the backs of his knees and went on with renewed vigor. Antonio flailed and yelped and sobbed.

'Oh dear God, Is this ever going to end?' She was worried he might have a heart attack.

His Mother spanked him until he stopped struggling. When Antonio was slumped over her lap sobbing, reigned into submission the blows continued on. Francine had to place her hand over her mouth to keep from telling her mother-in-law to stop. But as empathetic as she felt for her husband's plight she also felt her panties dampen at this spectacle of dominance over her big strong man. As she watched, Angelina gave him his final ten. Anthony counted out load and apologized after each one. Her husband's bare cheeks went from pink to red to a deeper crimson. Finally, as abruptly as it began, his spanking stopped with no fanfare. She patted him gently and told him to get up.

"Go stand in your corner and think about what you did to upset your wife. And, Antonio, you better hope she won't have to bring you back here to me." She nodded at Francine then said, "Except for a tune-up from time to time."

As Tony's sniffles subsided so did the rush Francine was experiencing. She mouthed a silent 'Wow' to the grinning Angelina. This Caprano Way was a tradition she would honor and carry forward.

"What happened to Silvio," Francine asked.

"Gran appointed Carmella as Silvio's guardian and taught her how to keep him in line just like she taught the rest of us. Since they were both single she thought it was an obvious choice. That was over a decade ago and neither has married since so it all worked out well."

Francine realized this was probably the cause of the odd tension she sensed in that sibling relationship. She felt it in family gatherings. They never sat next to each other holiday tables but she always thought she sensed something in the air between them.

"Isn't that a bit incestuous?" She asked her Mother in law."

"Nonsense, Franny dear, We are Italian woman and keeping our men in line has no boundaries outside of La Famiglia.

Francine would make it a point to observe them more carefully; she would even try poke this subject with Carmella soon. The two women were sitting in her '50s style kitchen sipping tea as Angelina elaborated on the tradition with tales of other wives in the family and the manner in which they all kept their husbands on the straight path.

"She taught each of her daughters and every new wife the Caprano Code and every one of us has honored that rule and our husbands accept it and behave accordingly. Of course, beside the punishments, there is maintenance." Francine's expression prompted her to go on.

"The men need to be reminded of their wives' superiority. And according to Gran, that was best accomplished by weekly maintenance spankings. Even if they behaved they would get their weekly maintenance. Weekends are nice; the leisure time made it all feel more like ... a ritual. They knew a maintenance spanking was coming and they'd worry about it all week.

When there was an incident of disobedience or bad behavior, that would call for a punishment, usually right then and there. Gran taught us all this and I'm ever grateful she did."

Francine was feeling grateful too. This was truly a revelation.

"Want to know something interesting, Francine?"

Francine raised her eyebrows and Angelina went on in a conspiratorial whisper.

"Every one of our husbands likes it. I know this from Anthony and from chats with the other women. The men like it. They get to expect it and wait for it to happen. They don't admit it but they all want this. Not the like the stinging pain of a traditional bare bottom spanking—some of the other methods we use are even worse—but because they like maternal guidance."

"I guess so," Francine said. They got the ground rules smacked into their behinds when they were younger so ..."

"They're all Mamma's boys at heart. They learned the benefits of being held accountable. There's always a transition period after they get married and before their wives learn about this. But once they are back under a woman's control they feel a the relieved of the burden of trying to second guess us. They always know where they stand. We tell them exactly what pleases us and they give us that. They obey."

Francine was in awe. She kept stealing glances at her husband who was quietly standing in the corner. It made her nipples tight again.

"Some nights while we're sitting on the couch and watching TV my Anthony will come and lay over my lap. I'll pull down his sweatpants or Pjs and start rubbing his cheeks. It won't be long before he's subtly writhing and pressing himself into my lap and I know what he wants. You'll see, Dear."

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The Caprano Way A Great Husband's 7 Rules of Conduct.

(How to turn a good husband into a great one)

1- Above all, always obey your wife. (Full Stop!)

2- Deposit all moneys into your combined house account.

(Never withdraw from the house account without permission)

3- Attend to all of your wife's personal needs. (M,N&N <— 247)

(This includes household chores. (see 'Honey You Better Do It' list))

4- Submit to all corrections, punishments, and maintenance sessions willingly.

(Confessed digressions are dealt with more leniently than discovered ones.)

5- Always follow the rules of CFNM as set by your wife.

(Wherever/whenever as requested by your wife.)

6- Your sexual release is always (and only) with the permission of your wife.

7- You will always eat your own cum as stipulated by your wife.

(regardless of where from)

Substitute Spouse for wife if needed (preferred pronouns too). I couldn't figure them out.

This list, written by Francine, was based on her mother-in-law, Angelina's advice to her and the other wives in those early days of her marriage.

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Casa Caprano

Normally when his wife was displeased and had reached her limit she would punish him right then and there; sometimes even in front of family or friends.

Other times Francine would apprise him for his misbehavior a day or two later. During the waiting period he could usually tell something was on her mind and a spanking was imminent. She would often wait till the weekend. Saturday was a favorite day. She would torment him till the afternoon then give him his order to strip and bring "that chair" to the center of the living room.

When she was feeling particularly righteous, she would have him place the chair in the bay window in front of their house. Occasionally she would see someone walking very slowly, rubber necking; sometimes she'd see the same person come by a few minutes later from the other direction. Even if no-one was walking by Francine would keep up the tease anyway. Antonio couldn't see because she had him facing ass-out towards the street. She'd tell him him particular people were walking by and watching.

"Here comes Betty from next door. She likes to come home from Uni on weekends. Aren't you ashamed that this pretty, young woman might see you, a grown man, getting a bare-ass spanking from his fully clothed wife? I hear those college girls have CFNM parties. I bet she'd love to come over and watch."

"Oh Antonio, here comes Old Lady Murdock from down the street again. She must have a second sense for when she can get a look at your bare ass. By the number of times she's come by while you're over my lap I'd say it won't be long before she's knocking on the door. Well, would you look at this; that brazen woman has stopped and she's leering over the picket fence watching. The old biddy is grinning at me. That reminds me put 'paint picket fence' on your To Do."

If anyone did come to the door she would make him stand in his corner which was directly visible from their front door. The surprised visitor would gawk over Francine's shoulder at the half-naked grown man standing behind her with his Maraschino-cherry ass cheeks bared and his nose buried in the corner. Francine would talk to them as if everything was normal.

Sometimes she'd even make him answer the door naked as she had done when Marge rang that first time. Francine had him answer the door naked from the waist down. Marge's giggle told Francine that their FedEx delivery gal wasn't appalled by the sight of her naked husband.

"Well, Marge, you're just in time. This is what Antonio gets when he disobeys me. So, if you're interested in watching you are welcome to come in."

Never shy about seeing a man with his pants off and especially one with a cock the size of Tony's she was quick to respond.

"If your husband doesn't mind I think this is something I definitely need to see."

"Oh never mind him. He doesn't have any say in the matter. That's right; didn't you just get married? Then this is something you'll definitely want to watch.

Marge just about stumbled through the door. As a newly married thirty-something, she wasn't going to miss this lesson for the world. Sensing her interest Francine told her all about her methods for keeping her husband obedient. Antonio was mortified. This was the first time she spanked him in the presence of a stranger. But his embarrassment didn't keep him from leering at the young woman's shapely legs in her tailored brown shorts.

'Ahhh... the first sign of Spring,' Tony thought, 'The UPS lady breaks out her shorts.'

thwack, Thwack, THWACK! Francine laid into Tony's ass with her Bubinga paddle. Marge gritted her teeth in a smile.

That Bubinga paddle was one of several Tony had made for his wife at his workbench in the basement. He had cut out the shape with his small band saw, planed it by hand to a subtle taper, rasped and filed it to its final form. He sanded it through to the finest grit paper, raised the grain and then sanded it again. He liked rubbed-out lacquer for a final finish. Oiled wood was heavier and thudded against his behind, producing a deeper, aching pain. Some people liked that but he preferred the sharp sting and thwack of harder finishes.

This paddle was a particularly nice one with a four by eight inch spatula head and a longer handle with an enlarged knock at the end. There was a wrist strap threaded through a nicely finished hole. Francine never used it that way but the paddles looked good hanging from their leather loops on the wall in their play den.

Tony had also made the bench that sat in their foyer. It looked like an ordinary bench. But once you noticed the details; or if they were pointed out to you, as Francine liked to do for her more curious friends, there would be no missing its purpose built design. And then there it would sit right there in the foyer. Dinner parties were fun when it would come up in conversation or watching people try to ignore this symbol of Francine's dominance over Tony and his willing submission.

THWACK! Thwack, thwack. Francine's paddling wound down and she patted his glowing behind.

"Off to your corner, Antonio. Marge, it's important to have them stew over their bad behavior after their comeuppance. If this was instructive, you're welcome to come back."

Marge always check that big bay window when she drove by in her brown delivery ruck.

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Other times when Francine was shocked by something Antonio would say or do she would punish him right there and then. One eventful Thanksgiving as everyone was enjoying dessert and coffee Francine thought Anthony had had enough alcohol. He had his Cribari Chianti with dinner and now he sat there cracking walnuts and doing shots of Old Overholt Rye. He wasn't really drunk but he had been making wise cracks to her and her sisters all afternoon.

Francine might have had a bit more than usual and was feeling testy. So when she told Anthony he'd had enough and better lay off the drinking, he offhandedly told her to mind her own business. That brought a Woo and tittering from the family, but it was like a red cape to an already irritated bull. Coincidentally, Tony had worn his traditional red, holiday shirt that day.

"Antonio, I've had enough out of you. In the den, this minute!" she snapped.

Tony looked at her with a blank stare and asked, "Why?" which only infuriated her more.

"You know why and you know exactly what's going to happen. You've been drinking and sassing me and my sisters all evening and I'm fed up. Get going, Mister."

When he didn't move promptly she added, "Now! And find an appropriate chair and wait for me in there." He frowned at her talking to him like this.

"And remove your pants when you get in there."

This brought knowing smirks from the women and silence from their husbands who all had their own experiences. When Francine was good and ready she patted her lips with her cloth napkin, excused herself and slid back from her seat at the table.

In the den, Tony had placed the chair out of sight of the door knowing his wife would probably leave the door to the dining room wide open, but she didn't.

As she closed the door she said, "I'm going to spank you so hard they'll all hear the every bit of what my disobedient husband get. Right through the wall!"

And they did; they could here her raised voice already.

"Take your panties off and for god's sake your shoes too. Keep those socks on."

Francine didn't have any of her hand-made paddles but she was an excellent, traditional OTK spanker. Her hands were well conditioned to the task. She clamped him with her left arm around his bare midriff and locked his legs with her thigh across the back of his knees. She shifted him forward, his toes on the soft carpet, heels up, and his ass perfectly shifted into positioned.

'Oh my God,' Tony thought, 'she really is angry. This is going to hurt.'

Tony liked when she would spank him over her knee with her sitting in a hard chair or, better yet, on the side of the bed with his left leg in a lock and his right splayed open. She would adjust him so his thick cock and big meatballs were fully exposed over her thigh. She'd pause her spanking to rub his ass and pull and stretch his horse dick and big shaved balls. Then she'd spank his cock against the inside of his own thigh. She'd fondle him and then resume her hard bare-handed slaps on his buttocks.

Holidays were usually pleasant but not this Thanksgiving. There would be no afternoon television in this den. The men chose football over the sounds of Tony's beating. They went downstairs to the family room grumbling because the TV down there was older. The women weren't going anywhere; they stayed at the table and enjoyed listening to one of their husbands get it good. They wondered, since the men were downstairs and Francine was so angry, if she would bring him out without his pants on and in that silly red shirt.

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