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Flying Solo

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A scat video phenom racks up the views.
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Note: This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone real is entirely coincidental.

Margaret (last name withheld) was just having fun at a party, very dirty fun at a very dirty party for sure (it was a scat party), as was her usual wont, enjoying herself immensely with her husband and a few close friends, when someone made the suggestion. "You have a camera and skill in using it, you have the time, you have the right facilities, and you certainly have the love for it. You should just do it!" She didn't think much of it at first, but gradually the idea took hold. It would suit her and, indeed, would be fun. She discussed it with her husband and he was behind her 100%. Today, though she would be the first to downplay the notion, she is a leading light in the small niche of the entertainment world she occupies. Margaret, better known in these quarters by her screen name Margoscat, is an adult film actress specializing in producing and performing in solo scat videos.

Margo, twenty-something years old, blonde, and beautiful, is a star, no question about it. In her field of endeavor she is at the top of her game, idolized and adored by a legion of fans and admirers. (Perhaps "legion" is a misnomer, implying a great number; "a small bevy" may be more appropriate. Percentage-wise, however, she has as many devoted followers as the Taylor Swifts and Cristiano Ronaldos of the world.) She has been engaged in her chosen line of work for a relatively short time, just over a year. To say she absolutely loves it might be putting it too mildly: she is totally dedicated to it. Think of Julia Child in relation to cooking, the Williams sisters to tennis, or Steve Jobs to the i-phone, and you will have a perfect picture of her. For Margo and the scat fetish are closer than "the ivy to the wall is," to quote songwriter Lorenz Hart. Hardly anything gives her more pleasure and satisfaction than when engaged in a scat performance before the camera.

Her latest video is fairly typical of all her earlier ones, except for one significant addition, though as with most things that are refined by practice and repetition, better than them. The genre presents numerous difficulties for the aspiring artist: there is never much of a storyline to deal with and develop, most scat performances consisting of a typical and rarely alternating series of incidents (defecate, smell, spread, and taste), with some artists changing the order or eliminating one aspect or another, tasting, perhaps, or even spreading. And being a one-woman show dispenses with much of the intriguing character development that might occur in other formats.

No, what sets Margo apart from many others in her field is her exuberance, the sheer joy she exhibits as she proceeds through each stage of her performance. In addition to that, she has a natural and uncanny ability to interact with her audience, to make them feel they are right there with her rather than viewing her through a phone or computer screen. It is true she leaves nothing to the imagination, though that could be said of many other porn actresses, but it's the way she communicates directly with her viewers, engaging them with what she is thinking and feeling that captivates them so. ("I want to be right there with her eating her shit off her pussy," commented one viewer; "Marry me, Margo. I'll be your toilet forever!" wrote another, either not aware that she already is married or not caring.) Even her asides, and she is not afraid to go off tangent in the middle of a performance, only makes her audience feel as if they are right with her participating. She makes it all so real and compelling.

To illustrate how Margo has achieved the level of success she has, the rest of this report will attempt to describe in detail one of her scat videos, her latest. Hopefully, the description, scene by scene, will help demonstrate exactly what has her audience so enthralled with her. It could never substitute for seeing the actual video, which is readily available if one knows where to look, which is not always evident, but should give an accurate picture of what it is that has scat video connoisseurs all so excited. Margo was delighted by the proposal and gave her full consent. ("The free advertising will be great," she joked.)

The opening scene begins with a fade-in showing Margo sitting on the floor staring directly into the camera. She has medium-blonde, shoulder-length layered hair and light-brown eyes, and is smiling broadly. Because she is sitting with her legs tucked under her, it's hard to judge her height exactly, but seems to be about average. Even though she is wearing denim cutoffs and a T-shirt, her gorgeous, petite, hourglass figure is immediately noticeable. She is sitting in front of a three-shelf bookcase, behind which is a light-blue wall on which hangs a large framed painting of a woodsy outdoor scene. To the right is a picture window, half of one, anyway, that looks out to a farm scene. The bookcase has a few rows of books on it as well as some knick-knacks, but more prominently displayed are several dildos, anal beads, enema bulbs, and a few other objects, the tools of her trade.

"Hello, everybody," she says with a radiant smile. "I hope everyone is healthy and happy and having a great day. This is my seventh video and I'm so glad you are able to join me. It's a beautiful day here on the farm," and she aims a brief glance at the picture window as if to prove her point, "and I've been looking forward to making this video for you-all for a long time now." Her voice is clear and somewhat lilting, very pleasant and enthusiastic. Her smile rarely leaves her. "I've been having to poop all morning, it's early afternoon now, and I don't think I can hold it too much longer. It feels like a huge load in there. I hope so, because that's what we all like to see, isn't it?" She gives a sexy little laugh after saying this, and then adds, "I should probably get myself ready."

She lifts her T-shirt over her head and throws it to the side exposing her beautifully rounded tits, her nipples hard and luscious, and then she gets to her knees, unbuttons the cutoffs, pulls them down to her knees before sitting again and slides them off her legs to join the tee off to the side. She is completely naked now. Her figure is stunning, taut yet soft, like a swimmer's or runner's. She has a small tuft of light-brown pubic hair, and her skin is smooth and uniformly tanned from being outdoors a lot on the farm. Much of her time outdoors must be spent naked, because tan lines are non-existent.

She is sitting on a green blanket, with a large white cloth pad placed just in front of her on the blanket, her legs opened wide. With one hand she touches her breasts and then moves down to her pussy, stroking it and moaning slightly. She makes a very minor adjustment to the camera and turns around, getting into a kneeling position. With the camera pointed directly at her ass, she begins kneading it, rubbing her fingers through her crack, pulling her cheeks wide apart. She shows her delightful rosebud of an asshole to everyone and fingers it repeatedly. She wets her two middle fingers in her mouth and inserts them up her ass. She fucks her asshole with her fingers deeply, removing them several times to wet them again in her mouth.

Looking over her shoulder to the camera, she says, "I love fingering my asshole like this, though I'd rather it be your fingers fucking me, even better if it were your tongue licking it and pushing inside me." She audibly sighs several times, obviously enjoying the pleasure she's giving herself.

"Ooh, I can feel it beginning to slide down," she announces and then strains a bit, and a dark-brown turd emerges from her ass and onto the pad. It's long and solid though wet, and crackles slightly as it exits her sphincter and falls to the pad with a clunk. She moans a bit, and smiles broadly, and soon another log flows out and joins the first one. She begins to pee and after several seconds, more shit in the form of smaller pieces glides out piling on top of what is already there. It's quite a substantial heap when she is finally finished.

"Wow!" she says after sitting down again facing the camera, her eyes shining as they alternate from looking at the shit to the camera. "Look at all that poop! I knew I had a lot, I could feel it all morning, but that could be the most I've ever made in all my videos!" She adjusts the camera again, pointing it down and in close-up mode at the mound of dark brown shit on the pad.

"It looks so soft and creamy, but still solid enough," she says. She pokes an index finger into it, burying it until her whole rose-colored nail is submerged.

"Mmm, that feels so creamy! I'm going to love smearing that poop all over my body." Her index finger is joined by other fingers as they start sifting through the pile, gently pulping the shit between her fingers, as if sifting for something precious.

"You can see some of what I ate yesterday. Here's some corn and this little bit of green must be the asparagus or zucchini I had; we had lots of peas for dinner as well last night. This is a farm, don't forget, so we eat lots of veggies here." She keeps mushing her fingers around in the poop until they are all covered. Then she brings them up to her nose and sniffs deeply.

"I love the way shit smells and can't ever get enough of it," she utters softly. "Mmmm!" She half-closes her eyes as in ecstasy and continues to sniff her fingers. Then she lowers them and looks mischievously at the camera and says, "I need more of that smell," and picks up a chunk off the pile, almost a handful, and brings it up to her nose. Again she sniffs deeply, her eyes closing completely this time. After a while she opens them again and says, "I can't remember a time I didn't love that smell, the wonderful smell of poop. Especially my poop, I can always tell it's mine, too; it might be stinkier sometimes but stinky or just the usual, I can always tell it's mine."

Holding her hand at chin level so she can still smell it easily, but not covering her mouth to the camera, she says to her audience, "I bet you guys can, too. Here's a little experiment for you. Get some friends to help you out" she laughs sexily after saying this before continuing, "and then each of you take a shit on a plate, a paper plate is fine, though a real one is sexier. Make sure you're blindfolded so you can't see it. Have someone mix the plates around and then, just using your nose, pick out the plate with your shit on it. I'll bet everyone picks the right plate with their poop on it." She laughs again and then says, "I'm so sure of it that if I'm wrong, I'm gonna wish I was there so I could personally take that person's shit off the plate and stuff it in my own mouth... like this." She takes the handful she was holding and puts it in her mouth, about half of it, resting it on her tongue with part of it sticking out of her bright red lips. She moves it around her mouth with her tongue before dropping it out back into her hand again. She sticks her tongue out and dribbles a stream of brown saliva onto the pad.

"Will your shit taste as good as mine just did?" she asks, bending down slightly and looking closely into the camera, showing off her shit-covered lips and chin. "I hope so. Maybe if it does I'll swallow it right down! But that's only if I lose the bet. And I'm sorry, but I won't." She looks down at the shit in her hand and picks out a small piece with the thumb and index finger of her other hand.

"I think I'll taste some more," she announces gleefully and wipes the poop off her fingers onto her tongue, displaying it prominently for the camera. She chews it and swooshes it around her mouth before drooling it out on the pad. She sticks her tongue out again and it is very brown now. There are also a few wayward streaks of shit on her cheeks and chin that make her look innocently sweet and cute and oh so sexy.

Somewhat sounding like a respected advisor, she says, "Just because I won the bet and won't be putting your shit in my mouth doesn't mean you shouldn't. After everyone sniffs and identifies their own shit, go ahead and eat some of it. In fact, share one another's poop, everyone should fill their mouth with someone else's shit off the plates. Yes, definitely do that, time to be daring and brave. Fuck it! Taste it, you will probably enjoy it, even if it's your first time."

Perhaps realizing what she's saying may be too beyond the pale for some of her viewers, she seems suddenly inspired to go in a direction she hadn't originally planned. She puts her face close to the camera and makes a slight adjustment to it. "Let me show you how to go about it. Take a little bit of it, a fingertip amount like this"... and she scoops up some from the pile on her own index finger... "and wipe it on your tongue." She sticks her tongue out and spreads the glob of poop on the tip of her tongue, keeping her tongue stuck out for a few seconds before putting it in her mouth.

"You won't taste anything much," she begins saying, forgetting she has the poop in her mouth, and stops for a second to dribble it out. "You won't taste anything," she starts again, "until you put your tongue back in your mouth, and that's when your olfactory glands will kick in. Smell and taste are closely tied in together. But you guys are smart and know that already." She waits a few seconds for the compliment to register and then says, "It might taste bitter or even sweet, depending on your diets, but it's all a case of mind over matter. Keep it on your tongue or just behind your front teeth. Like this." She puts another piece of shit in her mouth, perhaps a little bit bigger than a good sized sugar cube, and duplicates what she just told everyone to do. She then dribbles it out on the pad in order to talk again.

"Next try a bigger piece and then a bigger one than that, and each time try to keep it in your mouth longer. Soon you'll get used to it. Try not to swallow is my advice, not at first, anyway, unless you just have to, your brain is insisting; then do it. Before you know it, with practice, you'll really love having it in your mouth, love the sexual power rush you'll feel. I know I love it, love having shit in my mouth to taste. Especially big handfuls like this." Margo takes the rest that was in her hand and smears it across her lips and then puts it in her mouth. She pushes it out partway with her tongue so that she can force it back in again with her hand. She puts all four of her fingers in her mouth, sucking on them. After doing this several times she drops the mouthful of poop back in her hand again. Her face, especially her mouth, chin, and lower half of her cheeks are now totally covered in shit.

"So fucking delicious," she moans. Then she gives a big smile toward the camera and seems to be congratulating herself. "Yes!" she utters, her white teeth a sexy contrast with the brown shit all around her mouth. "I can do that now without gagging, that used to make me gag so bad. You might gag, too, at first, but, like they say, practice makes perfect. My first video I gagged so much I had to delete it. I still don't like to swallow a lot because that will make me throw up later, which is not much fun. Maybe I'll have to learn how to enjoy puking, add that to my videos, we'll have to see." She smiles, though her eyes seem to indicate that isn't something she would relish doing. Time will tell.

"Okay," she suddenly says, reaching out to make another slight camera adjustment. "I'm sure I'll do lots more tasting before we're done here, but I've got to start getting this poop on my body, I'm dying to start smearing this shit all over me. Ready?" She rubs her hands together briefly while looking at the camera until both are slathered in shit and then brings them up to her tits and wipes them all over them, turning them a creamy dark brown. She moans and literally shivers as her hands coat her tits in shit. When her hands are empty, she reaches down to the pile on the pad and scoops up another healthy handful and continues spreading all over her tits and belly, up to her neck and down to her pussy and thighs. The shit is a perfect creamy consistency to cover her skin thoroughly, and she lays it on thickly.

"If only you knew how much I love how all this shit feels on my body," she declares in a near whisper, her eyes closing, her teeth biting her lower lip, "it's impossible to describe. All the words I can think of don't come close to getting what I'm fucking feeling right now. It's like my stomach is doing somersaults and my breathing coming on in spurts." She caresses herself deliberately and magnificently, grabbing more shit from the pile and spreading it on her arms and finally up to her face. She covers her face, chin and cheeks and forehead, and finally runs her fingers through her hair.

"Some scat performers hate getting shit in their hair," Margo proclaims to the camera, pausing her movements for a moment, "but I love it, the feel of it plastering my hair down to my scalp. It's so fucking wild." She suddenly stops and looks off to the side as if trying to locate something.

"I need a container of some kind," she says mainly to herself. "I know I have one here somewhere. Ah, there it is on the shelf." She reaches over and takes a glass bowl off the bookcase behind her and puts it on the floor in front of her pussy.

"I especially love putting shit in my hair when it's soaking wet. I think I'll just pee in this bowl here and pour it on my head and that ought to get it nice and drenched." She kneels again and puts the bowl under her and soon is pissing into it. When it is half full, she moves the bowl off to the side and puts her fingers into her flowing piss. When they're soaked, she tilts her head back and holds her fingers over her mouth, her pee dripping off her fingers into it.

"Mmmm, my pee tastes good, a little shitty from my fingers, but that's okay." She moves the bowl back in front of her and pisses a little bit more into it, filling it to about the three-quarters mark. "I drank gallons of water this morning so it's more clear than yellowy. I bet you guys love piss as much as you do shit like I do. Getting drenched in pee is such a turn on." She finishes peeing and sits down, adjusting the camera again so it focuses on her face, then puts the bowl to her lips. She takes two or three good swigs of it, smacking her lips for good effect, and then pours the rest of it slowly on her head into her hair. The pee runs through her hair and drips down her face and onto her shoulders, back, and tits. She smiles as the pee drips down her face, sticking her tongue out to catch some of it. When the bowl is empty, she puts it down and places her hands in her hair, making sure as much of it is sopping wet as possible.

Looking at the camera intently, Margo says, "That looks perfect and the poop should streak in there nicely." She giggles and lifts her head again to catch on her tongue some last drops making their way down her face. She puts more shit in her hands, wiping them together, showing them to the camera so her audience can see how goopy they are, and then combs them through her hair. Her fingers move through her hair streaking it completely in poop. When she finishes with it, she gathers up some stray pieces that have scattered around her body and smears them on her pussy, covering it. The front of her body, from the top of her head to her thighs, is now blanketed in shit.

"Do you like it?" she asks looking at the camera, as she leans back on her hands, thrusting the front of her body out into a sexy pose. "Does my body look good all covered in shit?" She holds the pose for a while and then says, "You guys want to see my ass, don't you, want to see me smear my ass all over with poop, huh?"

She then gets on her knees and turns around, pointing her still rather pristine ass to the camera. Her ass is gorgeous, athletic and sleek, not an ounce of fat on it, two perfect melon halves separated by her inviting yet mysterious crease, a dark musky passageway. Margo takes more poop and spreads it on her ass cheeks and into her crack, moaning as her fingers dive into her asshole. She rams fingers full of shit up her ass and then sighs as she shits it all out again into her hand.


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