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Forbidden Fruit


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The next day was Friday, and Roger embarked on a plan to acquire more data. However to get it he needed to behave in a very uncharacteristic manner: he was going to act like a detective.

He found a picture of Alan Sauerman in the school's yearbook (Kathy had a copy for every year she'd worked there), and he loitered outside the school at dismissal until Sauerman emerged, chatting casually with a couple of his friends. When Sauerman broke away from them and headed for his car Roger moved to catch up with him.

"Excuse me? Are you Alan Sauerman?"

The boy turned. "Yeah," he said pleasantly. "Can I help you?"

Watching his face carefully, Roger said in an urgent tone, "we need to talk. I'm Kathy Hallstrom's husband."

Alan froze, stiffly, and Roger noted the reaction.

"Uh, what, uh do we need to talk about?" Alan was clearly shocked and alarmed.

"It's kind of private. Can you drive us out to Edison Park, and we'll talk there?"

It was a quiet ride; Alan looked terrified, and asked no questions. When they got there and parked, Roger said, "let's take a walk." He led them a half mile down a trail to a deserted bench, where they sat.

"All right," Roger said quietly. "If you cooperate with me here, I promise you I'll keep this conversation completely confidential. I promise," he repeated.

"Otherwise, you are in a heap of trouble, Alan."

"What is this about?" Alan quavered, trying vainly to sound indignant.

"How long have you and my wife been having sex?" Roger asked.

"What?! That's...that's ridiculous!"

"Your face gives you away, Alan. Plus, I've seen the pictures," Roger lied.

"Pictures?" Alan was stunned, his face drained of color.

"Like I said, Alan—if you're straight with me, I'll keep this a secret. Just between you and me. But don't play games with me."

Roger waited. He almost felt sorry for the kid, who looked terrified and at his wits' end.

"Okay, Alan, tell me all about it. How long it's been going on, exactly what you do, how and when it started. I know most of it," he lied again, "so don't try to snow me. Just tell it straight."

Nearly in tears, Alan provided a complete account. He'd been meeting Kathy once a week for academic tutoring once a week since September. At first he had thought she was being a little flirtatious, but he didn't know what to do about it.

Then in late September he got an email from a friend a year ahead of him, telling Alan that if he made a pass at Kathy she'd have sex with him. The friend, now a freshman at Dartmouth, implied that he'd fucked her the previous year. He never came right out and said it, but hinted rather broadly.

The next week in Kathy's office Alan acted bolder: he looked down Kathy's blouse more obviously, complimented her legs, and sat so that his half-erection bulged at the front of his shorts. After ten minutes or so Kathy had put her book down, said, "do you like me, Alan?" and sat down in his lap. She'd kissed him and slipped him her tongue, and the rest followed predictably. She helped him get his and her clothes off, and they fucked on her desk.

Since then Alan had been fucking Kathy every week during his appointments, though they also used some of the time for studying—she told him he had to do well on his tests, or they might be found out. They did it on her desk, on the floor, and sometimes on a chair. She also gave him a firm lecture about total, complete discretion, pointing out the danger to both of them if they were caught. The threat of a scandal, plus the possibility of not getting to have sex with her any more, had kept Alan from breathing a word to anyone.

Roger sat quietly when Alan had finished. It was just what he'd expected—and worse than anything he could possibly imagine. Not only cheating on him, but with a high school kid! Probably more than one high-school kid, from the story about the Dartmouth freshman. How long had she been doing this? Could it really be almost six years? How many boys would that have been?

"Alan," he said finally. "Here's the deal. You forget we ever had this conversation, and your name stays out of it. Don't tell anyone that we talked—ESPECIALLY Kathy. You'll have to be a good actor, and just keep on doing what you've been doing. If she finds out that we spoke about this there's going to be a major scandal, got it? So you're gonna have to fake it."

Alan looked relieved but wary. "You mean I should...keep, you know, doing it with her?"

Roger nodded grimly. "Yes. She mustn't know that anything has changed. When it all hits the fan, we don't want her to have any idea that you talked to me, got it? And I've got to keep your name out of it.

"If you want to break it off, you can—just be sure to give her an excuse. You know, it's making you too nervous, you're afraid of being caught, etc. Don't say anything about me."

Alan nodded his head. The 18-year old looked about ten years older, and a good bit sadder and wiser, than when Roger had met him outside the high school.


What was Roger going to do? He'd done what he was good at: gathering data, analyzing it, and reaching a conclusion. Taking dramatic action in response to that conclusion was unfamiliar territory for him.

Keeping Kathy from realizing what he knew was the easy part. For weeks, as he'd done his data analysis and gotten closer to the truth, he'd been dissembling with her. He'd probably seemed a little more distant and preoccupied than usual; but he'd also been able to smile, to kiss her, even to make love from time to time, though the experience felt empty to him.

So he knew he didn't have to rush home and confront her. She'd been cheating for a long time—perhaps even five years or more. With a succession of high-school kids! The thought just rocked him. He was mostly feeling the shock, the mind-numbing awareness that the last few years of his marriage had been a complete lie, at least on his wife's part.

The anger, the desire to take his revenge, to make her pay for lying to him and humiliating him like this—with teenagers!—was surely going to come later.

But there was no need to hurry. He could work out in his own mind what he wanted, reflect on it, and wait to act until the time was right.




Kathy had finally stopped screaming, stopped pounding on the door; Roger heard her stomping down the stairs, and now it was quiet.

He smiled reassuringly at Melissa. "Today's the day! I promised you I'd do this, and now is the day it's gonna happen."

"And then you' free of her?" Melissa was calmer, but still looked worried. How beautiful she was!

"Completely free. In fact," Roger reached for his briefcase and pulled out an envelope, "here is what you and I are going to be doing for the next two weeks."

He handed the envelope to Melissa, who sat, fully-dressed again, on the edge of the bed. She opened it and looked warily at the papers inside, and then her eyes opened wide. "Hawaii?!"

She grabbed Roger and gave him a huge hug, nearly knocking him off the bed. "Oh my God, that's so fantastic!"

She kissed him several times, then pulled back. "I love you, Roger," she said quietly, a little nervously.

"I love you too, baby." He smiled once more, and pulled her to her feet.

"Let me walk you to your car—then there's an unpleasant task I've got to take care of."




Roger sat at his desk, half-heartedly skimming the latest issue of the Notre Dame student newspaper and brooding about Kathy. When he wasn't brooding about her, he was dreaming up ways of killing her and getting away with it; or wondering how he had fallen so short as a husband that she could take up with teenagers. Fucking 18-year olds—was she insane? Was he so totally inadequate?

There was a knock on his half-open door and Melissa Winsted poked her head in. "Professor—do you have a couple of minutes?"

"Of course, Melissa, please come in." Roger's cordial welcome was sincere. Melissa was one of his favorites among the current crop of graduate students. She was very intelligent, and had been the stand-out student in his Data Structures Seminar the previous year. In fact she was probably one of the three smartest students the department had lured to South Bend in his time there.

Moreover, Melissa was very beautiful. She had blonde hair, worn short and flatteringly around her head, and a lovely, trim body: small breasts, long firm legs. She was probably a runner when she wasn't in the library, Roger thought to himself.

"Professor, I've brought a copy of my dissertation proposal, and I wondered if you'd mind taking a look at it."

"Are you up to the dissertation already, Melissa? Oh, that's right, I'd forgotten—this is your fourth year, isn't it?"

She nodded, and he said, "in that case you have to start calling me Roger—no more 'Professor Hallstrom', okay?"

"I'll try—Roger." She giggled. "But it may take a little getting used-to."

She rose to leave, saying, "can I check back with you about the proposal in a week or two?"

"No, don't go—if you have a few minutes, let me read through it and we can talk about it now. I don't have anything today until a 3:00 class."

Roger read the 5-page proposal and was impressed. Surprised, in fact—she grasped the basic issues of her proposed project, and saw the gaps that had to be filled, better than some of his junior faculty colleagues might have done.

They talked about the proposal, exchanging ideas, Melissa taking detailed notes on his suggestions, for nearly an hour. Glancing at his watch, Roger said, "oh, I'm sorry, Melissa—I've kept you here far too long."

"Oh, no, Prof...Roger," she grinned. "This is amazingly helpful; you've given me such good ideas for how to tighten and strengthen this."

"Listen," he said, "it's almost 1:00, how about if we go grab a sandwich?"


Over the next two weeks Melissa and Roger met five more times to talk about the proposal and her dissertation plans. His attraction to her grew with each get-together; not only her obvious beauty but her equally obvious intelligence and eager mind drew him towards her. He was delighted that she'd chosen his colleague Kenneth Astrakhan, not Roger himself, for her dissertation advisor; otherwise their relationship would have had to remain strictly professional.

At the end of one of their conversations he leaned forward and quietly said what he'd been thinking of for days.

"Melissa, I wonder if you'd like to have dinner with me? Tonight or tomorrow?"

She looked at him, surprised and alarmed. "Roger, I...thank you. But...I guess I need to know what that means. I mean, you're married."

He smiled, "Yes, you're right. Listen, can we talk for a few minutes about something besides academic stuff? Something personal?"

She nodded, a little tentatively.

"I'm going to ask you to keep this completely confidential, okay? I've learned that my wife has been...unfaithful to me. It's been going on for a long time now, and I'm divorcing her in June, when the school-year ends."

Melissa gasped a little, and said, "oh, Roger, I'm so sorry!"

"You may think it's a bit weird that I haven't walked out, or thrown her out of the house. But it's...complicated. She doesn't know that I know, and for reasons I can't go into I can't confront her about it until June. But it's a done deal—the marriage is over.

"So, yes, I'm a married man asking you out on a date, Melissa. But I swear to you, as God is my witness, I'm really an about-to-be-unattached man."

Roger watched as Melissa sat back, gazing at him pensively. He didn't know if she'd believe him; he didn't know if he would believe himself if he were in her shoes.

"Roger, I..." she began. "I'm very attracted to you," she said, blushing a little. "Our talks together have been fantastic. And I would...well, I'll admit, I've had a little fantasy about you from time to time. But..." she broke off, uncertainly.

"Melissa, we can take it as slow as you want. I am very fond of you, and I would never, ever hurt you in any way."

Roger took her hand gently and held it, watching her wrestle with her thoughts.

Then she smiled shyly. "What time tomorrow night?"




Roger and Melissa didn't see Kathy as he walked her to her car. They kissed, Melissa squeezed his hand and wished him luck, and she drove away. Whistling, Roger turned and went back inside.

Kathy ambushed him when he was barely in the front door. She was still furious, and her face was still bright-red.

"This marriage is OVER, you asshole! What the fuck are you thinking? After fifteen years you think you can just fuck some little chippy in our bed and get away with it? You bastard, I'm gonna make your life a living hell. Just wait until the University finds out what you've been up to!"

"Give me a minute, will you Kathy? I need to get my briefcase." As Roger headed up the stairs he heard her shouting behind him in amazement.

"Your BRIEFCASE?! What the hell is wrong with you, Roger? Are you even listening to me?"

When Roger returned he sat down at the kitchen table. Kathy, still fuming, stood and yelled at him from across the room.

"Have you lost your MIND? Fucking a woman in our bed? Did you think there was any way I would stand for this, Roger? You think I'm going to just let this slide?"

Roger looked at her steadily without speaking, for long enough to confuse Kathy a little.

"If I hear you correctly, Kathy, you're saying that cheating on a spouse is a serious matter—maybe even serious enough to lead to a divorce. Is that right?"

She was too baffled by his words and manner even to continue to yell. "Of COURSE, Roger—what is wrong with you? Did you think I would say, 'okay, no problem, sorry to disturb you'?"

"No, Kathy, I pretty much figured you'd react just the way you did. I just wanted to be sure—that's why I set it up so you'd find us this afternoon."

He reached into his briefcase, pulled out a legal document, and handed it her. "I feel pretty much the same about a cheating spouse as you apparently do—so I'm divorcing you."

Kathy glanced at the papers, then gasped, falling into a chair across from him. "You're divorcing ME? I'll ask you again, Roger—have you lost your mind? YOU'RE the one I caught fucking some slut in our bed just now!"

"Actually, Kathy, that wasn't the cheating I had in mind. I was thinking of you and Alan Sauerman."

He watched her, enjoying the moment as her jaw dropped open, her eyes went wide, and her face lost its color.

The seconds passed, and Kathy tried desperately to regain her composure. About the best she could manage, after nearly half a minute, was, "Roger, I...I don't know what you're talking about."

He noticed her hands were shaking on the table.

"No problem, Kathy—I had a conversation with Alan and he told me all about it."

She gasped, but he continued.

"And I know about Joe Nevele, from last year—he's at Dartmouth now, isn't he? And the year before that seems to have been either Cardell McCartney or James Henderson, I couldn't quite tell from your date books. Or maybe both? I've got the rest of them pretty much figured out—it seems like Tom Bjornsen was the first one, wasn't he?"

Another silence followed. Roger waited, seeing the changing emotions flickering across Kathy's face. She sat there, stunned and deflated. She'd never been so much at a loss in the nearly 20 years he'd known her, and he was reveling in her misery.

"Roger, I..." She hesitated, and started again. "Baby, I don't know how to sorry I am. It was...just sex, just a...just a crazy thing I did. It started, and..."

She broke off, perhaps realizing how totally inadequate her explanation sounded.

"Roger, you're the only one I have ever loved. It was just sex, just a...stupid, stupid thing I did. It has nothing to do with you and me."

She had a pleading look on her face, and the tears were starting to flow.

Roger smiled at her, but without kindness.

"Here's how it is, you cunt. You cheating BITCH! You've got two choices, and I'll tell you the second one first. If you don't do just what I want, I'll call the Superintendent, the School Board and the newspapers. Your face will be on the national news for weeks, your job will be history, and you'll be the laughing-stock of the state of Indiana. You'll have to move away, change your name, and probably even dye your hair or get plastic surgery to get out from under this."

He watched her as this sank in and she began to sob.

"Here's your first choice—your only other choice. We divorce quickly, no hassles, for reason of "irreconcilable differences", like it says on those papers. I buy out your half of this house. You quit your job next week when the school year ends, you move at least 500 miles from South Bend, and you NEVER work with students or teenagers again for the rest of your life."

He rose from the table, leaving her crying, her face in her hands.

"I'm going out. You have two hours to get all your stuff and get the hell out of here. I have no intention of seeing you again."

Kathy heard the sound of Roger's car driving away. Then there was silence, broken only by the ticking of the kitchen clock and her own sobs.

How had this happened to her, was what she kept thinking. How had this happened to her?

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman11 days ago

LOL, Typical BTB, but very well plotted and written. Especially like her last lines, no sense of right and wrong s how.

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerabout 1 month ago

Not bad at all. Delusional, conceited, stupid, and not even remorseful, till she got caught. 5 stars. I hope Melissa is more faithful than Kathy. The Bear is going to go grope Mrs. Bear. Thanks for writing. More, please.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

A burn (Great!) that was strangely unsatisfying. Probably explained by his tossing aside his moral high ground (I suppose we still need heroes, although they've become rare).

But hey, "She started it, and what SHE did is illegal!"

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos2 months ago

Why even give her a choice? Just nuke her from orbit.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

He'll hath no fury like that of a scorned husband, or something like that. 5

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Too fucking long. Asshole cuck Roger suspected many months ago and cuck chose to fuck around rather than fuck her up

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

5*s. Love it when an arrogant entitled,size queen gets her comeuppance. MC left out 1 threat, she might well go to jail for playing w/ teens, not sure the 18yo obviates the link b/w an authority figure and a student, regardless of age. The authority, guidance slut counselor, is the adult and is responsible for her conduct, not the student, again not sure if the age of the student matters. "stubbyone"(why bring up your dick size issue) thought too many words, prolly same shit who generally shreiks, finish the damn story, bitch, fuck him, good story about another evil slut. rk

AmbivalenceAmbivalence5 months ago

Kind of hard to believe that I've if those students wouldn't be stupid enough to brag...

After years of fucking big dicked young men who obviously have more stamina then her husband I can't understand how she could pretend to enjoy the sex with her probably average-sized older husband...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

5 Stars on this one . Where I went to college the professor was caught by her hubby , who neat up the professor . Do not mess with a Marine's wife . My girlfriend got some nice picture's of them in his classroom

goodshoes2goodshoes26 months ago

Great last sentence. Yep--she was that stupid.

StubbyoneStubbyone7 months ago

Whew ! Way too complicated a story for me. Way too many unnecessary details and filler information that didn’t advance the story a bit. I skipped ahead alot and finally got to the end. This needed to be edited down to about a third the size and simplified. Not impressed with a dozen words when 3 would suffice.

Speaking of 3’s, this was no more than that. No smiles !

MarkT63MarkT637 months ago

At least he divorced the slut...

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I agree with some here that the ending is a little weak. Given the sharp mind of the MC the ending could have been more dramatic given her transgressions. Just Saying!

SignedBTWSignedBTW10 months ago

Re: Anonymous

"Sex every week with the students? Has menstruation been abolished in the 'States?" Are you really that simple? There are other ways to have sex, Bill Clinton excused, if you can't get passed a woman's period. So pretty much straight missionary is what I'm guessing is all you've ever experienced. Maybe this isn't the right genre for you or even the best site. Signed: BTW

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyabout 1 year ago

It happened to her for 2 reasons.

1. She's a self absorbed narcissistic bitch

2. Her husband is a lot smarter than her.

How you like them apples

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sex every week with the students? Has menstruation been abolished in the 'States?

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

Why am I here? 90% of this site is nothing more than hacks who measure their 6" dicks but somehow see 9"

You KNOW that is true. Some or these people believe they are the next great author when all they do is write pathetic cheating wives stories because they have never gotten over their own wife who left 20 years ago.

It's always the same thing. They can't understand. They were always so absolutely perfect husband. Every last one of them. And oh, they are all ex special forces, have excellent sexual technique, they never ever ignored their wives....suuureeee. how much you want to bet more than half are lazy and fat?

HooHaa77HooHaa77over 1 year ago

This story ends literally mid-thought. I (now) know Ohio is no longer writing but did he ever acknowledge his inability to finish a story properly?

DrgwngDrgwngalmost 2 years ago

Weak finish. Why? Why not have her sign over her half of house, then publicly disgrace her as outlined in the first option. Covering up this sort of crime is not in the public interest. Why would he allow her to get away with it. If ever there was a reason for btb, this was it, but in the hallowed tradition of all these copycat authors in lw, good ole hubby is merciful for no reason,and come off looking like an idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is one of the few stories that I feel that I would like to comment on. Something similar occurred between me and my first wife back in the late '80s when we were both living in chicago. At that time I was a civilian employee for the Chicago Police department, and my wife worked in the admissions Department for one of the major colleges on the northeast side of Chicago. Just by a lark, or accident, I found out that my first wife have been having sexual relations with incoming freshman and also sophomores at the college going on 7 years, which was pretty much the entire time we had been married. Like the professor in this story I was able to get enough tangible evidence, including audio and video files, to totally screw her over. Threat of losing her professional accreditations made it very easy for me to get a divorce heavily weighted in my favor. A year later, one of the sophomore that my wife had been screwing for several months was hit by a drunken driver on the north side of Chicago, and had his lower spine and hips totally broken. This guy was a real a******, and while he was doing my wife he was spreading some of that around to his friends, and that's why there was some Vengeance taken out on this piece of s***.

Hiram325Hiram325almost 2 years ago

Ohio can really write a BTB and this one, along with "The Game" is a classic... of course Ohio is also notorious for implausible and cucky RAAC stories too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It was pared down to just the basics, but covered everything very well.

I can totally understand hubby’s reactions to her serial cheating & her thinking it was just a little fling.

Although the end was fairly inclusive I would have liked another month’s part of the tale. 4/5 ⭐️

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I like the unusual cheating MO and the unusual method of discovery via statistics. It seems unlikely that year after year she would get a buff athlete scholar with a giant sized dick to counsel. Wondering if some years she had to be satisfied with a pale skinny bookworm without one.

TajfaTajfaabout 2 years ago

Like others I really like your stories and your writing style but I always feel short changed by the sudden endings. What was she thinking when she was confronted? Where did she go? I think a few more paragraphs maybe written 10 or 20 years later would have made me more content. Still a great story. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

And I thought I had read all of Ohio's work. How did I ever miss this one.

Truly a classic


CaptainRiverCaptainRiverover 2 years ago

Gotta love a good BTB, and Ohio is a master.

Thanks for another great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Isn't it a shame how some people think no one's smart enough to catch on to their cheating. Love is blinding believe me. I just happened to figure it out on my wife's first fling. She claimed it was already over when I confronted her. I believed her. It took years and I fully trust her again with the stipulation that if I ever catch her with another man I will divorce her. Our children no nothing of her adultery and I told her that I will never tell them unless she makes me. That meant if she ever cheated again. Keep you eye's and ears open. Like the old saying Keep your foot on the throttle eye's on the road and the ears listening.!

BigfundrewBigfundrewover 2 years ago


I liked it

RimmerdalRimmerdalover 2 years ago

Love this guy's stories...............when I can't sleep and need something boring to put me to sleep.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesalmost 3 years ago

I really enjoyed this story. However, an older guy gets it on with a younger woman and he's a stud. An older woman gets it on with a younger guy and she's a slut. Can't accept the double standard in this age of enlightenment.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

One of the best I've read! A 'Classique', to be sure!!!


painkllrrrpainkllrrrabout 3 years ago

"How had this happened to her, was what she kept thinking. How had this happened to her?"

Guessing that, despite all of her education, Kathy was just another delusional narcissistic whore who got slapped with a harsh dose of reality in the end.

At least she didn't come home with a "bun-in-the-oven" courtesy of one of her student dildos that she tried to pass off as Rogers.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeabout 3 years ago

Well done!

Great writing, great plot.

Simply one of the best written stories

I've read here on Literotica!

My total respect ohio!

Top ratings from me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

She should have gone to prison.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Reading again

This is a good story, but she got off way too lightly for what she did. Cheating bitch was upset with him?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good story but,

Wasn't the husband culpable because he knew what was happening and didn't turn her in? Aiding and abetting? Jail time for hubby too when it all comes out? I'm just sayin'.

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleover 3 years ago
To 2byoungabain.. (2byoungagain? Is that right? How can you have a typo in your nic?)

A little pressure and the scandal would leak out.

The boys may have kept quiet at school as was required to keep getting free pussy, but do you think none of them told anybody? Once they were far removed?

What teenage boy could resist gloating about banging the hot married slut counsellor when he was just a high school student? None of them, I bet. She'd be a legend at campuses far away, and when the dam broke... and it would have eventually even without hubby working it out... the truth of one dalliance would lead to the uncovering of the whole chain of boys.

After all, the boys wouldn't find themselves in real trouble, only her. They were minors. Students. The worst for them: a tarnished reputation. In reality: maybe even legendary status among their peers when their stories were verified. Her... a professional. A person entrusted with authority and power. The very person entrusted to give individual focus and attention to students.

Do you honestly think that not even one of the parents would have gotten the truth from their son, if his name became linked to such a rumor? And once one of the boys opened up... the water would have been filled with blood.

As a last insight... her husband knew their names. He knew the truth. She knows he knew the truth. Do you really think she's going to take the chance? Call his bluff? Especially considering the penalty she would face in the case of it proven. Or the decay to her name and reputation if not proven outright, but hinted at and not disproven. No school, including her own, would absorb that kind of risk and loss of face forever.

In the real world, this kind of crap is often uncovered on the strength of nothing greater than a whispered rumor.

Think things through a bit more... and do me a favor. Edit your nic, if it is indeed incorrect. It's annoying.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Top BTB to a selfish who deserved what happened to her.

2byoungabain2byoungabainover 3 years ago
A little problem.

Neither Kathy or Roger have proof positive of ether's transgressions. Since Kathy caught Roger red handed, she should pursue divorce and claim adultery. Roger just made up story of Kathy's students as a means to try and offset his infidelity. Still loved the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Good Story

It is a story, not a scientific paper. Sometimes I read a story that is set in a geographic area that is well known or home to me. Sometimes I read a story that includes an industry that was my past long term employment. Even though there may be some errors regarding the area or industry, I try to look past that to the quality of the story.

It appears to me that some commentators are looking for a reason to trash a story ( they usually do it anonymously). In my humble opinion, This is a damn good story. 5*

Grimjack01Grimjack01about 4 years ago
Nice well thought out story

I gave it a 4 out of 5 simply because while she got hammered the men got away with it. I believe in revenge or more exactly vendetta, that's a much better word.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 4 years ago
Second reading still enjoyed But would like to see cheating guys punished

Knew she was married and went ahead

In future do same thing thinking big cock gives them rights

What about reluctance believe it fake and force?

Also wrong husband catch and shoot both who is more guilty!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

What sort of person keeps a record of how many times he has sex with his wife.He is supposed to be a professor but he can't be because he is a weirdo.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 4 years ago
I call BULLSHIT! almost...

How does an educated mature experienced teacher allow herself to be seduced by a teenager? Then again we see in the news incidents where female teachers have intimate relationships with students. These, however, are the teacher seducing the student. I doubt that any high school senior, regardless of experience or equipment, has the worldliness to seduce a teacher. Still a great story full of internal conflict for both Kathy and Roger. 5 Star Rating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
hey commenters,...

it's just a story, and a corny one at that. 2*'s, as i admit to have read it.

ThematchthatBurnsThematchthatBurnsover 4 years ago
Well played that man!

Not really enough pain inflicted on the betrayer!

Wait till the divorce is final............................THEN tell the whole story to the world! Name names, full disclosure plus legal action!

vickitvohiovickitvohioover 4 years ago
Maybe a little more

I gave you 5*s however a couple of things: that’s a lot of kids/years for him to notice a trend, being a genius and all. lol. Second, I wish she suffered more since her affairs took so much of the story. Her “wondering” how? Isn’t much of a response.

jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 5 years ago
Cause and effect she really is cheater and believed she could cheat indefinitely

Good story

He caught punished and protected future kids


Happy ending for him

Story is fairly short and covered all

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

The ending was just fine. He got her over the head with the evidence and then used her hypocrisy against her. Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good one but needs a proper end

This ending is too abrupt.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
What happened

Everything came to a tumbling end in the last two paragraphs. Need more of an ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
How did it happen?

You're a woman. And every woman will be a slut if they think they can get away with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Just not finished!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

way too soft on the bitch

Pappy7Pappy7over 6 years ago
Les Nesmith,

really two crows? What a funny and neat reference.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago

"Roger, you're the only one I have ever loved. It was just sex, just a...stupid, stupid thing I did. It has nothing to do with you and me." - Funny that wasn't her attitude when she found him in bed with Melissa.

Yes, Melissa was a student, but a grad student another degree of separation from a high school student.

desertdog43desertdog43almost 7 years ago
4 stars

Would a been 5 if the bitch had went thru the media blitz & lost her license.....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
What about the guys?

The stud students in this story are presented as being fairly predatory--they were owed the sex because of their big dicks. They all should have been burned to prevent future predatory behavior with, likely, a number of girls and women. I did really like Roger's analytical approach.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
4* nice story

well paced and solid ending .

the interracial thing is gross , but doesnt really derail the story

thanks for this

Ocker51Ocker51about 7 years ago
A Lesson Learned

She was a total hypocrite, while she thought her affairs where Secret she acted like the innocent victim. What a parasite, her students treated her as the slut she was, passing her onto the next friend for him to take a turn at her.

dyonysosdyonysosabout 7 years ago
Pretty actuel subject

with all the female teachers screwing around with young students,the newspapers are full of it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

if annony hates it the story MUST! be good. Annony is a ass hole who reads all of these stories and then bitches because it reminds him of what his wife did to him his entire marriage. he's fucking insane!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Distracting time issues....

switching back and forth got confusing...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Nice little story.

But the going back & forth in time was distracting. Also it was as if you got tired of writing and just ended the story. Take more time with the endings. You're talented. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

but ending was too rushed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
It could have been me.

I was an English teacher at. A Midwestern high school for three years before I was tempted. We had a student transfer from Spain. He was gorgeous and had a way about him. He came to me after class and asked for a little that sexy accent. I will admit it, he turned me on like no one else before. I found myself thinking of him when having sex with my husband. My downfall was a Staurday when I went to a garden Center. He was working there an I saw his muscles rolling and his cute butt in tight jeans. He saw me came over. By the time I left I was soaking my panties. We soon became lovers and we're seeing each other about three times a week. We were getting careless and were in a car on a backroad having sex when bright lights flooded the car. It was a local cop. Turns out I also knew him from school growing up. He figured out what was up. Let's just say we managed to keep everything quiet and out of the papers, but it took me having sex with the cop to do so. I was so ashamed after that I moved away and got a job in Oregon.

bachgenbachdrwgbachgenbachdrwgover 7 years ago
Very well written.

I admit that I enjoy a good read. A bit of sex as an add on is obviously a bonus. And I do see these tales as merely a read. I do not confuse fantasy with reality - well not in this context. The rest of my life?? What annoys me, to a degree, though is the premise in these "tales". I appreciate that most of them are written from the male perspective and that it will be difficult to adopt the opposite gender approach yet it must be obvious, particularly to data nerds like Roger, that the premise for the majority of these "tales" is an amoral woman and a put-upon male. Seriously?? Are male egos so insecure that a site devoted to fantasy must be their support mechanism? Kathy may have had issues that she hasn't thought through particularly well but the scenario of, "but it was only sex and you are the only one I love and want to spend the rest of my life with" is a little jaded. Women don't just drop their knickers at the sight, or thought, of a large cock. Men aren't the paragons of virtue and rectitude as suggested in these pages and quite likely to think with their little rather than large brain. Women do wander in their relationships. Men do too. In fact, research suggests that men are far more likely to be unfaithful. Why can't these "tales" reflect a little reality in their fantasy??

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You have a habit of not putting the finishing touches on a story. Follow up is needed on most of your stories

ju8streadingju8streadingover 7 years ago

for some reason i feel ya leave your stories unfinished.

i enjoy them, i just wish you would take them further.

the authors in this site have a lot of talent and imagination that readers like me just don't have. i am NOT by any means putting any one down and don't believe it to be productive.

thank you for writing and posting your work. i mean this for you and the rest of the authors here. so thank you all

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
serial cheating wife TRUE STORY

Married-3rd husband-female college instructor in Helena Montana lost that position due to info on Facebook profile of

Husband knows she is serial cheater, but does nothing. Although he did break down sobbing as he told her mother about her adultery. That conversation came after he got a phone call one Saturday morning January 2005 that his wife was at motel with lover. He drove by motel, confirmed she was there but didn't confront her instead went to her mother's

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 8 years ago
two things

The statement:

"But I swear to you, as God is my witness......"

always makes me think the rest should be:

".....I thought turkeys could fly!"

Seriously though, kudos for proper use of a revenge fuck.

No reconciliation waiting in the wings, just a little hurt and set-up.

She plays right into it by going off about cheating and divorce when she has been cheating for years.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago

I realize that this would eliminate a lot of Loving Wives stories, and many if not most husbands might not go along with it, but why don't wives with these "itches" go to their husbands and ask to "open" their marriages, allowing their husbands a little "play time" too?

We all know why - because most of them are selfish cunts who only think about their gratification, and couldn't care less about anyone else!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still love it. Still five stars. I love the way you characterized the math professor. It was spot on. That was the best part. I do feel that the ending did not match up with the buildup.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
To clear things up

Many have speculated that since these boys were 18 that there would be no violation of the law. As an educator, I know that most states have laws that secondary school teachers cannot have sexual relationships with their students regardless of their age. In my state, the student has to have been a graduate for at least a year for any kind of sexual relationship to be legal. It boils down to the protection of students from teachers who use their authority to coerce sexual favors.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
The Problem

The problem with this Ohio effort is there should really have been a better setup and background with Roger and Kathy before she fell. In other words, there could have been more depth portrayed in the relationship.That would have provided the opportunity for the reader to FEEL the betrayal in a deeper and more effective manner. All Ohio stories are quite good, of course, but in this case Kathy just seems a little too superficial to create the level of tension necessary for a real zinger of a story.

In any case, high marks for one of Lit's superstars.

christmas_apechristmas_apeabout 8 years ago

this had real heat. sexcellent and real. thanks!

BigBlue9295BigBlue9295over 8 years ago
not your best effort

average at best

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Sorry not very good Ohio 2*

Usually a supported but this tale and its lack of morality from both husband and wife is sickening. They both deserve each other and don't deserve a story to be written about them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
More sex

Actually I was more interested in reading about the various sexual encounters than learning about the personal motivation of the parties involved. Just sayin...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
over 18 years old students


She had sex with over 18 years old students and she got prison.......

Naturally her case is exception, but for younger students than 18 years may be prison.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 8 years ago

... This is a fine LW story! It is NOT a felony in ANY state in the US (and probably in few other places in the world) for an adult woman to fuck an 18 y.o. male! Consenting adults, doncha know? It IS against local public school board POLICY for a teacher to screw any student, regardless of age! She can (nay ... will) get fired ... possibly even get her certfication voided ... also make the national news! It is an unethical and inappropriate behavior, but it is NOT a crime!

Further ... Hubby 'condones' what Sweetie and her Bull are doing? Grow up! This is FICTION in an EROTIC literature website! Who, among 'We The Readers,' has a moral high-horse to ride? Certainly not ME (nor you!). Hubby has NO authority to dictate to either of the cheaters what they do or stop doing. Yeah, he can tattle like a little kid and interfere. GMAFB!

Grinch ... What would Hubby find if he conducted a large-scale analysis of H.S. male Elite male athletes, superior scholastic performance, and pecker size? Probably that a South Bend High School had a HIGHLY unlikely ( 1 in 100,000 or so) distribution of 'riches!' Viva fiction!

Thanks, Ohio, for another great read!


Texas_Air_ForceTexas_Air_Forcealmost 9 years ago
Wish I could give it a 4.5...or 'Incomplete'.....

Ohio is a great writer, but this one begs for more. Just what that is can be up to the author's imagination. Does she misuse his promise to not rat her out, go crying to her mom or his mom or both (partially conceal the truth) and get the family to get him to 'stop overreacting'? Does she somehow get him to give in for a few days, then get knocked up? Does her latest boy toy get into a serious car accident, and while under anesthesia spill his guts to the entire ER staff? Maybe her best friend is fucking the same boy, and blows her cover so she can keep him all to herself? Maybe she gets her divorce, but decides she will not keep her promise and stays in South Bend. But, of course, she is somehow found out (maybe by one of her boy toy's girlfriends) and then crashes and burns anyway? So many possibilities that a cheating slut like her so richly deserves. Hmmmmm...........

MorganDeWolfeMorganDeWolfealmost 9 years ago
Disgusted at Roger

Roger upon discovering his wife's infidelity, instead of acting to stop it, allows it to continue for the rest of the school year. He discovers the identity of boy currently fucking his wife and condones the act of adultery by allowing it to continue . This is a High school teenager and his wife has been a felon for years at this point. By allowing this to continue Roger becomes an accessory after the fact and morally corrupt at best.

Then there is the old "Do two wrongs make a right" issue. When he starts his affair with Melissa, Roger has lost ANY moral superiority and has become as corrupt and disgusting as his slut of a wife.

Just Saying, My View Point, YMMV.

Morgan DeWolfe

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

I love how these cheating wives, when they catch their husbands are so vicious, but as soon as THEIR cheating is revealed are all, "Oh it means NOTHING, Honey, it's YOU I love, etc., etc., etc.!"

krosis666krosis666about 9 years ago
Always love

How the cheater goes berzerk when their spouse gets revenge by fucking someone else, telling them all about how horrible they are, how they are going to raped in the divorce, because they 'Won't stand for this, you bastard!', and then in the same breath, when confronted with their own cheating, say how 'It meant nothing, it was only sex, it was an accident, it has nothing to do with us!'

I always find that double standard funny.

magicman1234magicman1234over 9 years ago
apples and oranges

as everyone knows there is a difference between high school students and college students

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well she made it "happen" to herself.

But didn't she have a bargaining chip? He did sleep with a student didn't he? Seems to me they're both in the same bag. But still, she is going to get half and move on. All she needs to do is move a LONG ways away and she can start over and continue to teach. What's he going to do? Hire a PI to follow her constantly? I don't think so. And after the divorce a little birdy makes a call and he's in trouble about his affair.

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
Nothing "happened to her"

She MADE it happen.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

Let's see, she carries on multiple long-term affairs with students, and she gets on her high horse catching him ONE-TIME with another woman?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

He was a teacher himself. Being a moral man, and to maintain credibility, he had to tell the school option.

eworceworcover 10 years ago

Loved the story. Having made a career of statistical analysis and data standards, I can relate to the protagonist.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

Wow. When are you going to put that imagination to work writing your own tales? I look forward to that day.

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