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Teams Colliding Pt. 01: Bus Ride

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Forced to share a crowded bus, Anne gets screwed.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/17/2020
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Author's note: Rape and non-consensual sex are crimes and done for power, not pleasure. This story is a fictionalized fantasy about force for the reader's pleasure, not to be acted out in real life. All characters are over 18. Edited version as of January, 2022.


"Stop complaining and get on the bus!" snapped the cheerleading coach.

Anne looked down the crowded aisle and felt her heart flutter. On the way to a shared event--an important football game out of state and a cheerleading competition in the same area--the cheer team's bus had broken down. Thirty miles outside of any known town and even more miles over a hilly pass to their destination.

Her teammate behind her prodded Anne in the small of her back, trying to move her along. "Just go to the back."

"Everyone will have to squeeze in," said the coach. "It's just another hour or so of discomfort and then we will be at the hotel."

"This has to be illegal," muttered Anne. She was shy and the idea of snuggling up to the football players--most off which were looking far too pleased to be squeezed in with the cheerleaders--made her both excited and anxious. They were all so... strong. And big.

"Anne, come sit here!" Her heart skipped a beat. It was Ben, the quarterback sitting in the very back of the bus in a corner.

"Oooo, Anne!" hissed her teammate June. "If you pass up this chance to with the quarterback you are never going to hear the end of it."

Yes, Ben was handsome, single, and the rumors were he was a shoe-in for the pros.

So Anne went to the back of the bus, intending to squeeze in between two beefy football players. But when she got there the young men slid together on the bench seat removing any chance of Anne squeezing between them. Ben, grinning, patted his hands on his lap.

"Come'n Anne, travel in style."

Blushing Anne did as he asked. Her friend June was squished in back next to the opposite window. Ben was wearing light gym shorts and a t-shirt. Anne was in her cheer uniform. Luckily their cheer skirts were not short--hitting just above her knees. It was enough to cover her lap at least!

Everyone crammed in together--on laps, squeezed in four to a seat--the bus started up again whining and jerking with the increased load. And headed into the hills.

As the bus jerked to a start Ben's thick forearm wrapped around Anne's waist. Her heart sped up but she thought, that's kind of sweet. She leaned back against him, very aware of the muscles and... other things through his thin clothing.

As the bus whined up the mountain, the excitement of being packed in over capacity increased the rowdiness and noise of the two college teams on the bus. The exasperated coaches yelled once or twice for the teams to settle down, but as the bus bounced over potholes and leaned around corners they were forced to sit and face forward to keep their balance.

Ben's breath was hot in Anne's ear, which sent a shiver down her spine. "This is nice, isn't it?" he purred under his breath right in his year.

She turned her cheek to respond, her cheek almost touching his lips. "Oh, sure!" She laughed nervously.

The bus hit a big pothole, bumping the back of the bus up to cheers and laughter from the cheerleaders and players. Anne was bounced up but Ben's firm arm around her prevented her from being tossed--thankfully. Unfortunately, the movement bunched her skirt up behind her against Ben's stomach, making her sit back down with only her thin cotton thong separating her from Ben's lap. But thankfully the fan of the rest of her skirt covered them both, so only Ben and her knew her panties were touching his athletic shorts.

And she could feel that Ben certainly knew, because her unintended shifting and rubbing against him was causing a reaction. His dick was getting hard.

Anne felt herself blushing. She was a virgin, but living in the sorority house she was no stranger to what the other college students were doing around her all the time. Her last boyfriend had worked her up to aggressive and uncomfortable fingering before they separated because she wasn't "going fast enough...for a hot cheerleader." His words. It had left her curious but wary of men.

Now she could feel the pressure on her pussy from Ben's growing cock. It was making her body respond. Ben's arm around her waist was not slackening. She squirmed, which only served to grind her pussy into Ben's clothed cock further.

"Damn, you're so hot," Ben whispered in her ear, his breath making her shiver involuntarily. It was flattering to hear that the hot quarterback thought she was hot.

But Ben must not have been wearing underwear, because his dick was now bent down between his legs at an angle, resisting the tug of his loose gym shorts and rubbing against the inside of her thighs.

He grunted softly behind her. "Uncomfortable. Need to shift things."

Before she could protest the arm the rested against the corner of the bus slid under her skirt and into his shorts. Good, she thought, he can adjust it so that he doesn't keep rubbing against my thighs and we can laugh about this later...

She spread her thighs, hoping to assist his shifting them both to a more comfortable position. His cock seemed unwilling to slide up, and Ben's hand trailed across her bare thigh as he reached for the band of his shorts. She shivered spread a little more and twisted in his arm that was still wrapped against her.

His dick had to angle down to stay between her thighs. The bus hit another pothole and swayed around a corner at that moment, and given the chance Ben's hard dick jumped up her thigh until it went as far as it could. He had pulled down his waistband just enough to free himself.

It couldn't have hit hard, but she felt his shaft slap up right along her pussy. His bare, naked, unbelievably hot, shaft. Anne jerked as though she'd been hit, biting her lip to catch the involuntary squeak that would have left her mouth had she not clamped down on it. Not that it mattered: the rest of the bus riders were either engrossed or focused on staying seated on the overcrowded benches as the bus bumped and jerked up another winding rise.

"Oops." Ben said softly in her ear. He chuckled as though freeing his dick from the confines of his shorts underneath the curtain of her skirt was an amusing joke.

Now as Ben pulled her ass snuggly into his rock hard abs, his dick rubbed against her pussy and inner thighs. Only her thin cotton thong separated them. She closed her thighs, but that only made the pressure worse as the ridge of his thick dick dead rubbed against her clitoris.

And Anne could feel her pussy growing slippery against her will. Worse, she could feel the sticky warmth of Ben's pre-cum soaking her panties.

Embarrassed she looked around, but all the other people on the bus were distracted and paying them no attention. With her thighs squeezed together she tried to shift herself away from him.

Anne could feel his cock resisting her, not yielding space to her squeeze, stiff but soft, and so warm. Each breath moved her just so against it, at first slightly abrasive but getting slicker by the moment as her body soaked through her panties.

Adjusting it, however, would require another dangerous amount of motion that might draw attention or make things worse. Right now things were okay. She could survive this with just her panties intact between them. It's not like Ben would actually try and have sex with her right here in plain sight of everyone, right?

"Mmm, I can feel you getting wet." sighed Ben, his breath quickening in her ear.

"I... I should move." Stammered Anne under her breath. Ben's arm tightened on her waist, pulling her closer so that her bum was pressed up tight against his hard stomach. The movement slid her further along his shaft, pulling her damp panties askew with the movement. In a shock she realized his other hand was still under her skirt, caressing the top of her thigh that was pressed against the bus wall.

"No, you're fine here. Just relax."

Relax? Anne thought, feeling a bubble of nerves rise in her stomach. If she screamed now she would never live this down. She'd already let things go too far without protest.

Ben moved the hand under her skirt down and his fingers brushed against her neatly trimmed pubis. She jerked instinctively away from his touch, but the jostling of the bus and his firm grip on her disguised the movement as he held her down.

In a deft motion Ben's fingers swept over her vulva, pulling her thong aside. He adjusted himself so that his dick now slid against her bare pussy. The shock of feeling the heat of his bare skin tap against her clit made her squeeze her legs closed even tighter--which only served to increase the pressure on her bare pussy.

She felt his thick head rubbing on her labia, splitting her open. Ben's bare glans, which was still slippery with precum, rubbed against her clit with every movement of the bus. Shocks of pleasure diffused her vulva and transferred deep into her core. Anne shuddered, paralyzed by the mix of unwelcome pleasure and fear. His shaft met only a little resistance as it slid between her folds. That resistance was getting slicker and slicker as her body betrayed her.

"You want me inside you, don't you," Ben purred in Anne's ear.

"No," she whispered back, "Please don't. I'm a virgin."

"Mmm, don't make any noise now. Wouldn't want to get in trouble, would you?"

The bus swayed around another steep mountain turn, wheels jittering on the uneven pavement. With each breath, she could feel herself moving against his dick as the bus swayed, felt it press and slide just a bit as Ben slightly flexed his hips.

Soon, Ben started pulling back, instinctively trying to find his way into her core. Anne could feel him sliding further and further back with each stroke, until his glans was teasing her vagina. As he slid against her body his dick flexed upward, as though begging to her to let him in.

Anne pressed her hand down on her lap, trying to coax his dick further down between her thighs where it had been when this first started to go wrong. She couldn't very well reach under her skirt without being more obvious. It was no good. She arched her back away from him and tried to slide toward his knees, prying at the arm that was wrapped around her waist.

But he was too large. Too strong. Too focused on the slide of his dick against her exposed pussy as he sought more from her.

Ben ignored her efforts. In fact, he used her movements towards his knees to his advantage, rocking her back onto him with each jostle of the vehicle to give him more room to work. He drew his hips back further with each flex of his hips, teasing her entrance with each smooth slide. Meanwhile Ben's hand had moved away from her panties, since--with him firmly seated between her slick folds--they no longer posed any obstacle. His fingers found her clit and circled it slowly, taking advantage of every bump and jostle of the old bus to rub fingers and cock against her. The pleasure from his fingers distracted her and made her mind fuzz around the edges.

The next pothole the bus careened into took them both by surprise, but Anne tried to take advantage of the back of the bus and the whoops and hollers of the other students to forcefully pull away from Ben. She almost got away but lost her balance as the bus jolted--Ben's firm hold that steadied her.

His cock caught in the entrance, making her gasp as she felt his glans press entirely inside of her for a moment. She angled her hips up, denying him a moment longer, letting his cock slide back along the entire outside of her pussy. But he was insistent now, one big hand wrapped around her thigh under the fan of her skirt to spread her just so as his other arm gently rocked her his arched hips. All he had to do was exaggerate the movements of the vehicle to hide what he was doing.

After a couple near misses, he slid forward and his dick caught again, just barely pushing into her. He wasn't quite angled right. As he kept moving, it popped back out, flipping against her clit. They both grunted under their breaths.

But the next time the fat head of his glans squeezed into her opening. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before and she whimpered and squirmed from discomfort and unexpected pleasure. It didn't feel too bad with him just barely inside; she felt she could hold it just like that for hours just gently rocking in their shared juices.

But Ben had found his mark now and wasn't going to be satisfied with just the entrance of her virgin pussy. He moved into her, his cock slowly and steadily sliding further and further in. Anne gasped and turned her head into the wall to hide the noise and expression as she bit her lip against a moan.

It hurt. She felt stretched painfully wide as he inched inside of her a short amount, pulled out partway, and then jabbing in again and again, gaining ground with every flex of his hips. He filled her, stretched her forcefully apart. She felt barely able to think, to move, to breath. Every bit of her just seemed wrapped around his cock. She could feel the ridge of the glans of his cock, rubbing in places she had never touched herself.

And he wasn't even all the way inside her yet. She felt like it was impossible, that he was going to truly hurt her. He was too large.

"Stop," she whimpered under her breath. "It's too big."

He ignored her, continuing the shallow thrusts that could be disguised by the bouncing of the bus. His breathing was quick and hot against her neck. Then the back seat jolted again over another rough part of pavement and Ben thrust upwards, seating himself entirely inside of her. That really hurt as he touched places inside of her no one had ever been. Anne could feel his swollen glans pressed up tight against her cervix, pulsing and throbbing with need.

Ben rested there, his entire length inside her, his thighs flat against hers. The pain faded as her body adjusted. When Ben started flexing his hips again--drawing his dick out of her and thrusting it back in--her pussy seemed to cling to his shaft, not wanting to let it go. Heat diffused her as she grew slicker.

Every time he touched her depths with a well-angled thrust her mind scattered. She could no longer think or even resist. It took all her concentration to not moan and cry out loud.

She tried to balance, but as he pressed in, gripping her hips to slide his shaft into her, she seemed to be almost floating against him. Finally, Anne gave up trying to escape and sagged against him, letting him take her without resistance.

"Good girl," he growled softly in her ear. "Uhh. So. Tight." His pace quickened, his hand gripping her thigh with a bruising pressure.

He thrust up a couple times, as deep as he could, lifting her feet from the floor. And then just held it there. She felt him pressing into her with every muscle he had, an incredible power about to make her explode.

Anne heard Ben grunt softly and his hips arched again, trying instinctively to get his dick as deep as possible. His cock flexed inside of her once, twice, and then she felt liquid heat spread inside her. He was cumming! Panic gripped Anne--she was unprotected and he was cumming deep inside her! She would get pregnant. Her college life would be ruined.

Ben didn't seem to notice her renewed tension and continued to milk his cock into her depths with short jabs of his hips. And then with a sigh he relaxed, resting his forehead on her shoulder. His dick was still deep inside her, plugging her, holding his cum inside her.

"I'm not on birth control," Anne whispered, her voice shaking.

"It's okay," Ben whispered into her shoulder, his voice tinged with amusement again, "I'll take care of it."

Anne could feel his cock softening by a degree. The discomfort of his cock stretching her virgin pussy to her max was replaced by the trickle of wetness down her thigh. Still, Ben did not shift or pull out of her. She wondered what kind of mess there would be when he did. She felt he wanted to plug her for as long as possible--keep his cock, and his cum--inside his conquest as long as possible.

She wriggled in his lap as Ben's dick softened, hoping to free herself from both his shaft and his grip. Unfortunately, as she did so she realized why he had not pulled out of her. Her wriggling was making him grow hard again.

"Noooo," she groaned.

"Yes," he murmured in her ear, "just relax and enjoy it."

Still disguising his movement with the jostling of the bus, Ben started to flex his hips against her again. With each thrust his shaft hardened. Now slick with both her fluids and his first load of cum, his passage was even easier. The added wetness was also reliving some of the discomfort for Anne. His free hand bobbed down to her vulva again, massaging her clit with his free hand.

Warmth and pressure was building inside Anne's core against her will. The heat spread from her clitoris to her pussy, where the friction of his thick cock was making the pressure build.

She'd masturbated before, of course, but this was something else entirely. She bit her lip and resisted the heat building as best she could. It would be humiliating to cum on a cock that had been forced inside her--and on a bus, surrounded by her teammates!

Ben's pace with his thrusting was more measured and relaxed now that he'd come once. But his shaft was no less hard. Other than the bruising pain of her cervix when he pressed deep, the discomfort had faded. Now it was slick heat and friction building, building, building...

The orgasm took Anne by surprise, flashing over her like a wave as Ben's fingers circled her clitoris. She turned into his shoulder, pressing her face into his shirt to muffle the moan that escaped her as she shuddered in his firm grip.

She forgot about the crowded bus and what was going on for a moment as waves of pleasure moved through her.

What brought her back was the increased urgency of Ben thrusting into her. His free hand was on her thigh again, pulling her back further onto his cock until his engorged glans bumped against her sore cervix. He was going to cum again. But Anne's muscles felt lax and unresponsive after her orgasm, and though she pushed feebly against him, he thrust hard up into her pussy one more time and came as deep as he could. She could feel his shaft twitching as he released his load--and the walls of her pussy flexed as if to drain him of every drop.

With a sigh Ben finally relaxed his grip on her. The arm around her waist softened its hold and his other hand was removed from her thigh.

Stunned, Anne didn't move.

Ben's cock stayed inside her until it softened enough to slide out of her in a rush of fluid. Then, without a word he shifted his gym shorts and tucked away his cock as though it were a harmless tool--all still under the cover of her spread skirt.

Anne was in shock. So she remained where she was on Ben's lap, his cum leaking onto her cotton thong which he'd pulled neatly back into place over her puffy, abused vulva. She'd just lost her virginity to the quarterback of her college football team. On a moving bus.

But no one had seemed to notice. Everyone was laughing and deep in conversation or handheld videogames.

She shunted her mind away from her fears of pregnancy, as difficult as that was feeling the slickness of his spunk coating her insides right now. She would have to worry about that later. She didn't understand what Ben had meant when he'd said he'd "take care of it." At least it was over now. Right?

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lexlogan8lexlogan8about 2 months ago

Just re-read this, loved it again!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

super hot!! wacked it nasty style to this, cheers

kivancsifancsikivancsifancsi12 months ago

Jó a történet, hihető, hogy a buszon megtörténhet. Lássuk, hogy folytatódik.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago


AnnalovesitAnnalovesitabout 1 year ago

Nice sexy story, just a shame the rest of the team didn't take her as well.


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