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Four Hand Bliss

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Expanding massages among close friends.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/06/2020
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Tom and Diane were childhood friends. That's not exactly true. Their parents were friends and they were expected to play together whenever the adults were gathering. By high school, they drifted into separate groups and lost whatever connection they had, although as a small school in a small town their social lives frequently overlapped. Unbeknownst to their younger selves, their lives would cross again several years after college.

Tom went to school on the east coast while Diane went west. A few years after graduation they both found themselves in Pittsburgh; a big enough city for great opportunities while also residing near their smaller hometown. Relying on their hometown familiarity, they together created a small community of twenty-something friends with similar backgrounds.

It wasn't uncommon for various pairs to form within this circle of friends. Most didn't last, especially when the pairing started shortly after arrival. Those quick breakups destroyed some couples while others jumped at the next opportunity without much harm. Tom and Diane eased into their relationship with irregular late-night hookups developing into a public coupling over time.

Neither Tom nor Diane wanted kids, and being millennials, neither felt compelled to marry. They even kept separate houses near each other. Their joke among friends was that they enjoyed sharing each other's bedrooms but they could never merge their kitchens, which is a hindrance to moving in together. Yet they presented as a well-established couple among the more transient newcomers. As each developed their careers, their lives became more intertwined as both life companions as well as sexual partners.

Their mutual growth included an intense sexual relationship only in a later phase. This wasn't completely natural at first and took a lot of trial and error. Early on, their sex life was rather limited. Diane often described it as mediocre to her female friends. Tom's history included two longer relationships in college which didn't allow for much exploration. Diane knew she wasn't marriage material, so she was more open to casual sex but kept choosing non-giving selfish college boys. They both had grown up with conservative parents resulting in neither receiving good sex education from their experiences nor home life. Their developing friendship, therefore, came with unfortunate bland needs-based sex.

Phase 2

Around three years into their Pittsburgh relationship, Tom and Diane officially broke up. It wasn't traumatic since it was without a real spark at this point. That first breakup only lasted a short year but was instrumental to the next phase of their relationship. Tom thought he wanted a wife and hooked up with a slightly older Melissa. In a fortunate twist, Missy was kinky and wild and took Tom well out of his comfort zone. By the end of six months, Tom was taking group classes with Missy in the art of cunnilingus. He learned rope tying and bondage. And he ate a lot of pussy. Tom had never enjoyed eating pussy in college but something about Missy's body and her preparation awakened an unknown desire. Six months into Missy he was both exhausted and inspired.

Diane had an equally valuable transition. While she had grown up in a politically conservative family, their lifestyle was hippier. She hadn't been taught to be sexy in dress or body hair grooming. Having an untrimmed bush is fine for many women but it didn't exactly get her the most sexually exciting guys in college. Once she arrived as a single professional woman in Pittsburgh, she hooked up with several traveling musicians. These guys were more deliberate in their lovemaking than the younger college options. One of the longer relationships dared her to shave her entire body over a mushroom-inspired weekend. Other than her eyebrows she took his hair clippers and zipped it all off. She was quite stunning as a bald woman, both on top and bottom. This led her and the aforementioned guitar player to enjoy a five-day sex-fest in the Florida Keys during one tour. This musician played her body like an instrument; something she previously hadn't truly experienced. She returned home knowing more about what she liked, empowered to expect it, and with enough confidence to ask for what she wanted.

When things settled down, Tom and Diane found themselves missing each other's companionship. One night they got drunk and while reminiscing about their old relationship, they also shared stories of their last year being single. Without jealousy, no detail was barred. By the end of several hours, the two took a shot of whisky, stripped off their clothes, and rekindled their romantic relationship. Rekindled is hardly the correct word as this was a total replacement of their past.

Tom went down on Diane for a surprisingly long time to her newly acquired satisfaction. Tom had some restraining straps under his bed left by Missy, and constrained Diane's arms to the bed while he spent the next twenty minutes licking and sucking Diane's pussy using every technique he had learned. He started working out this past year which gave him a very toned body. Diane loved his sculpted shoulders as she looked down at him between her legs. Listening and feeling Diane's body, he adjusted to what she was telling him she liked. He would mix up his play with his fingers until she squirmed, then return to the licking sensation she liked best.

Eventually, Diane wriggled her hands out of the straps, rolled on top of Tom, and explored his body. She took charge of his penis like she hadn't previously. Diane never lost her slim figure, always eating well and being active. Her strength was nimble and fluid. She sat on Tom's chest, allowing him to still please her orally, while she reached behind her back stroking Tom's motivated erection. Tom was looking up towards exceptional breasts. They weren't large yet perfectly shaped, extruding from the tight firm abs. Unlike the normal fifteen-minute sex of their past, they went on for an hour and a half changing positions continuously. Tom ended up behind Diana, pulling her hair back in a bunch. Diane had just told him to run his fingers on her scalp and to get rough. Tom slapped her firm ass, still gauging her responses while thrusting into her hard.

Tom needed to end just out of exhaustion. This was still new for him overall, and definitely new for him and Diane. Diane was equally impressed. She was enjoying Tom's body, as she had with the musicians, but now within this trusting comfortable relationship.

With the sexual limitations solved, their otherwise amazingly well-matched relationship continued to grow to the envy of their friends.

Phase 3

About five years into this developing community, Tom's best friend Kevin moved to the neighborhood. Kevin and Tom grew up as neighbors and were roommates during their freshman year. Ultimately Kevin quit school early and returned home. Tom and Kevin maintained their friendship which later attracted Kevin to the big city. Diane and Kevin were also familiar as kids, being from the same small town.

Their early community in Pittsburgh was recent grads. Inherent in this reality were a lot of transitions. People would come to Pittsburgh to start their careers. Some would find partners, get married, and move out to start families. Others would get burned out and return to their smaller hometowns to be closer to their parents and old friends. None of this was unexpected the decade after college. Through all of these friend transitions; Kevin, Tom, and Diane became a stable unit of three.

Tom and Diane each had non-standard working hours. Tom curated, hosted, and organized art exhibits. He would have weeks of evening events. In the beginning, Diane tried to attend most events but the schedule wasn't sustainable for a partner.

For her part, Diane was a real estate agent. She did her fair share of evening and weekend showings. She had the advantage of being in control of the hours she accepted.

Kevin was in construction leaving him every evening and weekend free. Tom and Diane maintained at least two evenings a week as formal date nights. Kevin would end up spending nearly three nights a week with one or both of them. This left Diane two evenings to herself each week which was important for her energy level.

Kevin's presence wasn't as a third wheel. He was an essential characteristic of Tom and Diane's relationship. The three of them became a full trusting unit of support. Tom and Kevin would travel together on mountain biking trips. When Kevin was working, Tom would spend time alone with Diane playing tennis or casually hanging out. And often the three of them had dinner together rotating around the three homes and sharing the work of general household projects.

Diane and Kevin were never burdened by a sexual charge. Kevin was equally in shape as Tom with a slightly stronger build. Diane got the same excitement of being flirty with both or either. Tom was fully satisfying her sexual appetite, and if her relationship with Kevin stimulated anything, it was Tom that was rewarded. Kevin would periodically date other women but tended to prioritize his time with Tom and Diane. None of his dates stayed around long enough to sufficiently join this close relationship of three.

As expected, the familiarity grew to include physical comforts. Kevin and Diane would often wrap arms around each other while walking around in public. They attended Acro yoga classes together where his strength was directly beneficial. When helping each other shop for clothes, Diane would show off options to inquire about responses. Kevin was never shy to be shirtless when the opportunity was right. When he would try on shirts, Diane would place her hand on his chest and compliment his form, lingering on his muscular pecks. Naturally, she started changing tops in front of Kevin as well without much discussion. This would also happen when all three were together with Tom not thinking twice about it.

Frequently after dinner the three would be streaming shows together, sit on the floor, and give each other shoulder massages. The beginning arrangement was for Diane to sit between Tom and Kevin in a row, each massaging the one in front. After a while, they would switch directions. The result was that Diane would receive twice as many massages as the guys. Each guy would massage Diane and Diane would massage each of the guys.

After one especially hard mountain biking day, the guys complained Diane wasn't strong enough to get deep into their sore muscles. Instead of Diane always being in the center they started rotating equally. The guys were comfortable enough to massage each other's shoulders just as they did Diane's.

Kevin admitted after dinner one night that he had a tight muscle that sitting wasn't going to address. As he lay down the other two jointly massaged his back. Tom used his strength on Kevin's upper back while Diane rubbed his legs and lower back. Whatever was streaming became irrelevant as everyone focused on the task at hand. Before the session was done, Kevin rolled onto his back. Diane moved up to his shoulders, chest, and arms with Tom using his strength on the thighs and calves.

It was such a good experience that they decided after their family dinner nights they would each take a turn receiving a full body massage. Tom received the next night's attention. Using a similar sequence, Kevin took the upper back with Diane moving to the legs. Given the nature of their relationship, Diane's hands explored more personally across the buttocks. Either as a result of this being the second massage, or if Kevin was slightly up the bi continuum, he massaged Tom more intimately.

When Tom rolled over the freedom grew further. Diane took the torso and arms while Kevin moved to the legs. Diane for her part leaned over Tom just a bit more closely. Her loose shirt and breasts would graze over his body and face. She would straddle Tom's arms teasing him with his hands between her legs. Kevin was really pressing into the leg muscles while Diane's hand massages felt sensual. Tom's slight arousal was obvious under his shorts. This wasn't unexpected given the sensual nature of four hands massaging one body.

Before Tom would stop out of embarrassment, Kevin acknowledged the situation and assured both of them that it was fine to continue. Diane wasn't going to take it too far but also wanted to give Tom a bit more pleasure. Tom reluctantly agreed if they assured him it wasn't too obvious. Both lied to him and told him to relax and enjoy. Kevin swapped places with Diane pressing down on Tom's shoulders and reaching under his neck. Diane went for the legs, her hands often slid up between the legs brushing the crotch. She also reached up the legs of the shorts as a tease. Her hands floated to his stomach, under this shirt, sliding down over this erection as they returned to his thighs.

It was all very enjoyable when she ended it by patting his bulge and saying she would take care of that later. Tom was relaxing as Diana took Kevin to the kitchen to get water. Kevin assured Diane that he enjoyed watching her encourage his friends' arousal. She was giddy being able to share that fun in Kevin's presence.

Phase 4

Now that both men had their turns, the following week was Diane's. Instead of playing a movie, she opted for background music. This was no longer just something added to their evening but was now the primary after-dinner activity. Tom asked if she was comfortable getting as aroused as he was in front of Kevin. She asked how they would know since she wasn't going to give them the same visual indication of Tom's bulge. She also truthfully acknowledged she probably wouldn't even know who was touching what, whereas they could easily feel the difference between a man's and a woman's touch.

No one expressed any restrictions, so they picked a music playlist. Diane dropped to the floor face down. Tom started on Diane's back with Kevin taking her legs. Unlike Tom's back rubs before sex, which were more sensual, these two went deep into her tissue. It felt great and challenging at times. Eventually, Tom started massaging her head with his fingers penetrating her hair. This sensation was magnified as Kevin moved up to her lower back, creating her first twinge of arousal. The guys pulled off briefly and she wasn't sure if they had switched around or not.

The hands on her lower back started exploring under her shirt towards her shoulders. The other pair of hands continued around her neck and head taking turns pushing down when the lower hands slid over her buttocks. The four hands continued their coordination better than she thought she had given during their two previous massages.

The top hands reach her lower back pressing down into her hips. As they returned upwards, they pulled her shirt up with them. Pausing just enough for feedback, the shirt was pulled up over her head and off with her lifting movement communicating affirmation. She felt fine being in a bra and shorts. Her eyes were closed out of relaxation when she asked who removed her shirt. Tom told her they didn't want to always tell her who did what, but she had her answer with his voice being above. She agreed that it was more comfortable not knowing and second-guessing.

The guys were communicating something between them as one of them left the room. It was probably Tom as he returned with a cloth strip they often used as a blindfold. He guided it under her head and tied it. She was now efficiently blindfolded. Her arousal level rose a notch.

The hands started moving around lighter. Still on her stomach, Diane accepted a coordinated removal of more clothing. One set of hands unclasped and removed her bra while the second set pulled her shorts down off her feet. She was now only wearing panties. Her partner's hands and the hands of their best friend were flowing from her hair to her feet and arms. Every inch of her backside was being rubbed.

Diane let it be known that she wasn't likely to initiate a stop, suggesting either of them could set the boundaries. She expected some response but was given nothing but silence. Soon after, the four hands went to the same side of her body and rolled her over to her back. As she started rolling over she asked if both of them were still OK, but again only received silence. Someone adjusted her blindfold to ensure she was still in the dark. She was now on her back wearing only panties while her two closest male friends were exploring every surface of her skin.

Diane was confident about her body. This summer was good for her as she was especially pleased with her stomach. She didn't expect anyone to see her naked tonight yet had chosen her most flattering panties. The blindfold helped her not feel as naked as she was.

One set of hands centered on her shoulders, rubbing her neck, continuing into a head massage. The other set was on her thighs sliding upward and downward over her crotch. The lower hands, after pulling this thigh to crotch motion several times, continued up her stomach. The upper hands left her head, traveled down her neck, and met the other hands on her breasts. She was getting a full breast massage with four strong hands. There was no denying her exposure as her nipples were being stimulated.

The lower hands slid back down the sides of her stomach onto the legs again. As they slid back up to her crotch, she realized how aroused she had become. While not having the bulge of Tom's erection, she was clearly wet as was apparent when those hands transferred her fluid onto her stomach. Instead of being embarrassed, she trusted these two were pleased with themselves.

Moving to each of her sides, the two men continued with one hand on her head or breast with their second hand sliding under her panties onto her pussy. Diane asked if they both wanted to continue as she was still committed not to initiating an end. Silence continued to be the response. She was confident they were coordinating, with both definitely actively engaged. She considered this a game of chicken that only had winners. The massage continued.

The sensations just kept magnifying. Someone grabbed both of her hands in one strong clasp and pulled them above her head. Their other hand grabbed a handful of hair while massaging her head. Two mouths were sucking on her nipples with just the right tension. The two remaining hands had their fingers in and out of her pussy, flicking her clit. Diane stretched and arched her back, held her breath, and had an extended long orgasm. In response, a set of fingers squeezed against her inside and the second shook the outside for stimulation. Diane shuddered in ecstasy until her hands were released and she grabbed the two wrists on her crotch to control the sensations.

Once she regained her breathing, Tom removed her blindfold. Diane blinked until her eyes adjusted, only then remembering the lights were still on and she was totally exposed to her best friend Kevin. The two men smiled and laughed as they rubbed her breasts in enjoyment. Tom leaned down and gave Diane a kiss assuring her he was glad she enjoyed it.

Kevin pulled a blanket off the couch as the two men clustered next to Diane. They cuddled under the blanket while all three remained in a tightly wound group hug.

Diane relaxed, coming to terms with the change in their relationship status.

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Decal_lastDecal_lastover 2 years ago

Good story. I really enjoyed it. One critique: you need to edit “shuttered” to shuddered. The first means to cover things such as windows while the latter is a physical reaction, good or bad. I would not say anything except I seem to be seeing the two words misused. Small thing loved the story so don’t let this slow you down.

KlitomaticKlitomaticover 3 years ago
Been There

And it was very pleasurable.

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