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Fox to Give

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This is very furry, & yiffy. Continue if that's your thing!
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One hour until they came, and it was time to prepare. I unceremoniously slipped off my human clothes, not yet theatrical in my movements, and slipped into a dark red, form-fitting unitard of downy velvet and fluffed polyester, with somewhat conspicuous gaps in the fabric here and there. I stepped into the washroom.

The blue-white daylight bulbs illuminating the room were unforgiving but revealing, for my last self-conscious moment. With red, white, and black paints, I carefully put on my face. With perspective illusions I expertly gave the impression of an elongated snout. I could already feel the special paint rapidly drying, becoming part of my skin. My aloe-vera tufts of Canada-Flag-red hair, much longer on the left than on the right, was just perfect the way it was. I raised one foot at a time to waist level and slipped onto each two very tall fox-paw socks - they were almost stockings. I put on two tall, curved red ears, as ridiculously soft as my fluffy body, and adjusting them I swear I could feel the touch there.

15 minutes. The next step needed a certain attention to mindset, and I smiled at my reflection, experimentally moving to and fro, flirting a little with myself, invigorating my body to come alive for me. Staring into my bright green eyes and crimson skin with white trim, feeling now more alive and empowered and ready, my slumbering penis leapt awake in a little lurch, stirring enough just to check surroundings for anything interesting. Deep inside my ass I began to tickle, the flesh inside activating and sending tender little requests for attention. As my initial excitement relaxed, I felt my muscles unflex and open. 12 minutes. I arched one red leg up to the counter and answered my own tender requests:

I felt the contours of my ass, the line up and down, the tiny dip into my own body. This task was purely practical but it would only work if I showed myself love. Filling my fingers up with a little pool of slick clear gel, I slicked myself up, outside, into, and deep within, gradually gradually as each of my inches opened to me. I even allowed myself a minute of this without purpose: I was becoming better at this, and even pleased myself. I was quite attracted to what gazed back from the mirror: a mischievous form flirting with the room and idly masturbating.

Having pre-planned my prep, I already had within arm's reach a long, gorgeous, fluffy tail, red with a stark white tip, whose fluff made it as thick as my waist. I slicked up its business end, a rather long chrome plug just wide enough that muscle spasms wouldn't unhinge it out of me, and I slowly, slowly, slid the whole thing in... granting every moment of pause and relent my ass requested of me. My patience was rewarded because I was by now aroused enough to open to its broadest point and then grab the whole thing deep within me as I clamped shut. The toy gave me a single ambitious hump, activated purely by my own muscles clasping around it, and my whole body theatrically arched. In the mirror I saw my body in its full glory.

Recovering from this little moment of bliss and discomfort, I slowly opened my eyes, forcing my emotional presence through a couple more logistics.

8 minutes. I checked myself out, facing forward while I swivelled my bum toward the mirror. Once I saw it the first time it was all just irresistible: My ears and face managed to be both adorable and sexy. And the tail... I twirled a little, letting my tail dance around me, catching up and curling around my leg like a puppy who wants to play too; and with every swish the toy inside me tugged and twisted. Fucking delightful. As I moved about the room, my tail emoted with every swagger or pose, every movement.

It wasn't even like I was in-character anymore... it was like I was finally out-of-character, finally myself.

And yet, with all that excitement, I had to soothe and bore myself back to baseline. Relax. Relax. Something very similar to my "socks" were slipped onto my hands and wrists, form-fitting and red, and fingerless. There. Wait I can't answer the door like this. That's... presumptuous. What do I do? Housecoat? No. Chemise? Presumptuous. Skirt? I had a skirt nearby, a satiny thing, floppy and billowy, long enough to be seductive but not so long that it hid too much of my dangling tail. Skirt. I didn't always choose something feminine to wear, but what can I say? Masculine clothes have fewer places for a tail to escape.

Ding! Dong...

I fluffed up my hair a little, swiveled my shoulder at the mirror experimentally, and danced over to the door, weightless and swift, with a tiny pitter-patter of my paws.


I placed my paw on the doorknob.

Watch it be a Jehovah Witness. Actually, I almost would like that.

As I opened the door, I planted a pretend-serious gaze on my face, a "Can I help you?" face, which didn't last long before my impish grin returned.

The first thing I saw were two tall, pointed, white-and-silver ears peeping out of neatly cut holes in a broad grey fedora, a matching slender feminine little trench-coat, and tall grey boots. All in all it was sort of mockery of inconspicuousness. It was quite plain to see the person in the hat had a gunmetal-hued face trimmed with bright white, speckled with charcoal spots down their temples. A tuft of white fluff emerged between the coat's lapel almost like a cravat. The gorgeous feline before me even had glimmering inhuman irises.

As my guest skulked nimbly through my door with a bashful little gleam, and turned about, simultaneously bashful and proud, we just stared at each other for a moment. And then we burst into a giggling embrace, a nuzzling adoring gentle hug, swooning into each other's necks. What's referred to as a Glomp.

"You're here! You're actually here in front of me!" Recalling the morning, I don't remember which of us said that to the other, but it's without a doubt what we were both thinking.

For months we had spoken Online, getting to thoroughly know each other, talking about our lives, giving life advice, fawning in sentimentality and excitement at each other's initial experiments in self-actualized self-photography, speaking frankly and friendly about each other's sexual interests, becoming deep friends and confidants. We were by now fierce friends and all that was missing until this moment was this unconsummated urge to cuddle into each other.

As we had both readily admitted to each other throughout our friendship, we didn't even know whether we desired sex together, we just knew that we wanted hugs that never ever ended. There in that embrace, we knew today we would either chat or we would lovemake. We would Just See, and either would be perfect. I suppose that since my tail was actually partly inside my ass, subtly humping me every time I thought of something intriguing, I was currently a little biased towards one decision rather than the other... but I'd be more than fulfilled to just have one of our famous chats in a cuddle pile and fall asleep to a movie. We had done it while streaming over cam many times before, waking up to each other on screen in the morning.

Eire, my beloved wildcat, slipped out of their coat and tall boots, denying them any importance as they were flopped onto the floor, doffed-away their broad-brimmed hat in a little flourish, and, making it all a single dance move, nuzzled deeply into me again as I did into them. We felt the beginnings of each other's erections on each other, but nothing ought to be assumed by that: penises alone have three independent states of arousal, each representing a different kind of excitement. It was very flattering to know our feelings were mutual, but all that mattered was that my friend was hugging me.

And now Eire drew their face back and gleamed calmly at me.

"Hellow Red."

"Hellow Eire."

We had a lot to cover. There was tea, there were snacks, there was gossip and one brisk debate about the character of Black Widow. There were cuddles. This story could be a novel if I elaborated on all of them. But I get the impression you might like me to elaborate on our cuddle.

Though our legs were gently but thoroughly pretzled together, our arms were free to gently pet each other's chests, necks, hair, and arms. An anecdote from Eire's adolescence brought us close together again, and I explored the full winter coat of fur on the sides of their waist, ginger as could be as I carefully nuzzled along the grain, always petting their fur back down. Kitty-petting 101. Eire would idly stroke my tail - in fact they seemed indulgently preoccupied with the feel of my tail and the look of it - and again, I could swear I was feeling the caress.

"So what about you? Have you ever skinny-dipped?" That wasn't a change of subject. Eire's anecdotes could chill you.


"Generally hung out unadorned?"

"Once!" Eire leaned back and gestured theatrically for more information. As I answered, Eire's velvety paw caressed between my jaw and my ear, and giggled as they listened.

"I was a teenager. It was a muggy summer night and I was sleeping on the floor downstairs because the bedrooms had become too hot. For some reason I felt... well excited, [Eire Giggle] and I just didn't know what to do about it, since I had siblings in proximity [Eire giggle] and it was... really urgent this time [Eire snort] and it was about more than just getting off, it was about... well running free! Something was calling me, into nature, into the woods, into the thrill of the hunt. I was naked, but I looked around for something really special to do this time. [Eire snort laugh] The fox in me was telling me I had to sprint in the woods or something. Seriously. I needed to do something... extreme. So I went outside.

"In just your coat or did you at least put your pyjamas back on first?"

"Nope! No pyjamas, no coat." Eire froze. "I was literally outside naked, in the muggy midnight air, in a backyard in a neighbourhood a little too congested to call "suburban", and then on the sidewalk..." Eire gaped, jaw-open.

"WHAT TIME was it?"

"12:30ish?? So I stealthed all the way through the neighbourhood to the woody park, and the sprinklers were on, [Eire cackle] and I figured what-the-hell and ran to my heart's content through the trees and the field. For an hour, I must have ran, and jumped, and flipped through the water, sprinting and leaping; and eventually I snuck back home. Sneaking between the houses and along the road was like a stealth video game, it was intense. I was almost caught! I felt... truly alive."

"Wait. You went to the park, stripped, and ran around naked? *nuzzlehug* I LOVE you..."

"To be precise, I stripped, THEN went to the park. My clothes were categorically in the dining room in my house and I travelled with nothing but skin - I had no safety net, it was all or nothing. [Eire evil laugh] I don't know if I respect my own choices with regards to THAT step." Eire continued giggling for a long moment. "I had a few close calls... I saw a receptionist at the Old Folk's Home on the way back, still there in the middle of the night (why does there need to be a night shift receptionist??) so I stealthed away, avoiding the streetlights, and tiptoe-ran between two houses. I saw an old man spotting me, but he was only a silhouette, and golly did I hope I was too... But I made it back to my back yard."

"How old were you again?"

"You don't want to know."

"It's me. All proverbs about curiosity talk about my people."

"Just old enough to think I was extremely clever for my brand new invention I came up with when I got home: using a creamy liquid to make pawing off feel better." Eire launched backwards in giggles.

"Hahahahwhahahahahwhatwashahahahahwhatwasit? Whatdidyouusehahaha?"

"...Hair conditioner."


"That's not the embarrassing part. The embarrassing part was that I wasn't that young. I was... not a minor. I just didn't know anything about sex-"

"HAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. AWWWWwwwwww, puppy..." I sneered, half-facetiously.

After another lethargic little while corkscrewed together, bodies perfectly in balance in our upright twist, I unfurled my head from around Eire's neck, made eye contact as they rose to meet my gaze, and spoke, "So there's lots of time. How do you feel about things? I mean... how do you feel?"

If anyone else gave me a large Cheshire cat grin in this position, I may have gotten a sense of foreboding, but from Eire it just felt safe and fun. Their little nose sought my left cheek and flicked up, grazing it, a feline nuzzle. They met my eyes again, smiling, then affirmed their answer with a somewhat more elaborate nuzzle, cheek-to-cheek. Then met my gaze again. Neither of us decided to smooch first... we just squeezed each other a little harder until we met in the middle, both refusing to turn our heads away. Our dry lips met, and automatically we nuzzled them against each other, to feel further inside.

For that instant, we calmly breathed in each other's scent and got our first taste of one another. There's no words to describe someone's distinct taste, but I enjoyed Eire's. It was exotic but so familiar... the taste was like I had been tasting this mouth all my sexual life, but the feel of those tiny, strong lips was alien and electric and invigorating.

The kiss was soon halted and we just nosed each other's faces, affectionately, smelling each other's sources of scent, hair, neck, mouth... When we rediscovered one another's mouths we were magnetized towards each other again. We officially had a taste for each other, their scent was imprinted in my mind. Forever more my tongue would be seeking that scent, deep down inside. And soon we two friends massaged our paws into each other's necks and hair and shoulders as we feasted on each other's faces, patiently but hungrily.

We came up to stare at each other again, analyzing one another's facial expressions for context. We noticed the same thing at the same time: nothing had changed. We were still friends; we watched each other friendily and impishly and affectionately and casually... though all of a sudden it didn't feel strange to touch tongues.

So we did. Our limbs now curled around each other's backs, me for the moment taking the lower back and they the upper back, and with increased vigour we pulled each other up together to a kneel, now flatly against one another from knee to face.

Curling our arms delicately around each other, leaning into each other's fronts, we took the moment to learn each other's bodies through and through. I felt their hips were broader than mine, their chest fuller, their legs longer, their thighs a tiny bit plumper, their hair silkier, their skin more satiny, their scent fruity except for localized musk. We were beyond the point of being bashful that our penises were apparent flopping about, trying tenaciously to rise but content to smother clumsily against each other. Between our legs we felt each other's radiant warmth and I revelled in it.

Eire had a confident swagger in their kiss, a delighted little smile between smooches, and yet their meditative swoons and surprised sighs gave any cavalier performance away.

After one particularly perfect kiss (something about the way the softest surfaces of our pink insides slipped across each other, soft-against-soft, eliciting shudders of breath), all as one unit we stood up, to more thoroughly and violently pounce into each other, tasting each other's faces in renewed curiosity and haste.

We eventually had to breathe. And we noticed each other darting eyes to the stairs. A moment went by.

"So I get the impression we're both worried that this moment will end if we interrupt it? That it will get weird?" I blinked. That was a very private little thought, I had barely put it into words, and Eire felt it in the very air. "Let's get through it together?" Eire turned their body around and sashayed a little to the nearby table, selecting an orangey soda water drink and nimbly glugging from it without interfering with their make-up. They came back to me. The whole thing was a parade of one outstanding feline body, and they enjoyed swivelling around the whole time, unnecessarily elaborate in their billowing journey across the room.

I smiled indulgently in response, bashful but mischievious. I tossed my fluffy hair as I lightly bounded across the room to them, touching their tummy and rump experimentally.

"My nest it is, KittyCat..."

"Wizard! I promise I'll be just as excited to touch you once we're there. You think you'll feel the same way?"

I was blushing but I nodded. "Things can never feel weird with you. Ever. I could chat with you about the Cats movie right now, make fun of it right now, and we'd still be us."

Eire smiled. I felt two soft paws circle my balls, my actual balls, exploring their shape, and as I shut my eyes and gasped, trusting those claws to be gentle, and as Eire grinned more widely, they muttered, "Am I the only one who didn't mind how provocative they were in that movie? They're cats, how else are they going to act with each other? And I think it's old-fashioned to expect a linear plot-line. Sometimes things are just happening and it's funner to see where it goes..." They trailed off as they kissed me elaborately.

Eire took my paw in theirs and said, "But I'll get you for calling me Kittyat.' I gleamed and nodded, and together we climbed, hands on each other, up the stairs of the narrow townhouse.

In the brilliantly-sunlit bedroom, Eire and I gazed at each other, and deliberately moved past any awkward moment that could surface. This time I placed my arms around their shoulders, a novel position for me, but it opened up my whole midsection to be held and enjoyed by this wildcat in front of me. Their arms caressed the small of my back again as we nuzzled noses together, and, as patient, soft, wet kisses began in earnest, my tall, fluffy torso was explored, from the sides of my tummy, to my collar, to my delicate chest, in circles surrounding my nipples, with soft yielding palms and softly-brushing sharp claws. I pet Eire along the cheek, neck, and into their hair, curling gentle claws and escalating our fervour a little with tiny love-scrapes along their shoulders.

Eire leaned back a little, into a pose that presented their body conspicuously, unambiguously. Their arms arched up a little, touching their shoulders and beyond, and their paws flicked something, lifted something, did something, and in a cascade of motion I don't fully understand the mysteriously constructed fabric of their jumpsuit fluttered away from them. Eire's torso was largely covered in downy fluff, but so form fitting and stretchy that they were very much officially naked in front me, and overwhelmingly beautiful. It was with the most ginger of awed touches that I felt along that beautiful torso, examining collar, tummy, breasts, and Eire luxuriated into the touch, eyes drifting away for a moment and torso pressing forward into every touch.

In a little flourish, I slowly twirled once, each motion a removal of a sleeve and a celebration of each part I exposed, and in my fluid motion I let my own adornments flop away from me. We spent that moment enjoying the look of each other. Eire is gorgeous. Their body was as though specifically designed in shape to both parade and seclude their most erotic areas, always hinting at a little bit more, under more fur, under another curve... Our staring visibly excited both of us, as our shoulders increasingly swivelled, our chests increasingly heaved, our penises increasingly hopped upwards, and our eyes increasingly blinked. It was in one final moment we clearly just couldn't take anymore and we pounced at each other, two carnivores, unresolved about who was whose food.

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