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Fox to Give


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And then, like a lead dancer, Eire turned my body around, now even more prone, in the pose yoga referred to, appropriately enough, as Downward Dog.

Eire was gentle and kind and patient with my opening. With the slightest constant tug on my fluffy red tail, they patiently awaited that moment when my relaxed muscle released it on its own. The feeling was intense, but I felt taken care of.

I was beyond touched when, vulnerable and bashful at having my tail removed and becoming a little more human again, two gentle hands curled around my waist and snapped a buckle at my front. All by themselves Eire had noticed my strap-on fluffy orange tail, and put it on, making me... myself again! I felt Eire lovingly pet my tail, before guiding it slowly, softly, upwards, resting on my back, again accessing the rump the tail protects, analyzing the bum with soft little paws. The touch vanished for an instant. Then I felt Eire's fingers return, cool and slick.

"This is my touch," they whispered soothingly. The soft insertion of their longest finger was a gentle massage inside me, soothing any ache. Two fingers began soothing me, feeling the inside of me, exploring, caressing with healing little circles.

Cool and slick anew they returned, slipping further into me, and my raised bum leaned gently into their hand.

"You're a work of art," they whispered behind me. I wasn't sure whether they were just being kind, but I decided to own it, this apparent allure.

I buried my head into the mattress and waited, letting my heavy breaths exhale as singing groans. I heard Eire sigh and breathe heavily, likely touching themself.

I felt the returning feeling of flesh on me, cool, larger, blunter. With our cooperative gentle unlocking of my body, my bum welcomed them in. They entered so modestly, so gently, my polite little guest, asking permission long after it was given.

After the initial intensity of their head it was just a matter of further, deeper, into the inside of me. As vulnerable and loving as giving myself up to a mouth felt, welcoming someone inside was by definition the most intimate act possible, and I relished in it. I also relished in the moment I knew was coming. Eire couldn't see my Cheshire smile from their position.

All the way in, Eire reassuringly placed their hands on my hips, adjusted into a soft grip, bucked back, and slipped swiftly forward.

We made precisely the same sound, though theirs was louder, as I was expecting pleasure: I knew a penis head was about to rush deep into me, and I was overjoyed that the shape of my lover's balls were perfectly positioned to slap into my own, something I was now looking forward to feeling a few hundred more times. But Eire had absolutely no idea that, as they humped swiftly into my body, two mysterious stones inside the yielding material of my toy would rattle and vibrate their ass, and Eire just held onto me needily, maintaining balance, staying all the way in as they recovered from the feeling.

Eire's fingers adjusted again into a tight grip and attempted further humps into me, and as gentle and slow as they were the rattling continued, I could hear it, and my top behind me began an unexpectedly desperate little whimper as their aggressive sexual stance was rapidly becoming, for the moment, joyously submissive. For my part, I just grinned, presenting to my lover, giving helpful little return humps whenever Eire began again to find a rhythm, always on the brink of overwhelming themselves with their own motion's effects on the inside of their own ass.

It was glorious. Everything - everything - my top was doing to me they were doing to themselves. Soon all I knew was the beating of two strong balls against my own and two voices whimpering desperately and moaning happily.

"Ohyoulittle" were the whispers I heard behind me. "Youdidthisonpurposes" and "OhyouandyourTRICKSuhhhh!!" and "I'llgetyouforthis".

"Love you too Eire" I groaned into my pillow.

"You're fucking beautiful", they swooned, "But I'm going to just enter a trance now. Don't worry, I'm still here," they laughed.

"Thanks, I was havingtroublenotiCINGOHMYFUCKINGgodyes... yes... yespleaseyes... Yourballsareexquisite..."

Encouraged and thrilled with the sounds behind me, I arched my back proudly, raising my head and shoulders in a kind of parade. While this made their penetration trickier, the complicated movements now needed were... more exquisite? Every thrust we made into each other was now a kind of vertical swivel and I was here for it.

The dance we entered, creating in wordless collaboration, put Eire in a newly aggressive position - not mean-aggressive, just assertive, active, leading. The roaming hands directed my bum and hips and thighs into perfected positions and movements, and I was in no way reluctant to comply.

To be directed in sex, to be taken and enjoyed, to be choreographed and tightly held in a position and told to continue that way, when done with gentle and adoring affection, when done with obvious regard to consent and eagerness and mutual joy, is a beautiful experience. To be led like in a dance by someone you trust so much you want them to have a turn instructing your body, is the most intimate way to be taken care of, to FEEL taken care of. "Have my body for now, for this moment", it seems to say, "I will take you and you will be mine at some point in the coming minutes, but for right now, this is for you... In this moment I am yours."

Eire knew this and revelled in it: their swoons were soon proud, indulgent, bold, and, once my choreography was perfected and we danced our bodies into each other, their paws rapidly wandered, memorizing my body. Their claws grazed against my back, up-to-down, at first a tickle but soon in overwhelmed little scratches, communicating their needy pleasure. They grabbed my back, my waist, my bum, curled now around my torso and feeling the contours of my belly. The keen sting along my back was welcome. Soon enough though the paws just grabbed my waist again and held on, firmly, and their balls began striking my own more firmly, more rapidly.

And their sounds became different, again more uncontrolled, more vulnerable. I heard it again: I heard the rattle deep within my lover's ass, louder now, more anarchic a beat, as our thrusts made a maraca of the stones inside the soft toy, vibrating the walls inside them. "Oh fuck it all Red, UHH, thisorgasmisgoingtoKILLME... UHH..."

Their voice was now a wordless little song of happy-but-helpless yelps. I could tell I was making sounds too, groans somewhat resembling "uh-HUH??" again and again.

In that moment, Eire's penis grew inside me. I felt the head expand, not in a pulse of semen, not yet, but an expansion of enhanced arousal. It was now simply too large to fit back through my opening. Our pleasure had for the moment locked us together. In this state, my lover descended down towards me, almost laying on my back, snuggled up fur to fur and limbs curled around my torso, feeling for my nipples, cherishing my little breasts, affectionately grasping one with their last instant of attention before entering a final trance.

There was nothing left to say as Eire released and unleashed their body into its orgasm. Holding each other for dear life, my claws curled around their claws curled around one half of my chest, two other paws holding both our bodies aloft, our hips positioned to piston together as long as Eire needed, I gave myself to the moment. I gave myself to Eire. I was content to listen to the song of Eire's orgasm, whispered close into my ear.

I was held then in an immensely powerful death grip. I trusted those arms through the hold - I was a space for my lover to be, somewhere for them to land. I had invited this, I welcomed this, I requested this. And I accepted my gift, in sudden hot torrents deep inside of me, and a groan transforming in one breath from powerful to begging. Yes was my answer to this groan. Every muscle in my rump knew exactly how to give Eire my Yes: grabbing them tightly inside me, pumping more out, an aftershock swivel, a release to give them the next move, the move their body begged for in their last moment of cogent thought before collapse... That last movement was an exquisite final thrust into me, deeper than ever but so gentle. So gentle. And warm.

Nothing happened for a moment - why would we want an interruption of this exact place we were both in? Finally, we both twisted our necks to meet each other halfway, swooned vulnerable little sloppy kisses into each other, still in our (probably glorious, photogenic) pose.

This moment, the 5-second mark after an orgasm, is sacred, where wordless promises are made and lovers are either abandoned to their state or brought in for a gentle landing. We waited for their penis to at last calm down and shrink enough to release me. I could wait. I was again in NO HURRY for this instant to pass. They held me, affectionate hand on my neck and collar as we kissed. I held them, bum holding firmly, one paw curling fingers around the fingers of their own weight-bearing arm. We kissed clumsy promises of love into each other's mouths and on each other's faces, unrelentingly smooching each other on the cheek and forehead and nose and lips.

At last their long shaft drifted into a half-sleep and Eire's hips gently reversed away from me. Uncoupled I dexterously curled my body around under them, wrapping my hind limbs around Eire's tired hips and invited them into a sleepy embrace. We nuzzled together as I heard the last of their little heaves.

And one final gasp of pleasure I knew had originated from inside that ass.

"Whatever..." Eire began. "Am I going...' "To do with you..."

I scritched the back and top of their head in response.

"Is that a rhetorical question Kitty?"

Hoarsely, "Okay you're only being allowed to call me Kitty because I have am half in a coma... with what I'm going to... conservatively call an orgasm. No that is not a rhetorical question... though I'll start... making choices for you if I don't hear really good ideas by the time I have... use of my limbs again."

I chortled cutely. "Well normally I do love, love, love tongues, and I love yours, but at this very moment whatever we do I think I need to be looking very closely into your eyes when we do it."

"Well then, Dear Heart, if you want me to be able to grab you and do anything with you in those circumstances, I think we'll need to address a little roadblock?" We giggled together and traded some snarky little smooches all across each other's cheeks, before I curled around to their backside.

I placed my left paw reassuringly on Eire's back. With tender touch, I gingerly began a soft, gradual tug on the rubbery hook emerging from Eire's bum. Very slowly, as Eire breathed, it emerged, until one rush of an instant when it popped out and Eire gave a teeny yelp. I pet them softly. "Are you alright?"

"Mhm?" they swooned. They sighed once more, and rose to my kneel stance again, where we gave a long, warm hug, curling around each other and breathing. For the moment we were in a cuddle, not even in sexual space. Eire's penis was soft now, though hot and pink, and mine was maybe three-quarters up, excited but sentimental, not quite asking for orgasm, just enjoying itself. We stayed there for probably minutes, breathing and snuggling.

When Eire kissed behind my ears and along my cheek, a necklace of kisses along my face, open-mouthed and gently, my penis fluttered fully awake between us, and their kisses became once again a tiny bit more urgent.

In a flash Eire was gone, and just before my body could truly start missing them they were back, close to me, massaging their paws together in a familiar sound. And then two entire paws were all over my penis and balls, drenched in sharply cold gel, massaging my penis, letting the skin of me slide downward and up, slicking me up underneath my skin and over, then kneading along the shaft like relaxing any other muscle, massaging deeply with two sheathed claws. As I arched impossibly far back, presenting myself for more, please more, the two balls underneath were soaked for no particular reason whatsoever, just enjoyed and memorized with two very curious very adventurous paws.

I returned and nibbled deeply into Eire's neck, vampirically fervent. Eire swooned into it for a moment and then twirled me into a recline beneath them. And then was on me.

Two ankles were on either side of my head, effortlessly arched up and resting, their rump was now upon me, slicking itself up on my penis, and somehow, still, Eire's face was effortlessly close to mine, whispering swoons and secrets as their rump made promises with a tiny dance against me.

The whispers eventually became words. "I'm not saying you are my bottom, dearest red fox... I'm not saying I've won. I'm saying I will take care of you for a moment. Make yourself home in me... Come right inside..."

This turned out not to be a request for me to take action. Keeping close, piercing eye contact with me, close enough to smell their every scent, one more little slithering dance raised my shaft and nuzzled the head halfway into the warmest, silkiest place it had ever been. Once, twice, Eire slipped claws along my chest, along my cheeks, and then began a loopty-loop of a circle with their rump. My shaft raised high up, vanished deep into a warm cavern, where it was grabbed closely, hugged, nuzzled and twisted, and then gently released, , and finally slipped back out.

The whole time a wide-eyed, overwhelmed look overcame Eire, who seemed slightly surprised, slightly harried, but tentatively excited.

This was not a one-off. The beautiful and powerful wildcat in full pounce upon me started all over again, took an eternity, and started all over again. Eire's eyes were now looked sleepy-but-furious - no wait, content but ecstatic. Gracefully, Eire repositioned their ankles directly beneath their rump, but kept our faces intimately close, watching me in my trance, teaching me our new dance, ever-so-slightly increasing our tempo as I deployed my muscles. By the time we were in a pace swift enough to gratify our desperate need for more, I couldn't tell who was moving who through these motions.

This, I thought; This is what sex should be like; with no idea who's in control, tasting each other's air and letting it intoxicate you, making promises with looks and moans.

Eire curled their arms around me once more, gathering me up into a sit, cradling, nose to nose, locking our eyes together. We wouldn't drop that gaze for several minutes, we wouldn't close our eyes even for a kiss, though kiss we did. We stared wide eyed at each other for everything that proceeded.

And in that grasp Eire whispered to me, while still slowly sliding down and up, gingerly gently, "Are you ready my red fox? Are you ready to take the lead? I won't let go until you're ready." Eire's tender little thrusts kept me at a perfect balance, neither proceeding towards my inevitable orgasm nor relaxing away from it. Keeping the stare, I gave Eire a serious nod. We watched each other for a few more thrusts into each other's bodies.

And then they whispered into my mouth "Take my body" as they gave me a tiny little smooch.

I caught Eire's body just as they relaxed their grip on me, wrapping my limbs all the way across their curvaceous waist, lower back, high upper back. I held all of my wildcat's weight, their whole self, as I directed their hips to and fro to my own dance, which was, given everything I had joyously endured, fervent and feverish and strong and decreasingly graceful. I was as ginger as I could be, inside their body's contours for the first time, loving and gentle by instinct, though a power was coming over me, wild and free and bold.

As Eire watched me, I realized no one had ever truly watched me have an orgasm: closing their eyes, hugging me close, never locking gaze. I was being watched, I was being experienced, I was being beheld as my body unleashed. I accepted their bearing witness, smiling a little at Eire, and let go.

My whole head began a wild little thrash, back and forth, dancing, abandoning composure. Eire held my face close, insisting my eyes to stay present.

That moment was a lot like that instant Eire held my hips tight, stopping my body from escaping the touch. Together, eagerly in obvious consent, as a team, Eire held my body steady to keep me present, and just like with my hips, holding my face steady made the undistracted sensations in my penis, my balls, and the mouth Eire kissed overpowering. But still I led, and it was my body swiveling into Eire's hips that led our sensations, that overcame me, that unleashed me. Eire gladly beheld my desperate and glad eyes as my orgasm finally began.

Eire watched the whole event, in my eyes, as I released an orgasm from my balls, up through my shaft, let it erupt from me deep into Eire's ass (thrusts now teeny, always remaining deep), repeating the final motion to erupt every wave of semen out of me, and finally abandoned my control as Eire's opening hugged me tight and sucked the last of it out of me. I crumpled into Eire's arms, groaning into their tender little breasts, head cradled by gentle little paws, as tiny little aftershocks passively happened to my body. I was cuddled through my orgasm to its very end, Eire nuzzled closely, adoringly.

After a bagillion years later I came to my senses. A cat was laid atop of me, grinning, who chimed in, "I win."

"You what? You win what?!"

"The sex. I won the sex."

"I don't even know what that means? We both won, we had a good time."


"So are you."

"So are we still friends?"

"That's obvious."

"Are we going to have sex again some time?"

"That's obvious."


"That's obvious!"

"Then again, how much should we put on to go out? Or take off?"

"This neighbourhood needs a shake-up. They'd be lucky if I took out my tail. I have zero fox to give."

"...You did not just say that."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Your writing style is so beautiful❤. Loved the sweetness and affection in your story.

There is no judgement between the characters, and your narrative is so inclusive 🥰

Keep up the amazing work!

Thank you for sharing!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

oh my god i love this so much like im not even kidding you are an incredibly talanted writer!! this was so inclusive of the transgender and nonbinary and furry community aaaaaa the cuddling was so cute and like their banter was the best thing in the world! i rate this 26 ketchup packets out of 5.


but the cats movie wasnt good though

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