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Frankie with a Roommate Ch. 11

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Frankie has a date with Brie, Tori gets a doll.
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Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/29/2021
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It's been about three weeks since the wild holiday weekend that started with the Kendall's Bar B Q party and the non-stop sex between the neighborhood ladies and my roommate James. And nobody got kicked to the curb. All the women met with their lawyers and learned that they would lose everything if they tried to implement their plans of getting rid of their no-good husbands and move with in James. It turns out the local Judge is a regular member at the weekly card games, so the guys had the edge. The Judge issued orders for the horny ladies to stay home and suck it up. They all replied that they haven't sucked their no-good husbands for 20 years and weren't going to start now. But they didn't want to go to prison, so they agreed to only sneak over every now and then.

It's actually nice having the neighborhood back to normal. Mrs. Kendall is back to giving me shit over the fence, Carrie still sneaks over to take naps in my bed and Gail pretends to get lost on Tuesday's and knocks on the door to ask for directions. The ladies still get a little time with James and I still post photos of Carrie sleeping in nude with her big butt cheeks facing the camera. I haven't seen my fake girlfriends face in 3 weeks.

The dirty old men are back to normal as well. Mr. Kendall still spies on me and pulls his meat in the garage. Larry moved into the basement and Carrie agreed to ignore his porn collections, but she poked a hole in his $7 blow up plastic doll. Ray got a pretty good deal. Gail allowed him to move upstairs into the back bedroom, but had to get rid of all of his boy blow up plastic dolls. In trade, Gail lets him go to the Park, after dark, two days a week.

It's nice to everything back to normal in the hood. But now, it's a Friday night, the clothing store is busy and I look fantastic. Karla has called a team meeting to make some big announcement just before closing time and Mr. G wants me to run a special errand for him.

"Frankie, Lizzie called in the food order and it's about time for you to leave to pick up the food. Karla wants everyone to be fed before her big announcement and Tori needs a bag of clothing from Suzie to work on or fix or whatever Tori does."

"I'm ready Mr. G. Hey, have you been having any problems with their website lately? It's been 3 weeks and I still can't get to Amanda's home page. It's error404 all day long."

"I heard it rained in New York city, you know how the internet is. But don't frown, I heard that it's going to be sunny in Arizona tomorrow. Keep trying."

"Yeah, but I'm missing the good stuff. All they can talk about over there is some kind of contest they had last night and the grand prize."

"But congratulations to some guy named James Dooley. He hit the lucky roll of the electronic dice. They released a sneak peek at next weeks contest and it should be good. But, listen, I wanted you to pick up the food and clothing for a reason. One, I heard that you and that Brie Tranny have been making nice and I wanted to give you a few moments with her and two, get a good look at Suzie. She was a guest star on Tori's web cast last night and she looked a little heavy."

"You know the camera adds a little weight, but I will personally measure her hips. And thanks for letting me see Brie. She and I have become red hot lovers over the last 2 weeks and we are having our first date tonight. It's a video watch party for two on her couch. We might be mostly naked and giggle a lot."

"OK hot stuff. I pre-paid the food. And say hello to my Brother-in-Law Sal."

"I'll be back in a flash Mr. G. Amanda fixed the camera in your office, so your 6 pm meeting with Mr. Conn can be recorded. Should I restock the lube in your office before I go?"

"Please do. I need more employees like you around here. Hurry back, but don't open my office door without knocking. Oh, by the way, if you manage to get into Tori's website, there is a guessing game button in the lower left corner about when the world will see Tori with messy sex hair. I'm still offering big bucks for the first photo. One entry per user. Are you logged on yet?"

"No, not yet, but I see an elderly couple across the street and they have a flat tire, so you know."

Stupid fricking website. Tori and Amanda are twerking in panties on video and I can't even roll the dice. And I know how to push their buttons. I could rig the contest, because I know all of their secrets. And just as soon as they invite me over, I'm going to mess their website up.

"Tori, I'm sure that you have heard that Mr. G is sending me on a special assignment and I still can't log onto your sexy website. Can't you talk to your tech guy?"

"Well, I heard the wind blew a tree over in Canada, so you know. Listen Frankie, I'm a little nervous that you will blow it on hot date tonight because, well, because it's you, so I put together this over night bag for you. They are super cute pajamas. I think watermelon will suit your skin tone. The blue panties are for that Rick guy. I expect you to use them to jack him off if that's what it takes to get my extra Italian Dressing. It's a must."

"No problem Tori. Do you think I should have a talk with Brie about the wild sex I had with Suzie and Jimmy J a month ago? It was hot and I don't want any secrets with her."

"You mean the time Jimmy J pounded Suzie in your bed and you were watching from a distance? Brie will be happy that you know what real sex is."

"Well, I licked her thighs dry. She was squirting and wet and I'm her number one."

"LOL, again, Brie will be happy to know that you learned where the sex parts are located. You better go. Throw the bag in your car. Hey, do you know what Karla's big announcement is? I mean she's dating your roommate, what have you heard?"

"I haven't heard anything. They have sex at Karla's place because the neighbor ladies walk in their sleep. It seems like James would prefer to keep Karla as his secret lover, unlike Brie and I."

"Does James have an ear wax build up problem?"

"No, I have special oil for that. I warm it between my hot legs."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Have her sign these release forms. We can't release the video of us bouncing quarters off of her volley ball butt until she signs them. Hurry back Frankie and don't forget my extra sauce. Amanda is sponsoring a food segment tonight."

"I'm supposed to check out Suzie's hip measurements for Mr. G. Do we have one of those fabric Tape Measures?"

"LOL, that is a trick. Make up a story about how you carefully wrapped the measure tape around her hips. Tell Mr. G the story in a slow fashion and step back. And OMG, tell your girlfriend to stop creating fake accounts on our website. We know it's Brie. Amanda is very techie and knows these things. Hey, she installed a small camera in the dressing room if you want to watch me fit her with our latest leather strap one-piece. It covers nothing. By the way, who is the girlfriend and who is the boyfriend?"

"We're a little confused about that, so we agreed that we would both wear white dresses on our wedding day. And Amanda has already updated my laptop to include all of the store's camera feeds. I'm almost a Senior Manager around here. Hey, maybe Brie will help me set up an account on your sex filled website?"

"Ah, maybe, but the Electric company has seven workers standing around a perfectly good utility pole and they are all drinking coffee, so you know."

"Well, at least it's always something else. I was afraid I was being blocked. OK, I'm off, but just how do the quarters bounce in the air?"

"LOL, come on, you know how tight Brie's butt is. However, we have a no spoiler rule, so you will have to sign up to find out, but they go very high. Hey, you should consider other hair styles now."

During my drive back to Middleton I considered what Tori said. She said that now that I have come out to James, I could expand my hair style and colors. I don't think I can pull off being a blonde, but I might try on one of those Auburn wigs later tonight. I would be red hot in red hair. I pulled into the Pizza shop parking lot and went inside.

I gave my Hello's to Sal and the gang and gave Mr. Rick a sexy hand stroking wave. He likes that. After that I took a moment to strike a pose in my new plaid skirt for the boys and that seemed to work. Until Suzie caught me by surprise and handed me a bag of clothes for Tori to take in. Well, let me tell you that there is nothing sexy about extending a leg out while your arms are filled with dry cleaning bags. I put them down on an empty table and grabbed my fabric tape measure.

"Forget it, Frankie. There have been no changes in my hip's dimensions. Amanda was playing with camera angles, so you that tell that fat bastard whatever you want, just step back a bit. Your skirt will stain if you're too close to his eruption. We need another 12 minutes to finish your order. Hey, did you catch my guest appearance last night? I threw that tongue between my fingers just for you. And now that you brought up licking me, I would like for you to watch Jimmy J hammer me again this Sunday morning and then do your thing. But in secret, right?"

"We both know that I am the only one who knows what you need between your legs after Jimmy J pile drives you. Sunday will be fine. And I missed your special appearance because my membership requests keep disappearing from the review list."

"Well, the Police and the FBI raided Rick's hippie van and found a burner phone from 1996. It caught on fire when they plugged it in, so you know."

"Whatever. Where is Brie? Is she in the restroom freshening up for me or she is with her lawyer working out the details of our divorce because I always get dumped?"

"LOL, no, but she did take a delivery to her Ken doll. She said it would be the last time this week that she would bend over for him before you two cement your secret love affair. But I warn you, Brie will never give up Ken. She likes being his side piece. Ken's trophy wife supports them. Ken's wife doesn't suck dick, so she pays Brie's mortgage."

"Hah, she told me about him and I told I'm totally cool with it because I am the side piece of nine guys and some of them don't even live on my street. Just check my Kinder account."

"OMG, you're such a slut. Did you bring anything for Rick? And don't forget Timmy, he's holding the restroom door open for you. By the way, the word is that you actually washed his nasty running suit a couple of weeks ago. How did you manage to find the time when James needs you to make his lunch for work? You cut the crust off of the bread slices, right?"

"Well, Timmy is sex starved. I bent over and pushed my bottoms down and showed him my butt. It took less than a minute for him to his bust his nut on me, so I had time to clean James' teeth with dental floss. And if you must know, I cut his sandwiches diagonal."

"We appreciate what you did for Timmy. He doesn't get a lot of action, but his suit is dirty again, so you should schedule another play date. And just so you know, it's me who puts the extra Italian Dressing in the bags. Jacking off Rick is just an excuse Tori came up with. She's cute as hell, but she can be sneaky."

"Well, I knew that because I know all of her tricks. But I better be quick. My team needs to be fed before Karla makes her big announcement?"

"What's her big announcement? She got dumped because your roommate finally figured out that Karla is a Tranny or is he a 2-weeks and done kind of guy?"

"I don't know which it is, but I haven't cleaned his glasses for a while and I think Karla is a master at tucking her equipment. I've been too busy shaving his back to listen to gossip. The neighbor ladies like him hairless and balls deep in them."

"So, he has toe jam because you have been so busy shaving his butt?"

"Hah, I did that for him a week ago. I did it so Karla could suck on his toes. She's a freak like that."

Apparently, Mr. Rick was ready for me. He was waving his arms like he was drowning and his apron was already untied. As I walked towards the pizza oven area, I looked around for that horny little dog, Zack, but I didn't see him. I gave Timmy a one finger up to let him know that I see his boner.

"Mr. Rick, I'm in a hurry tonight. Would you mind using these and taking care of yourself tonight? I heard the FBI returned your hippie van and they only monitor the cameras they secretly installed twice a week. Ah, thanks Mr. Rick, I'll make it up to you tomorrow tonight behind the building."

No big deal. Mr. Rick and Mr. Kendall have this in common. They just jack off all day, all night and all afternoon, with or without a partner. They might be related.

"Suzie, do I have time to use the restroom? And just exactly what does Tori do with all of that extra Italian Dressing. She hardly eats more than four bites of the Subs."

"Check out the menu button in the lower center of her home page. It's labelled "Home Cooking" and find out for yourself. I don't want to spoil it for you, but I can guarantee you that Amanda has some salad dressing in some places and they don't need a stove. I know that Miss Perfect Perky Tits Tori can be a handful at times, but she is some kind of chef. Be quick, Timmy is about to cry."

Oh, come on folks, don't judge me. I have said before that at least I know him and he keeps me up to date with the goings on in his crazy family. It's hard to keep up with the gossip since James kicked them all out. I mean, I need some stuff to throw in Mrs. Kendall's face when she's yelling at me over the fence.

And the joke is on Timmy. I already figured out that he got his running suit so dirty again, just so he could come over and cum on my legs. The joke is that I actually miss days of being bullied and miss cleaning up all the cum they dumped on my legs. Ah, the good old days. We'll call it a win-win.

But I will let on that he is sneaky and has pulled one over on me. Timmy is a nice and he eats a lot of fruit, so he tastes pretty good. And look, he is all ready for it, he pushed those nasty pants down himself, probably because he knew it would take me a long time to work up the courage to touch them.

"You need to be quick Timmy. My food is up and my co-workers are hungry. And yes, I'm jacking your cock directly towards your undies. I don't think you mind having a mess in your pants and you know I will wash them for you this Tuesday around 4 pm, so don't be late. I have a few hypnotizing videos I want you watch while I wash your clothes. And yes, then I will wash your dick, right after I put a meatloaf in the oven for James. Well, what the hell Timmy? When I said be quick, I didn't mean that quick. OMG, it's still squirting and squirting and squirting. It's a good thing that you wore dark boxer briefs today. Sorry Timmy, but my hands and my butt are all you can have right now. I may give you my mouth someday, but not until I catch Brie cheating on me for the 112th time. But don't stop asking me, I like running the washing machine."

"Hey, what the hell is going on in here? Pull your pants up and get out of here Timmy. Hey baby, I knew you would come for a little Zack time. So, are you going down to your knees or are you dropping your skirt for me Frankie?"

"Oh, Zack, you can be so forward sometimes. Well, I'm not dropping my skirt because my food order is almost ready. Plus, Brie forgot to sign the Restraining Order request, so our hot video review date is on for tonight. Maybe that fixings guy, Josh, will put out for you tonight. I've seen how he eyes you up."

"All I heard was that your skirt is staying on, so it's on your knees?"

"There you go again Zack, being such a horn dog. Besides I only jacked you off once and it was the best hand job you ever had. And by the way, you hardly squeezed my butt cheeks while I stroked your very hard and very big cock. I know I'm a little wider than Brie, but my cheeks are squeezable and soft. You missed your chance."

"BS, Brie won't mind if you're my side piece. I'll pay for your Limo ride after you two tie the knot. I will also pull the garter belts off both of your legs and will accidently lick a few things while I'm there. So, shut it and drop down to your knees please."

"Sorry Zack, but the garter belt removal duties have already been promised to Suzie and Mr. G. But you can peek at Brie and I when we're in the back of your Limo. We created our own positions. You can video us from the rear-view mirror and post it on Tranny Marriage Monthly. But I promise I will drop to my knees on the Court House steps just as soon as our divorce is final. You can have your way with me after we return all of wedding gifts. However, seeing how you already ready have your cock out and seeing how I think it's just about perfect, I suppose I could stroke you off for a minute. Wait. What? What the hell is wrong with the guys in this shop? Two minutes and done is not how I define a good date."

"You had me all worked up Frankie with all your words. But, just remember that you said I could have my way with you on the roof of the Pizza shop after your divorce in 2 days. Ugh, look at that mess you caused. Don't worry, I will have Timmy wipe it up, I mean mop it up."

"Come on Frankie. You are all packed up. Zack, catch your breath and get ready. You have 7 minutes. OMG. Timmy? Timmy, spill in restroom 1. OMG, look at this mess. Zack, take 11 minutes, we can't have you driving with your eyes all messed like that. Timmy? You need a bigger bucket. Respect Frankie."

"Thanks Suzie. I better get going."

"So, are you finally going to jump into your roommate's bed or are you too busy combing his hair? You said he was finished with that 105 years old pussy. Just crawl under his sheets and see what happens. OMG, are you still finger banging your fake girlfriend's belly button? I thought she went back home."

"Well Carrie is afraid to defy the court order that says she has to stay out of James' bedroom. So, she sneaks over by hopping the back fence, but goes straight to my bedroom. She pretends to be waiting for me to jack hammer her. Then James' sneaks in and really lowers the boom on her ass. And then her medical condition kicks in. She gets a headache every day when I try to get in bed with her and she hops the fence and goes home to take aspirin. But she said it's true love because she leaks James' stuff on my sheets before she leaves."

"Well, as long as it's true love. Seriously, just crawl in bed with him once. You can fight off the urge to pluck his eyebrows by shoving his cock in your mouth."

"Hey, what's that video playing on your phone? OMG, is that Amanda painting Tori's toenails? How is that? They are both working right now."

"Oh, well, Platinum members can replay any shows at any time. I replay this one a lot because not only does Tori have perfect and perky tits, her feet are flawless. Someone will want to marry Tori just for her feet. You want to watch?"

"Well, I better get this food back the store while it's hot. I'm sure I will be able to sign up by the time we finish eating."

"Well, that might be the same time that the street lights come on and there might be a power surge, so you know."

"Hey Suzie, maybe the big announcement tonight is that Tori is pregnant and that her belly is going to be out to here and her face and feet will be bloated up like wet cardboard? And then her triplets will make her boobs sag from suckling so much milk and then her perfect Barbie hair will fall out after she has her fifth child. That could happen."

"That will never happen. Plus, I think you forgot her three C-Sections that would ruin her bikini belly."

"Oh, yeah and all three slices are in different spots. She will look like she got in a fight with a big cat. And then Amanda dumps her and Tori ends up homeless and moves in with Emily Trap."

"OMG, poor Tori, poor Perfect Perky Tits Barbie Doll Tori. No, I mean that, she has it in her Will that her headstone will say Here Lays Perfect Perky Tits Barbie Doll Tori. Take the food while it's hot babe. I'll let Brie know that you were here and that she needs to drain her butt before your date tonight."


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