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Freaky Friday

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Dad, Mom, Daughter have a twisted sex relationship.
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It happened again. The first time was just seconds long. This time, way too long.

Mom is taller and her figure fuller than mine. Her breasts, oh my god, I am so jealous. I wish mine were so big.

Clearly, I am foreigner in her body. It was weird.

A sun dress, I was wearing a sun dress! My friends would skewer me in person and social media for wearing something a baby boomer would wear.

But I am in a baby boomer body.

A book in my hands, open to the middle. I looked at the cover. A biography of Leonardo da Vinci. Who is that?

I smelled something cooking in the kitchen. Dad's favorite meat loaf. Pretty sure mashed potatoes and green beans ready to go when the meat was ready. I like it too on the rare times I am home.

Where my body? O yeah. Rachel's. I was spending the night with her. My bestie, my lover.

Oh no! Was Mom in my body? Did we swap again? We never talked about the first switch. She doesn't know Rachel and I are a thing. Rachel and I had a night of love making planned. No! Mom can't find out that I am a lesbian. Not yet.

I heard the garage door open. Daddy was home. What to do, what to do. I had no where to go. I just sat there pretending to read.

'Hey babe!'

'Hi Da..'

I almost said Daddy.

I pretended to clear my throat.

'Hi Danny.'

He sat down next to me on the couch. He leaned in to kiss me in the midst of a hug.

I politely kissed him back. I kissed my Dad on the lips!

'What's wrong Anya? That was kind of... cold.'

'Sorry, so into this book on LDV.'

'Got it. Loved it. At dinner let's discuss the... looks like you are halfway... the first half of the book.'

'Sure Daniel.'

Why did I call him that?

He gave me a puzzled look.

'You haven't called me Daniel, since our wedding vows. Always Danny.'

'Anyway, I made reservations at our place. Then when we come back and have the house to ourselves with Brie at Rachel's. We can do it wherever we want like we used to do before Brie. Sound good?'

'Yes Danny.'

He tightened his hug and looked deep into my eyes.

'Remember you promised me anal tonight. Are we still on for it?'

Anal! I have never had my pussy fucked with a dick. Didn't need one, I had Rachel. My Dad is going to fuck me in the ass? No, it's Mom's ass.

No, no, no...

'Anya, I can't wait, let's do it now, I get so excited thinking about it.'

He moved me into an all fours position on the couch. He pushed up my sundress and pulled down my panties.

His cock up against my anus, he pushed it in slowly.

He said, 'Oh yeah Anya. We are both going to like this,'

I was surprised. I started to enjoy it. Rachel needs to use the dildo to do this with me.

I said, 'Push it all the way in Daddy.'


My finger was on the doorbell. It happened again. Last time a few seconds, I pray for that this time.

Nope. So far, not this time.

I examined my clothing.

My top, a t-shirt cut-off just below my breasts. No bra.

My short, cut-off blue jeans, my cheeks hanging out. I put my hand down the front, no panties.

Jesus, I need to talk to her about the way she dresses. I thought about it. This is just the fantasy look that Danny likes. Maybe they...?

'Brie! Come in!'

Brie's friend Rachel ushered me in. I like Rachel. She is smart, diligent with her school work, and comes from a great family. They are 'besties' as Brie calls it.

But... she was dressed in sexy lingerie that barely covered all her private parts and a see through cover up.

After she closed the door behind us, she grabbed me and kissed me hard on the lips. She led me to the bedroom.

Rachel pushed me on the bed and quickly undid the shorts snap, pulled the zipper down and yanked my shorts down and off. She took a moment to lick my pussy. Oh gosh I love that. Been so long since the last time. Danny would never take care of me like that.

She motioned for me to take off my t-shirt. When I didn't, she was on top of me, pulling it off.

My breasts were free. She squeezed them, pushed them up and ran her tongue around each nipple. Sucking on one, then the other till they were hard and pointy.

She kissed her way down my body. Pushing my legs apart, she drooled saliva onto my pussy and rubbed it around.

What am I doing? Sex with an 18 year old? My daughter's best friend! But it's my daughter's body not mine.

I was getting turned on not believing what was happening, never having sex with a woman before and now an 18 year old girl?

So this is what 'besties' do for you. This is why Brie spends the night with Rachel so much. I found myself enjoying this too much. Should I stop her and tell her who I really am?

Wait, she would never believe me!

Rachel licked my inner thighs massaging my clit then lapping up and down on my pussy, fingers squeezing my lips together, her tongue flat, licking, covering the width of my squeezed pussy.

An 18 year old taking me down an orgasm trail! I like it.


I shook awake. Back in my body. Good luck Mom. Hope you like anal, I think I do.

I was spread out naked on Rachel's bed. Her tongue lapping up and down on my squeezed pussy, stopping to suck my clit and pulling it out with her lips. She is so good.

I enjoy her so much.

Spreading my lips apart, her tongue dove into me, her upper lip contacting my engorging clit with each dive.

'Rachel, put your finger in my ass while you do that. In and out, with your finger or no wait, get the dildo use that.'

'Okay, but this is weird of you.'

She fetched the dildo from the bedside night table. She licked it up and down before inserting it slowly in my ass.

I pictured Dad's cock buried deep in it, fucking it, fucking it hard.

'In and out, Rachel.'

She complied.

That's it, that's like Dad's cock.

She got into a rhythm, tongue fucking my pussy. Dildo fucking my ass.

'Oh Rachel, oh Rachel, keep it up, I need to cum, I need to cum. Make me cum Rachel.'

She released my pussy. Running her tongue up and down on it, she flicked her tongue on my clit. Repeat, repeat again and again and again, stopping to suck on it pulling it out the hood.

I moaned for more, my chest heaving up and down with my heavy breathing. Faster and faster she moved. The dildo shoved all the way in my anus, holding.

'Too good, too good,' I muttered.

The roar of my orgasm spread all around my body. My nipples rock hard, my pussy wet like never before.

She sucked on my clit again. That did it. I let go.

I screamed, 'Yes, yes, yes. Oh god, Oh god, Oh my Rachel!'

She continued to suck on my clit. I closed my eyes enjoying the best orgasm of my life. Nothing can compare.

Mom missed out on this awesome sex. I wonder if she is enjoying Daddy's cock in her ass. I know I was.


He grunted as he plowed his big cock deep in my ass, his thighs colliding with my cheeks, It wasn't working for me, but it was working for him of course. He wants anal more and more. He said my pussy is too loose, he needs something tighter. We have fuck everyday since we married, so who is to blame?

'Did you call me Daddy? I get it, role play. Role play is what you want, role play is what you will get.'

He slapped my ass.

'Brie has been a bad girl, Daddy is going to punish you.'

As he pulled out, he pulled me towards him, turned me over, then forced me down on my knees in front of him.

'Take Daddy's cock you bad girl. Take it in your mouth. Daddy is going to fuck your face as part of the punishment.'

What has got in to him? I didn't obey.

He slapped my face.

'Obey me you cock loving slut. I know you like sucking Daddy's cock. Do it, do it now.'

I made the mistake of opening my mouth to tell him to stop. He shoved his hard erection right in, pulling my head forward, my lips stopping at the base of his thick cock. I needed to gag, but he wouldn't let me off. I can't breathe!

'Suck it Brie, you love sucking Daddy's cock. Make Daddy cum in your mouth. I know you love the taste.'

I have to breathe! What is wrong with him! I have to stop him. I pounded his thighs with my fists. He reacted by shoving it in even further. The outside of my vision turning black, closing in. I am going to faint! I have to do something immediately to get him to stop.

I really didn't want to but I squeezed his balls as a hard as I could. He screamed. A primal scream so loud my ears started ringing. It worked, he pulled out and let go of my head. He fell to floor, pounding it with both fists. My vision clearing.

'Fuck, fuck. God it hurts so much.'

I coughed and coughed and spit out all the saliva. I had to catch my breath. My chest heaving, pumping in precious oxygen. It took a while.

His screams turned into whimpers as he grabbed his package.

'Why did you do that? You love sucking my cock.'

'That was throat rape you asshole. Don't do that again.'

He curled up in a ball trying to ward off the pain. Whimpering like a puppy dog asking for dinner.

'You said Brie sucked you off? I doubt it, She is a lesbian.'

'Lesbian? Not Brie, no way.'

'She is. Sorry, our little girl likes girls.'

'How do you know? Did she tell you?'

I can't tell him the truth. He would never believe it even if I did.

'It's a hunch. No boy friends, real close with Rachel. I am pretty sure though.'

His pain must have subsided. He stood up and sat next to me on the bed.

'Wow, she is so attractive. I am attracted to her. I would like to...'

He speaks the truth, but he covered.

'You know her sharp mind, I would like to see her go far in school.'

'Stop it. Knowing you, you probably would fuck her if you got the chance. I have seen you leer at her.'

'No way! She is my daughter.'

'Yeah right.'


'Rachel, Come stay at my house this weekend. Mom is going to visit her sister. It would be just us and my Dad.'

'Why? If we stay here it's just us, no Dad. Won't we have to be careful around him?'

'He needs to know about us. I am tired of hiding our relationship. Come on Rachel! It will be fun. Maybe we will make him watch us fuck.'

'Are you serious?'

'No, just joking.'

But I wasn't. Maybe if we got him excited he will fuck me in the ass. That felt so good in Mom's body. I need to feel it in mine.

And what would it feel like in my pussy? Has to be different than the dildos we use. Rachel is pretty good with the strap-on, but a real cock had to be better. I would think...

Can't believe I want a real cock! Rachel and I have a great sex life. But now that the idea is planted in my brain, I can't get rid of it. A cock! Yes Brie wants a cock!


'How much for a night?'

My single sister Chloe told me to meet at this hotel bar. It was fantastic! Very classy. Lot's of ladies dressed to kill. Chloe sent me a present to wear to the bar.

A short black dress with a plunging neckline. Black hose, black spiked heels and diamond ear rings completed the look. She told me she would match.

Chloe asked me to be her 'wingman' to help her pick up a guy - or maybe two. I told her I didn't need a guy. I had one already asshole that he is. It was exciting to think about it though.

Given what he did to me, I was happy to get space and time between us. No matter what, I still am married to him and take my vows seriously.

Chloe has always been the promiscuous one, me the boring older sister. I agreed to this plan because I love her.

What is puzzling is she finally found someone to be her life long partner. She invited me to their engagement party this Sunday so I asked why she needed to pick up a guy. She said she needed to get it out of her system.

She was late to the bar, not surprisingly.

'Excuse me?'

A guy had sat down next to me. I looked at him and was immediately mesmerized.

What a handsome guy! Blond hair slightly disheveled. Piercing, twinkling crystal blue eyes complemented a gleaming smile.

He wore a white dress shirt unbuttoned at the collar and two more exposing chest hair. His large biceps filling out the arms.

God he is handsome... and so sexy.

The problem, he is probably half my age. Brie would be a better age match if she liked guys, which she doesn't.

'You know, how much for a night?'

I must look slutty to him, he is probably right. I should shut him down, but instead I played along.

'A night of what?'

'Me, in bed, totally satisfying you. Believe me, you will never forget it. And I will pay you for it, even though you should pay me.'

'And what if I told you I don't come cheap?' I emphasized 'come'.

He put his hand high on my thigh, so close to my pussy. I was getting excited.

'Believe me, you will cum. Guaranteed.'

He flashed a huge smile, then ran his tongue around his lips.

I was thinking that he doesn't have to pay me a cent. The thought of being in bed with him now firmly implanted. I deserved sex with someone who is focused on me. Not like Danny. This is exciting!

I am melting hot now. I thought about how Rachel made me cum with her talented tongue and lips, even though it was Brie's body. i want more.

Danny tried oral sex on me one time. He was clumsy, inexperienced and a complete failure. He knew it, he never tried again which I was fine with. Maybe this guy will be great at it like Rachel.

The thought of a young stud with a self-proclaimed skill was so fucking exciting. I am in, in all the way. I want him in all the way.

He said, 'My name is Will. And yours?'

Should I give him my real name, did he give me his real name? I decided to be honest. Why not?


'I love that name. Anya Taylor-Joy is my favorite actress.'

'Are you acting Anya?'

Another big and knowing smile.

'What do you think?'

'Anya, I think you are acting. If you were who I thought you were, we would have agreed to a price and be in bed right now. You would be on the path to the best orgasm ever.'

'Aren't you cocky?'

'Yes that too.'

He looked around the bar before he took my hand and placed it on his cock.

'And it is not even hard.'

I could feel the large cock head. I couldn't resist and gently squeezed it.

'That's my Anya.'

'Let's go to my room. The sooner we start, the longer we can go.'

I was about to say 'OK, let's go' when I sighted Chloe entering the bar. I almost forgot about why I was here!

She saw me and started walking to me, to us. I left my hand on his cock. What's wrong with me?

She was dressed similarly but more of a plunging neckline, her large breasts barely covered. The skirt much shorter than mine, the hem just below her pussy.

Way more slutty than me.

Chloe stood between us. She saw my hand on his cock.

'What's going on here?'

Will spoke.

'We are negotiating price.'

Chloe said, 'What the fuck?'

I jumped in.

'Chloe, Will thought I was a prostitute working the bar. I went along with it until he figured out I wasn't. We were about to go to his room, for free of course. He promised me the best orgasm ever.'

Chloe gave him the once over and said, 'Can I join you?'

Will had a huge grin.

'I am fine if Anya is OK with it.'

Chloe blurted out, 'Anya? Say yes!'

'Yes, I am good with it. If Will can handle the two of us.'

'I can but I need to prove it to you both. Let's go!'

He stood up, took Chloe's hand and kissed it. He helped me up and did the same.

We walked out with Will in the middle of us, one arm wrapped around Chloe's shoulder. His other arm on my ass cheek, squeezing it.

'Tonight, is a night none of us will forget,' Will said confidently.

I believe he is right. Can't wait to cheat on Danny the asshole. A first for me. I deserve it.


'Dad, can Rachel spend the night with us? I know Mom is out with Chloe for the weekend. You would probably love our company.'

'Sure! When are you coming?'

'We are at your door.'

He let us in. He looked at me.

'Brie, do you dress like that all the time?'

'Only for Rachel.'

I kissed her on the cheek. She kissed me back on my lips.

That stirred me up. I kissed her back passionately. Just like that, I wanted her.

Dad cleared his throat. We stopped.

He said, 'I don't know what to say Brie.'

'Dad, we are lovers. Do you have a problem if we sleep together in my bed?'

'No, I guess not,' he said dejectedly.

Maybe disappointed that his daughter is a lesbian. Maybe I should tell him he started changing my mind. Maybe I am becoming bisexual because of him. I thought I would be bold.

'You can sleep with us too.'

He went wide eyed with a gigantic smile.

'I can? Are you kidding?'

'Rachel, are we kidding?'

I need her buy in for a threesome.

'Yeah, I guess she isn't kidding.'

She? What about we? She isn't happy.

I took Dad's hand.

'Dad, let's go to my bedroom. For starters, you can watch Rachel and I.'


We took the elevator to the expensive penthouse suites. Who is this guy?

He opened the door,

'Ladies, this is where the magic happens.'

So cocky, I love it!

Oh my god! What a suite! Marble floors, high ceilings adorned with crystal chandeliers. Furniture made with real wood, probably mahogany. Just a guess.

The windows floor to ceiling. The view of the downtown skyline breath taking.

The door to the bedroom was open. The foot of the a four poster bed visible.

Will walked to the bar.

'What can I get you ladies?'

Chloe said, 'Shots of whiskey. Lots of them!'

Will lined up three shot glasses and poured Jack to the brim.

He handed them out.

'To a great night of sex!' Will toasted.

We downed the shots. Will poured another. My turn to toast.

'To the best orgasm ever!'

Another round. Chloe's turn.

'To deep throating!'

Another three rounds, each a little more descriptive about sex.

I was feeling really, really good. I kept staring at Will, my erotic thoughts running wild about him. We need to start.

We took the next round to the living area and the sumptuous couch. Will seated between us.

Chloe placed a hand on his upper thigh while I played with Will's hair.

I kissed him on the cheek, then the ear and moved down to his neck.

Slipping my hand inside his shirt I found a nipple to play with.

He turned towards me and started kissing me.

I squeezed the nipple which seemed to trigger excitement in him.

Or maybe it was Chloe. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her rubbing his pants, right on his cock.

I was hot for him. I ripped open his shirt to see a well muscled chest. The buttons flew off, some hitting Chloe, distracting her.

'My oh my, someone has been working out,' Chloe said.

I looked down at this crotch. Chloe did good, his cock bulging up in his dress pants.

'And someone has something big for us.'

I motioned for him to stand up. Chloe and I kneeled in from of him. She undid his belt and clasp. I pulled the zipper down. We both tugged his pants to the floor.

His cock looked even bigger, bulging out of his tight white briefs. The head peaking out of one side. Glad he wasn't wearing boxers!

Chloe kissed the bulge next to the peek-a-boo head. I swear it was growing bigger as I watched.

I pulled the back of his briefs down. The waistband snug under his cheeks.

Caressing, squeezing, gently slapping his cheeks, I found them rock hard and nicely rounded. Such a turn on for me.

Chloe couldn't wait any longer. She reached into the briefs and pulled his cock up and out.

I helped by dropping his briefs to floor.

Chloe stood his cock straight up against his pelvis. She licked his balls then right up the shaft to the head.

She flicked her tongue around it.

I took hold of his thick erection and directed it into my mouth. I held onto the head while I stroked him. His cock was dry. I backed off and drooled all the saliva I could muster onto the head, letting it drip down the shaft.

Chloe took the opportunity to take his cock back to wrap her lips around the head. I spread my saliva all over his cock with my hand.

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