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Janet grinned and replied, "More than you might think."

When her brother looked at her funny, she took a deep breath and hooked her thumbs in the thin straps at each hip. Not giving herself time to think about it, she pushed the straps down and peeled the bikini bottom off down to her knees. Her brother's eyes were all over her naked body as she pushed the bikini on down and let it fall on the top of her feet.

His eyes jumped to her sex as she straightened up. She moaned softly and so did he. She knew her clit was standing up tall and proud and that it showed above the folds of her inner and outer lips. She wondered how much of her inner lips were showing. They weren't very long but they were thick.

She grinned and then whimpered softly as she thought about how they grew and thinned as Jenny sucked and nibbled on them. She took a step to the side with one foot and then the other.

Max groaned as his sister's legs grew wider apart. His eyes were drinking in the vision of her sex. When she sat down in the chair he groaned as the vision disappeared. A moment later, she groaned loudly as she spread her knees wide but kept her feet together. Her brother's eyes grew wider and he licked his lips suddenly.

Janet groaned loudly and her hips flexed on their own. "I... I think I need to go jump in the pool," she whispered.

Max moaned softly and shook his head. "It, uh, doesn't help except to clean things up."

Janet giggled and shook her head. "Cleaning up in the pool is not the way I had in mind."

Her brother's eyes jumped to her face and he licked his lips again. Janet groaned deeply and nodded. His eyes went wide again. "I, I, I," he stammered quickly.

"You, you, you, are the only one here," she whispered softly as her hips flexed up and down quickly.

"I've, uh, never..." Max whispered and then found himself on his knees in front of his sister.

Janet gasped loudly and slammed her knees shut. It was her turn to stammer, "I, I, I."

Max groaned as her knees closed and then he looked up at his sister's face. Her eyes were closed and she was chewing on her lower lip. "That probably wouldn't be a good idea, would it," he whispered softly.

Janet shook her head and opened her eyes. She moaned softly and slowly opened her knees as wide as they would go. "Probably not, but...."

Max's eyes jumped to her well displayed sex and he licked his lips. His eyes flicked up to his sister's face and back down to her sex. "I, uh, wouldn't know what to do."

"Neither Jenny or I had any idea ourselves when we started."

"Yeah, but..." Max whispered and then groaned softly. "What... what does it taste like?" He asked a moment later.

His sister giggled and replied, "Pussy."

"Well, duh," Max said with a grin.

Janet's hand was suddenly on her sex and one finger was teasing the wet slippery opening. Both of them groaned deeply. She didn't remember telling the hand to move, it just did. Her knees were trying to close on the hand. If they did, she would come and come hard.

Not thinking, just doing, she jerked the hand away and held it out toward her brother. In a shaky voice, she asked, "Want a taste?"

Max did a double take at his sister and nodded slowly. "I, uh, yeah,"

With a quick giggle, she held the finger that had been in her opening out and curled it in a come hither motion. "Suck on my finger," she whispered as a shiver ran up and down her spine.

Max's head shot forward and he sucked on the finger. They both moaned loudly. When his tongue moved over and around the fingertip, Janet groaned long and loud as her knees slammed shut. A moment later, she was coming for all she was worth.


Janet surfaced from a pink haze with a deep sigh. Her hands were on her breasts massaging them. Her knees were still together but not clamped together. On the other hand, her sex was clamped down tightly on nothing. She whimpered and opened her eyes.

"Uh, are you okay?" Her brother asked with concern on his face.

Janet felt herself blush hotly and nodded. "I, I just lost it."

Max looked confused. "From me sucking your finger?"

"More from me mentally transferring the way you were working your tongue somewhere else."

Her brother's eyes grew wide as he realized what she was saying. "Uh, yeah. Been there and done that a little while ago. Only it was just your eyes," he whispered with an embarrassed look.

Janet shivered and allowed her knees to fall open. "You see that little bud at the top of my slit. The bright pink one. That's my clitoris. Part of eating pussy is to lightly suck on that as you run your tongue around and over it. That or flutter the tip of your tongue against it with various speeds."

"That's, uh, good to know," Max whispered.

Janet laughed. "There's more to it than that but...."

"Like what?" Her brother asked as he looked up at his sister's face.

Janet groaned softly. "I guess a little instructional tour wouldn't hurt," she whispered and then shivered. "At least now, I have the edge off, which will help me from going boom again."

When his sister had came earlier, he had moved back to squat on his heels. Now he came forward onto his knees and leaned even more forward to look at his sister's pussy. When she groaned deeply from his face being so close to her sex, he looked up at her face. "Uh, am I, uh, too close?"

Janet shivered and whispered, "Yeah but you'll need a good view as I explain things."

She took a deep breath and said, "With my hair gone, the mound and outer lips are sensitive to the touch, lick, or even a gentle nibble." Her fingers traced the areas she was describing.

"Uh, how about with hair," Max asked as his eyes followed her fingers.

Janet chuckled. "It's not as sensitive as I remember it but what to do, I don't have a clue. By the time Jenny and I got around to playing with each other, we were both shaved more or less slick."

When her brother nodded, she shivered and used a hand on each side of her outer lips to spread them apart. The bright pink at the bottom of her slit came into view and she was surprised at how much her inner lips had thinned and fanned out.

With an even bigger shiver than before, she whispered, "I'd suggest skipping the outer lips and using your hands like I am now to get to the sensitive stuff inside her slit. Licks from the opening to the clit are good. The bottom of the slit is very slick and sensitive at times."

"It, uh, looks as shiny as glass," Max whispered.

Janet giggled. "And just as slippery as wet glass."

Max reached out with a finger and Janet pushed her outer lips together. "This is show and tell only," she said quickly.

"Okay, I can go with that," Max replied and lowered his hand to the ground. He moved the other one up next to it and he was now on all fours with his head even closer to his sister's sex.

His eyes caught the motion of her sex slowly clenching up and relaxing. "Are you, uh, doing that on purpose?"

"Uh, doing what?" Janet asked.

"Making your sex open and close slowly."

"Uh, nope, sometimes it has a mind of its own. When your dick twitches, are you controlling it?"

Max looked up at his sister's face. "Uh, sometimes yes and sometimes no."

"That's the same with me down there," Janet whispered and clenched her sex up tightly as he brother looked back in that direction. She relaxed the muscles and clenched up again. "That's on purpose."

Max nodded and his sister said, "You should feel it when it tries to grab your tongue."

Max groaned softly and stuck out his tongue. Janet whimpered softly. "Put that thing away."

With a grin, Max wiggled it up and down and then sucked it back into his mouth. "What else does it try and grab?"

"That you'll have to find out on your own," Janet whispered as a chill ran up and down her spine. "But and I do mean butt, my asshole has a death grip on that butt plug and has had for a while now."

Max nodded. "I've, uh, seen that jewel jump and jerk several times."

Janet clenched her asshole up tightly and then relaxed it as much as it would relax. She felt the jewel move between her cheeks. "You mean like that?"

"Uh, yeah but that was sharper, more of a jerking motion."

Janet closed her knees and shivered hard. "I, uh, think you need to get back in your chair."

Max moved back and sat on his heels for a second. With a sigh, he slowly got to his feet. He gave his sister a smile and said, "Thanks for the tour."

Janet giggled and replied, "It was my pleasure in more ways than one." Max's dick was hard as ever and sticking straight up. His sister grinned and said, "I see my tour had no effect on you."

Max chuckled and shook his head. "Take it as a compliment to a job well done."

When her brother was once again seated in his chair, Janet spread her knees wide and used two fingers on her left hand to spread her lower lips. She used a finger on her right hand to probe and stir the opening to her vagina. "You can do what I'm doing now with a finger or your tongue or even both at the same time."

Janet shivered hard as her brother licked his lips. She moved both her hands to the arms of the chair and closed her knees. "And then there is the area between the vagina and the asshole and the asshole itself. Totally sensitive."

Max grinned and asked, "Is Jenny as sensitive there as you are?"

Janet laughed. "She has a boyfriend so why would you want to know that?"

"I was making comparisons. Do all girls like anal? Are all women's asshole sensitive? Inquiring minds and all that shit."

"Not to mention jerk-off material," Janet said with a grin.

"Like you won't masturbate with my dick in mind?"

"Probably. It's the only one I've seen live and it is pretty big and...." Janet stopped talking and giggled. "I started to say cute but that's not right in so many ways."

"Uh, yeah," Max said as he shook his head.

Janet's eyes were on his dick and the clear shiny drop on the very tip. She licked her lips and asked, "That drop of stuff on the end of your dick, what is that?"

"Pre-cum. Kind of like what makes you wet," he replied.

"Does it have a flavor?"

"Yeah, just like you have a flavor," he said as his eyes went to the finger she's had in her pussy earlier. "I'll trade you a taste for a taste."

When Janet groaned and shook her head, Max grinned. "From my finger and from that finger you had inside earlier."

Janet made a soft whimpering sound as she eyed the clear drop on the end of his dick. "Okay," she whispered a few seconds later.

When Max wiped the drop up with his finger, Janet moaned and spread her knees wide. She used the same finger from before to stir her opening again only she went deeper. Her hand was trembling as she raised it and pointed her finger at her brother's face.

Max shivered as he held out his finger close to his sisters and leaned forward to suck on her finger. His mouth closed over her finger about the same time as her mouth closed over his finger. Both of them moaned softly.

Her finger had much more in the way of flavor this time, Max thought as he used his tongue to lick everywhere. His sister moaned deeply and jerked her finger out of his mouth. He leaned back and grinned as he saw his finger still in his sister's mouth.

Janet had her eyes closed and marveled at the salty, spicy flavor on her brother's fingertip. She moaned softly and pulled her head back. His finger came out of her mouth with a slurping sound. She smacked her lips and then licked her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue.

"You seemed to like that," Max whispered.

"Like you didn't like the taste of mine." Janet shot back.

Max chuckled and pushed his dick away from his belly. There was another drop of clear pre-cum on the tip of his dick. "I'll trade you licks right from the sources, shall we say."

Janet groaned. "Tempting but...."

Max laughed and whispered, "I'll even lick your butt."

Janet groaned even louder. "That would so get us into very deep trouble."

"Uh, yeah. My dick deep in your mouth and my tongue deep in your pussy," Max whispered more to himself than his sister.

Janet shivered hard. "I was thinking more along the lines of your dick in my pussy or even in my ass."

Now it was Max's turn to groan. He had always fantasized about Jenny but now.... So many things had changed. He wondered if it was for the better or not. He now had a new star for his fantasies but.... He groaned again. He had read that butts were a lot tighter and hotter than pussy.

Janet watched her brother's face closely. There was a questioning look, followed by a confused look, and then there was a lustful look that made her shiver. "I, uh, think we need to call it a day."

Max sighed deeply and said, "You're probably right but...."

Janet sighed as deeply as he had. She knew how he felt. Things had changed and changed big time but she didn't really want to stop what they had between themselves at the present. "I guess we could just lay out in the sun for a while."

Max nodded. "I could use some work on my tan."

Janet looked at her forearms and upper thighs. She ran her hands over her breasts and said, "I'm going to need to put some oil on here pretty soon."

Max gave her an exaggerated leering grin and she laughed. "That was not an invitation."

Holding his hands up, Max wiggled his fingers. "Ya can't blame a guy for trying, now can ya?"

Janet shivered. "I'll let you watch as I put it on. I might even let you do my back, if you promise to behave."

Max looked serious for a second before he said, "Okay, I promise but you have to promise me something."

Janet looked at her brother questioningly.

"You have to promise that this won't be the last time we're naked around each other."

Janet chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll flash you as often as I can and when mom and dad are gone, the house will be clothing optional."

"I can live with that," Max said with a wink. "Just remember, two can do the flashing thing."

Her eyes wandered over her brother's hard dick. "Promises, promises," she whispered.


The flashing was fun but they never had another chance to get naked together. Janet left for college and Max went to work.

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Akirababe87Akirababe87over 1 year ago

Super hot build up, but incredibly disappointing let down when nothing happens but teasing. I'm a little annoyed I wasted my time reading this, now.

arbarberarbarberabout 2 years ago

Too much of a tease. You are waiting for something to happen then nothing.

OGHMNWOGHMNWover 2 years ago

Wonderful Hot Erotic story if what if. Janet and Max both wanted it but their morals stopped them. They were old enough and it could have gotten them closer or not. We will have to see in the next chapter. Thank You!

LegallySaneLegallySaneover 3 years ago

Glad I read the comments first. I'll pass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Who would want to fuck an asshole when there is a pussy right there???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Groaned Groaned Groaned

Groaned Groaned Groaned Groaned Groaned Groaned Groaned Groaned Groaned Groaned

Good Lord!!

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