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Freya & Yin: Empowered Goblin

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Empowered goblin drains and captures two female adventurers.
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Author's Note:

May contain female submission, mind-break/mind-control, monster sex, and impregnation/breeding!

Each Freya & Yin story is a alternate What-If 'bad end' for the characters. Should be no correct reading order unless otherwise stated. Although one story might subtly inform another. As of right now I have about five stories planned, but that may increase or decrease depending on how they turn out.

If you have a suggestion for a type of monster, feel free to comment.


Freya, class warrior. Is a tall blonde with braided hair and a large bosom. Wears leather armor and carries a battle axe. Covered in distinct tribal tattoos and comes from the far northern White Stone Kingdom. As daughter of the king, she is to marry the next ruler the council selects. Instead she wishes to break the mold and become ruler herself. She quests for a monster bounty worthy to impress the council and prove her worth to become queen.

Yin, class mage. Is a short easterner with straight black hair, almond-shaped (asian) eyes, and medium breasts. Wears a tight black dress with ruffled skirt. Has a distinctive witch-like hat and carries a humble wooden spell-staff. A promising graduate of the eastern Black Mage School, she works as an adventurer with an ulterior goal to research and document the western lands for her school.

Both stood out as foreigners even among adventurers, Freya is seen as a 'barbarian' although she considers herself quite civilized. Yin often is feared as an 'evil witch,' although is actually quite timid and compassionate. As outsiders they naturally teamed up and are an effective pair, They have grown beyond mere partners, and became fast friends, Freya treats Yin like a younger sister, although Yin is in fact a bit older.


A few months shy of 106 years old, Marcus the Great clutched his chest and died in the ruins of Fortress Wyvern outside Aberven village.

There he lie, until eventually his body was found by a...

A fearful and timid goblin!

Small and weak even for one of his kind. He was no match for an adventurer, but he was pretty sure the human was dead already. He could already smell the rot.

Then again, the goblin thought, it could be a trick.

Caught between greed and fear, he decided to rush forward, and repeatedly stab his rusty excuse for a dagger into the corpse (just to be sure). And once he confirmed the dead man was indeed dead, he went to work.

He left the dagger dug into the corpse's back and begun rummaging through the fallen's belongings. He threw away a book, a staff, a small wand and an assortment of useless things. He wanted treasure, shiny items like gold!

The little goblin searched into a small pouch and his hand wrapped around a smooth orb. A gemstone, he hoped, as he pulled it out. But he could already feel it was something more!

Black arcs of slicing chaos energy charged up his arm. It was changing him, he grew bigger, and stronger! He felt power flow into him like never before!


Some time later.

A big orc with bright green skin jumped out at us holding a little dagger. It looked tiny in his hand. His clothes were ripped to shreds like he had recently grown twice the size.

Yin and I were prepared to clear the ruined fort of a nest of goblins, not orcs. It was never a real shock to see a variety of greenskins together, but now I had to be wary of something more dangerous. But thankfully he seemed to be alone.

I readied my axe, it wasn't worth wasting Yin's magic on a lone and barely prepared Orc.

But as I took a step forward his eye shone blue.

"Stop!" the orc commanded and there was a bright flash.

"Freya!" Yin yelled to me, "I can't see anything!"

Neither could I. Fighting blind was never good, but there were techniques I knew to mitigate impaired vision. An adventurer needed to be able to fight in the dark.

But fuck, I realized, I was frozen!

"C-Can't m-move," I grunted.

"Counterspell!" yelled the mage beside me. I got ready to move as her spell took hold...

But damn it! I was still frozen!

"It failed, it's too strong," she said.

I blinked, slowly regaining my vision. What the hell was going on? Some stupid orc not only used magic, but used a spell that Yin couldn't even counter? It didn't make any sense!

"No. You no use magic against Gorth!" he grunted. He knocked off Yin's hat and laid his hand square on her forehead. His hand glowed a brighter and brighter blue.

"S-stop it!" yelled Yin. "Stop!"

"Stop it! What are you doing to her?"

"He's... Draining me! Stealing my power!"

"My magic now. You give," he replied.

"Ahhh, Freya! Help me! Help me!" my companion begged, but I couldn't move.

My axe hung stalled in the air, unable to swing. I could only watch as he continued to drain the poor girl.

"Fressya, ssshelp me," Yin slurred, and her mouth hung open like a drunkard.

"Leave her alone!" I yelled, but he ignored me. Yin's eyes were closed and she drooled. Her cries for help had become an inhuman groan. I wanted to help her, protect her, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything.

Yin suddenly collapsed, slumped to the ground with a thud. She looked... dead!

Damn that bastard!

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" I pushed, harder than I ever pushed before, harder than what should be humanly possible. I felt my limbs begin to move but it was sluggish, like I was pushing through mud.

The orc turned and with my sluggish blow, he was easily able to walk around me. I could feel his breath on my neck.

No! Damn it! I tried to turn but I was still too slow. I felt his hands clasp on either side of my head.

"You no strong! Gorth strong!"

"Noooo!" I screamed as he began to drain me too.


We awoke as prisoners.

The ruins contained a lower dungeon, which obviously once served as a literal prison long ago. We were locked inside a dirty and dark cell. Vines covered the walls.

I was glad to see that Yin was safe and very much alive.

"My axe is gone," I said.

"And my staff," said Yin, "But he left me with everything else."

She was right, I had all my gear. I checked my bag.

"Alright!" I cheered, and pulled out a curved knife. "I can use this!"

"Wait," said Yin, "I hear someone coming!"

"Yeah I hear him," I said, "Try to distract him, and I'll gut this stupid orc."

"Okay!" Yin said, and gave me a thumbs up.

The barely dressed orc slid the cell door open.

"Come here you stupid adventurers!" he ordered.

"Let us go you ugly monster!" Yin screamed and did a good job making a fuss. "Let us go!"

He turned toward her and I lunged at his exposed back. I drove the knife towards the base of his neck with all my might. This was a killing blow.

But the knife bounced off his skin like hard armor!

"What?" I gasped in disbelief and stared at the knife. The tip of the blade had snapped off.

He turned, slapped the knife out of my hands. It was so fast I couldn't react.

"Come here!" he gripped my neck and nearly threw me against the wall.

"You too," he yelled at Yin, and threw her down next to me.

Pushed to our knees he laid a hand on each of our heads. Then the intense blue glow of his magic returned.

But it felt different. Different than when he drained us.

"Submit to me," he commanded. "Submit to me you dumb adventurers."

"No!" I yelled and my head ached with pain.


Whatever he did to us made us both pass out. I didn't know for how long, but I woke up hungry as hell. I dug through my pack and pulled out some jerky.

We were trapped by some super-orc and I couldn't think of a way out.

Would someone come save us?

Probably not. It wasn't a direct bounty, just a rumor of goblins we heard in Aberven. It'd be weeks before we were considered missing and the Adventurer's Guild sent anyone to our aid. It would take them even more time to track our location.

"We need to do something, but what?" We couldn't fight him directly, we were too weak to directly counter his magic.

"I have an idea," Yin said, and held up a blank scroll. "I can modify it into a recall scroll, to take us back to Aberven. I can slowly channel, and eventually fill it. But... I have so little strength now. It will take a very long time."

"You can do it," I encouraged but she didn't seem enthused. I put my hand on her back. "We've been through so much, so many close calls, we'll get through this too! We can make it!"

We just had to survive long enough.


I heard him approaching. Yin was too focused on the scroll to notice.

"Hide it," I said and pointed to the scroll. Above all we had to protect that scroll, it was our best and maybe only way to escape. She put it back in the pack at the corner of the cell.

He opened the cell door and I immediately charged him.

Normally a single orc I could easily take with my bare hands. This time my attempt was farcical. I couldn't even land a single hit. It was like I'd never thrown a punch before, and the orc countered like a martial expert.

With a few quick moves, I was left on my knees beside Yin. We were both at his mercy.

He laid a hand on both our heads and the light came back.


"Freya?" Yin asked, looking up from the scroll.

"What is it?"

"I've been thinking. I think we should maybe... give in. Surrender to him."

"What?" I exclaimed, was she joking? No, she seemed serious. "He's an orc, a monster, we can't give in... we're adventurers!"

"Are we?"

"Of course!"

"How? He took my power! This scroll should have taken me a second and its been over a day. I can't be a mage anymore, and you're so weak you can barely throw a punch. Maybe we should just give up."

"Yin.. that's insane, listen to yourself, what are you saying?"

"You're the insane one! You keep taking about escaping, getting our revenge. Like we'd ever stand a chance against Gorth! He's so powerful, he's so strong, and any help we'd get would only make him stronger!"

"We'll escape using your scroll, and the Guild has defeated creatures far stronger! And once he's dead I'm sure we'll get back our strength!"

"And why would I want to hurt him?" she said and blushed.

"Yin," I shook my head. I knelt down right in front of her and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Listen to me, he's screwing with your mind, trying to brainwash us. You need to resist. Remember who you are. Remember what you want."

"What I want," she echoed and nodded.

"Yes, exactly!"


"Come here you stupid adventurers."

Yin stepped towards him but I stood back.

"Why? Why are you doing this to us? Aren't dumb monsters like you just supposed to kill us?" I asked.

"Goblin queen exile me. Say Gorth too weak of a goblin, too greedy, too pathetic, too horny, too stupid. No! They stupid!" He said, but I didn't understand. Did this big dumb orc think he was a goblin? He flexed his biceps, and posed for us. "I big now! I strong now, I smart. I make my own tribe!"

Gorth grabbed Yin and pulled her back to his chest. Held the smaller girl close to him, and his hands roamed over her body.

Helpless to stop his inappropriate and deviant sexual advance, I could feel my anger rising. Yin appeared frozen in fear, dominated into letting the orcish molester fondle her body. I wanted to throw a punch at him right there, but I knew he'd just throw me around again. Instead I bit my lip in frustration.

"Soon we make new tribe, together."

"What? That's disgusting!" I snorted, he actually expected us to help create this tribe? I couldn't even imagine a stupider idea. "What a ridiculous notion. That's never going to happen."

"What about you smaller one, you wish to join tribe?"

"I...ah, um," Yin stammered as the orc contused to paw over her body. Her face shone red with shame.

"Of course she doesn't!" I yelled and shook my head.

"I didn't ask you, stupid! I asked the small one."

"I, I, I, well I ah... ," Yin whispered and hung her head in shame. She whispered softly, "Yes."

"What!?" I yelled. I couldn't believe what I heard. "What did you say?"

He laughed, "Yeah! What did you say small-one?"

She raised her head up, "I wish to join your tribe."

"Yin listen to me! He's screwing with your mind! You don't want this. You don't want to join some disgusting monster's tribe!"

Yin shook her head, "No you listen! This is what I want!" She turned to the orc. "Sensei Gorth, please ignore her rude and stupid words. I humbly accept your invitation."

"Gorth be chieftain! No question chieftain, do what chieftain say."

"Yes I would be honored to have you as my chieftain. I will serve you as if you were my master."

"We'll see soon," Gorth said, "Not sure if small one is ready yet. You adventurers always have tricks! But soon."

A trick. Yes. I hoped to everything holy that's exactly what this was. That Yin was trying to trick him and win him to her side.

The orc turned and opened the cell door.

"No! I'm ready! I'll prove it! I'll prove it!" Yin yelled and ran over to her pack. Then she ran back waving a rolled up parchment.

Gorth turned and look at her suspiciously.

"I was going to use this scroll to recall us away from here!"

"Yin stop!" I screamed. Even if this were some sort of ploy, an act she was playing, she still went too far. She showed him our only avenue of escape.

"Sensei Gorth, please accept this as an act of loyalty," she said and ripped the scroll directly down the middle.


"Yin, what the hell! Stop!"

She put the two parts together and ripped them again, then again, until the scroll was just useless confetti. "I hope this small act pleases you."

"It does!" the orc smiled and nodded.

I was in shock. "How could you do this? To me? To us? We're trapped here now! Trapped!"

I rushed at them, but Groth pulled Yin to himself, and stepped back. With one arm he shoved me back and I fell on my butt. He closed the cell door in my face, keeping himself and Yin on the other side.

Yin put her hand in front of her mouth and giggled. "Oh Sensei Groth you're so strong."

I felt humiliated. I was so weak now. A lowly orc tossed me aside like rank novice.

"Yes, you join tribe. Take you as wife."

Yin gasped, "Really sensei? I would get to be your wife?"

"Yes. I fuck you, make you mine." Gorth clearly enjoyed the thought. His green cock, nearly a foot long poked out from his ridiculous and tattered excuse for a loin cloth.

I've never seem a more lewd and abhorrent display. Here was an aroused and nearly drooling greenskin monster looming over my innocent partner.

Yin stared at his phallus, and then to him.

"Want to put that," she began, and widened her stance a bit. She took the edges of her dress and pulled it up, showing off her white panties. "Here master?"

"I do," said Gorth and he sat down right in the middle of the floor. He rubbed his green pole and motioned with his other hand, "Come!"

"One moment," Yin said, and gripping under her dress pulled her panties down to her ankles, then daintily step out of them.

She moved over the sitting orc.

"Gorth, please accept the gift of my virginity."

I watched, my eyes wide, as the monster took Yin's virginity. No, as Yin gave it away. She hovered over his aroused dick, then sat lower and lower, taking his cock inside her like a loving bride. She didn't even care she was doing it right in my view.

"Oh Groth! It feels so good," Yin moaned. "I'm so glad I can give you my virginity and share my first time with you."

"Yeah! You much better than hand!"

"I'm so happy I can please you Groth," she said.

I couldn't handle her brainwashed stare and her loving words for such a foul beast.

"Yin! Stop this!"

Yin ignored me, intensely focused on dutifully riding the big green cock. But Gorth looked at me and his eyes shone blue.

"Quiet!" he commanded.

I felt frozen and I couldn't speak. I couldn't even move. I could only watch silently as the couple began to mate harder and faster.

"Ohhh, ohhh, yes!" Yin rode the monster's cock, moaning lewdly louder and louder until he took the initiative to quiet her with a kiss.

I suspected I watched the poor girl's first kiss.

"Mmmm," she moaned, as an orc sloppily made-out with her as they fucked, shoving his tongue down her throat. I felt sick.

But as shocked and horrified as what I had seen before I couldn't believe what Yin said next.

"Gorth you have stolen my powers as a mage," Yin reminded him. "But I still have the lowly power of a woman's womb. Almighty Gorth please bless my womb with your seed!"

"Seed?" the dim-witted orc responded.

"Yes sensei Groth! Please sire your child inside of me, it would be a great honor!"

"Oh yes! You make babies for tribe!"

None of this felt real. Hearing my partner beg to be impregnated by this monster, while I was frozen and unable to speak... Felt like a nightmare I couldn't awake from. This was madness. The real Yin would have been horrified to say those words. The orcs magical indoctrination was beyond vile to make her act this way.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" the orc grunted stupidly.

"I feel it!" Yin gasped, "I feel your precious seed inside me!"

In response Gorth stuck his dirty tongue back in her mouth until he was finished ejaculating into the young witch.

Gorth leaned back catching his breath. He seem quite satisfied, but Yin jumped up.

"Thank you chieftain Gorth," she said and gave him a deep bow. "My gratitude is beyond words for what you have done for me. I pledge myself to you and vow to be a good wife!"

He awkwardly pat her head, "Good girl."

She came up from her bow and she had the happiest smile I'd ever seen. A single tear of joy ran down her face and she gave him another deep bow.


They left me, and they were long gone before I felt unfrozen.

Yin had gone crazy. But why? Why had she broken so quickly, and so radically?

She'd called him 'sensei' and 'master', and the way she had bowed to him it made me think.... Maybe something about her training as a mage in the far east? He had taken her magic, and maybe she had mentally 'snapped back' into the mentality of an apprentice?

It was the only thing that made sense. His ability had 'reverted' her. She was acting like a dutiful apprentice in training. But Gorth was no teacher. I needed to get her to see the truth!

I heard a loud moan echo from further in the ruins. I listened and heard a further series of lewd moans. I couldn't make out their exact words, but I got the meaning. The couple was already going at it again.

"Fuck!" I yelled, slamming my fist against the cold stone wall. I had vowed to protect Yin, but how the hell could I protect her from herself?


I was left alone for hours. Finally a visitor came, but it wasn't my captor.

A half naked Yin came bearing a plate of overcooked meat. Her dress and corset were in tatters. The chest of her dress was completely torn out which left her breasts salaciously bare to see.

She seemed oblivious to her own topless and degraded dress. Worse, I couldn't help but noticed the trail of white cum that ran down her leg.

"I thought you might be hungry Freya."

"Please, you can find the key, unlock the cell door and we can escape."

"I can't do that silly," Yin said and giggled. "I've joined Gorth's tribe and I'm his wife. Betraying him would be wrong."

"Tribe? What the hell are you talking about? What tribe? Look around," I said. "Its just a brainwashed adventurer being raped by a monster. This isn't you! You would never do this! Wake up! You need to snap out of this!"

"There is nothing to snap out of."

"Listen to me please, I beg you. I think its your training, calling him master and sensei. Think about it, you're behaving like an apprentice. You're regressing."

"Is that what you think, my past?" Yin laughed and shook her head, "No it has nothing to do with that. It's your northern tattoos."


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