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Friend's BBW Mom

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My friend's fat mom.
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I always loved older women. It was a fantasy of mine to be with one. I mean how many 21 year old boys do not want to be? My name is Tim I'm an average 21 year old guy. I am about five foot eight, hundred seventy pounds, six and a half inch cock, and did alright with the girls. I just wanted more, I wanted a mature women to rock my world.

My friends and I would always hang out at our friend Chris's house, he was very rich. Every night we would go over there hang out in his basement, have a few beers, normal stuff nothing crazy. Chris's mom was pretty flirtatious. She would be down there all the time with us which was kind of annoying. She was by no means what anyone would call a milf. She was about five foot four, 240 pounds, and her face wasn't pretty either. Since she wasn't hot we really didn't like the fact that she was always hanging around flirting.

Her name is Jayne. You could tell Jayne's husband had not fucked her in years, it did not take a rocket scientist to know this. They barely spoke to one another, had no affection towards each other and her husband had a huge porn collection we always looked through. Could we really blame Jayne for always being down there? She was a horny 52 year old that just wanted to be with a bunch of young guys and get some attention.

As I said Jayne was five foot four and 240 pounds and 52 years old. Everything below her hips was skinny though. Her legs were not that of a 240 pound woman either was her ass. I am a huge ass man, but disappointingly she did not have a big one. Her face was very chunky and resembled that of Mrs. Miller the pornstar. Her tits were probably a 38E and her stomach was very noticeable in every shirt she wore.

Jayne would always flirt with one of my friends. It was very obvious she wanted him. Since she was not hot though he never wanted to do anything with her and we would all joke to him that they were together. It is no secret to my friends that I enjoy fat woman. I like them big, it does not bother me. I wished I was my friends because I would make Jayne all mine.


One day we were all hanging out in Chris's kitchen, of course Jayne was there also. I had to go to the bathroom so I excused myself. When I came back into the kitchen I found that no one was there except Jayne.

"Where did everyone go?"

"They went in the yard to go swimming Tim."

"Okay, thanks." I turned to head outside when she spoke.

"So come tell me about your new girlfriend."

I came back to the kitchen so we could speak.

"What do you want to know?"

"Well you can show me a picture."

I took my phone out and showed her.

"Wow she is really pretty, you must have all your dreams fulfilled with this one."

"Ehh I guess so."

"What do you mean? Look at her."

"I like older woman so she can not fulfill that for me."

"Oh stop it, you do not want an older woman believe me Tim she is way better."

"Plus she doesn't really want to do it a lot if you know what I mean."

"Ha join the club, some people just are not into doing it that much, you have to cope that is what I did."

"I just do not get why? Like if I was big Chris it would be like clockwork everyday after work when I got home."

"Well I have let myself go and he does not like big girls, so I am kind of stuck, that I is why I am saying you just have to get used to some things."

"I do not get what is wrong with people who don't like big girls I love them."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, you never noticed me looking at you?"

"No?" She looked at me oddly.

"Yeah I guess not you are too focused on Kyle." I said jokingly. (Kyle is the friend she always flirts with).

"What! Kyle?"

"Come on Jayne we all know you think he is hot, I am just saying if you paid more attention you would see how often I am looking at you. Anyway I will see you later I am going outside." I started to walk out of the kitchen. "Oh by the way don't tell anyone what I just told you, I do not think Chris would want me back here."

"Of course Tim, go have fun."


The next day I was at Chris's as usual and Jayne came down. We were all hanging out and I could see that she kept looking at me. I kept looking back. She usually is all over Kyle, I guess my talk with her loosened her up. She always asks him to help her with something but she didn't tonight. After about a hour of all of us just hanging out Jayne spoke.

"Hey Tim you mind helping me fix something on the computer I can not figure it out."

"Uhh, sure."

I followed her upstairs and into the kitchen where the computer was.

"I was thinking about what you said Tim and I am sorry. At this point I may as well be honest I know you are not telling anyone. Yes I have a thing for Kyle, but only because I thought he showed interest. You never talk to me or anything when I am down there. I am just lonely and wanted someone to talk to and he would talk."

"I just really did not have much to talk to you about so I just admired from a far. Are you saying you are attracted to me also?"

"I mean why wouldn't I be. You are young and handsome, and I am a lonely old fat lady."

"Stop that. Can I ask you something?" She nodded. "When was the last time...you know."

She laughed, "Let's see, probably five years ago since I have even seen one I will put it that way."

"Wow." That was all I can say.

"Yeah, let's be honest though I am no milf that is for sure so it's not that unbelievable."

"I mean I am not trying to be out of line here, but would you like me to show you mine?"

She stared at me I had no idea what she as thinking.

"Tim everyone is here and you can not be up here too long or they will suspect something, I appreciate the offer but it is risky."

"Just a quick peek see if you like it."

I did not wait for her to respond. I unzipped my pants pulled them down and flopped out my semi hard cock. I did not look up yet, I began to stroke it. Five seconds later it was at full strength and I released it and looked up.

Jayne was just staring at it. I shook it up and down for her and turned to the side so she could see it. She walked closer and wrapped her hand around it.

"This is the fattest cock I have ever felt."

My cock is pretty fat, I measured once with a tailors tape measure and it is 6 inches around.

"Wow, I forgot how good a dick feels, it is so fat I love it. You have to put it away for now though."

I tucked it back into my pants like she said.

"I promise one day we will finish what we just started Tim." With that she took my hand and put it down her pants. I moved back her bush which felt like it had not been shaved in years, and onto her soaking wet pussy. Just as I touched it she pulled me hand out.

"Now go downstairs like nothing happened Tim."

I turned and went down just like she said.


Weeks went on and me and Jayne just kept pretending like nothing happened that night. One night while we were all there my friends decided they were going to go out to a club. I did not want to go with them so I was going to just go home once they left. Jayne was down there of course and heard all of this so she came over to me.

Very quickly and nonchalantly she whispered in my ear, "Once you leave and everyone is gone, come back."

I was so excited. Tonight was the night I got to be with Jayne. About a hour later everyone was leaving so I left with them. I pulled off the street and headed in the direction of home until my friends passed me in their car. Once they did I turned around and headed back. I parked around the corner just in case and walked towards Jayne.

She was waiting at the front door for me. I climbed the steps and entered the house. She instantly grabbed my cock.

"I have been waiting for this for weeks." She pulled my pants down and my cock sprang free. Her chubby face lit up when she saw it. She dropped to her knees and began to suck my fat cock. My heat was racing. Jayne was actually sucking my cock. Chris' mom was on her fat knees in his house sucking my dick. It was really turning me on.

She took my cock out of her mouth stood up and gestured me towards the kitchen. Once in there she began to take off her shirt and pants. She stood there in just bra and panties. Her stomach sagging over the pantie line, her legs so thin compared to her upper body and her big tits spilling out of her bra. I took off my shirt and was now completely nude. I walked over to her slide her panties down and revealed a huge bush. It was kept however, only above the pussy had a massive bush, around her pussy was well kept. I then undid and bra and revealed her milky white tits. Her areolas were about 3 inches in diameter, they were huge and pink. I loved them. I popped them into my mouth and sucked on each one. She stroked my cock as I did so.

"Tim, no foreplay I need cock. It has been too long. Just take me over the kitchen table already."

She walked towards the kitchen table and bent over. Her ass was nothing special which was disappointing but how would I complain. I grabbed both of her hips and thrust my fat cock into her pussy. It went in no problem since she was actually dripping wet. She was very loud as I slammed my fat cock into her. I reached forward and grabbed her big hanging tits as the swayed back and forth with each thrust. I stopped thrusting for a second to catch my breath and she began to back her ass up on my cock. I just let her do it and enjoyed her tits in my hand.

"Jayne I want to see you and those tits, can I put you on your back?"

Without answering she pulled my cock out and played down on the table. Her tits were sagging to either side of her and her big belly wagon full display. I slide my cock into her hairy pussy and watched her tits bounce. I grabbed onto her big belly and gave her the best cock she ever had. I was pumping into her so hard she could not even make a sound. Her tits were going wild. I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled my cock out and coated her in my cum.

"Fuck Tim, that was so hot."

"I know I loved it Jayne, it was so good."

"You ready for round 2?"

I shook my head, this was going to be fun.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

very good indeed. thank you, im an older woman too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved it I was 23 and my mother in law was53 5'3 220 lb. my first bbw and she made me promise only her and her daughter . Love my wife but love that big ass and horny mil P>S she is now 70 & I still tap her about weekly

Diecast1Diecast1over 1 year ago

I like big women too, enjoyed the story. AAAA++++

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

oh, that would be wonderful to get that kind of attention from a man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excerpts from anon over 1 year ago


... My mom was a statuesque shapely woman. She was 5 foot 8-1/2, and 220 lb. She retired at 43 when I was 18....

... My mom knew how to attract men's attention & how to flirt with them. Many men found her sexy.

If she fancied a man (usually younger than her) she aggressively flirted with him (she was bold in that regard).

Bottom line: I was convinced she cheated on my dad.

I never stopped loving her over her infidelities. I never ratted on her.

End quote.

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