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Friends Helping Friends Ch. 02

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Teaching Bob a hard lesson.
17.2k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/08/2024
Created 08/12/2023
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It had been two weeks since our night with Jen and Bob. It had been an interesting evening, and an eye-opening one in some respects. I very much enjoyed seeing Jen completely naked. Oh, I'd seen her in skimpy bikinis at the lake and such, but I'd never seen her private bits before. And Bob had seen even less of my wife, who preferred a more conservative one-piece swim suit. I wasn't sure I exactly loved having Bob ogling my wife's naked body, but it had been her choice to make and she wanted to support Jen, her best friend, as best she could. If it took a hit to her modesty to do that, well, it surprised me, but maybe it shouldn't have.

After we got home, I tried to discuss the video, and what she and I both found stimulating. To my surprise, she was reluctant to discuss it at all, and even when she did, it was in very vague and closed terms. We had the invitation for a free consult with the therapist that Bob and Jen were using, but so far we hadn't taken advantage of it. Mandy didn't think we particularly needed any help in the sex department, since I'm already "over-sexed", in her estimation. I thought maybe it would help for us to discuss things, since I was a little surprised at what fantasy situations Mandy responded to. Unfortunately, just because I thought maybe talking about them would be a good idea, she didn't, and had since resisted every attempt I've made to discuss them. The best I could get from her so far was, quote, "My private fantasies are just that, private. I won't ask you to explain yours and I don't expect to have to explain mine!" unquote, end of discussion.

I know that Jen and my wife, Mandy, had been talking daily, which wasn't at all unusual, but when I walked through wherever they were, they quickly curtailed whatever they were discussing, which was unusual. When I asked my wife about it, she simply said it was girl talk and they'd tell me if there was something I needed to know. That's her way of telling me to keep my nose out of it, so I would.

Bob and I routinely hung out on many Sundays, watching football in the fall, and NASCAR in the spring and summer. It wasn't unusual to find us at each other's houses for at least part of Sunday, unless we had something else planned, like a weekend at the lake. Typically the girls hung out as well, though they paid little attention to what was on TV unless their favorite team was playing, and then it was Katie bar the door! Mandy could be quite competitive when she wanted to be, and supporting her team was one of those times.

It was one of those Sundays, with football just getting going and NASCAR winding down toward the end of the season. We were all in our living room, watching the Kansas City Chiefs playing. I couldn't help but notice that Bob was frequently looking at Mandy, especially if she got up and left the room. "You know, I can't get out of my mind how sexy Mandy looked that night. You are one lucky SOB!" he said when both she and his wife were out of the room at the same time.

"Hell, Bob. You act like Jen isn't sexy or something. I mean, she's really hot looking. Don't know why you have to be trying to check out Mandy when you have such a hot woman in your bed."

"Jen? She's not all that good looking. Not like Mandy. Her tits are fucking to kill for!"

I was startled, to say the least. "Really? You're gonna talk about my wife's tits like that?"

"Why not? I mean, they are, right? Your wife is smoking hot! I mean, she looks good in shorts and stuff, and in a swim suit, even better. But naked, shit. I don't know how you aren't pounding her every fucking night!"

"Come on, Bob. Seriously?"


"That's my wife you're talking about."

"So? I mean, you saying she isn't smoking hot?"

"Well, yeah, she is. To me, anyway."

"Hell man, to any dude! Never thought I'd see her naked, but damn!"

The conversation died when the girls came back in, but it left its imprint on me, and I noticed a lot more just how much he was watching her. At halftime, the girls got up to work on dinner, leaving us alone. I made an excuse to get up and get more beers, allowing me to talk to the girls alone.

"Honey, I don't think getting naked in front of Bob was a good idea," I said softly.

"Why's that?"

"He's obsessing over how you look."

"He is?" Jen asked.

"He's practically undressing you with his eyes every time you move. He's more than a little taken by your boobs."

"And he doesn't think Jen is good looking?"

"Not like you," I said with a frown as I opened the fridge and got out two more bottles of beer. "I just thought you should know."

"Well, I'm not surprised," Jen said. "I am surprised he'd say it to you."

"He's said something to you about it?"

"In his own way. The other night he suggested that I get a boob job to make them more like hers." Jen said with a frown. "He doesn't think mine are big enough."

"Damn," I said quietly.

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry. I didn't think that what we did would turn into this. It was supposed to just be an experiment and that having me naked with you looking at me, would encourage him to do the same."

"I don't think it worked."

"It didn't," she said with a sigh. "He just doesn't see me as desirable."

"Maybe you need some hot guy to put the moves on you in front of him," I chuckled jokingly. "Maybe then he'd realize he's got a hot woman of his own."

"You think I'm hot?" she asked quickly, raising her eyebrows. I looked at Mandy, expecting a very negative reaction, but instead saw her looking at me curiously.

"Well?" My wife asked me, expecting an answer.

I looked back at Jen and nodded slowly. "Let's just say that I liked what I saw last time we were at the lake, and it only got better the other night."

"So, that's a yes?"

"It's a yes," I answered before turning and heading to the living room before the conversation could get me in to trouble with my wife. I walked into the living room and handed Bob a beer before dropping into my recliner.

"Did you get a chance to feel up your wife's tits while you were in there?"


"You were in there long enough; I thought maybe you were playing with your wife's tits."

"Uh. No. No, I didn't. You know, I still don't get why you don't think your wife is good looking," I said with a frown.

"She's just not. Not like your wife, dude. I mean, she's really hot looking. Jennifer, she's just sorta average, ya know?"

"No, I don't know. I thought she looked pretty spectacular in that lingerie she had on. I mean, didn't that turn you on? Seeing her in that?"

"Maybe a little, but not nearly as much as your wife's tits. Shit, a guy could get lost for hours in those."

"Come on. They're thirty-eight double D. Jen's are at least as C, maybe a D, right?"

"Thirty-two C," he said. "But she does have a nice looking pussy, when she shaves it. You could feel her up if you wanted. I mean, if you think she's good looking. Wouldn't bother me. Maybe I'll try and cop a feel on Mandy some time."

"Only if you plan on getting your face slapped off. I doubt she'd be particularly agreeable to having her tits groped by anyone other than me. Hell, other than the other night, I'm the only guy that's seen her naked in thirty years," I said hoping to end the now uncomfortable conversation.

"Might be worth a slap or two." He chuckled as the girls came back into the room.

"What would be worth a slap or two?" Jen asked as she settled on the sofa.

"Feeling up Mandy's tits," Bob said with a grin.

"Are we back to that again?" Jen asked with a frown, shaking her head. "She agreed to get undressed to help us, not to become your personal wet dream!"

"Yeah, but even you have to admit, with those hooters, she is a wet dream!" he answered.

"Good lord," my wife mumbled, covering her face with one hand.

"Sorry hon. I told you he was obsessed with your tits," Jen said quietly. She looked back at Bob. "Maybe I should just take my top off and let Jack enjoy them, since you don't seem to be excited by 'em any more."

"Feel free. He thinks you look hot anyway. I'm sure he wouldn't mind you flashing him."

Jen looked at me with raised eyebrows while I blushed.

"Hope you don't expect me to flash you MY tits!" Mandy said with a scowl. "That was a one-time thing to help Jen."

"Too bad. I wouldn't have minded seeing them again."

"You're supposed to be concentrating on your own wife. Isn't that what all that therapy is about? To help you find out why you don't find your wife sexually desirable any more?"

"Yeah, but let's face it. Jen is kinda plain. Not like you. I mean, you're fucking hot!"

"And it doesn't bother you to talk about your best friend's wife like that, especially right in front of him?"

Bob chuckled. "Fuck, he KNOWS you're hot as hell. I mean, he gets to see you naked every day. I don't see how he keeps his hands off you as much as he does. I mean, right now, if I were him I'd have you sitting in my lap so I can play with those tits!"

"Jesus Christ honey! Really? You'd say that right in front of Jack?"

"He knows it. Why beat around the bush? He's a lucky bastard and he knows it."

Jen got up and ran from the room, my wife following after her as fast as she could get up.

"Jesus, Bob. You really can be a shit sometimes. How can you say that about your own wife? I mean, does she mean that little to you?" I asked incredulously.

"Oh no man. I mean, I love her and all, but let's face it, she's not the sexy little thing she was when we got married, that's all. We both know it."

"But my wife is even older. That doesn't even make sense."

"Yeah, but your wife really is super fucking hot. I mean, she could do a playboy centerfold and have half the guys in the world with their tongues hanging out over her."

"Don't let her hear you say that," I said shaking my head. "She's more than a little self-conscious about her body."

"I don't know why. I mean, hell, you know how good she looks."

"Sure, she looks great to me, but that isn't the point. Your wife is supposed to look great to you, not mine."

"You're living in a dream state dude. Marriage isn't like that. At least not anymore. The old days where you get hitched and that's the only woman you mess around with, those are gone."

"Are you telling me you've been messing around on Jen?"

"Not a lot. I mean, a little now and then. Went to this bachelor party for a guy at work. They had a couple strippers. I mighta let one of em stick her tits in my face and sit on my lap."

"Yeah? Were you dressed?" I asked with a frown.

He chuckled. "No, man. I wasn't and yes, she felt fucking good on my dick."

"And it doesn't bother you? That you cheated on her?"

"It's alright. I mean, if she wants to find some dick someplace, it's no big deal, is it?"

"It's no wonder you're having marital problems. Of course it's a big deal!"

"Why? I mean, it's just sex, right? It's not like I'm going to leave her because I find some pussy someplace else."

"And it really wouldn't bother you if, say, she came in here, took off her clothes again and then sat on MY lap?"

"Naw. Why should it? Besides, you never would. I mean, Mandy would slice and dice you if you suck that thing into anyone else."

"That's not the point," I said, shaking my head. "It's the fact that you don't care if someone else fucks her."

"Well, yeah I care. But if she finds a dick she likes, why shouldn't she be able to take a taste, just like I have."

"Bob, how many women have you cheated on her with?"

"How many? Oh hell. I dunno. Maybe ten or fifteen."

"Seriously? You've fucked around on her that many times?"

"It's not that big of a deal. I mean, most of them were one night stands while I was out of town on business. I mean, it's not that big of a deal."

"Bob, I don't believe you. If I did that, even once, it'd be one hell of a big deal. I mean, that's divorce city!"

"Naw. She doesn't care."

"You sure? She knows about it?"

"The stripper? Yeah, one of the other wives told her."

"And the other dozen?"

"Well, she don't need to know. I mean, yeah, she'd be a little upset, but hell, It's just sex, right?"

"Not to a woman it isn't," I said. "I'm disappointed in you. All these years, I never figured for you to go that way."

"Oh come on. I even fucked Ellie one time."

"Ellie, as in our friend Ron's wife? You fucked Ron's wife?"

"Yeah. I mean, you remember that new years party last year, right?"

I did remember Ron and Ellie hosting a new years party for a number of friends, including us. They, and most of their friends, were in their low thirties, but they still enjoyed doing things with us, especially if it included trips to the lake and camping and such. They really loved the outdoors. "Yeah, I remember."

"You remember Ron getting into the hot tub with Karen?"

"Yeah. I think so. Several people stripped and got into the hot tub," I agreed, remembering seeing half a dozen people, not all married to each other, getting naked in the kitchen and running out into the freezing night air to the big hot tub they had.

"Yep. Well, Ron was fucking Karen, because Karen's husband was fucking someone else. So, Ellie took me upstairs and we fucked in her bedroom."

"And what was Jen doing while you were doing that?" I asked incredulously.

"Oh, she was hanging out with you and Mandy. I just figured you two would keep her entertained."

"Not that way."

"Well, you could have. I wouldn't have complained."

"I guess not," I said, shaking my head. "Why would Ellie want to have sex with someone who's not her husband?"

"Why would her husband want to have sex with someone that's not her? Plenty to drink and a few dares running around. You know. One girl shows her boobs and then another has to top it. Pretty soon they're daring each other to get naked in the hot tub, and well, you know what happens after that, right?"

"I didn't, but I guess I do now."

"You honestly didn't know?"

"Well, the people we were hanging out with in the living room weren't exactly throwing their clothes off. A few random kisses and stuff."

"You got the tame crowd." He chuckled.

"I better go check on the girls," I said, getting up and walking out of the room. I honestly couldn't believe what he'd told me. Yes, I remembered seeing some people stripping and running out to the hot tub, but I didn't figure it was for sex. And him fucking Ellie? I guess, given the chance I'd be tempted too. She's a very sexy looking young woman. Slender and petite, small boobs, maybe a B cup, nice firm butt, which I will admit I smacked once, out at the lake. Yeah, I could see myself having sex with her if it wasn't for being married. "You alright?" I asked as I stepped into the master bedroom, Jen and Mandy were sitting on the edge of the bed talking. I could see that Jen had been crying.

"Yeah. He was just being a jerk." Jen sniffed.

"He done that before? Kind of caught me off guard, him acting like that."

"First time he's done it out in the open like that. Usually he just says shit like that in private. That's part of why we're seeing a therapist."

"Part of it?"

"Oh, hell. He admitted to cheating on me, with Ellie of all people. Did you know he snuck off to the bedroom with Ellie at the New Years party and had sex with her?"

"Actually, I only found out a few minutes ago. He seemed to think it's no big deal."

"Yeah, he keeps saying that. It's no big deal. If I wanna get some from someone else go ahead. Well, to me, it is a big deal."

"Maybe you should. Have someone fuck you right in front of him and see how big of a deal it is to him!" Mandy said with a scowl.

"I don't get it. He's never been like this before," I said, shaking my head.

"The therapist told him that he needed to speak up and vocalize his desires. I thought that meant with me and what we did, not lusting after my best friend's body," she said quietly. "I should go home. I mean, I'm just being a wet blanket today."

"Not even," Mandy said softly. "You just stay here and ignore him. And if he says he's going to grab my tits again, maybe I'll give him that slap."

"You should. Might wake him up a bit. He thinks he's god's gift to women and they can't resist him."

Mandy laughed softly. "Yeah right. I've seen his dick. Doesn't hold a candle to Jack. You get fucked by his and you know you've been fucked!" Jen laughed and then hugged her, knowing that she was trying to cheer her up. "Tell you what. I bet I can embarrass him if you want."

"Like how?"

"I'll go out in some skimpy shirt or something and get him all worked up by bouncing on the sofa to cheer the game, and then dare him to drop his pants or something. Let him think he's gonna get some and then drop the hammer on him."

"That's awful mean," I said. "You sure you want to start playing those games? It could get out of hand pretty easily."

"I think it's already gotten out of hand. Unless you want to tell him he's being an asshole."

"I don't know that it would do any good," I said with a frown. "He seems to think his behavior is just fine. "

"Maybe we should show him some really inappropriate behavior!" Mandy said with a scowl.

"Like what?"

"Maybe you should give him what he wants: fuck Jen in front of him. I bet it isn't nearly as fun for him as he thinks it'll be."

"Come on. Be serious. You really want me to fuck your best friend, just to piss off her husband? Really?"

"Yeah, well. Maybe you're right," Mandy said, a little steam slipping from her sails at the completely in appropriate suggestion. "Maybe you're right. Just tell him you did. You've been in here long enough."

I was in shock. "You really want me to say that? First off, he wouldn't believe it. Second, why do we want to piss him off? If what you want is for him to be more interested in you sexually, I don't see how pissing him off helps that."

"I don't want to piss him off, I want him to realize the things he says have consequences. But if you don't want to do it, I'm sure I can figure out another way to send the message."

"What? You're gonna tell him?"

"Nope. I have a much better idea! Jen, take off your underwear."


"Your panties. Take them off," Mandy said as she stood up from the bed.

Jen stood up and looked at me. She hesitantly unsnapped her shorts and started to push them down.

"Turn around, Jack." My wife said sharply.


"Turn around! You don't need to watch, do you?"

"I dunno what you have planned, but whatever it is, it's sure to be a bad idea," I said as I turned around. I stood there, looking at the far wall, realizing that I could see Jen in the mirror over Mandy's dresser. She slipped her shorts off and then pulled down her panties. She stood there, naked from the waist down for several seconds while she straightened her shorts out, the entire time, my dick was growing harder in my pants. She finally bent over and stepped into her shorts and pulled them up.

"Okay. You can look now," my wife said. "Here, put these in your pocket." I took the tiny bikini panties from her and stuffed them into my pocket. "Now go back out there and pretend you just had sex."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Just go sit down and don't say anything. He'll wonder and when he asks, just say you were getting some."

"Um, honey?" I said, pointing to my crotch and the bulge in my pants. "Like he's going to believe that, right? Besides, I'm not that good of a liar. You know that."

My wife shook her head. "Fine. Jen, come on. You can help, then he's not lying, just exaggerating."


"Suck his dick. He can't pretend to have had sex with a hardon, right?" my wife said as she knelt down in front of me and began undoing the front of my pants.

"Hon? You sure you wanna do this?" I asked as she pulled my jeans down.

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