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From the Ruler's Blog Ch. 06

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Mom and daughter get on the bus, but all the seats are taken.
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Chapter 6: Free seat

*From the Ruler's blog, entry 81*

I still feel bad about how the whole Event thing went. So I will try to do good by you girls, I will hear you out. I do understand the feedback that giving away every girl's anal virginity was too much. If I could go back in time, I would have picked something else for the anniversary celebration. And yes, I did try to turn back time, it didn't work. I still have no idea what limits this thing has.

However, the newly formed Ruler Institute of Statistics is telling me that 90% of women under 50 have already been taken. So it wouldn't really be fair to them to erase the rule right?


"No. I have already told you, you won't go" Julie said to her daughter Eve as they entered the bus. They had just spent a nice afternoon shopping, doing some chores. A nice mother-daughter bonding experience. But now Julie started to suspect that her daughter had joined her just to have her in a good mood before she could ask for permission again.

"Mooom come on.... Please... I missed each of my friend's parties this year. Before it was because I was a minor. Now it is because I am over 18 and you say somebody will make me their slut" Eve had been repeating this argument, among several others, for two weeks now. "Lily is my BFF and she is the last one of the group to be 18. Just let me go for once"

"Language! You may be an adult now, but you still live under my roof. You know as well as I do why you aren't going anywhere unsupervised. You have seen what happened to your cousin. To those old classmates of yours. You were the one that told me about your history teacher" Julie felt a chill just remembering those examples. Her niece was currently pregnant, with a dozen potential fathers. Eve's classmates, a pair of twins, had been forced to participate in several threesomes together. Rumor was it that after so many times, they were now into it for real. And the history teacher, a loving wife and mother of two young kids, had disappeared for a month. She had eventually been found as the sex slave of one of her old students, who was pawning her off to his friends. When asked, she had testified that her student promised her anal sex only after six months of sexual enslavement.

"I told you there will only be girls there. We will be careful" Her daughter replied. Julie didn't believe her. She had told similar lies to her own mother at that age, and those lies had resulted in her getting pregnant with Eve at 19. They reached the back of the bus. All the seats were taken. Then, Julie made eye contact with the guy who was sitting on the last row. He looked homeless. His clothes were old, his beard and hair a mess. A big bag was taking the seat next to him. Julie could smell him from where she stood. Then, she realized her mistake. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She had been focused on her daughter that she had forgotten. She could only hope that this guy didn't...

"Laaaady, you can take this seat here!" The man said, patting his lap. Fuck, Julie thought. They didn't usually take the bus, and the rule was a couple of months old. So she didn't think to avoid looking for free seats. Still, the words came to her head: "A man's lap is as good as a free seat on the bus! Just offer it to them if they are searching for a spot". And in part of her mind, the part that made her move, there was suddenly no reason to not sit on this reeking man's lap.

"Please, sir... I am with my daughter" Julie said to the man as she approached him. It was a long shot, she knew. He just laughed and patted his lap again. So Julie sat on his lap. His stench was worse from there. 20 minutes. She couldn't leave until the bus reached her spot. 20 minutes on this guy.

"Get off her y-" Eve said. But before she could finish her sentence, Julie cut her off.

"AS I WAS SAYING, it's still dangerous. You can't go" She looked intensely at her daughter. *Don't fight this guy or you will be next*. She hoped that her daughter understood the message. There was no winning here, only losing. Sitting on this guy wasn't that big of a humiliation that she couldn't endure. She would rather her daughter not risk it. Eve threw a killer stare at the man behind Julie. Then her eyes grew wide and she quickly put her head down, staring at the floor. Julie guessed that the man must have been looking at her daughter's chest. Another one of the Ruler's most annoying rules. If her daughter caught him doing so five times, she would have to reveal her breasts to him. So eyes on the ground were the basic tactic against it.

An awkward silence followed. Julie felt the pressure of the man's penis starting to harden. His hands had moved inside her blouse, and they were softly caressing her breasts through her bra. Julie just remained there, with no way out. Across the bus, some people had noticed what was going on. Some looked angry at the man, others pitied her. None did anything.

"Oh don't worry about me, you can continue your conversation. Sounds fascinating" The creep said, as he took a deep smell on Julie's neck.

"Mom, you owe me." Eve finally resigned herself that this conversation needed to be done now. Lily's party would be in a few hours, the window to get permission was closing. Julie wished that this wouldn't be done while she was being fondled by a random guy, but 'carry on as if nothing was happening' had become the mantra followed by most people. It was the best course of action. "You and Dad already ruined my birthday. You know I wanted to spend it with Nick"

Turning 18 in the Ruler's world wasn't easy. While minors are thankfully excluded from all rules of a sexual nature, as soon as the clock strikes midnight on the girl's birthday, all the sexual rules apply at once. Julie and her husband had made the difficult choice of following the advice recommended by the school of offering her daughter's anal virginity to a trusted male. They had chosen Jonathan, the son of one of her friends. Good kid, 24 years old, in law school. They knew that he would limit himself to doing the deed.

So as soon as the 17th of July came, Jonathan, who was hiding in their room, immediately asked for Eve's anal virginity. Julie hated herself for it. The memory of the screams of pleasure her daughter made in her room still kept her up at night. Still, she didn't regret her decision. It was like a vaccine. Painful, but risking her daughter going around with her anal virginity intact was dangerous. The fact that her daughter had spent the following day receiving dozens of texts from unknown numbers trying to rope her into sleeping with them was frightening, but vindicating.

"Jonathan did what he was asked. God knows what this Nick of yours would have done with you". The man's hands had removed her bra, and now he was playing with her nipples. He was being rough. When he pinched one of them, a small moan escaped Julie's mouth.

"Nick... told me he loved me..." Eve got sad. Nick had been the boy she had been fooling around in the weeks before her birthday. After he learned that Eve had been taken, he ghosted her. Julie suspected that he had moved on to some other almost 18-year-old.

"Ah, young love... what a magic thing..." The man said, out loud. Then, he moved one of her hands downwards, inside her panties. He started teasing her pussy. Julie was wet. The man came close to Julie's ear and whispered so only she could hear. "Lady, move a little or you and your daughter are gonna swap places"

There was no rule involved in this. Julie was free to ignore him. She looked at her daughter. Her baby girl. She imagined her on top of this guy, being felt up and fingered, just as she was. She couldn't bear the thought. So she started grinding her body on the man's lap. She could feel his erection twitching each time.

Eve looked at her mother in disbelief. "Mom... are you ok?" she asked. Julie couldn't keep eye contact with her daughter, her head down in shame.

"She is doing great love", the man said, as he started nuzzling Julie's neck. Julie felt herself starting to grind faster, putting more pressure on the man's crotch.

Then the man came in his pants. And so did Julie, with a loud moan that attracted the attention of half the bus. After Julie managed to catch her breath again and come to her senses, she looked at her daughter. To Julie's dismay, her daughter had a blissful smile on her face, that quickly turned to disgust. Proximity-based orgasms, as the Ruler called them. "To spread the fun", he said. They were occasional, without a clear pattern to what triggered them. But the mechanics didn't matter, just the fact that Eve had climaxed at the sight of her mother dry-humping a stranger. Her disgusted face started to mix with deep shame.

"Oh my God lady, that was a big one! Do you take this line often?" The man moved his arms back to playing with Julie's breasts. He wasn't done playing with her. "Wait... you got your daughter too? That's amazing. You are a natural"

"T... thank you, sir," Julie said. She felt a warm feeling of gratitude at being praised for her sexual prowess. She had no idea where that came from. Was it a secret rule?

"How about that 'Thank you' kiss?" *Fuck*, Julie thought. That had been a recent change.


*From the Ruler's blog, entry 81 (cont)*

I also got the feedback that the Thanksgiving rule caused a lot of problems. That one is on me, I tried to make people more thankful but should have been more specific. So let's keep the spirit of Thanksgiving all year round ok? If someone makes you cum, give them a nice kiss as a thank you.

Can you believe some people think my rules are killing romanticism?


Julie still needed to remain in her seat, so she turned around. She was face to face with the man, smelling his awful breath. "Thank you so much", Julie said. Then she pressed her lips to his. His tongue started exploring her mouth. His beard was making this uncomfortable, she had never liked kissing men with beards. She wanted to put as much hatred as she could into that kiss. Once again, gratitude warmed her body. She melted into the man's embrace. His hands pressed on her butt.

She felt his erection starting to come back.

Julie could spare some hatred for this new rule. She would rather spend Thanksgiving locked in her room as she had done last time. Once again, those stupid protesters had proved themselves to make matters worse.

Julie was surprised when the man broke the kiss. The brief but strong sense of disappointment that came to her after he separated himself from her was a further humiliation. "Turn around, I want you to see this", the man whispered once again. Julie went back to her original position, not really because he had told her to, but because it was far more comfortable and less humiliating.

"Wow, the mother is a great kisser. Let's see how the daughter compares" The man said, stretching his hand towards Eve. *Of fucking course. He would rather make out with a teenager*, Julie thought. Her daughter's incidental orgasm had made her free game for him. But to her surprise, Eve slapped his hand, with force.

"FUCK YOU! I am not kissing you!" She said, in a rage. "*You* didn't make me cum" She emphasized the 'you' in the sentence. Julie was confused.

"Wait... don't tell me it was... oh... ooooh..." The man understood something that Julie didn't. "Well, I am not going to stop you, go ahead"

Julie then saw her daughter approaching her. Then she understood. Eve had climaxed at seeing *her* orgasm. Not the man. The one Eve had to thank... was her mother. "Thanks, Mom", she said, in resignation. Then Julie felt her own daughter put her lips on hers. Julie wanted to break the kiss, but the man was holding her head in place. With her reduced mobility, she couldn't escape this. The tongues of mother and daughter started dancing. Julie felt herself get into the kiss. She couldn't help but think how much sweeter and soft her daughter's mouth felt compared to the stranger's behind her.

"Oh... nothing like a nice mommy-daughter make-out session, am I right guys?!" The stranger's erection had come back in full force at the sight of the two women, mother and daughter, passionately making out. He pointed out the spectacle for the rest of the passengers.

"Damn, that's hot. Let me film this!" Another man said. *Please, don't let him film this*, Julie thought, while feeling her daughter's tongue twist around her's. She heard murmurs of disappointment and condemnation, but clearly, nobody was standing up to help them.

And so mother and daughter spent the rest of their bus trip making out. Julie hated how much she was enjoying it. The wetness on her cunt had come back. Finally, she felt that she could stand up again. They had reached their destination. She finally had enough strength to stand up and break the kiss.

"... Oh god Mom..." Her daughter said.

"Don't worry. Quick, take the bags and let's get out of this damn bus" Julie replied, not daring to look back at the man who had humiliated them.

"See you around you two!" Julie heard him scream as mother and daughter left the bus.

Alone in the street, both needed a couple of minutes to reflect on what had happened. Julie had known that this was an inevitability. It was starting to be impossible to be around someone for a significant amount of time and not end up wrapped together in some rule. That still didn't mean she didn't feel disgusted at what they had gone through.

"Eve... do you understand why I am trying to protect you? This is how the world works now. You can never be too careful" Julie may as well take this as a learning opportunity.

"Mom, you are right. This is how the world works now. So why... why should I fight it? Do I spend the rest of my life locked at home? Without friends? Not going to college? What kind of life is that? I... I enjoyed that orgasm back there. I enjoyed when Jonathan fucked me in the ass. I... I even enjoyed kissing you, even though it felt so wrong. Why should I not do the things I enjoy?"

Julie was taken aback. Eve was saying out loud one of Julie's biggest, shameful inner thoughts. *You enjoyed it*. It wasn't a lie. The Ruler made damn sure that women enjoyed it. *Is this how the new generation sees the Ruler?* Part of her understood. The other part of her was screaming to get home and burn the clothes she was currently wearing, for she would never look at them the same way again. Still, her daughter was an adult now. She understood the risks. This was her choice, not her mother's.

"Ok... I will let you go to Lily's party" Her daughter's smile brightened. "But you have to promise me you will be careful"

"Thanks, Mom!" Eve said as she hugged her mother. A genuine, heartfelt thank you, unspoiled by the Ruler's commands. And still, a small part of Julie felt disappointed at receiving a mere hug. It took way more effort than Julie would ever admit to not go in for another kiss.


*From the Ruler's blog, entry 81 (cont)*

Easter Egg rules also got a ton of shit. I thought they would be fun to find. I have decided that I will make them temporary and tell everyone about them.

I will start with the Pi rule. Did you know that if you tell the first 69 digits of Pi to someone, they will offer to 69 you? Only three people in the entire world found this one in a year. Well, guys, I hope you had your fun with it because the rule expires in three days!


Nick finally got it. It had taken him two days, but he had managed to consistently recite the first 69 digits of Pi. Math and memorization had never been his strong suit, but the effort here was worth it. The Ruler Hacking Discord server he was in was full of success stories.

"My sister's been eagerly sucking my cock every hour for the past day," said ThomasTheChadEngine, one of the leaders of the group. "I am not even using my Vegas Shield, she can't tell anyone about it"

"Guys, try using it with two girls at once," said RogerRoger, one of the mods. "My two pets don't even know how to arrange themselves in the bed, it's so hot to see"

It was a gold rush. Only one day remained for Nick to use it, but that was plenty of time. After all, today was Lily's birthday party. And he knew that his "ex" Eve would be there. It would be a fun time...

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Please post!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It's crazy that you stopped writing. Please keep going. This is some of the best work to come out in years.

OptimistEmoOptimistEmo9 months ago

That Whackdoodle guy is nuts. That's for the chapter, love where this has been going.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Please continue this story!!

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle9 months ago

Why 18? In some states, the age of consent is 16, a couple is 14. Some contrived the age of. I sent us 14. So why 18? What arbitrary reason…oh right. The website is responsible for dictating to the author that all participants MUST Be 18.

SEE, that’s the problem with your story and you don’t see it. Your character has made the immoral and illegal…legal. It’s like as soon as they turn 18, they are hit with a Martian Slut Ray and it’s so predictable, it’s boring.

Tell us how he’s trying to fix the issues he’s caused. Tell us how he regrets what’s happened and he doesn’t know how to undo it. Tell us how he keeps trying to fix it so women are respected and no means no, not try harder.

Tell us he fears for the world he’s messed up for his own children.

Because otherwise, it’s just crap.

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