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From Vanilla to Slave Pt. 02

Story Info
Nate's journey into bondage accelerates quickly.
2.9k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 07/10/2023
Created 06/11/2023
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The rest of the week, Nate tried to put the events of that Tuesday morning behind him. It wasn't easy to do though. He was having trouble sleeping due to weird dreams that kept recurring of him locked, cuffed, tied, caged in every manner of scenarios by Sandra. He had never really considered those scenarios before, but clearly he was curious, confused, something.

It filled him with conflicting thoughts. On one side was the sexual excitement that he simply couldn't deny. Being constrained, being left like a piece of property, having her hands on him all contributed to feelings of arousal stronger than he'd ever felt before. But on the other hand, it was very clearly wrong. He hadn't said that it was ok. And the way she threatened his termination if he spoke up was pretty clearly wrong. It filled him with unease and mistrust towards Sandra because he simply couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

Compounding all of this, every day at work, he felt like all the women in the office were staring at him more than before. He also thought that they were whispering as they looked at him, but he tried to shrug it off to his paranoia. His productivity slowed as he was spending more time fretting about his experiences and his team lead was starting to notice.

At least it was the end of the day on Friday now and he was looking forward to hitting the gym a bunch that night and over the weekend. He was packing up his gear and was just about to head for the change rooms when his personal cell phone rang. The caller ID said it was Sandra. His immediate reaction was that of wondering how she got his personal cell phone. It only took a second to realize that she had pulled his information from the HR department and with her executive status, she would have all the rest of his information. He suddenly felt rather vulnerable knowing that this woman had all that information on him while he had none on her.

He shouldered his backpack, started walking and answered the phone pretending to not know who it was, "Hello, Nate speaking."

"Oh Nate, it's Sandra. I need a favour. I'm having a get together tonight with some people at the office at my place and I need help setting up."

It was a weird request. It sounded like she wanted help setting up while not inviting him to the party. Plus, didn't she have a bunch of other friends that she could have help her set up.

Seemingly in anticipation of his questions she continued, "There are some large items that need to be moved and I need someone who is strong, so I thought of you." She added that last off-handed compliment with a girlish tone in her voice.

He knew that he should say no, but it was hard not to play the rescuer and respond to the attention that he was strong, "Um, ok, sure. Where and when, I guess." Ever the patsy and always the friend, Nate put himself second like he did with all the girls in his past. His agreeableness made him a doormat or worse yet permanently in the friend zone with women.

"Oh you're a life saver, Nate! Thank you thank you! I'll text you the address. Be there for 5:00, ok?" She didn't wait for his reply and simply hung up.

Nate continued through his end of day routine when the text arrived with her address. "What the.." Nate mumbled incredulously. Her address was on the fringes of the city and to get there for 5:00 meant that he had to head straight there. It was situations like these that made him wish he drove to work. The bike ride there and back to his place wouldn't be a big issue, but there was no way that he'd make it back to his neighbourhood in time for a gym session.

He had already agreed, so he reluctantly continued through his routine with a new destination in mind. The bike ride to Sandra's home was almost twice the distance to his place and there were a cluster of hills in the middle that he had to go up and over along the way. By 4:50 he arrived at her place, albeit more sweaty than he had hoped.

Nate tipped his bike over on the lawn in front of Sandra's house and then stepped up and pushed the door bell. He stepped back from the door and waited. To pass the time, he twisted from side to side, looking at the house and its front yard. The house itself was a two story contemporary building. The street was full of posh houses. Sandra's wasn't the fanciest or biggest, but it was still quite large and well decorated. Across the street was all trees that bordered a ridgeline down to the river valley.

The door opened without warning, "Nate, please come in," said Sandra. He turned around to see her smiling at him. Her dark silky hair flowed down over her toned shoulders. She was wearing a fuchsia coloured crop top t-shirt that seemed to stand out from her cute little breasts. Her stomach looked tight and just about had a six pack. She was in bare feet and her smooth legs distracted him as much as the tiny little pair of blue athletic shorts that curved around her cute hips to her narrow waist. She stood about 5' 5" or so, which was less than at the office because of the shoes she usually wore at the office. Now that Nate was seeing her in a skimpy casual outfit Nate could see that she was considerably stronger than she was letting on. "The item I need moved is at the back door."

Nate nodded and entered her house. It was very tidy, nicely decorated with new looking furniture and shelves. "Nice place you have."

"Well thank you. It's a bit big for just one person, but it leaves me lots of room to spread out," she replied as she hustled ahead of him.

Nate tried his best not to watch her lovely hips and ass sway subtly from side to side as she walked to the back door, but she was hard to ignore. Nate broke his stare as they rounded a corner and were confronted with the large cardboard box. The box was leaning up against the wall and stood over 6ft high, maybe about 3 ft long and about a foot wide.

"You're right, it is big," said Nate as he stepped up to it and tilted it away from the wall. The inertia resisting his movement told him that the contents were quite heavy. Squeezing each side, he tilted it forward and felt part of the weight. It weighed in at probably something over 150lbs he guessed. "Where are we taking it?"

"Not far, just down the stairs and to the room on the right," Sandra motioned to a staircase adjoining the rear door entrance area. Nate peered down the stairs and saw that they led to a small room with three doors. The door on the right was propped open, but he was unable to see inside it from where he stood.

"Ok," Nate stepped to the side, put his hands in some handholds and lifted the box off of the ground. The weight pulled through his frame and he settled into a comfortable holding position before he started shuffling for the stairs. He tilted the box as he stepped down the first stair and then one at a time, he made his way down to the basement. Once the top of the box had cleared the ceiling he held the box vertical again and stepped off the last few stairs. The ceiling was quite high he noted as he shuffled sideways into through the doorway.

He set down the box and stood up to look around. The room was pitch black, but he could see that the floor was tile or stone. He had inadvertently leaned the box against a door in the room. He slid the box to the side and froze as he looked at the outside of the door. It was a thick, heavy door with massive hinges, a steel door frame, and significant lock.

Just before he could turn to the door that lead to the stairs he heard Sandra say, "Thank you, pet. Time for a nap." And suddenly he felt a device pressed against his lower back and a jolt of electricity rip up and down his back. He arched at the shocks, clenched and then everything went dark.

Nate's eyes opened, or so he thought. It was hard to tell, because it seemed nearly completely dark. He was lying on a stone floor and yes, his eyes were open because he could make out some subtle outlines in the dark. He tried to move his arm forward to touch what looked like a wall when he realized that his wrists were cuffed behind his back again. He almost chuckled when he realized it was with the same cuffs as in Sandra's office earlier in the week. Except this time... his ankles were cuffed and they were attached to his wrist chain. He was locked in a hogtie with cuffs.

He tried to squirm his way to what looked like a door when he suddenly realized that he was naked. His junk was pressed against the cold floor as he lay on his stomach. That familiar ball gag was also crammed in his mouth so any attempts at yelling for help would be muted and likely useless. To add insult to injury, he could feel a steel collar around his neck and every movement and squirm caused a long chain that was attached from his collar to a point on the wall to his left to swing and sway. His eyes followed the chain and squinted at where it was attached and it was a recessed ring. It was hard to tell, but it looked like a master lock was holding the chain to this anchor.

How long was he out? It must have been longer than it felt because she had time to drag him to wherever he was, strip his clothes off, and cuff him up like this. Obviously she was at least as strong as Nate had assumed. And a little crazy to think that she could do this to someone and get away with it.

Nate suddenly paused and went full quiet. He focused on what he could hear. There was someone on the other side of the only door and it sounded like they were rummaging through a pile of things. The sound of metal and plastic bumping and tumbling over each other was barely audible. The rummaging stopped and then he could hear soft footfalls approaching the door. A few clicks in the key lock later and the door cracked open, swinging into the room. The adjacent room was light up causing him to squint at the sudden brightness. Standing in the doorway was the outline of a woman, presumably Sandra. The light backlit her and emphasized her gorgeous shape. Her tight legs rose up from the floor and flared into those lovely hips of hers. Her waist was narrow and since she was standing full frontal to Nate, he could see her delicious pussy gap accented by the shorts that she was still wearing.

"Oh, pet, you're awake. I apologize for my outfit. I had meant to finish setting you up before changing and introducing you to the fun that we're going to have, but I had some trouble finding the tool that I needed," she walked forward into the room and crouched down next the Nate. The light from the door glinted off her skin and since the crop top was so short, he could see the bottoms of her beautifully shaped breasts underneath the crop top. "Don't worry, I found it!"

She held up something that had a locking figure 8 loop, a small box and a protruding cylinder.

"Now be an obedient pet and roll on your side and spread your legs."

Nate was aghast. He was going to do no such thing. He shook his head defiantly.

"Fine. Have it your way," she replied as she stood up, pocketed the device, and picked up a short bar with some attachments on the ends that she had placed at the doorway. She put one knee on the floor as she brought one end of the bar to Nate's nearest knee. His squirming was completely ineffective as she fastened the stud in place and then easily tilted him onto his side. His penis flopped down in front of her as she twisted the bar around close to the other knee. He tried to keep his legs together, but the strap had a bunch pins or something prickly that was making it difficult to resist the pressure. With his ankles cuffed, all that she needed to do was push down on the bar and lift his other knee into the opposing strap. He lost the fight rather quickly as she lifted his other knee up and into the strap leaving is junk wide open and vulnerable.

"Now hold still," she cooed to Nate as she knelt down and applied some gel or something on the end of it. Nate rapidly looked at the device with wide eyes realizing what it was and where it was going. She positioned the cylinder end on his asshole and continuously and forcefully inserted it in with a little twisting motion. Nate squirmed, but with his legs splayed apart and his limbs cuffed, he had no chance of preventing being violated. The dildo pressed into him despite his efforts. Once it was all the way in, Sandra rotated it around inside him causing him to groan at the torsion. She turned it until the straps lined up with his scrotum, then she snapped the figure 8 loop around his balls and the base of his cock causing a feeling of pressure. Finally, there was a click and then she stepped away with a key in her hand.

"Perfect! Now you and your package are mine."

Nate struggled furiously and managed to flip back on his stomach, but motion anywhere was impossible.

"Ok, now that I have your attention. I need to know your phone's pin number since you apparently don't have FaceID setup on your phone," she replied as she walked out of the room, retrieved his phone from his shorts pocket that were laying on a chair and then walked back to cell. She held it up to him and smiled. "No? Well, I expected you to disagree, so..." she held up a small remote control of some sort and clicked a button. Suddenly the device in his ass and around his cock electrified sending waves of pain through his groin. He screamed into the gag and convulsed against his cuffs. To his horror, he realized that the electricity was making his member incredibly stiff.

She clicked another button and the torment stopped. "That looked painful. Was it?" Nate panted heavily on the floor and looked over at her feet. It was humiliating to be trapped and tormented like this. At least his member was softening rapidly.

She clicked the button again and again the electricity ripped through his most sensitive areas and again his cock stiffened up hard. He struggled and squirmed as she left the device on for what felt like 30 minutes, but was probably only 1 minute.

Click. The device turned off again. "I can turn it on and leave it on for hours if you decide to be stubborn. According to the manufacturer, the battery life on full discharge is supposed to be 4 hours. If you continue to be obstinate, we'll get to test their claim," She laughed with a deep throated, sadistic laugh. "Oh how humiliating for you. Well, it doesn't have to be that way. Your stay here can be a whole lot more pleasant if you give me your phone's pin number. Will you do that for me? Nod if you will"

Nate was still panting for his struggles. Hours? Panic and fear were settling into his stomach. He couldn't handle hours, but giving her his phone pin would give her access to everything. Photos, bank accounts, social media. She would utterly control him no matter where he went and what he did. Hours.... she would eventually have to let him go, wouldn't she? Maybe he would get used to the pain. Maybe if he complied she would let him go sooner? With a sigh, Nate nodded his head.

"Wonderful, what a wonderful pet you are," she patted him on his head and then walked her free hand around to his gag's strap and undid the buckles. while she stuffed the control in her little shorts pocket.

Nate recited his pin and she quickly punched it in. The phone came alive and she beamed with satisfaction. "This is great, now we can finally have some fun!" She leaned down and shoved the ball gag back in his mouth and quickly cinched it up behind his head.

She stood up, engrossed with Nate's phone. Mindlessly, she turned around and slowly walked out of his prison cell. Without a word she closed the cell door and locked it, leaving Nate still hogcuffed naked, leashed and gagged in the dark cell.

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AslutboiAslutboi11 months ago

You are just setting the stage for the real story to come. When will we be able to read thatvstory? I enjoyed your story so far.

socalgyrl08socalgyrl0812 months ago

We know what would happen if the sexes were reversed. She would be marked. Tats and/or piercings and/or brand. Something would be permanently locked. Collar, anklet, belly chain, etc. It looks like some public humiliation is on the horizon. But for the sake of the purists, i think you should shift to non-con at this point. On this site, you get blasted if there is a hint of reluctance in the bdsm category. Hope you continue.

jleetechiejleetechie12 months ago

Fortune falls on whomever she pleases. Or maybe whoever.

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