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FSU Ch. 02: Renee


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Darren didn't even meet her eyes as his stared longingly up and down the length of her exposed body. Renee's heart was pounding in her ears as she stood there, still as she could manage, letting him take in the view.

"My, my, Ms Miller," she drawled, staring down at her chest, "You've got some lovely big nipples don't you"

Renee flushed with embarrassment, glancing down at her own chest, at the large brown areolas that dominated her breasts, at the stiff hard nipples poking out from the centre. Before she could stop herself, she mumbled a diminutive, "T-thank you..."

Darren smiled and looked up at her. "Thank you Mr....?" he began, raising an eyebrow.

Renee's heart rate spiked, and she almost felt dizzy with arousal hearing his patronising tone. "Thank you, Mr. Ward", she finished, her voice a little steadier.

Darren took a step closer, crouching down in front of her, his face inches from her exposed crotch. "Never picked you for a landing strip kinda gal Renee," he said with a chuckle, examining her neatly trimmed pubic hair, "Always figured you'd have a full bush." He looked up at her smiling, "I'm not complaining, it suits you. It really does..." and as he said this he reached out, delicately pinching a small tuft of hair and giving it a light tug.

As delicate as it was, the small amount of contact was enough to send a jolt of energy through Renee's entire body, straight to her brain. She let out an involuntary gasp before clasping her hand over her mouth in surprise. Darren looked up at her smiling, then raised his eyebrows expectantly, waiting for her response.

"Th-thank you...Mr. Ward," Renee managed to blurt out, trying and failing to keep her voice steady.

Darren held her gaze for a moment, clearly savouring every second of his new found power over her. Before standing back up, he reached out and collected the discarded clothes on the floor at Renee's feet. One by one he placed them in a pile on top of the blouse on the nearby desk.

He paused for a moment as he held Renee's panties in his hand, looking down at the slightly glistening stain left on the inside, chuckling slightly as he placed it carefully at the top of the pile, where Renee could witness the shameful evidence of her arousal for herself.

Renee could hardly believe what was happening. Just hours before Darren had been nothing more than her colleague. She had been a professional academic, frustratingly unobtainable and disinterested in him. And now she had completely relinquished her power over to him, and all it took were a few mildly convincing words. How long had she wanted this without realising, she thought to herself. Is this what it will be like at FSU? And if it is...will that only make me want it more?

Darren walked around behind her and opened the office door, activating the sensor lights in the corridor and illuminating the hallways. "Come on now Ms. Miller," he said with a smirk, "It's time for your tour." He stepped out into the corridor, waiting as Renee hesitated.

Taking a trembling step forward, Renee realised how shaky her legs had become. She took a second to steady herself before timidly creeping towards to doorway, leaning out slightly to check all of the corridors were in fact empty. She had been so absorbed in the moment that she had almost forgotten where they were.

This was a school, her place of work, a building usually packed with hundreds of people. It stood empty and quiet, the classrooms and offices dark through their doorway windows, but Renee couldn't shake the absurdity that she felt being stark naked in a place like this.

She took a careful step out with her right foot, feeling the cold lino floor against her bare sole, contrasting the warm carpet in her office. Taking another slow breath, feeling like she was about to plunge into icy water, she stepped out with her other foot, now entirely out in the corridor.

Darren didn't hesitate, stepping forward to close the office door behind her. With a swift and practiced movement, he slid his key into the lock, securing the door closed, before returning the key to his pocket. "Gotta keep your stuff safe, don't we?" he said with a wink.

Renee suppressed a shudder at the sudden realisation that she was now completely naked, with no keys, no phone, not a stitch to cover herself, until Darren decided to allow it. She felt the now familiar sense of confusion at the excitement coursing through her. Darren swung his arm up holding his hand out towards the corridor opposite the door, clearly indicating for Renee to begin walking.

Not even knowing where she was going, she dutifully obliged, slowly passing right by him, smelling his cologne as she moved away from the safety of the office. She could hear the light slapping of her bare feet on the cold linoleum floor, feel the soft gentle bouncing of her breasts and bum cheeks with each trembling step.

It was the most surreal experience she had experienced. Walking naked through a place where she had spent so much time fully clothed, a place usually bustling with life, now empty and quiet but for the sound of her footsteps and shaky nervous breathing.

Renee slowly made her way through the winding corridors, leading ahead on shaky legs as Darren followed behind. For each door that she passed, Renee would glance nervously towards it, seeing the dark empty rooms through the glass inserts on the doors, imagining familiar faces staring back out at her.

As they passed the large open cafeteria, having almost completed a full lap of the building, Renee felt her heart begin to race. Walking timidly past the open double doors, she looked into the vast space with its dozens of tables and alcoves, straining her eyes for any sign of movement.

Finally turning the last corner, she reached the end of the corridor and paused. The rows of student lockers that lined the hallway ended here, and the large double entry doors flanked by floor to ceiling glass panes began.

The entrance faced onto a large carpark, now virtually empty, but dimly lit with the orange glow of the overhead street lamps. On the far side of the carpark lay the now quiet side street which led to the highway. Renee hesitated, unsure of where Darren wanted her to go next, and reluctant to walk past the large exposed windows. Now standing still, she could hear the soft thudding of his shoes against the floor as he approached behind her.

"Ah, that reminds me," he began with a chuckle, "I needed to get into the gymnasium tonight. Silly me, I've left that set of keys in my bike. Be a sweetheart and get them for me, would you?"

As he said this, Darren reached into his pocket and pulled out a small ring with two keys attached. "The big one is for the bike itself, you won't be needing that," he said with a chuckle, looking her up and down. "The little key will open the box on the back...gym keys should be in there."

Renee felt her heart leap up into her throat before she managed to find her voice. "You can't be serious," she said, almost pleadingly, "I can't walk out there...not like...not like this!"

"You can, and you will," said Darren, still with the same condescending, amused smirk on his face. "How do you think you'll be getting around between classes at your new job, ey? You gotta get nice and used to prancing around like this."

And with that he gave Renee a light slap on her bum cheek, pushing her towards the door. She let out a gasp and stepped forward, face burning with humiliation as she placed her hand on the door handle, paused, and then pushed as slowly and quietly as she could.

The heavy door slowly shifted open, grinding softly, but loud enough to echo through the carpark. Renee thought to herself how many times had she walked through this door without noticing how loud it was. Of course, it never mattered to her before now.

The carpark was silent and abandoned. Her own car was parked directly beside the entrance, but Darren had parked his bike almost directly across the lot, over towards the entrance from the adjacent street. Renee realised that she would have to cross the entire carpark with nowhere to duck or hide if anyone came. The though filled her with so much excitement that she began to shiver.

As she stepped out onto the rough asphalt of the parking lot, she felt the warm evening air hit her exposed body. A slight breeze picked up, and the wind seemed to slide across every inch of her exposed skin, reminding her just how naked and exposed she really was. It was an intoxicating feeling, and Renee almost felt a pang of regret that she had waited this long to experience such a thing.

With each step towards the bike she found her confidence growing, her legs becoming more stable, her breathing steadying, although her heart continued racing in her chest. Despite her better judgement, she found herself slowing her pace ever so slightly, wanting to prolong the incredible sensation of being out here. She was so lost in the moment, so deeply absorbed in the sensations that she was feeling, that she didn't even hear the car.

Renee was only six short steps from Darren's bike when she saw the headlights coming around the corner. The car was coming fast, and the lights carved their way along the empty parking lot moving straight towards her. For a split second that seemed to last a lifetime, Renee froze, staring wide-eyed at the rapidly approaching vehicle. Then she made a snap decision.

Knowing that she would never make it back to the building in time, Renee dove forward crouching down on all fours beside the bike, trying to fit as much of her body behind the vehicle as she could. She heard the car come to a stop on the other side. Still on the road from what she could hear, but very close.

Renee was frozen, her hands and knees pressing into the rough and jagged asphalt. Her heart was pounding like a drum as she strained to hear, feeling like a wild animal caught in a clearing.

Renee heard the engine sputter and die, followed by a moment of silence before the sound of car doors opening followed. Then came the voices, deep but youthful, a group of three, maybe four young men were exiting the car. Panic was completely overtaking Renee. All of the confidence, the self-assurance and steadiness were draining out of her.

But in its place wasn't fear, or was a level of excitement that Renee had never experienced. She felt dizzy, almost on the verge of fainting. Her arms and legs were shaking as she crouched, huddled behind her meagre covering. And she was wet, so much so that she could feel herself throbbing, aching even.

With a further surge of panic, Renee realised she recognised one of the voices. The heavily accented drawl of a former student Josh. A problem student who had barely managed to graduate the year before, and a constant thorn in her side for his final year at the school.

From what she could hear, they were moving towards the school. Renee only just managed to stifle a whimper as she resigned herself to her fate. Not only had her most despised colleague managed to convince her to humiliate herself like this, but a student that she had loathed for a better part of a year was about to witness her shameful exposure. Their voices were getting closer, only a few feet away, when a louder voice called out.

"Evening boys! And what brings you here tonight, ey?"

Renee had been so focused on the new arrivals that she hadn't heard Darren approaching from the school building. It was clear by the way that the new voices were immediately silenced, that they had been caught off guard too.

"Oh...hey Mr. Ward...nothing much, know in the area..." came the reply in Josh's familiar drawl.

"Bullshit." replied Darren bluntly. "I know a bunch of idiots trying to sneak into their old school when I see them".

The boys sounded like they were about to protest, but Darren cut them off. "Honestly, I don't give a shit. I'm not your teacher anymore. But I have shit to do here tonight, so fuck off and come back another time. Understood?"

There were a few grumbles of acknowledgment in response followed by the sound of retreating footsteps. Renee felt an overwhelming surge of gratitude as she heard the doors of the car opening and closing. She remained in her now almost painful crouched position, too afraid to move until she knew the car was gone.

At the same time, Darren was slowly moving towards her and the bike, stopping to pick up the keys that Renee had dropped in her dash to hide herself. He walked slowly towards her until he was standing directly behind her. Renee felt a shudder of humiliated arousal at the thought of what Darren was now seeing. As she crouched over with her head down to hide, her bum was being pushed up into the air, cheeks parted, her asshole clearly on display to him.

Renee heard the car pulling away and moving slowly down the street, but waited, holding her position in front of Darren. The reasonably part of her knew that it was safer to be sure, but the now dominant, dizzyingly aroused part of her was almost drunk with excitement knowing the view that she was giving to him. After what felt like minutes, Darren reached down, slowly patting, then rubbing her bare bum cheek before telling her it was safe to stand up.

As she slowly, carefully climbed to her feet, Darren looked down at her, and with a laugh said, "Oh yeh, I realised I had the keys with me the whole time, so we're all good here."

Renee stood gobsmacked, mouth open in stunned silence, realising that Darren had intentionally sent her out here for nothing. More shocking than that fact, was how excited that realisation made feel. "You're a fucking asshole," she managed to say, but the softness of her tone and the smile on her face took away any gravitas that the statement had.

Darren simply smiled and shrugged in response and beaconed Renee to follow him back towards the building. They walked slowly, side-by-side, and Renee was once again able to savour the addictive feeling of the night air on her bare exposed skin, the roughness of the asphalt on her bare feet, and the gentle rhythmic bouncing of her naked body.

Once again, swinging open the large entryway door, Renee was momentarily blinded by the harsh fluorescent lighting that bathed the entryway. She suddenly felt an exhaustion washing over her. Despite her ordeal only having lasted twenty minutes or so, she felt as though she had lived a lifetime since arriving at work that morning.

Turning to face Darren, and trying to keep her voice steady and confident, she said, "I think I'd like to go home now."

She had expected some resistance, maybe even disappointment or annoyance, but was momentarily surprised by his response.

"Of course. You've been free to go whenever you'd like. Come on, let's get your clothes, can't have you prancing through your front door like that." Darren turned and began walking back towards their shared office at the end of the corridor.

What surprised Renee even more than Darren's amicable response, was the sudden pang of regret and disappointment that hit her. Despite her exhaustion, a part of her was not ready for this to end. Almost as though reading her mind, Darren stopped shy of the door to their office. Turning to face her, pausing for a moment, he said, "I do have one small favour to ask."

Renee hoped that she was able to hide the excitement on her face. Raising her eyebrows in what she imagined was a passive and calm expression, she replied "OK...I mean...what?"

Darren smiled back at her, clearly seeing through her pretence. "That view I had...out there in the carpark...that was something else..." he said, slowly and carefully as he looked her up and down. "Awfully dark though. I really wouldn't mind seeing that again. You know...with proper lighting."

He let the words hang in the air and Renee's face blushed deep red. She stood facing him, a million thoughts running through her head, the tiny rational voice telling her no. Before she'd even consciously made up her mind, Renee found her body responding. Turning slowly to face away from Darren, she carefully lowered herself onto her knees.

Gingerly shuffling her knees until they were shoulder length apart, Renee leant forward until her head was resting on her hands placed out in front of her. She heard Darren sharply inhale before slowly letting out a sigh, taking a few steps towards her, admiring the view of her shameful exposure in front of him. Never before now could Darren have ever imagined that his modest, uptight colleague would ever be presented in front of him like this.

Lowering himself to his knees behind her, Darren placed a hand on each of her bare cheeks and slowly, steadily began to part them. Renee flinched slightly as she felt his calloused hands against her smooth skin and let out an involuntary gasp as she felt him slowly moving them apart. But she didn't move, holding her demeaning position on the floor as her colleague slowly parted her cheeks open, stopping only when she was completely spread wide.

Renee could feel her asshole pulling taught, her labia spread wide open, completely exposed in every way that she could be. And she'd never felt so turned on. In that moment, she knew that if Darren asked to fuck her, she would do it. An idea that had once seemed repulsive, even laughable improbably, was now driving its way deep into her mind.

She knew Darren could see how wet she was, he was close enough to smell her arousal, and yet he just held her there, almost taunting her, stretching her open as wide as he could, and then stretching some more.

"We're going to see each other again Renee," he said, still holding her open in front of himself. "I'll let you know when and where, and what to wear. And in the meantime, I don't want you touching yourself. Do you understand me? I want you dripping with anticipation. I want to see how wet your gash can get..."

The last comment sent a shudder through Renee. The word he had chosen was so demeaning, so degrading...but in this moment felt so accurate. Still on all fours with her face down, not wanting to release her position, Renee responded, "O-OK...yes."

"Yes...what?" Darren replied, and even though Renee couldn't see his face she knew he was smirking.

"Yes sir...Mr Ward..." Renee managed to respond. As the final words left her lips, she let out an involuntary gasp and moan as Darren slid his flinger along her open pussy, sliding from the top, downwards and over her clit. The moment had lasted only a second, but the sensation sent a jolt of electricity through her entire body, making her arms and legs shudder uncontrollably.

Darren moved around in front of her and held out a hand to help her up. Renee could see her own wetness on his finger as she reached up to take his hand, trembling on unsteady legs as she rose up from the floor. Darren guided her over to the office door, unlocking and pushing it open for her to enter.

Renee's hands were shaking as she fumbled with her clothes, skipping her underwear completely as she pulled on her jeans and buttoned her blouse. As she moved to leave the office, clutching her bra and panties in one hand, and her shoes in another, Darren pointed back in at the forms lying face up on her desk, "Forgetting something?"

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HornyNerd42HornyNerd423 months ago

Such a good follow up! Love that we’re seeing POV of a female teacher too! Can’t wait for more! 😊

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