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Fuck At First Sight


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Meg's first traverse with her lips is accompanied by a long, slow exhale of the breath she's just taken in. Her mouth is open so the air is hot against the fabric of my briefs. It's surprising how clearly I can feel her heat.

Next, Meg rubs her cheeks against my still-briefed cock, laterally from side to side. Her left cheek runs across my cock from my left to my right. Then she turns her head and runs her right cheek across in the opposite direction.

Meg's hands leave the edge of the desk and move to the front of my underwear.

Shit's about to get real, y'all.

Meg deftly pulls the elastic band toward her until the fabric is able to clear my raging cock. Then she softly pushes the briefs off my hips and over my butt. They fall silently against my pants, pooled around my ankles.

Meg pauses to evaluate the penis that is raging erect in front of her. She looks at it with a soft, wry smile. Then she looks up at me as I stare down at her. One more look at my cock, then Meg raises her eyes to drill into mine.

"I love the way your cock looks," Meg softly whispers up at me. Then:

"I can't wait to taste it."

And another shiver races through me.

No man can honestly say that he's had too many blow jobs in his life. And, although I've enjoyed my share, one thing that has always interested me is the way that my partner approaches the task... especially the first time.

Meg doesn't disappoint.

Her gaze returns to my raging dick. She sexily re-wets her lips with her tongue. Then, beginning at my scrotum, Meg tips her head to the right and slowly runs her wet lips up along the length of my cock. Her top lip is on the left side, her bottom lip is on the right. Her tongue completes the troika by tracing a hot, wet line up the middle.

The traverse stops right at the glans of my cock. Then Meg re-wets her lips again, tilts her head the other direction, and moves slowly from the glans to the top of my scrotum. On this traverse her tongue waggles to and fro along the length of my dick.

"Ohhh!!... Oh my god!!... Fuck!!" I cry out, trying to keep my voice low in spite of Meg's oral prowess.

I'm not sure where my hands have been but they move to grasp Meg's head. Her hands have been resting just above her knees and she immediately stops and grips my hands with hers.

Meg looks up at me with a warm smile. "No, no," she purrs. "I've got this. This is all for you, Trey."

Meg releases my hands and pushes my butt gently against the edge of the desk. Then her right hand moves to cup under my scrotum. Her left moves to a position between my cock and my groin. Meg then pushes gently against my groin and my cock correspondingly tilts forward just a little.

Meg's tongue then begins a slow, soft swirl around the glans of my cock. It ends with her lips pursing over the tip of the crown in a combination suckle and kiss.

Then her tongue returns with a slow, soft swirl around the glans in the opposite direction as the first. As that ends, Meg places her wet lips against the crown and her tongue twiddles softly over the hole at the top of my dick.

It's driving me crazy.

"Ohh... jesus... oh, Meg... jeez... fuck!!" I whisper, because I probably shouldn't scream.

My legs seemingly have a life of their own. Meg can tell she's working her special brand of magic on me. I'm beginning to feel the slightest tingle spring to life behind my cock.

Whether she knows about the tingle or not, Meg takes her oral escapade to another level.

Now her mouth moves to surround my cock from the top down. Meg slides her tongue along the underside of my dick as her mouth encapsulates me in a wet, hot, slick heaven. Her mouth remains open and her hot breath bathes my cock as it feels like she quite literally is swallowing me whole.

Then she reverses the traverse from bottom to top. Same stimulation, except her tongue is beginning to move from side to side on the upstroke.

At the top, Meg slurps her lips against my glans and rolls the head around with her tongue a time or three.

Then the mouth-over-cock maneuver resumes. This time, Meg purses her lips around the outside of my dick and she gently sucks her way from the top to the bottom, increasing pressure all along the way.

At the bottom, Meg releases the suction and takes a breath. Then re-engages her lips and sucks my cock from bottom to top. Her tongue is now dancing over my dick with abandon. Her hand squeezes my scrotum gently in concert with her movements.

The tingle is growing, and I think I'm beginning to lose control.

"Meg, jesus... this feels so..." I whisper-stammer. "You're so... uuunnnhhh... fuck!"

Meg releases me from her mouth. Her hand drops away from my scrotum. She slowly raises her head and her beautiful eyes bore into mine.

Then she whispers: "Cum for me, Trey. In my mouth...

"Cum for me..."

Meg's hands grasp a corresponding hip and she softly re-engages her mouth over my raging cock.

And then the maelstrom hits.

Meg's tongue twisting over every centimeter. Meg's head pivoting around. The suction in Meg's mouth seeking to pull the semen straight out of me. Meg's soft cries that betray the pleasure that she, too, is experiencing. All combined with a frantic pistoning of Meg's mouth up and down the length of my raging dick.

"Oh, god! Oh, fuck!" I hiss down to my fantastic fellationist. "Don' sto... shit... I'm gonna... Meg... I'm cumm..."

Then, the eruption.

"UUUUnnhhh!! Ohhhhnnn!! Shit!!, oh... UUUUnnhhh!! UUUUnnhhh!!"

Meg's head continues to gyrate against my pulsing loins as I shoot spurt after spurt of jizzm into her mouth... down her throat. Her muffled cries lower to whimpers, eventually dropping to a low, soft giggle as she continues to loll my cock around in her incredible mouth.

Quite suddenly, the sensitivity of my cock forces me to beg her to stop. Meg releases me from the tight grasp of her arms and drops from her knees to sort of a side-saddle sitting position on the floor. She still holds me in a soft embrace and her head rests gently against my groin, my cock drooping below her lips.

We both are catching our breath. I'm softly stroking Meg's head with both hands.

Suddenly, the time is a crucible. A forgotten, neglected crucible.

"Shit, what time is it?" Meg cries as she looks at her watch.

"Fuck! It's ten-forty-four. You've got six minutes!!"

There's a bit of a Keystone Cops flurry of activity as Meg and I try to re-arrange my clothes from where they landed. Fortunately, nothing had been completely removed so it's more of one of us figuring out how to work on a separate thing at the same time, all the while moving toward the locked office door.

With my hand on the door knob, I take a few precious seconds to stop and look directly into my new lover's eyes.

"Meg..." I begin, "I've just gotta say..."

Meg interrupts me, with ferocity. "GO!!!" and then follows it with a throaty laugh.

I pull the door open and almost launch myself into the hallway. Catching myself and trying to force composure, I notice a stream of attendees moving into the meeting room. No one seems to be attracted by my sudden appearance down the hall.

I take my seat and open my binder to review the last session. I glance down and notice that the placket buttons on my shirt are somewhat akimbo; either Meg or I missed a button hole completely and my shirt has an odd gape right about mid-chest.

As I go through the motions to readjust, Jeremy appears at his chair and sits down. He also opens his binder, ready for the next round of information.

He glances at me as I finish re-buttoning my shirt. There's a slight re-tuck required at the bottom.

"Nice shirt," Jeremy remarks. "Where'd you get it?"

"I've had it for a couple of years," I reply. "Prior management liked for us to be appropriately... um... dressed."

This is interrupted by Kevin-The-Proctor re-blasting his noise through the meeting room.

"Okay, everybody back," he crows. "Same drill as before. Open your binders for your next module."

Kevin begins to drone on about the next chapter. Like before, I begin to hear a rustling coming from the back of the room behind me.

"In this section, we're going to do a deep dive into..."

And then Meg is in front of me. She comes in from the left this time.

Same action as before. Meg is holding the armload of documents up against her cute boobs. She pulls a module out for me, but she pulls it from the back of the stack of papers she's holding with her arm. Same slight but sexy smile, with maybe a longer, lingering look. She covers it well by pretending to re-adjust the documents in her arm.

I snap my binder open and insert the next module. Like before, there's a paper clip on my first page. It holds a note on the hotel's note paper. A quick glance to Jeremy's packet reveals he doesn't have a paper clip, like before.

This time I pull the note from the paper clip and continue flipping pages to catch up to whatever Kevin's droning about. Once there, I hold the note below the top of the table and read what's on it.

Same as before. It's a woman's handwriting, (which I now realize is Meg's):

"A.F.S. Test #1 Score: A-plus." Then,

"A.F.S. Test #2: The BEST Kielbasa! (Should know... I'm from Wisconsin.)

"A.F.S. Test #3: Lunch. Office. (I'll have something for you to eat.)

This note is signed with a pseudo smiley-face and an "M" followed by a heart symbol, then a "G".

I barely get the note tucked into my shirt pocket before Jeremy looks up from his binder.

It's a challenge to focus on Kevin's lecture when I'm thinking about what I'll have to eat in Meg's office for lunch.


Lunch for today's meeting is a grab-and-go boxed sandwich.

I hear what I assume are hotel catering people in the hallway setting up tables and such. I wonder if Meg is out there coordinating things. She probably is.

Kevin's droning about the current topic can't end soon enough. But, per his pattern, he doesn't release us until twelve noon... on the dot.

"Forty five minutes for lunch, everyone," he hollers over the cacophony of skootching chairs. "Be back on time!"

No one hears him.

Jeremy beats me out of the door for this break somehow. He motions to me as he heads for the stack of boxes on the catering table.

"Want me to get you one?" he calls over the chaos.

I can't tell him I have other plans so I fall back on the old, reliable, suddenly-grab-my-phone-and-pretend-you-have-a-call routine.

I hold up a finger to Jeremy to signify a wait, then grab my phone from my pocket and speak into it, to no one.

"Hey! Just broke for lunch... I was getting ready to call you," I say as I stride away from the collecting crowd around the food table.

Jeremy turns his attention to the boxes as everyone tries to pick their favorite sandwich.

A quick check up the hall as I approach Meg's office reveals the box lunches are distracting everyone.

I have a different distraction waiting for me.

And waiting she is. I slip my phone into my back pocket as I step through the door to Meg's office and quickly close and lock the door.

Meg is sitting on the ratty little couch, looking at her phone. There's a box lunch and a diet Coke sitting on the edge of her desk.

Meg's toned legs are crossed at the ankles in front of her. She looks up and smiles and I come in.

"Right on time," she purrs. "I brought you a ham and cheese. I hope diet Coke is okay.

"Would you like to eat at the desk, or here on the couch?"

I stop in front of Meg's crossed feet and declare,

"Actually, I think I'd like to eat at the Y."

Meg lowers her phone and looks up at me with a puzzled expression.

"What?" she queries through a laugh. "I don't understand..."

And I don't want to explain it.

"Here," I declare as I take her phone and set it on her desk. Then I turn one of the couch pillows against the right-hand arm of the couch and turn Meg's shoulders to lay against it.

"Let me show you."

I sink onto my knees, just about even with Meg's ribcage. And I start with a ravaging kiss.

Meg accepts my kiss and begins to return one of her own.

But I have a destination in mind. I quickly break the kiss and move my mouth to her neck, then down to her clavicle.

I then move across Meg's left breast, pausing to fondle and nibble on it through her shirt and bra.

"Ooohhh..." Meg coos and her back arches a little.

Then I'm on the move again, kissing and nibbling my way over Meg's clothes until I approach her crotch.

I get to the place where her legs come together in her tight slacks. I stop and turn to look into Meg's eyes. Eyes that are bright with a delighted -- and anticipatory -- smile.

"Oh... Eat at the Y," Meg whispers through a wry smile. "I get it..."

In my experience with other lovers, cunnilingus is an activity that my partners have been willing to participate in... eventually... almost reluctantly.

My encounters with Meg today -- no matter who has initiated them -- have been wham-bam episodes. This one seems to be no different.

What *is* different, for me, is that it seems Meg actually *wants* to be eaten out. If it somehow wasn't was clear from her last note, it's clear from her actions now.

What she doesn't know is how much I love it... and how much she's going to enjoy it.

When I turned Meg's upper body to lay her against the pillow, her hips and legs didn't fully follow. So she's twisted a little awkwardly on the couch.

Now she shifts her position so she's essentially laying on her back. She kicks off her shoes so her feet are bare. It doesn't appear that she's wearing stockings under her slacks.

She places her feet against the surface of the couch. Her arms are at each side of her body. Her knees are together, but loosely.

"How long is your lunch break?" Meg whispers.

"I have forty-five minutes," I reply.

"Okay." Meg nearly growls. "Trey... make me happy."

I lift the hem of Meg's hotel polo to reveal the waistband of her slacks. There's a simple button, which I unclasp. And I pull the zipper down from the top to the bottom.

Meg pushes against her feet to raise her ass off the couch. I slip the slacks over her hips and butt and slide them down her legs. She helps me get them off her feet with a few kicks.

"I wish I'd worn my pretty underwear," Meg whispers through a weak smile. "Maybe I'm not gonna wear it much longer."

My response is not words, but an action. I'm still on my knees, now about even with Meg's groin. I gently reach for Meg's right knee, and pull it toward me, and toward the open side of the couch. She doesn't resist.

"Tell me you know what you're doing down there," Meg whispers.

I look up into her eyes:

"You can tell me after you're done."

"You mean, after *you're* done?" Meg queries through a whisper.

I'm still staring into her eyes.

"I'll be done," I whisper back, "... when you beg me to stop."

Meg's eyes droop closed as her own shiver passes through her.

She whispers, "Oh... shit."

And I go to work.

Meg's choice of underwear is perfectly fine. White, cotton panties that don't show through her tight white slacks. The legs are cut moderately high at the hip. There's probably adequate coverage in the back, but I'm only interested in the front.

Where a slight spot of moisture sits immediately above a pronounced camel-toe.

It didn't occur to me until after our second encounter this morning, when Meg gave me the amazing blowjob, but I approach a partner's pussy in much the same way that Meg approached my cock earlier.

First, I want to smell her. I love the smell of an aroused woman... musky, warm, rich... inviting.

I inhale fully to appreciate Meg's arousal, then I exhale with an open mouth to bathe her pussy in the hot, warm air.

Meg inhales sharply and moans softly at the exhale.

Next, I plant soft kisses beginning at the center of the top hem of her panties. And I move straight down until I'm kissing the wet spot over her vulva. There, I stop and nuzzle my tongue softly across the camel toe.

"Mmmmm... shit," Meg moans.

I softly insert one finger into the right leg of Meg's panties and pull the fabric toward me. Her outer lips are now exposed and I place a soft, full kiss against them.

Meg's hands begin to move from her sides to caress whatever they can find. My arms, her own arms. She moans softly.

I allow the fabric to return over Meg's outer lips and I more aggressively kiss her pussy through the fabric. I alternate full licks with my tongue with full coverage of her pussy with my mouth. I gently bite against the soft flesh, shielded by the fabric of her panties.

There's no question I want to eat her. And Meg knows it. She begins to grind her pelvis against my mouth.

"Oh, god..." she purrs through her breath. "Oh, that feels so..."

I stop to take a breath of my own. Might as well take things to the next level.

I slip fingers into both sides of Meg's panties and begin to pull them downward. She has to rearrange her legs to allow for that action. I trace the movement of her panties downward with soft kisses, again beginning at the center line of her abdomen.

Once the panties clear her knees Meg is able to kick them off.

I have stopped my downward traverse right at the apex of Meg's taught and tanned legs. I gently run my hands between Meg's knees and push softly outward. Her right leg is stopped by the back of the couch. Her left leg opens as far as it can go.

And now, I can fully see my target.

Meg shaves most of her pubic hair. There is a small, decorative patch of extremely short hair just above the covered button of her clitoris. Her inner lips, outer lips and perineum down to her anus are smooth. And glistening.

I can't resist a compliment.

"Meg..." I whisper. "My god... so beautiful..."

I hear a soft moan and one hand gently grazes the side of my head.

Meg's inner lips are pursed together, held so by her outer lips which are a rich pink, and puffy.

My mouth is probably six inches away from her pussy and I softly lick and kiss up the inside of Meg's left thigh toward her moist orifice. Once there, I smother both of her outer lips with my open mouth and run my tongue gently between her inner lips from bottom to top.

Her juices taste delicious.

"Ohhhhhh... shit.... Ohhhhh," Meg moans. She can't help but push her pelvis into my face. Which is a very good sign. I think she's already moving toward an orgasm.

I decide to just go ahead and test that theory.

Keeping my mouth engaged I let my tongue go to work. I lap and loll from side to side over Meg's outer and inner lips. I then suckle her whole pussy and my tongue flickers gently up and down her slit. I'm careful to avoid ravaging her clitoris too soon; I need to know she's ready.

"Oh my god..." Meg moans. Her legs are beginning to gyrate and her hands are moving more quickly to my head, to her boobs, through her hair... back to my head.

I break away for a visual confirmation of Meg's arousal. Her clitoral hood is about half way retracted. Time to bring Meg's happy button to the party.

I put my lips back over Meg's glistening hole, but focus a little higher than just before. Now her clit is wrapped in a soft, wet cocoon, and she feels me gently sucking on her button to bring it to the fore.

Another sharp intake of breath and Meg's whole body lurches slightly on the couch.

My tongue begins a slow, gentle, rhythmic massage of Meg's still-swelling clit. Up and down. Side to side. A pause to catch a breath. Side to side. Up and down.

"Aaahhhh... Aaahhhh... OHhhh..." Meg's voice hisses. Now she's the one trying not to be too loud.

I feel a stirring begin inside her. No reason to stop now.

The rhythmic massage is working. Now I increase the tempo and the pressure of my tongue against her clit. I add a suckle to pull her button further forward.

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