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Fuck At First Sight

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A training conference leads to amazing sex with a stranger.
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I have literally just laid eyes on her. And I know I want to fuck her.

I'm at a three-day training conference. Mandatory annual certification bullshit. Out of town. By myself. I know one or two other people... mostly by name only... just because we've been on the same conference call or something.

This isn't my crowd. I'm older than probably all of them. I don't have piercings or tattoos. It's easiest for me to just put in the time, get the certification I need to keep doing my job, and get back to my life at home.

But then, there she is.

She must work for the hotel. She's the meetings facilities manager or something. She flits in and out of the room, tending to what needs to be tended to. She deposits a stack of papers here, an extension cord there, a wireless mouse for the power point presentation. She's attentive to the guy who'll be teaching the classes, and she has a pleasant smile for everyone.

When she stops to talk to someone, it's like there's no one else in the room other than that person. Her bright, penetrating eyes are laser focused on who's in front of her. She leaves every interaction with a laugh or a chuckle and a soft tap on the arm or the hand.

She's a pixie of a girl. Probably five feet two. Her tiny ass fits nicely in her tight slacks. Her boobs are maybe B-cup and sit perfectly against her chest. A hint of cleavage peaks out of the open button of her tight-fitting hotel polo shirt. Her dark hair is cut short and parted in the middle. She has a tiny little nose that rests gently above soft, semi-full lips.

The eyes seal the deal. They penetrate, but with a softness... a welcoming pull that makes me want to climb right inside them. And then never leave.

As she moves in and out and around the room, she doesn't miss a thing. Including that I can't help myself from following her everywhere she goes.

She notices. And she heads straight for me.

She pulls the chair to my right out from the table and sits in it, backwards. Like a catcher waiting for a pitch. Her legs are splayed out to either side facing me. Her soft tanned arms are crossed over the back of the chair.

"Hi, there," she chirps as she extends a hand to me. "I'm Meg."

"Hi, Meg," I reply as I grasp her hand and squeeze it firmly. "I'm Trey. Nice to meet you." I have to use my real name because I'm wearing a damn name tag for this fucking conference.

The handshake is electrifying. There is literally an energy that flows from this girl. I immediately don't want to let go. And Meg doesn't make any motion to pull her hand away from mine. Her eyes glance to our joined hands and a tiny grin crosses her lips.

"You like to get to these things early," Meg observes. "Very smart of you. Gives you time to find the bathrooms and the Coke machine.

"Anything I can get for you before things get started?" She softly releases my hand and glances at her wrist watch.

"Looks like you have about 40 minutes before show time."

"I think I'm good," I reply. "I appreciate you stopping by to say hello."

Meg stands and with one foot deftly swings the chair back beneath the table. She tugs the hem of her shirt down with both hands. It's not an unusual move but it ends up revealing just a little bit more of her cleavage.

"Nice to meet you, Meg," I say over my shoulder as she begins to breeze away behind me and to my left.

"Nice to meet you, Trey," she replies. And I feel a soft finger trace along a line of my shoulders from right to the left.

Not the soft tap... a lingering sort of swirl.

Meg heads to the front of the room and I get to take a nice long look at her cute little ass as she goes. She turns to the right and looks directly back to me. She focuses those amazing eyes on mine and gives me a delightful, smirky smile.

The whole interaction is less than a minute... probably 45 seconds, if that. But I feel electrified. My shoulders are tingling from the trace of Meg's finger.

A voice interrupts from my right. "Hey, is anybody sitting here?"

There's a tattoo-clad kid pulling Meg's chair out as I turn to look his direction.

"Nope, help yourself," I respond.

"Thanks," he answers. "I'm Jeremy."

"Hey, I'm Trey," I respond. "Nice to meet you."

Meg is traversing her way from the front of the room to the back, down the center aisle. I've turned my head to speak to the Jeremy kid and Meg catches my eye as she moves through my line of sight. She gives me the same smirky smile, then looks away.

And I can't stand it any longer. I have to talk to her again.

"Scuse me," I murmur in Jeremy's direction as I push away from the table. "I'll be right back."


Meg has breezed out of the room and headed to the left in the open lobby area. Most of the other attendees are coming in from the right.

She curls into a small alcove that's cluttered with boxes of materials for the conference. It's kind of a staging area for her and other people associated with the meeting, I'm guessing.

She's bending over to pick up a box when I get close enough to speak without raising my voice too much.

"Meg... hey...." I half-stammer.

Meg turns to look at me and smiles. She stands and says,

"Hey, Trey. What's up?"

I've been honest already. No reason to stop now.

"You said I have about forty minutes before showtime," I begin. Meg tilts her head and the smile lingers.

"This might be the craziest thing I could ever say," I continue. "But I'd really like to spend as much of that time as I can... with you."

Meg's eyes shift to the side, but don't focus on anything in particular. It's like she's processing a thought. Her eyes narrow and her lips purse into sort of a wicked smile.

Meg looks at me and grins, then nods her head toward the box she was bending over.

"Grab that box?" Meg instructs. "And follow me."

Meg peels away and heads down the hall, away from the training room. I quickly grab the box and follow along behind her.

I catch up to Meg and walk along her right side.

Without hesitation, Meg turns to me:

"So, Trey," Meg asks "... are you one who believes in the concept of 'at first sight' when it comes to people... partners... relationships... dates... things like that?"

It's a question out of left field. But there must be a point behind it.

I answer as honestly as I know how.

"I think there are times when I'm not one of those people.

"And then there are times when I think I... might be."

We've arrived at Meg's destination. It's an unmarked, non-descript door near the end of the hall.

"Welcome to my office, such as it is," Meg declares with a smile as she turns the handle and pulls open the door.

She holds the door open as an invitation for me to step inside.

I enter a small, rectangular office with a narrow, slotted window near the ceiling at the far end. It's sparsely furnished with a small desk, an overly-fancy desk chair, and a low, short couch that's clearly been around and handed down to many similar offices for a long, long time. The couch is clean, but very old. A couple of clearly-newer decorative pillows rest against each arm, in an attempt to make the couch more homey, I guess.

"Just put that down over there," Meg instructs with a nod of her head to an empty corner of the room. I comply.

Meg closes the door and purposefully pushes the button on the handle. The door is now locked.

"Trey," Meg begins as she starts to cross the distance between the door and the wall near the corner where I'm standing.

"I think we might feel the same way about this 'at first sight' thing."

Meg is now standing right in front of me. Her hands and arms are pushed back slightly. Her boobs beneath her shirt are pushed forward as a result.

Meg leans towards me, stretching upward slightly, and presses her boobs against my chest.

"I think," she whispers, "this is one of those times when I *do* believe in it."

And she stretches up as far as her five-foot-two frame will allow.

And Meg kisses me.

If I thought there was electricity in her handshake... in her finger grazing across my shoulders... the feeling of Meg's lips on mine is a fucking explosion.

It's a soft kiss. Our lips are barely touching. Meg pauses and takes a deep breath in through her open mouth, even as it's pressed against mine. I raise my hands to lightly grasp her hips.

And the kiss takes off like a rocket ship.

Meg's hands come up to grip the sides of my face. Her mouth roils and explores all over mine. Her lips suckle and tease first my upper lip, then my lower lip. Her teeth lightly bite my lower lip, then my chin.

Meg makes soft moans and purrs while she assails my mouth. "Mmmmmm... mmmohhhh... mmmmm..."

And then Meg introduces me to her tongue.

Probing, running along the insides of my cheeks... across my teeth. Wrestling with my tongue, which she quickly pulls inside her mouth and suckles like she's trying to swallow it whole.

My hands have moved to the small of Meg's back and I spin her around and pin her shoulders against the wall.

"Mmmmffff!" she cries. Then her tongue continues its manic dance with mine.

The move causes Meg to spread her legs slightly to keep her balance. I slide my right leg between hers and press my pelvis hard against hers. She lets me push her lower back against the wall and I grind softly against her.

Meanwhile, my right hand has moved to Meg's neck... right at the base of her skull. I push my body against hers while I pull her mouth hard into mine.

My left hand moves to capture and squeeze her right butt cheek, pulling her pelvis more fully into mine.

She's trapped, and I feel her kiss intensify.

Meg's moans intensify as well and she actually breaks the kiss to catch a breath.

"Ohhhh... shit..." she gasps. "Ohhhmmm... jesus..."

Breaking the kiss allows me to move my mouth to her right ear, then down to her neck, then across to the left side, then up to her other ear.

Meg's breath is racing. Her hands return to grasp my head and she pulls me away from my assault.

She pulls my head into hers, forehead to forehead. We look into each other's eyes... both panting to catch our breath.

"Your meeting starts in a few minutes," Meg says through her panting breath. "You don't want to be late... your teacher is an asshole."

And that's the cue to stop. I relax my hand from Meg's neck and step away from pressing her butt into the wall.

Meg grasps both of my hands and pulls me back toward her into a soft hug. Then, two quick pats on my shoulders and she pushes me firmly away from her.

Her breath is returning to normal. Meg grasps the hem of her polo again and pulls it down.

She gives me a wry smile through a soft exhale and says "Whoooo.

Then, "Get going. Or you'll be late."

I step to the door and turn the knob. Before I pull it open I look back at this hot little Pixie-Vixen who has definitely captured my attention.

Meg is moving toward her desk, still looking at me. She waves a hand dismissively and declares:

"Go. Get out of here."

I step through the door to the meeting room just as it's swinging closed. I take my seat at the open chair to Jeremy's left. There's an empty three-ring binder sitting at my station. Jeremy has one as well.

"This guy is a dick-head," Jeremy whispers as he leans toward me. "I was about to come find you."

"I was down the hall," I whisper back. "I heard about him."

The dick-head begins to speak. He wears a headset that blares too loudly into the ceiling speakers in the meeting room.

"All right, everybody settle down," he barks as he scans the room. "Eyes front. Eyes on me."

I can't help myself. "Oh, jeezus..." I whisper as quietly as I can. "Another one of these." I see Jeremy smile out of the corner of my eye.

"All right," the dick-head speaks again. "My name is Kevin. I will be your instructor for the next two-and-a-half days. I will also be your proctor for this certification.

"There will be a timed exam on all materials the day after tomorrow. Anything under an eighty-percent score is a failing grade.

"Be advised that your attendance and your participation for ALL sessions is mandatory," Kevin barks on.

"We will have regular breaks. We will also be monitoring your attendance for each session. If you're late returning... or if you leave early... your whole certification may be at risk."

I begin to hear a rustling coming from the back of the room behind me.

"The empty binder you have before you will be the course of study for this certification," Kevin continues. "You will receive each module as it's being presented to you. No reading ahead allowed."

I realize that the rustling is a person moving from chair to chair, sideways along the rows of tables, zig-zagging from back to front, handing out the first module of the course.

It's Meg. She has an armload of document sets and she's handing one to each participant as she moves laterally across the front of the table.

Meg hands Jeremy his module, then side-steps in front of me. She pulls a module out for me, but she pulls it from the back of the stack of papers she's holding with her arm. She gives me a slight but sexy smile as I take the packet from her.

Kevin is droning on about something and the room is filling with the sounds of binder rings being snapped open, then snapped closed as everyone dutifully puts the packet into the notebook.

I have to tear my eyes away from Meg as she moves in into the front of the room. She glances very briefly at me as she crosses the center aisle and begins to zig-zag through those participants.

My focus shifts to assembling my binder. As I put the papers into the rings I notice a paper clip on the first page. There is something attached to the back of Page One. A quick glance to Jeremy's packet reveals he doesn't have a paper clip. Like everyone else, Jeremy is glancing through the material, even though Kevin-The-Proctor warned against reading ahead.

I turn the first page to see what the clip is holding. It's a slip from the hotel notepads which are also littering all of the tables in the meeting room. There's something written on the side that's facing the page to which it's attached.

It's a woman's handwriting.

"A.F.S. Test #1 Score: A-plus." Then,

"A.F.S. Test #2: First break. Office."

It's a message. But what the fuck is A.F.S??

Kevin inadvertently provides a clue.

"All right, listen up," he crows. "At first sight..." he pauses, trying to gain attention.

"At first sight... this material might seem somewhat daunting..."

Of course! A.F.S. is "at first sight!!" Meg has sent me a message. Clever girl!!

And she's given me a high score for my first "test." I remove the slip from the clip, fold it in half, and slip it into the breast pocket of my shirt.

Now I can't wait to find out what the second test entails.


The course is broken into sessions lasting about an hour and a half. Kevin *is* a dick-head but he's doing an okay job working through the module. He's also a prompt and a strict time-keeper.

I glance at my watch for the nine-hundredth time since we started. The display clicks from ten-twenty-nine to ten-thirty.

"Okay," Kevin barks. "It's time for our first break. Twenty minutes... so, back here at ten-fifty.

"And let me remind you that..."

I have literally bolted from my seat to head for the lobby area.

I immediately turn left just in time to see the door to Meg's office slowly closing. I'm grateful to see it again so I can identify it. It sort of melds into the surrounding decor of the hallway.

I head straight for the bathroom and get there early enough to catch an open urinal. I nod at Jeremy waiting in the line as I move through the exit.

It's a challenge not to rush down the hall to Meg's office. I force myself to present a calmer demeanor; like I'm supposed to be where I am, going where I'm going.

Meg's office door opens as I turn the knob and I step quickly inside. I lock the knob once the door has latched closed.

"You figured out my message," a sultry voice whispers as I finish locking the door. Meg is standing from her chair at her desk and beginning to walk toward me.

"I was beginning to wonder since..." she leaves the rest unsaid.

"I stopped to pee," I reply, trying not to sound apologetic.

"Ah," Meg whispers as she approaches to wrap her arms around my neck. "Well... that's important."

And, without hesitation, Meg wraps me in a deep, rapturous kiss. It's different than the assault kisses from our first encounter. It's warm. It's inviting. And, all too soon, it breaks.

"How long do you have?" Meg whispers.

"Until ten-fifty," I reply.

"Mmmm," she purrs. "Then we'd better get started."

Meg takes both of my hands in hers and begins to steer me to the open end of her desk as it juts perpendicular from the left-hand wall of her office. Once there, she pushes me backward slightly until my butt is resting against the desk's edge. She holds me there with pressure from her own body. Her perky breasts are pressed hard into me.

Without a word, Meg's hands move to the placket of my shirt. I'm "business casual" for today. I'm wearing a denim shirt with an embroidered logo of my company on the left breast. I have on khaki pants and a fabric belt with soft leather shoes.

Meg begins to slowly and methodically unbutton my shirt from the top. As each button is released, she softly pushes the material to the outside of my chest.

Her mouth then begins to trace a line of soft kisses down the revealed skin, starting at about my clavicle.

At the third button, Meg pushes the fabric aside and reveals my left nipple.

The kiss becomes a suckle, and her tongue hardens at the tip as she twiddles the nipple while holding it between her lips.

As she's twiddling my left nipple, Meg's hand pushes the shirt off of my right one. Then she drags her mouth across the middle of my chest and attends to the right nipple in the same way. Her corresponding hand moves to the moist nipple and pinches it softly.

"Mmmmmm," I can't help but moan. "Oh my god... that feels so..."

Meg smiles at her work and a soft chuckle rushes through her nose. The exhale cools the saliva and adds a whole new tactile dimension to her adoration of my chest and skin.

Meg is moving down my torso to the extent that she needs to shift positions. She pauses long enough to lower herself to her knees directly in front of me. Then the button-and-kissing regimen resumes.

It's no secret what's about to happen. But the realization of it rushes through me like a huge gust of wind. I literally tremble in anticipation. My cock is swelling by the second.

This comes right as Meg has unbuttoned the last button. Instead of a kiss, she glances up into my eyes and gives me a warm and sexy smile.

Wordlessly, as her eyes stay locked on mine, Meg pulls my shirt tails out of my pants.

Now her eyes shift to my beltline and her hands move directly to my belt. Meg undoes it swiftly. The hasp, button, and zipper of my pants are dispatched in a smooth one, two, three sequence.

Meg puts one hand on each of my hips and pulls my butt gently away from the edge of the desk. Then she gently pushes down on the loosened khakis and they fall softly around my ankles.

I'm standing before this incredible little vixen as she kneels in front of me. She's looking at me again with a sultry smile. She's moved her left hand to grip the edge of her desk. My cock is raging against my briefs.

Meg pauses and redirects her gaze to my groin, which is inches from her face. Meg's right hand softly runs along the outside of my briefs, tracing the length of my cock captured within. My cock twitches at the touch, and Meg smiles at the twitch.

Staring at my raging penis, Meg runs her tongue softly and slowly around her lips.

Then she takes a deep breath, and leans forward.

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