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Fulfillment 19

Story Info
Jo's heat, troubles at Ross, and Wyeth, the ending.
8.5k words

Part 19 of the 19 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/22/2011
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Dear Readers,

Well, here it is, the chapter you've been waiting for and the answer to a question one of you asked me this week.

I'll admit this story took more and longer than I expected. Stephanie and Calvin's story just begged for expansion.




Lyssa wasn't into girls but she, of course, knew where all the parts were.

[Nathan Severn, you need to come home.]

Lyssa moved sideways off of Joanna and slid a hand down her side to the bottom of her miniskirt

Joanna whimpered and twisted, trying to get more. Lyssa slid her hand up Jo's thigh, feeling the heat and the dampness of the capris. She was wet, ready, needing her mate.

Lyssa slid two fingers over the top of the waistband and Jo reached down and ripped them away. Then her hand moved to Lyssa's breast.

Lyssa gasped and moaned, and the car swerved slightly. She slid two fingers into Joanna. Jo grabbed and tore Lyssa's blouse. Lyssa moaned louder as Joanna's teeth found her breast as she kept pumping her fingers into her young friend's pussy.

Emmett was hard pressed to concentrate on the road. The wet sounds, whimpering, and moaning combined with the rising smell of sex was distracting. The fact that the smells and sounds were coming from his mate and a female in heat meant that taking deep breaths didn't help. He cracked the window. Fresh air and the sound of the wind helped. His cock was full and uncomfortable and he could only move so far to ease the pressure. His mate would be in for a pounding before they got home.

Lyssa began to get lost in pleasure and Joanna was already gone.

As Joanna's hips moved in time to Lyssa's fingers, Lyssa felt biting at her nipple and a small, soft hand working to open her pants. Lyssa was kneeling in the floorboards while Joanna was prone on the seat.

The cellphone rang and Emmett struggled to grab it. "Jo?"

"Nathan, it's Emmett. Jo's gone into heat. She's OK but you need to get home."

There is silence on the other end of the line and Emmett becomes acutely aware of the noises coming from the back seat. Emmett hears the strain in Nathan's voice. "What's going on?"

"We're headed for Severn, Nathan. About 5 minutes out. Jo needs you."

Emmett catches the beginning of a growl in the young male's voice. "Who.. what's..?"

"Lyssa's helping. Get home."

"On my way."

"Drive safe."

A howl punctures the night air as Emmett crosses the entrance to the Severn compound. Lyssa pants out. "Call Juliet. Kendra."

Emmett sends to the two Severn females and holds himself rigid behind the wheel, hands gripping with enough force to bend it. He puts the car in park, turns off the ignition, and launches himself out into the warm spring air.

Emmett sucks in deep breaths as three Severn females rush the car. In between breaths, Emmett gets out, "Nathan's. Coming."

Kendra and Mary open the door and another blast of scent rushes out as Lyssa howls and Joanna gasps.

Juliet crouches near Emmett. "Thank you. If you and your mate wish, we have a room you could use at our house. Jon and I will be elsewhere."

Emmett looks up from his place on the ground and over to the car. He nods as he watches Mary grab a shoulder and a breast while Kendra grabs the other shoulder and slides a hand down Jo's body. They slide her out and onto the lawn while Lyssa sucks in air, her fingers covered in Jo's juices.

Kendra dives between Jo's legs, holding her open and licking her pussy. [Mm, nice.]

Mary, meanwhile, has shredded the sweater and was suckling one breast while kneading at the other. Joanna was writhing and panting and moaning Nathan's name.

Juliet watches Emmett rise. "Come. Bring your mate. We'll inform your Alpha."

She watches his nostrils flare. "We can go home."

She looks up into his eyes, the heat in those chocolate brown eyes. "You did well to get her this far, you've been strong. It would not do for you to have an accident going home. Take your mate, take the time you need. Let the car air out."

Emmett nods and reaches into the car to touch Lyssa. Lyssa, who's frozen, watching Kendra lick Joanna while thrusting two fingers into her wet pussy. Watching Mary suck and nibble on one breast while flicking the nipple on the other. Watching Jo writhe and moan and claw the earth. The smell of arousal was overwhelming. The smell of arousal from five females, one stronger. One in heat.

He'd never been in the presence of as much heady female scent before. He was so hard he believed he might explode if he was simply released from the bondage of his pants. He pulled Lyssa from the car and she wrapped arms and legs around him, licking his neck, putting her teeth there and bearing down. "Nnnh, Juliet?"

"Come. It's not far."

Emmett was hard pressed to follow Juliet Severn. The movement of his steps had his mate's core rubbing against his rock hard manhood.

Juliet opened the door to an upstairs bedroom and made herself scarce.

Emmett threw Lyssa onto the bed and she bounced, twice. She grasped the bedcovers and licked her lips. "C'mon, Em. Come on." Her voice is husky, almost growling.

He held back, briefly, steeling himself, relishing how much she wanted him right now.

Then his pants were gone, and hers, too. And he landed over her on the bed. She caught her breath and said. "Hard."

He covered her swollen lips with his and shoved in, as far as he could go. The sensation had him throwing his head back and howling. She arched, into him, and her claws cut into his shoulders.

He pulled out and dropped his head, looking back down into her dark eyes. She, meanwhile, was looking at where his body pierced her. He had enough restraint to slide into her slowly, and her eyes came up to his. "I love you, Lyssa."

Before she could answer, he set up a punishing rhythm, pistoning into his mate's body. She moaned, and writhed, and called out his name.

Lyssa's back arched and her muscles convulsed around him and he howled as he emptied himself into her body.

And then he collapsed, both of them breathing heavily.


Mary and Kendra had brought Joanna twice before the sound of the motorcycle was heard.

Nathan growls as he sees his mate on the lawn and Mary and Kendra on her. Kendra looks over at the growl, her face covered in Joanna's wetness. He growls again as she runs her tongue over her lips, smiling as she enjoys her taste.

It was a part of the life of their pack. With so many males working outside of the den, the females would take care of those in heat until their mates could come to them. He had seen them do it often enough. Kendra was generally quick to volunteer. But, he hadn't wanted to see Jo needing it. It pissed him off knowing anyone else was pleasuring his mate, that he wasn't able to take care of her.

He threw Kendra off to the side and yanked Jo up by the arm. She snarled at him until she was close enough to smell him.

She then ripped his pants down and shoved him to the ground. As she sniffed at his neck he raised her hips and slid her onto his erect penis.

Her nails turned into claws and she dug into his pecs as she began raising and lowering herself onto him. Short blondish fur covered her body.

Mary turned away and got up, walking back to the house she shared with her mate.

Kendra sat and watched. After a few minutes, Kyle came over, crouched and slid an arm around her waist. After watching Jo throw her head back and Nathan taking her nipple, he bodily grabs his mate and hauls her around the corner to their house.


Stephanie had become more comfortable around Calvin. Their sexual contact became more regular, as well.

A couple of weeks into their stay, he asked her opinion of the Foster candidates. She was hesitant but, with some coaxing, provided him with frank opinion of their perceived weaknesses and strengths. "Thank you, Stephanie. I value your opinion."

She looks at him and he knows her well enough now to know she doesn't quite believe it. He takes her face in his hands. "You know the qualities of good Alphas. As a warrior, you know the skills needed to attack, or defend the den. You have a unique sense of fairness and you will not lie to me. Thank you." He kisses her.

Later that evening, Calvin had a sparring session with the Foster male.

There was nothing unusual in it, both received minor wounds. Calvin won both matches.

However, later that night, Stephanie was startled to see the wounds still oozing blood. "Why hasn't this stopped?"

"I don't know."

"Has this happened before?"


[Healer. The Alpha is in need of a styptic.]

Sharilyn was startled by the summons and the request that went with it. But she comes, bearing powders and bandages. "My Alpha, what's happened?"

"His wound won't stop bleeding."

Sharilyn looks at the marks. "The wound isn't deep. This should be scabbed and healing." She starts sprinkling a white powder into the bleeding cuts.


"That's congenital. You don't develop it."

"Then it's got to be a blood thinner."

A bandage and pressure is applied. "Unless someone injected him with something it must be something he ate."


"We've eaten in the dining hall. Everyone ate the same food."

"Not necessarily. It could have a half life of several days, depending on its origin."

Stephanie shifts and draws a claw across her forearm. "What are you doing?"

"Testing a theory."

"So, healer, it may be something I've eaten in the past few days?"

"If it isn't something else, yes."

Stephanie shows her arm, the small tear already closing, "So, someone's poisoned me."

Stephanie crouches beside Calvin. "Who would want you dead?"

"Dead? I don't think.."

"Something worse and you'd bleed out."

"It has to be someone weak. Someone who wants to be Alpha, but can't challenge you openly."

"They'd never hold the position."

"Then someone who just wants you dead. And someone who wouldn't stand a chance of challenging you directly."

His face shows he's just realized something. Stephanie narrows her eyes at him. "You know who it is."

"Sharilyn, can you give us some privacy?"

"I'd rather get this bleeding stopped first," is what Sampson hears as he enters.


Stephanie is watching him as she speaks aside to Sampson. "A minor wound he got sparring won't stop bleeding."

Calvin and Sampson share a look. Stephanie growls at them. Sharilyn looks up. [Who is it?]

[This is a pack matter, Stephanie,] Sampson responds.

[It affects me,] she growls back.

The two males are discussing something between themselves when Stephanie suddenly walks purposefully for the door. [Where are you going?]

[To kill the bitch. I figured out who it has to be.]

"Stop!" Stephanie halts, grumbling.

"Why?" She answers without turning back.

The two males look back at her and Stephanie turns to look at the red seeping through the gauze on Calvin's side. "We have no proof."

"I can get it."

"Not yet. She's failed again."

"Calvin! She..." [Little one, please. Let me heal and then we will deal with her.]

Stephanie's chest heaves in anger, she clenches her fists, and works her jaw. She stood rooted to the spot, trying to decide whether to obey him or not. It was his pack, but he was not her Alpha. She was spending a lot of time here but was not a part of Ross pack. However, the dark bitch had hurt him, it had to be her. And she deserved to be punished.


She closed her eyes, dropped her head, and shook it, once. "Alright." She turned back, jaw clenched, and watched the red bloom on a new piece of gauze. "What about a diuretic?"

Startled, Sharilyn looks over at her. "It might help." She picks the gauze up and looks at the gashes. "And stitches."

Sharilyn stands. "And if that doesn't work..."

The word comes out in stereo. "Cautery."

The blood loss slowed, but didn't stop. Even with protein drinks and other liquids, he looked pale the next morning.

Rumors floated around the pack as quickly as in any other group. The fact that Sharilyn had spent several hours in the Alpha suite...

Calvin had to show himself.

They went to the dining hall for breakfast. He stood up at the end of the meal and Tobias stood, also. "Alpha, I challenge you."

The pack looked at Tobias, looked at Calvin, and saw the blood on his shirt.

Calvin sighed and headed for the door. Stephanie growled and followed; Sampson close on their heels. Tobias and his entourage made a cocky little group on their way out. The Foster Betas and the rest of the pack were close behind.

Calvin was good, but weakened. He gave a good showing but, after a while, Tobias got the upper hand.

Calvin was on his back with Tobias poised for the final blow.

The assembled wolves gasped as a large brown wolf knocked Tobias away. He turned and snarled and Stephanie attacked him. [Stephanie!!]

A stutter in her movements indicated she had heard him. But she ignored him. Tobias belted her and rolled to stand, bracing himself for another attack.

They closed, grappled, and rolled. Growling, snapping, snarling. Stephanie pinned him, teeth around his throat. Her send was for all of them. [How do you expect to win a challenge with the Alpha if you can't beat me?]

As he sent, [You got lucky,] grumbling went up from around the circle.

"Beaten by a female." "I don't know, how would he lead?" "I never minded Calvin." "Not strong enough." Stephanie released him and he stood.

Tobias looked at the surrounding wolves and Calvin walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. A solid punch puts Tobias on the ground and Calvin settles over him. "The fight is over."

"I had you."

Calvin smiles. [Too bad.]

He goes to Stephanie and looks at her face, a bruise starting to bloom on her cheek.

Tobias rushes him and Calvin pivots, grabs his arm, and swings him to the ground. He puts a foot on Tobias' chest, twists the hand, and pulls on the arm. "Submit."

Tobias growls, beaten again, and agrees.

Calvin looks around again and Stephanie growls as some derogatory remarks are made. He walks back to her, slides an arm around her waist. "This female deserves your respect. She is a warrior and, if she will have me, will be your Alpha."

Shocked noises now issue from the pack members as well as from Stephanie. The Foster Betas looked at each other. Stephanie stood rigid. No one knew what to do or say next.

Stephanie broke the silence first. "I can't be Alpha."

Calvin looks around. "Everyone back to your duties."

[You should not have interfered.]

[He was going to kill you.]

[It was a challenge, Stephanie. That was his goal.]

[I couldn't let him do that.]

He took her face and kissed her. [Are you hurt?]

[Nothing to worry about. You pulled your stitches.]

He pulled her down with him, so that they were sitting on the ground. Stephanie growled as a black wolf with brown eyes poked her head over the edge of the bowl.

"Look at me, Stephanie."

Huffing out a breath, Stephanie concentrates on him. "Why did you say that about me?"

"Because it's true."

"I can't be Alpha."

"If you are my mate, you will be Alpha." She's quiet, thinking. "I intimated that from the beginning."

"Why does anything have to change?"

He puts a hand to her cheek and says, quietly, "It already has, little one."

[Cal. The Foster Betas are packing.]

"Damn." Stephanie looks at him, confused. "The candidates are packing to leave." He gets up and starts after his clothes, to dress.

[Stephanie. Do not kill her yet.]


Stephanie returned to Wyeth and Calvin and Sampson spoke to the Foster Betas. They were distressed by recent events, by the apparent dissension in the pack. They returned home as well.

"This isn't good, Cal. Our reputation is suffering and things are only getting worse, You aren't helping. You're confusing the pack. They don't understand why Stephanie wasn't punished. She is, after all, not your mate. Even if... That was a killing offense. They think you're getting weak in your old age. They think we might get taken over."

Calvin glowers at the other side of the room. "And what do you think?"

Sampson blows out a breath in exasperation. "I don't know what to think. Something's changed in you, Cal. I'm just not sure it's good. She's affecting your judgment. She hasn't been punished, for stopping the challenge or for attacking you. The pack is confused, I'm confused, and Tobias won't take this well."

"Do you see the Alpha in her?"

Another exasperated breath. "Cal, if this is some misguided attempt to keep control of the pack..."

A trace of anger colors his voice. "Have I not done well for this pack, my pack?"

"Cal, Cal, stop. I'm just telling you how the pack feels."

"And who are they to question my judgment?"

Sampson gives him hard eyes. "Listen to yourself."

The Ross Alpha covers his eyes and breathes for a minute. "I can see it, Sampson."


"Happiness, Sampson. With another mate, as rare as that is."

Silence settles between them for a time, then Calvin says, "We shall have to wait on our other two sets of candidates, since they have indicated the females will have their estrus shortly. This will also give things time to settle down. Or it will cement a bad opinion of us and they will reject us."

"We really should clean house, my Alpha."

"Every pack has its malcontents but, you're right, Erica must be dealt with. I don't relish it but I wish we knew how deep it goes. Is she working alone? I have to assume she had something to do with my ... problem."


Stephanie was sitting on the back deck when Emmaline came out to sit beside her. The young pup flopped onto her side then rolled onto her back.

Stephanie gave a slight smile and began to rub the little one's belly. "He wants me to be his mate. How can I be Alpha?"

Cassie caught the tail end of the question as she walked out. "Emmy, there you are." She changed to wolven form and flopped down beside her daughter, who rolled away from Stephanie and latched on to a teat. It surprised Stephanie how much that small action tugged at her heart. What was wrong with her?

[Why can't you be Alpha?]

"I haven't been trained, I don't have any status. Why would he do that?"

[He loves you.]

Startled, Stephanie looks at the young female nursing her pup.

[Why are you here and not there?]


"In all my years, Randall, I've never been at such a loss. I could use your counsel but the last thing I need is for this to get out to the other packs."

"I can be discrete, Cal."

"Has she said anything?"

"I'm not aware of it, if she has."

A heavy sigh comes through the receiver. "She interfered with a challenge."


"She thought I was about to be killed so she took the other male down herself."

"Why would she...?"

"I was in a weakened state." Silence for a moment. "Too much blood loss after a fight. She was convinced I was going to die."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Bringing it to my attention, Cal. She is Wyeth, after all. Do you have any preference as to her punishment?"

"Randall, no. That's not why I called."

He hears frustration in Randall's voice. "What have you done to her, Cal?"

"Talked to her, touched her, spent time with her, loved her."

A heavy sigh. "What, then, do you want from me?"

"I need her to agree to be my mate."

"You've gotten more out of her than the entire pack, how do you think I can help you? Do you want me to order her?"

Calvin sighs and says quietly, calmly. "No. I have informed her of my intentions. I want to know her current frame of mind."

"I'll have to ask."

"My first set of candidates has left as a result."

"Cal, what are you doing?"

"Trying again to balance my life with my pack's wellbeing."


Joanna's cycle ended up being rather short, like her mother's.

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