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Full Figured Chic Ch. 11

Story Info
Sasha has feelings for Jay.
4.7k words

Part 11 of the 21 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/14/2009
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Sasha woke in her bed for the last time in five weeks, and stretched lazily on her back. She took a deep breath and let her arms collapse above her head, as she thought through the day and the wonderful prospects ahead of her.

Work hadn't been hard. She called Martin and extended the break to five and a half weeks. Not only was it enough time for her office cronies to tire of the story about her, but Sasha had a little plan to actually invite one or two of them if this project worked out.

She'd done other necessary things. Rung her mother, told her she was going on vacation for five weeks and that she'd send emails but will be hard to catch. Checked out her financials and paid up bills.

At the end of the day she settled in with a nice Thai green curry and watched 'The devil wears Prada' confirming to herself over and over again that the day of the skinny model was out, and the time for real women to front up had arrived.

Her mood turned good, almost to the point of cocky; she felt sure she'd noticed Jay stare at her. He'd looked at her full fleshy bosom a few times and she could feel the heat of his gaze on her as he walked behind her when he'd entered the room as he arrived. Although modest to the core, Sasha was a realistic sensible woman and she knew when the electricity moved both ways. And this heat almost melted the board table between them.

Even Jay's gruffness had lost its impact.

It took everything inside her to show restraint in that meeting. Yes, it was important, but really more to him than to her. Sasha had no illusions about becoming a model. Even if this gig worked out, she could see it was an experience not a permanent life change. She had a career, and it was one she'd worked very hard for thank-you-very-much.

No, this was Jay's serious affair. Now that she had the job and she knew she was what they were looking for, she could afford a little fun. And Jay looked like a big ball of fun. As she lay in the warm bed, the fine cotton brushing against her balmy skin, her phone rang. Lazily she stretched for her cell and saw that it was Penny.

"Yo!" she answered.

"Wow. You sound relaxed. Not nervous about your first day?"

Sasha slid her naked body up so that she sat against the pillows behind her head. "Not at all. It's amazing really. I'm not quite sure where this confidence has come from, but would it sound too crazy if I told you I thought it was Jay himself?"

"You mean he's not just hot, he's empowering too?"

Sasha laughed. "Yeah. Something like that. I don't know. Could my self esteem be so shallow that as soon as a man calls me beautiful I believe him and decide I can take on the world?"

"Well, it's hardly just a man. He is the LAST word in beauty on the planet. And as far as all this ainxt goes, I'd just sit back and enjoy this ride. Have a great time, and definitely don't stress about not being stressed."

Sasha laughed again.

"So... What's he like? Did you tell him you'd been having the weirdest dreams about him every since you masturbated in front of pictures of him?"

"Ummm... no, you know that never came up."

"Is he as hot in real life as he is in the pictures?"


Penny squealed so loud that Sasha heard the ringing in her ear for a full five minutes.

"Oh Sasha, I have SUCH a good feeling about this one. As far as I'm concerned he's JUST good enough for you. He needs to give up all that ladies man crap though. I'm coming over to kick his sorry ass if he treats you bad."

"Hey, I have good feelings too, but I promise you, they're fleeting! Get anything serious out of your mind. He sized me up yesterday and I sized him up, and I'm happy for anything to happen in thus five week lock down, but honey, this is NOT a man to get serious about."

"But Sasha, maybe..."

"No! No maybe's about it. C'mon Penny, you can't put ideas like that in my head. I am so attracted to this guy it's healthy for me to remember it's not permanent."

There was a pause. Sasha could feel Penny changing tactic.

"What makes you so sure he's interested in you at all?"

"Well, I'm not, but he was checking me out. Look this is a really big deal for him, and I doubt that he'll have time to play around with his model. If he does want to do that, his model is available. If he doesn't, she's appropriately distant and full of longing."

"From what you were telling me last night, the vibe is he could be really keen and..."

"Penny!" Sasha yelled into the phone.

"Sorry, It's just that I won't get to talk to you for ages, and I wanted to sort of get in on the goss."

"Ha ha ha... you mean invent the goss."

Both women laughed.

"You will be able to get in touch with me if you need me. It's only for five weeks, but any emergency... anything at all... call my cell and Greg will get hold of me."

"I won't need to call. You have the best time imaginable."

Sasha laughed. "Sure will hun." And she hung up.

She leapt out of bed, realising she'd sat for too long. She'd promised Greg she'd be there at seven and it was now six-fifteen. She wanted to shower and eat just a little before she left. Excitedly checking her bags for the fiftieth time, she raced for the shower.

It only took fifteen minutes to be ready. Greg told her she'd be made 'swimsuit ready' as soon as she got there, but as a first timer, Sasha was nervous. A couple of these terms were available on the net, but with the world of modelling about to open itself up to her the first realisation was how little she actually knew. Being shower clean worked for her confidence.

Grabbing her bag, she headed for the door, ready to change her life -- just for five weeks.

Nerves finally hit as Sasha stood at the front steps of the Jay Miles studio. Not wanting to be caught standing out the front again like last time, she forced herself to walk up the stairs and press the buzzer at the intercom.

Sasha?" the voice on the other end was Greg's.

"Yeah. Hi Greg. I'm here. Bright and early."

"Great! I love a professional. I'll be right down."

It was a short thirty seconds before the door opened and Sasha found herself staring at Greg, who looked a little more dishevelled than the day before. He must have noticed her looking him at up down.

"Sorry I'm such a mess. I've put in an all nighter with Jay. We're both pretty tired, but there will be plenty more of these. While you're getting ready, we'll both be taking a short sleep."

"Don't worry about it. I didn't mean to make you self conscious."

Greg grinned a warm smile in reply and welcomed her through the door.

"I'll take you directly upstairs. You can unpack and settle in for thirty minutes then I will come back and get you. I have to bring you down here for your spa work. There'll be a lot to do over the next five weeks, and not just learning. You will have to get your hair and nails and skin worked on. There are high standards in modelling and we want you looking your absolute best.

Sasha nodded as she walked behind him. Despite his lack of sleep his step was brisk and she felt a little pressed to keep up with him. He led her up the stairs but walked directly past the same entrance they'd walked through yesterday. Instead he led her along the thin veranda style walkway toward the back of the giant room.

As she walked behind him, Sasha peeped through the windows on her right hoping for a glimpse of Jay. She spotted him out of the corner of her eye as they passed his office so she turned and smiled, giving him a wave as she did. However, he didn't respond at all, instead staring her down keeping his watchful eye on her, his sullen expression not changing a bit. It didn't feel as though he was flirting with her this time, but she did feel the same intensity that always hit her when she looked at him.

The direct current sparked back and forth giving her the feeling that something strong passed between them. For Sasha, its charge ended up between her legs and she glanced away puzzled and shy, hoping the effect he had on her wasn't as obvious to him as it was to her.

She turned her head away just in time to see Jay's mother dart into a corridor and out of their way. Greg shuffled back to be in line with her. "You'll have to excuse Jay's mother. I know you met her, but for some absurd reason she's incredibly excited to meet you. I'm sure it won't turn into anything. But I thought I should warn you anyway."

"She met me the other day."

Greg shrugged his shoulders, holding his hands up in an expression of disbelief. "I think she wants to bond or something. She's so excited about you."

Just as Sasha was about to reply, Jay's mother hopped out of another doorway and stood directly in front of them. She held out her hand toward Sasha forcing Sasha to pout her own hand forward.

"Hello Sasha, I'm Jay's mother." Her smile sent warmth through Sasha that contradicted a certain sort of chill she had from the whole experience. She moved her hand forward and clasped the older woman's It felt strangely cool and damp as if she were nervous and excited at the same time. Sasha tried to warm to her despite a sting in her belly that usually acted as a warning.

"Hi. I am happy to meet you. We'd sort of met when I was here yesterday, but I didn't know I would be your roommate for a few weeks yesterday."

The older woman pulled her hand away as soon as the words were out of Sasha's mouth, but Sasha was getting used to the strange behaviour. At this point Greg stepped in.

"I'm just taking Sasha to her room. Why don't you go and rest for awhile? We'll all have dinner together later and you can eat with us."

Greg spoke to her slowly, almost as if she were unstable. It didn't seem necessary as the woman had a spark in her eye that showed she knew what was going on. And they were now focussed back on Greg, without the warmth she'd shown Sasha earlier. Without a word she floated back into the dark corner, but if looks could kill Greg wouldn't be making it through the day.

"Sorry about that. I did warn you that she may be a little difficult. There's so little I can do. Jay wants her here and he because of that he's in. But it does make it difficult on the likes of you and I."

Sasha smiled. "I'm sure we'll be fine. Frankly, I think I'm ok, I think it may be you who is in for the difficulties with her."

Greg smiled back but let the subject drop.

"Okay, here we are." Sasha walked into a large room ahead of him. A double bed sat to her right with a large bed head set into the wall with a Japanese mural painted on it. The cupboard sat against the wall that held the door, and fine bamboo sat like mats over the floor. The entire room was done in light olive tones with the blonde bamboo colouring through the furnishings and the floor. It was a beautiful room, restful and calm. The perfect place to have a sleep.

"Thank god Jay keeps these rooms clean and decorated." Greg said moving past her and looking around the room as if he set it all up himself.

Sasha looked around in amazement. "This is beautiful. I'll sleep like a baby in this room. In fact it's wanting me to climb into bed right now."

Greg laughed. "Actually, that's not far from the truth. It's been feng Shui designed to create deep restful sleep. It's no accident that you want to sleep while you're in here and a very good sign."

Greg smiled proudly as if he'd created the mood himself. "Well I'm going to leave you to it. I have a lot to do downstairs. I'll be expecting you in about thirty minutes down stairs where we can go over your contract and then get you to the spa for the first of your treatments. Just wear a robe. They won't want you in more than that at the salon, and you aren't leaving the building, so it's fine. You'll find one in the closet."

With that last remark he'd gone and Sasha was alone with the beautiful room.

A small door in the wall opposite the foot of the bed led into a bathroom that was cosy and find for one person. A toilet, a washbasin and a bath with a shower in it, plus lots of fat fluffy white towels to offset the dark olive mood that had been painted into this room as well. Sasha noticed endless arrays of bath oils, soaps, powders and other pampering paraphernalia all over the room. Missing were shampoos, conditioners and skin lotions. Already she knew they would be supplied in the spa during her salon visits, and she supposed they wouldn't let her mess with her hair and her own products.

Getting down to business, she unpacked her bag and placed the few garments she brought into the closet by the door. She'd showered before she left, so she didn't feel inclined to make that happen here, but she knew that there would be another shower in the spa for sure.

Soon she stood in the centre of her tidy room, bags packed away, clothes packed away, the bathroom filled with her familiar belongings, in her soft deep towelling white bath robe. Sasha took a deep breath of sandalwood from the oil burner in the corner, and turned and walked out the door.

Padding her way quickly, she got herself back downstairs fast, not wanting to miss her first deadline. Greg waited patiently by reception, looking as thought he'd had a shower himself. "Hey there! Right on time." He shouted up to her as she walked quickly down the stairs.

"I didn't want to be late to the very first appointment." She smiled. She walked over to where he stood by a pile of papers balanced on the absent secretaries desk.

"Ok, here is all your paperwork." Greg got directly to the business at hand. "You have your standard non-union waiver, because I am assuming you aren't in a union, but we are a union workplace, so we need the waiver signed; A model release and contract with sagscale inserted and other conditions. I am assuming you don't have an agent?" Sasha shook her head trying not to look bamboozled by all the terminology.

"I thought as much, and I think it is a good idea that you get one. Here is a list of four that I can recommend. They're all very good and we like working with any of them. I think you should look over this list, work out who you like, and I will send them your contract, and you can communicate by email. Because we want you exclusively, it will cost us more, but it does mean they don't need to see you nor have copies of your dimensions. We can conduct the entire transaction on line and preserve the secret of why you are modelling for us.

"I have a copy of each of their booklets here, take your time, but I do want to choose one in four days time, so make sure you choose by then so that I can send out the contracts."

Sasha looked at the booklets that were the size of small thin telephone books. She wasn't sure how an agency could have that much information to put in their booklets, but she knew that the next few nights would be devoted to finding out.

"I also have booking conditions here for you.

This will outline what you are actually looking for in an agent and how to choose a good one. I recommend you read this first, then work through the information that I gave you on the others.

Here is a shoot date, which means by this time -- when we are ready to use you for photographs; we want you in the best possible condition -- without losing any weight. That is an essential stipulation. You are the perfect weight and you mustn't lose any. We have plenty of nourishing meals here that will care for your health but won't allow you to drop pounds, so that we get to keep you at this perfect size."

Sasha looked at him, almost as if she were a deer caught in the headlights.

"Is it too much to digest?" he asked staring into her eyes, his eyes moving from one of her to the other as if one may hold more of the secret over the other.

"Not at all. I ... well... I'm just not used to it all. And I guess I've never been told I am the perfect size before. It sounds strange."

"Well get over it, because this train moves fast and we have no time for people getting all caught up in themselves."

The reprimand caught Sasha by surprise. "Gee, sorry Greg. I'm here 100%. I didn't meant to look distracted for a minute there."

He stopped looking over the papers, and turned toward her with a smile on his face. "Sorry Sasha. There will be a lot of tense moments. We're under tremendous pressure here. Although, I must say, you've had the best affect on Jay. I've never seen him so inspired."

At this point Greg looked down at his watch. "Jeez! I am supposed to be up there. Ok Sasha, come with me. I'll get you into the spa. The spa is actually a public one, although you have a private section out the back. You won't be seeing anyone except the women who will be looking after you. They will do the work that they do on our models without asking any questions."

Sasha smiled enthusiastically. The prospect of spending all this time in a beautiful spa didn't bother her at all.

"Ok. Come with me. "

She followed him through a small door at the back of the secretary's area, directly into a glamorous private entry area of a fancy spa. Sasha hadn't noticed it from the street.

As soon as they entered, a good-looking woman approached, wearing a small lab coat over a beautiful pink shift Sasha could see the bottom of past the coat. Her hair was Coiffed in a very traditional sixties bundle and her eye makeup was done to match the style. She looked like a vogue fashion model from the sixties.

"Bonjour Gregory. So good to see you darling."

She kissed the air either side of Greg's face, as he stuck out his chin and bobbed side to side, pretending to be ready to kiss.

"Bonjour Celine. Meet Sasha. Have her swimsuit ready, if you will."

Celine looked at Sasha with overwhelming warmth in her eyes. If there was anything she didn't approve of in Sasha, she certainly didn't show it.

"Darling! We will make you a princess. You have come to the best place of all. Everything magic 'appens here." She flaunted in her thick French accent.

Greg smiled, turned to Sasha and said "You're in good hands. I'm off!" then he turned to Celine and said "Remember, she's not to lose any weight." And then he was gone.

Celine looked at Sasha. "I can see why he doesn't want you to lose weight darling. You are very beautiful." Sasha smiled. "but sweet 'art, you 'ave not been taking care of ze hair or ze skin, or ze nails, so it is in these places we have to make a miracle no?"

She grabbed Sasha by the hand and dragged her toward a small back room.

Inside the door, was a large scented bath surrounded by candles and flowers. "First you need to soak darling. You lay in the bath. 'ere are magazines, because this will take a while. I want you in the water for almost an hour, so you read. And you must look at these. We will be working on making you look like these women, so part of the therapy is this reading."

And with that, Sasha was left alone in the beautiful bath room.

Self-consciously she took a brief look around the pretty room. It was one of the most beautiful environments she'd ever seen. In soft pinks and limes, small stones littered the room heavily scented again with sandalwood. This was definitely a lifestyle she could get used too. Glancing around as if to check no one could be watching she let her robe fall to the floor and stepped into the deep velvety bath. The water was slightly warmer than was entirely comfortable and it took a few seconds for her skin to adjust to the temperature. Soon she felt more at home and stepped her second foot in, allowing herself to sink sensuously into the warm water.

The magazines were the same modelling type she was becoming used to. All the women were slim. However, this time Sasha paid more attention to their nails, their skin and the quality of their hair. She looked for differences, similarities, checking what is in fashion and what direction Jay might want to take with her.


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