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Fun in the Hot Tub

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Peter shares the hot tub with his sister.
9.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/05/2019
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"Rose, what do you think?"

"A nice holiday, somewhere hot."

"Peter, it's your turn."

"A new car," then I stood there smiling, expecting Father to agree with me, but he didn't say anything, instead he just looked at my Sister.

Her face was a picture of concentration, then a huge grin appeared.

She almost shouted it out, "I want a Hot Tub."

Mother was now shaking her head.

"I still think we need a holiday," then she gave my Father a look that said, 'Agree with me'.

"I wish I hadn't asked."

"Yes, it should just be me and you that decide what to do with the money."

Before my Sister and I could complain, Father quickly said, "No", then he added, "It's difficult, you all want different things."

Mother then interrupted him, "You never told us what you want."

"A bit of peace and quiet would be nice."

I laughed, but Mother was not amused. Her hands were now on her hips, and she was glaring at him.

He put his hands up in the air, as if surrendering, then he said, "I would like to have the garden landscaped."

My Father was a successful business man, his last project had brought in a decent amount of money, quite a bit more than he had expected. We were all together now trying to decide how to spend that extra money.

For the next ten minutes we discussed the suggestions, but nobody would change their mind. It was now getting a bit heated.

"I have had enough of this, I am putting it into our savings account."

"What about picking it out of a hat?"

I could see Father was thinking about Mother's idea. I desperately wanted us to get a new car, because, with a bit of persuading, I would have a good chance of having our current one. One in four was not good odds, but better than nothing.

"OK," then he smiled before adding, "Alice, go and get my hat."

She took one step forward, then she stopped. We all then laughed, even Alice. Father didn't have a hat.

Five minutes later Father was picking a piece of paper out of a cup. He quickly unfolded it, but then he waited a few seconds before speaking.

"The winner is," then, he looked at each of us in turn, before saying, "A holiday."

Mother was obviously pleased, but my Sister was now sulking. I was quite happy, that had been my second choice. Father just looked relieved that it was all over.

"Peter, please pass me the cup. I will empty it into the bin."

I was handing it over to Mother, as my Sister was walking passed me. She nudged my arm, I think on purpose out of spite, because she had lost. The cup turned over, and a slip of paper dropped to the floor. I picked it up. I was about to put it back into the cup, but then I noticed the worried look on Mother's face, and she was staring at it. When I unfolded it she groaned, on it was written, 'HOLIDAY'.

Father checked the others, they were all the same.

"Rose, I am disappointed with you."

She hung her head in shame, but I was impressed, I wish I had thought of doing that.

This time Father prepared the draw, and the winner was, 'Hot Tub'. Alice immediately punched the air. I just shook my head, I have never understood their appeal. I think landscaping the garden might even have been a better choice.

Five minutes later I was over it, but I knew that for the next few days my Sister would be unbearable. Passing her bedroom, on my way to mine, I decided that I should at least congratulate her, it was the decent thing to do.

"Sis, can I come in?"

There was a loud, "Yes", from her.

"I just wanted to say..."

My Sister was sitting on her bed, and she was only wearing her underwear.

I mumbled, "Sorry, I will talk to you later."

"Don't be silly, my swimsuit is more revealing than this," then she smiled before adding, "And you have seen it all before."

I had. Two months ago I had barged into the bathroom, desperate to take a leak. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. She was sitting on the floor cross-legged, completely naked.

She looked up at me, then she calmly said, "Sorry, I forgot to lock the door. I am doing my daily meditation."

I just nodded.

"I also do some stretching."

She then put her hands on her knees, pulling them outwards. I saw the concentration on her face, it must be straining her inner thigh muscles, but then my gaze was fixed on what was between her legs. She held that pose for a minute, then she relaxed.

"Let me get dressed, then you can have the bathroom."

She then smiled at me as she pointed to the door. I left, and a couple of minutes later the bathroom was free.

"So little Brother, what were you trying to say?"

She seemed to be enjoying my discomfort.

I started again, "I just wanted to say that I am happy for you."

"You mean for getting the Hot Tub?"


"That is very sweet of you."

Back in my bedroom I shook my head, seeing my Sister like that was not good for my blood pressure. Ever since the incident in the bathroom, I have been having unhealthy thoughts about her, and, despite my best efforts, they refuse to go away. I now even masturbate while I think about her body, and what a body it is.

She is twenty two, three years older than me, and is just over five feet tall. Her face is pretty, rather than beautiful, but she does have amazing green eyes. However I doubt if many men notice them, their gaze is always directed towards her large breasts. How big are they? Think of Dolly Parton, then add another inch or two.

When I first started to get interested in girls, I soon realised that my Sister was hot, as did my friends. I took pride in watching them drool over her. Over the years my feelings for her have been admiration rather than sexual, but that changed when I saw her naked. She had been sitting on the floor, hands on hips, her tits pointing up at me. Large firm melons, topped with cherry sized nipples. Without clothes I could appreciate the slimness of her waist, and then, when she stretched her legs, I got to see her most intimate place. I was standing, so I didn't have the best view, but I saw a lot more than a brother should ever see of his Sister. Large lips obscured her clit, but I could see her pink opening. It was a nice cunt, but agonizingly for me, it would always be off limits.

For the next two days I didn't see much of my Sister, she was spending a lot of time in her bedroom. That was unusual, what was going on?

I knocked on her door, then I shouted, "Are you busy?"

"Yes, but you can come in."

This time I thought I should check before entering.

"Are you dressed?"

"No, but you can still come in."

I wasn't sure if she was joking, but then I heard her laughing.

"It's OK, I am fully clothed."

When I opened the door, it wouldn't have surprised me if she was naked again. However she wasn't. As she had said, she was fully clothed, but she was wearing a short skirt and skimpy top. As she always says, "If you have got it, then flaunt it." And boy does she have it.

She was sitting on her bed, and in front of her were lots of papers. In her hand she had a note pad.

"Are you studying for an exam?"

She smiled, then she shook her head.

"More important than that, it's for the Hot Tub. Take a look at this magazine."

She thrust it into my hand, it was, 'Hot Tub Monthly'.

I tossed it back onto the bed.

"Thanks, but I have already read it."

Her eyes widened in surprise, but then I spoiled it by smiling. This time when she handed it to me, I did take an interest in it. Its feature piece was, 'Top Tips When Buying a Hot Tub'.

I passed it back to her.

"So have you decided?"

"Yes, but I just need to persuade Father. It's a bit more expensive than the budget he gave me."

That might be difficult. If it was a boyfriend she wanted something from, then she would only have to flash her tits to get what she wanted. However Father was immune to her charms. Now if it was Uncle Francis that was paying, she would be laughing. I wonder if anybody else has noticed how he looks at her? I think if she asked him for anything, he would immediately say yes, in the hope that one day it would help him to get into her knickers.

"I want the Premium Plus model, but I only have enough for the Premium."

I wondered how the two compared, but I didn't ask in case she told me. I didn't fancy a ten minute lecture on Hot Tubs.

I looked again at all the stuff on her bed, she was certainly taking it seriously. I then left so that she could continue with her research.

That night in bed I thought about Alice, this time as my Sister rather than as an object of desire. She wasn't just absurdly attractive, she was also very clever. You have to be if you have a Chemistry Degree, and she achieved a First Class. If she has selected the Premium Plus model, then it must be the one to have.

The next day I was late getting up, it was a Saturday so it didn't matter. Everybody else had already eaten, so I had the kitchen to myself. I was just tucking into a large bowl of cereal, when my Sister popped her head round the door.

There was a large grin on her face, "Premium Plus," was all she said, then she was gone.

So she had convinced Father.

Then I heard her shout from the living room, "Now the difficult decision. What colour should it be?"

I didn't care. It was something I was never going to use.

For the rest of the day there was no mention of Hot Tubs, but at Sunday lunch there was.

"Now that we are all together, I can tell you what we have chosen."

He then let my Sister tell us.

Without any preamble, she said, "Premium Plus from Hot Tubs International," then she added "Midnight Blue."

"Shouldn't we get the Plus Plus one, or even the Plus Plus Plus?"

My Sister ignored me, but Mother looked concerned. Alice decided that she needed to reassure her.

"David is trying to be funny. The ones he mentioned don't exist."

Mother looked relieved, then she said, "When will we get it."

Father was about to speak, but my Sister beat him to it, "Five weeks, if we order it today."

She then looked at Father, he just nodded.

It wasn't five weeks, it was four, but it took two days to install rather than the expected one.

"It's fully guaranteed for five years, but it will need regular maintenance."

Father then signed some documents, and the fitters left.

I wasn't at home when it was first used, I was away staying with a friend. When I got home my Sister was eager to tell me all about it.

"It was great fun, you should have been here. You could have joined us."

"Who was in it?"

"My friends. Janet, Anne, Mandy and Charlotte."

"With you that's five."

"Yes it takes five"

"There are only four seats."

She looked at me as if I was stupid, then she sighed, before saying, "One person floats in the middle."

I shook my head, "It's not for me."

However a week later she talked me into it. I had decided that if I tried it, and then told her I didn't like it, she would stop mentioning it.

I stepped into it, then I quickly sat down. It was now late evening and there was a slight chill in the air, but the water was nice and hot. I lifted my legs up, to let them float. I could feel the water from the jets gently hitting my body. I was surprised at how good it felt, maybe my Sister was right. Ten minutes later I nearly fell asleep.

"No sleeping in the Hot Tub."

I looked up, it was Alice.

"Mind if I join you?" but she didn't wait for an answer before getting in.

She was now sitting opposite me, her big tits bobbing up and down, held in place by the smallest top I had ever seen. When she had got in I had briefly seen the bottom part of her swimsuit, it was almost non-existent.

I blurted out, "Did Mother or Father see your costume?"

She laughed, then said, "No, but if they did what are they going to do? I am not a child, I am twenty two."

That was a fair point. She was old enough to wear what she wanted, but she was making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Next time Uncle Francis comes round I think I will wear it."

So she at least had noticed how he looked at her.

"That's not a good idea. You might give him a heart attack."

"I might even bend over in front of him."

She was now grinning. She might actually do that, and he might actually have that heart attack.

"So little Brother, how is your love life?"

"OK, but not as good as yours."

Mine was never going to be as good as hers. She was at least a nine out of ten, possibly even a ten, but I was a seven at best. I wasn't ugly, I would say I had an average face. I had a decent body, but I really needed more muscle. I was a bit skinny. My best feature was definitely my cock. It wasn't a monster, seven inches of thick meat, but I had been in the locker room enough times to know that it was bigger than most.

"Are you still seeing Mary?"

I winced, then I managed a weak smile before simply saying, "No," then I quickly added, "How is Robert?"

I didn't want her to ask anything else about Mary, the memory was still too painful. Being dumped was always difficult to take, but when it's in front of your friends, it's even worse.

"Don't know, don't care. I don't want to talk about him, he is such a loser."

She didn't sound concerned, and there was no reason why she should be. She would only be single for as long as she wanted to be.

"What do you think of the Hot Tub?"

I tried to sound nonchalant, as I said, "It's OK," but she wasn't fooled.

"Go on, admit it. You really like it."

My big smile gave it away, then I said, "It's a lot better than having the garden landscaped."

She thought that was really funny, and as she laughed, those big breasts of hers jiggled even more. My cock was now starting to rise. When she had finished she gave me a quizzical look.

"Can you keep a secret?"

I nodded, but what was it, something about Robert?

"If I take my top off will you tell on me?"

I just shook my head, I was in shock. While she put her hands behind her back, so that she could unhook it, I put a hand under the water so that I could adjust my cock. Her large tits were now free, and my cock was vertical, the head almost sticking out of the top of the waist band on my swimming shorts.

"That's a lot more comfortable."

I couldn't take my eyes of them. She must have noticed, because she giggled.

"I can tell you like them."

I blurted out, "I would be a fool not to, they are magnificent."

She then raised herself up so that they were completely out of the water. Then, just to make sure that I got the best possible view, she put her hands underneath them and lifted them higher. She was obviously proud of them.

Looking down at them, she said, "Do you think they are too big?"

I quickly shook my head, "No, they are perfect, and I love your big nipples."

"Good," then she added, "When do you think Mother and Father will be back?"

"Eleven, possibly midnight. Why do you ask?"

"I don't want them to catch me with my top off."

"No chance of that, it will be at least another two hours before they are home."

"In that case there is plenty of time," then she gave me a wicked smile, before continuing with, "For you to play with them."

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

"Would you like to do that?"

I nodded vigorously, then I managed to say, "Why?"

She shrugged her shoulders, then, in a calm voice, she said, "Because I want you to."

I had now got over the shock, and I was eager to seize the opportunity before she changed her mind. When I touched them, the first thing I noticed was how firm they were, then, when I lifted them up, how heavy they were. As I fondled them she looked amused, this must be what all her boyfriends do when they first get their hands on them. However, when I got to her nipples, her expression changed, she was now biting on her lip, and she was moaning.

"Gentle, they are very sensitive."

And they were very big. The attention my fingers were giving them had made them grow. They were now nicely swollen, ready to be sucked, and I was desperate to do that. When I bent my head she didn't resist.

"That's good, suck harder."

I did, then I kept on doing it.

"The other one."

I quickly rubbed it between a finger and thumb.

"No, suck it."

She wanted me to switch nipples, and that's what I did. It got the same treatment as the other one. This time my hand didn't go to her nipple, it went under the water, then between her legs. She stiffened when I touched her there.

"NO. Just my tits."

When I removed my hands she relaxed. I raised my head from her nipple.

"Sorry, I got carried away."

I got a smile, so I knew she wasn't annoyed.

"What if I don't go inside?"

I could tell she was thinking about it.

"OK, but I mean it. If you stick a couple of fingers up me, I will not be amused."

The thought of doing that almost made me come in my shorts, but I would be a fool to spoil it by taking it further than she wanted. This time when I touched her between the legs, she didn't tense, instead she opened wider to give me better access.

I was now back to sucking her big nipples, but this time I was also exploring her cunt, but just from the outside. It wasn't ideal, a thin piece of material was blocking my way, but it was still exciting.


When I did as she asked, she gave a loud moan, good, that was where to concentrate on. For the next few minutes I rubbed her as hard, and as fast, as I could. It was working, she was now squirming against my fingers, and she was making more noise.

"Fuck, I am nearly there."

She lasted another minute, then she climaxed. As she did, she closed her eyes, and then she clamped her legs together, trapping my hand. I stopping sucking on her, but I had to wait until she had relaxed before I could get my hand out. When she eventually opened her eyes, she looked a bit dazed.

I got a weak smile from her, then she said, "That got a bit out of hand," then she added, "But in a nice way."

"And I kept my promise."

I was surprised when she laughed.

"You have a lot to learn little Brother."

"What do you mean?"

"I know I said not to finger me, but do you think I would have stopped you when you had got me so excited?"

"Fuck, so I could have got two fingers in you?"

She laughed again, before saying, "Yes, and possibly three if you had timed it right."

I was still shaking my head when she got out of the Hot Tub. I wasn't disappointed though, what had happened was good, very good, even though my cock had not got any action, and I had the feeling that this wasn't going to be a one-off.

Five minutes later I was in my bedroom, my hand on my cock. I didn't last long, and when I climaxed I was saying my Sister's name. It was a big one, and I made a mess of the sheets. As I cleaned it up, as best I could, so as not to freak Mother out when she did the laundry, I thought about the Hot Tub. Was it possibly the best invention ever? It would not be on many peoples top ten, but it was now on mine.

The next day I didn't see my Sister until our evening meal. We were now all at the table enjoying one of Mother's famous curries.

Turning to me, Father said, "I heard that you went in the Hot Tub last night. I was surprised when Alice told me."

I finished my mouthful of food, then I said, as casually as I could, "It was OK."

"Your Sister said you really enjoyed it."

I had, but not as much as she had. I glanced across at Alice, she was grinning.

"Rose, do you think we should try it?"

Mother looked horrified, then she gave a firm, "No."

Father looked disappointed.

"I don't want to, but there is no reason why you can't use it on your own, or with Peter, or Alice."

He just shook his head.

My Sister looked at me, then she said, "It looks like we have it all to ourselves."

I nodded, then we shared a look that said, 'And we are going to make the most of it.'

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